A Poem by Miss Marlette

For the dirtiest of trolls

Once buggered a Sonnet.
once ruffled the nest of hornets
The sonnet screamed and screamed in iambic pain
Dirty Stu Leon left on the sonnet
his filty stains.
He defiled all the rhymes
and fingered the meters.
The Sonnet leaked all over and wept by many many liters.
Now the sonnet is dead, fouled and beat. Lying there cursing Stu,
with its battered form and ripped out teats.
Ah uh Ah uh STU THU LEON
Your filthy mind is exposed in NEON
Stop massacring poetry forms like quatrains
You are a twat with a p***y for a brain!!!!

© 2023 Miss Marlette

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Author's Note

Miss Marlette
Check out all the Filthy Porno Stuff STU TH LEON writes! Rightly exposed! 😂

My Review

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Featured Review

Ohh, geez. What’s the clown done now? And to think this all started simply because he and his pack of goons didn’t take kindly to being gently critiqued! They must be all teenagers from this useless rising generation. All anxiety riddled, arrogant, leftist leaning cry babies that are never wrong and can never be told otherwise. How will they ever grow? I read the filth that was posted mocking Christmas and women of all generations. Speaks for itself, really. And some of these other people on this website should know better than to condone grammatical messes and inconsistent trains of thoughts, writing that switches person grammar like the temperature, haikus that aren’t haikus, senryu’s that aren’t senryu, monologues that only belong in a stage play….acrostics being called odes etc etc etc. Those that call poetry writing ‘Art’ are only hypocrites when they sit idly by or even weakly support purveyors or such crimes against the craft. They piss in the face of what they are supposed to love and they gently applaud. Imbeciles always need to be called out or the world returns to the Neanderthalic Age. Let them read and learn and develop skill and stop being a bunch of cry babies that expect the world to give them ribbons for mediocrity. A sorry bunch of losers patting each other on the backs for no real importance. Tragic. Enjoyed the fight shown, Miss.

Posted 1 Year Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.

Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

Tq. They're trolls. I wanted him exposed. Twas easy.
Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

Some oldies here are fucked up. They call poetry their 'art' then go indulge clowns who eff that art.. read more

1 Year Ago

Might have to change your title now. In an effort to weakly distance themselves from the spotlight o.. read more


don't know this guy, but i enjoyed your critical review of his work. the rhymes here are full of fun and the visceral screaming sandwiched in between give it character. this monologue about the pitfalls involved in reading is one that's relateable, and it is also a reflection of both poetry and the Internet. life is like a box of chocolate, and opening a link sometimes yields disagreeable content. had fun reading this piece, your skills in emotiveness and style are evident.

Posted 3 Months Ago

I wanted to write too much and make book but same trolls hit me. This is so mean.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

Written in your own language kooky. Stop sniveling on my page.
When people like do this you need to counsel them properly so they don't repeat mistakes. Very famous writers all made mistakes firstly then got skill. You should counsel properly.

Posted 1 Year Ago

2 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

You look like another offender. Learn the language first then counsel. Off you go now.
Ohh, geez. What’s the clown done now? And to think this all started simply because he and his pack of goons didn’t take kindly to being gently critiqued! They must be all teenagers from this useless rising generation. All anxiety riddled, arrogant, leftist leaning cry babies that are never wrong and can never be told otherwise. How will they ever grow? I read the filth that was posted mocking Christmas and women of all generations. Speaks for itself, really. And some of these other people on this website should know better than to condone grammatical messes and inconsistent trains of thoughts, writing that switches person grammar like the temperature, haikus that aren’t haikus, senryu’s that aren’t senryu, monologues that only belong in a stage play….acrostics being called odes etc etc etc. Those that call poetry writing ‘Art’ are only hypocrites when they sit idly by or even weakly support purveyors or such crimes against the craft. They piss in the face of what they are supposed to love and they gently applaud. Imbeciles always need to be called out or the world returns to the Neanderthalic Age. Let them read and learn and develop skill and stop being a bunch of cry babies that expect the world to give them ribbons for mediocrity. A sorry bunch of losers patting each other on the backs for no real importance. Tragic. Enjoyed the fight shown, Miss.

Posted 1 Year Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.

Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

Tq. They're trolls. I wanted him exposed. Twas easy.
Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

Some oldies here are fucked up. They call poetry their 'art' then go indulge clowns who eff that art.. read more

1 Year Ago

Might have to change your title now. In an effort to weakly distance themselves from the spotlight o.. read more
Quite surprising what goes on here. Who is this Leon? Is this even an artful site? Where is the poetry?

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 4 people found this review constructive.

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Miss Marlette

1 Year Ago

The art is on the fart. You ain't getting anymore explanation. Fart off.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 23, 2023
Last Updated on December 23, 2023


Miss Marlette
Miss Marlette

Like for like is my motto. I'm here for fun. Those who have issues with my stuff just don't read it. Lol. Now who's line did I steal? 😅 more..
