![]() The 4th Paladin - Chapter 1A Chapter by Maria Mercurio
"I wonder if I would have done anything
differently if I had known this was to be my last day of this life?"
It's a wonder I manage to get out of bed some mornings. With a groan I shut off my alarm clock and drag my protesting body to the bathroom to brush my teeth, braid my long hair, change and declare myself ready. I'm in my first year of college at UC
Santa Barbara, but I still live with my parents. My home is in a town called My parents are strict, and I mean really strict. I am a month away from my nineteenth birthday and they still have a stranglehold on my life. No living away from home, no staying out late, no cutting your hair, no tattoos, no piercings, no boys, and no drinking are the rules I have to live by. I tell my friends if I want my tuition paid I need to toe the line until I graduate. That's a lie though. The truth is, I'm not a normal girl. Oh, I act normal, look normal, and even have quite a few days that could be described as downright ordinary, but I have a secret. This life is my fairytale. This life, if I am allowed to keep living it, will be my happily ever after. Taking the stairs two at a time, I skid to a halt in the kitchen and open the fridge. My stomach wants a hot breakfast, but my watch tells me I will be eating cereal. I hear the house starting to stir while I shovel in a spoonful standing up at the kitchen counter. "Maya?" My mom yells down the stairs. "Are you still here?" "Yes Mom." I reply with my mouth full. I can hear a loud racket pounding down the stairs. My younger brother bounds into the kitchen messing up his light blond hair with his fingers until it looks just right. "Hiyah, Maya!" is his usual greeting to me. He shoulders me over somewhat roughly to grab the cereal that's in front of me. "Did you eat it all?!" He accuses. "Settle down Josh," I roll my eyes, and shove back. "It's half full!" His response is a grunt followed by absolutely no apology. "So," he throws me a cocky grin. "I asked Amanda Evens to Junior prom." The strict rules that govern my behavior are not enforced over my brother. He can be normal. I can't say I don’t envy him, but I don’t begrudge him. Well not too much that is. "THE Amanda Evens? Turned you down flat huh?" I tease. "Please!" He waves his arms over his chest and face. "Like she would pass up this." "Ugh," I pretend to retch as he
parades around like a peacock. Aside
from being my brother, he does have a point.
He is the atypical My mother pads in during the performance. She is still in her fluffy green bathrobe with her hair pulled back tightly from her face in a bun. "What is all this about?" She asks with a twinkle in her eye. "Amanda Evens." Josh and I say in unison. "Ah, you two will be so cute together." My mom smiles indulgently at Josh, and I try to stifle my resentment. I had to go to prom with my cousin. "Maya, I'm glad I caught you." My mom is biting the side of her lip, and I physically brace myself. She only does that when she's going to tell me something I don't want to hear. "I ran into Mr. Raftord and he told me you have not been in to train with him for two weeks." "Are you checking up on me?" I can hear the strain in my voice. Josh takes this as his cue to exit the kitchen. "No Maya, we just ran into each other at the super market, and he asked me if you have been ill since he hasn’t seen you." My mother is calm, but I know the lecture that will follow soon. "I've been busy." I hate sounding so petulant when I want her to treat me like an adult. "It's important to keep up your training." My mother begins before I cut her off. "Oh God," I huff getting angry. "It was just two weeks! I'll go in tomorrow morning first thing." "That's all I wanted to hear. I just need to make sure you’re committed. You have a big responsibility Maya, but I know you are up for the challenge." Mom recites the same words to me almost every week. "I DO understand mom, but you need to understand too that sometimes I just need a break. I didn’t sign up for this." It's the closest I have ever come to showing her how angry my situation makes me. My mother rubs my arm sympathetically. "I know none of this is fair baby girl." She looks almost as upset as I am. "You'll be twenty soon enough and your life can be all yours then. I promise it'll be here before you know it." "Yeah, right." I mutter. "Can I make you some eggs?" Mom asks, offering me an encouraging smile. "No thanks, I gotta get out of here. I’m meeting Naomi at the gym." I almost regret saying the words before they leave my mouth. Surely my mom will interject that if I've time for that, I've time for my other responsibilities. I'm very grateful when she doesn't, which prompts me to give her a kiss on the way out the door. "You have to come Maya!" Naomi is looking at me intently in the locker room mirror. We’re both getting ready after our work out. I'm towel drying my hair while she applies eye liner. Naomi has such pretty eyes. She is half Japanese and half Swedish and the combination is striking. I've known her since third grade, and she is absolutely my closest friend. When we started college this fall, I was freaked when Naomi wanted to join a sorority. I knew that wouldn’t be possible for me to do with her, and I was afraid to lose my closest friend. Thankfully that did not happen. I shouldn't have doubted Naomi. She's always in my corner. "I thought tonight was an event with your sorority." I shrug. "It's a charity event for the homeless, even YOUR parents can't object to that. It's at 7:00 pm, and you can be home under the 10:30 curfew. I've been working on this for months! You have to come!" Naomi whines as she finishes applying her makeup. "OK, I will text my dad and let him know I will be home later then expected. My mom still might say no since I didn’t give her 30 days notice in writing." We both laugh at that. "What am I going to wear though? I only brought this to school today."
