Believe me no 1 has truly put the concept of "giving up" in a more better form than this lady. its true this a situation we all can relate to even thugh we have'nt given up ,but the feeling as depicted in this piece has existed in most if not all...........its because of feelings like these that quotes such as "as long as i live i hope" exist. short and deep, straight and thought provoking..............thanks for sharing this.
Yes, each time I have taken the risk for love - and I have been brutally cut down, I have said this to myself. Yet, foolishly, I find that I do it again. At some point, I may not say this - having found love - or perhaps I will say it, and be able to stick to my guns on it so to speak. I am dancing that fine line at this moment right now... this was a hard piece for me to read while at work; but I thank you for sharing this with us.
A feeling of sadness, when you feel there is nothing more you can cope with, broken hearts, separation, and
life, that often makes us feel this way.
I hope its not a reflection of how you truely are.
I only share those poems and stories I have written that aren't good enough for publication. Therefore, do not think that these poems and stories are the best I can do, I can do much better ;D
I have.. more..