The Power Rangers were in their regular clothes when they heard that the green ranger was about to lose his powers. He had to give his power coin to another ranger. I took the power coin to try to protect it from the evil Rita Repulsa. I went into the dark dimension, hoping to somehow keep the green ranger from losing his powers. This place was black and misty with lights that gave the room the sinister presence of a graveyard on the night of a full moon. Lord Zedd and Goldar were there. Lord Zedd grabbed both of my hands in order to drain the powers from the power coin. I’m in trouble! I shook myself loose from him. “It’s morphin’ time! Tyrannosaurus!” Nooo! It didn’t work! But before my enemies could close in on me, I was suddenly back where the other rangers were and had to explain my failure to them. Lord Zedd had stripped the green ranger’s power coin of its powers when he grabbed my hands. Now the green ranger was doomed and it was all my fault.