C 2003
Love, did I know you,
Or were you far from me?
Did I imagine you here,
Or were you only a dream?
Now, I’ve finally met you
Face to face and heart to heart.
Now, what am I to do with you
Now that you’ve stole my heart?
Love, you give me so much hope
And such a zest to live.
I have never felt such happiness
And desire to only give.
The love I feel inside my heart
Is so full"it makes me free.
And looking through these glasses now
My love, I finally see.
I see the pain and hurt subside.
My past just melts away.
I see the old man fading fast
And losing all his reign.
I see the guard that keeps watch
Over my broken heart
Pass on by once he realized
The mender had done his part.
The mender, yes that’s you my love,
Gave tender care and gentle love.
Mending each painful break along
My shivering, shuttering heart.
You wrapped your arms around it
Gave the love of a true man.
You are the mender of my heart
Mending me only as you can.