"Just come by the sorority house at 5:30 and we can get ready
together. I have tons of stuff for you
to try on. It'll be so much more fun
with you there!" She bounces in
excitement. "The theme is I smile at her warmly. "That does sound fun. Hopefully my $32 will last more than five minutes because that's all I have on me."
"It IS for a good cause," She bats her eyes at me. "Besides I know for a fact that
"Who?" I ask feigning
complete innocence. "Oh spare me! Mommy and Daddy may forbid you to date a boy, but they can’t stop you from getting a good look!" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively until I am grinning from ear to ear. "You're right," I say dabbing on some lip gloss and smacking my lips together. "No harm done from looking." "Really, Maya," Naomi says with an exaggerated sigh. "When are they going to lighten up? You’re considered an adult at age 18 by the federal government. I mean you can vote and join the army. You should be able to stay out late and crash at my place at least once before school is over!" I hate when Naomi presses me about this. I can't be truthful with her and that's so hard. She even went so far as to call my folks up once and ask them about me staying over one weekend when her parents were out of town. They told her in no uncertain terms that it wasn't going to happen. No one truly understands why I have to follow the rules, and I hate covering it up and sounding like a weak little girl. "My mom told me just this morning that my junior year will be different." The statement is not completely the truth, but it's true. "Why then and not now?" Naomi scowls.
"Because then I will no longer be a teenager. The Her eyes light up. "Really? Do you mean it?" I know once my sentence is up my parents can have nothing to object to. "Definitely! If I have to wait for then for my life to start then I am going to have my freedom, and the only way to ensure that is having my own place." We both walk out together and my heart stops when I see something by a large blue dumpster against the back wall. I squeeze Naomi's arm and pull her in another direction. "Let's go this way." I say casually. "That's the long way!" She protests. "We already had a work out!" "Please?" I say sweetly plastering on a smile. Her eyes narrow suspiciously at me. "Is this another of your crazy superstitions?" I laugh sheepishly. "Indulge me?" Naomi sighs dramatically. "I always do." She does. It's one of the things that allows us to be friends. We walk away from the blue dumpster and I breathe easier.
Mondays are busy. I have three classes, a lab, and my study group, not to mention trying to find time to eat. I still have not declared a major and am happy that the first two years of college are spent getting your general education classes done. I have no clue what I want to do with my life. It never really felt like mine. Talking with Naomi about moving out of my parent’s house made me realize I need to start thinking about the future. And in the immediate future, I've promised to go out tonight. I wait till noon to text my dad about the party with Naomi. He is always in a better mood during his lunch break. Hey
Dad Naomi
is doing some charity work for
the homeless and roped me into helping
with the event. Be home before 10. Hope OK? :)
His response comes quickly. I even jump when it buzzes. OK
sweetheart I
will break the news to your mom Do
me a favor and stay safe!
cringe slightly at the implied message.
He totally nailed me about asking him and not my mom, but my dad is far
more indulgent then my mother will ever be.
When she was my age she lived by the same rules that I do now. She loves me but has little patience with my
constant pity parties. She didn't bend
the rules, or even consider doing so, therefore, she expects me to follow them
to the letter as well. I text Naomi before I enter my next class. Got
the all clear! see ya at 5:30.
I blink and it feels like the day is over. I dump my books and laptop in my car and sprint over to Naomi's. It's closer to 6:00 when I knock on her door. Khloe, her room mate, answers. "Oh, Maya! Come in! I thought Naomi was going to send out a search party." She laughs at her own joke causing dimples to appear on her freckled cheeks. Khloe gives me a quick one armed hug in greeting. I can smell her fruity shampoo when her bright red curls tickle my nose. "There you are!" Naomi emerges from the bathroom looking fabulous. She's wearing the ultimate little black dress that shows off her slender frame, paired with platform sandals that wrap around her ankles and tie in little bows in the back. "Wow you look amazing." I say. Naomi
shrugs pretending at modesty, but her pleased smile gives her away. "I picked you out something to wear
since now we have no time to go through the closet. The event is off campus on She hands me a pale blue dress. At first I think it's a top since the piece of fabric is fairly small. I almost make a joke about where the rest of it is, but decide against it. As long as I change before I go home it should be fine. My mom will have a total cow, but just like looking at boys, there are no rules about how to dress. I am taller then Naomi and much more muscular, but the dress is a perfect fit. Way shorter than anything I usually wear. Hey, why dress for attention when your goal is to make sure you get none? Khloe does my make up, she has a gift for it. I, on the other hand, only ever wear a little lip gloss and some blush. When she's done, I have expertly crafted smoky eyes, curled lashes, freshly plucked brows, lips lined and colored, and a lovely sun kissed sparkling tinge to my cheeks. Looking at my reflection in the mirror is like looking at some other girl. "That dress color makes your eyes just pop!" Naomi gushes. I have to admit I feel rather pretty. I also feel that I am doing something just bordering on wrong, and it feels good.
