Lost PiecesA Story by Margie F
Have you ever felt like you lost something? Something in the pit of your stomach pushing you to look around it. This is such a story.
I wake looking for something. Maybe my glasses, but here they are. The feeling is still there. Throughout the day and night, each day, I find myself looking. Missing. Something lost. Eventually, my days of loss find me blue and exhausted. I am tired. Tired of looking, but yet, something drives me. Look more. It would really help if I knew WHAT I was looking for. Did I forget an appointment? Did I miss someone's birthday? Is there something I wanted to buy? Was there something I was going to do? While many of these answers may be yes, even when I complete them and move on, the feeling is still there. Something is lost. I remember as a young girl watching a show entitled The Land of the Lost. I've watched it again as an adult and find it utterly humorous that I ever found the show entertaining. What I did realize though is there is a sense of being lost. Lost in a prehistoric, or somewhat magical place without understanding how things work, and how to protect yourself from the creepy walking lizards. I find myself avoiding the general population like they are creepy walking lizards. Content to be hidden behind the blinds of my home. Everything I need can be found here. Why would I need to venture any further? So, maybe the sense of loss is from within instead of without. Yet, no. There is something that was once here and is now gone. I remember a feeling of having everything. It was a very happy place to be, then one day, it vanished. Without a trace. If it had been something tangible, surely there would be a remnant of it behind. An empty bottle, A crusty crack pipe. An empty box of cookies or chocolates. Yet, I find nothing lying around to remind me of what this thing is that I am missing. I am just lost. Maybe one day I will find that which is lost, and I will feel complete again. © 2019 Margie FReviews
2 Reviews Added on May 28, 2019 Last Updated on September 19, 2019 Tags: friendship, gift, eternal, love, mystery Author |