"Naomi, this looks so cool."
I say as we walk into the event.
I have never been to "I wish I could take credit but the frat boys did the set up. We just organized the end prizes and sent out the invitations." Naomi squints her eyes as she looks around the room. "Come help me set up the prize table." I
follow, happy to help. On our way to the
back tables, I notice "Ladies," the dazzling smile grows wider. "You're all looking lovely tonight. Hey Maya! I almost didn’t recognize you with your hair down."
"Hi Turning to me she speaks in a hissed whisper. "Can't get a good look if you’re traveling 100 miles an hour past it." "Shut up, Naomi!" I whisper back, but soften my rebuke with a smile and shake of the head. "Flirting with boys is a favorite pastime of mine, don't knock it till you try it." Naomi sashays seductively in front of me as she continues walking, earning her a few appreciative whistles that she laughs and laps up.
party is a success. The place is filled
to capacity and they raise well over their goal in the first two hours. I lose my $32 rather quickly, and spend the
rest of my time people watching and talking with Naomi's sorority sisters. Naomi decides to torment me by calling When he leaves Naomi frowns at me. "You couldn't have been more a stick in the mud if you tried." The comment ruffles me. "I think you were doing just fine on your own." "I called him over here to talk with you silly." She huffs. I tilt my head and look at her pensively. "If you like him Naomi you should go out with him." She pulls back from me and looks surprised. "But you’ve had a thing for him all year." "I think he's cute, but that is not a THING." "He is cute." She turns to admire his backside as he's talking with his friends. "Then if he asks, or if you want to ask, go out with him." I gesture. "Seriously, Maya," she bites her lip. "I won't think about it if you truly like him. Are you SURE you won't mind?" Well maybe I mind a little bit, but I’ll never do anything about it. "Seriously, Naomi," I mimic her back. "I don't give him much thought at all." It's
around 9:30 when Naomi has to handle the gifts.
I consider leaving for home since I came in my own car, but I am curious
to see who will win some of the prizes.
There are some great goodie baskets, gift cards to stores and
restaurants, and $1000.00 grand prize to a On my way to the bar to get another club soda, I spot Tyler and three guys from his fraternity sorting out the betting chips and putting them away. I usually would have hurried past, but something one of the boys says makes me stop dead in my tracks. "Who is the hot blonde hanging out with Naomi?" I don't immediately think of myself, but hearing Naomi's name gets me to take cover out of sight, but still be in ear shot. I hold my breath hearing him speak my name. "Dude, I hope you are tapping that. If not, I may have to."
"No," I can feel all the blood draining from my face and pooling painfully around my heart. I hate hearing him talk about me like that. "Maybe she just hasn't found the right guy." The earlier voice laughs. "Maybe she’s not into guys." Another voice chimes in. "I've seen her huddled next to Naomi on campus before." They
all laugh, but There's some more banter about what could be worth the effort. I back away not able to hear any more. I have to get out of here before the tears start spilling over. I'm looking for the nearest exit when my eyes are immediately drawn instead to the most stunning woman I've ever seen. She looks a little older then me, with long wavy brown hair and full pouty lips. She is at least 5' 10" and has a perfect figure. Almost every man stops to stare as she walks by. It hurts to look at her. I mean physically hurts. She is shining so brightly I am getting dark after images floating over my vision. I know no one else is seeing what I do. I take a long shuddering breath hoping against hope that this is just some bizarre coincidence. The woman is not dressed for the party. She has on jeans, leather boots and a long coat. It's obvious she has come inside just as the event is about to end. I look for the closest door thinking again that I should be leaving, and just like that, she looks right at me. I have to blink several times to be able to see her clearly. In that time she moves from being across the room to directly in front of me. I try not to cry. I’m supposed to be brave. "Hello, Maya," she speaks in a gentle musical voice. "Oh God," I gasp starting to hyperventilate. Taking several shallow breaths I manage to speak. "Are you here for me?" She looks at me with such pity and compassion it's almost my undoing. "Yes Maya, I'm afraid so."
© 2013 Maria MercurioAuthor's Note
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4 Reviews Added on March 1, 2013 Last Updated on June 8, 2013 Tags: young adult, paranormal, angel, demon Previous Versions Author