Chapter 5~

Chapter 5~

A Chapter by Mara-J

"Susie! Look! It's a tidal wave! Can we go play in it?" Jason asked me joyfully. I just looked at him with a panicked look and then turned back to the upcoming wave of water. Damn it! Why do things like this just happen at the wrong time? I thought to myself. I quickly got up and brushed my long, silver hair out of my face. The wave was coming faster and faster within every second. I ran deeper into the woods with Jason in my arms. He clutched the back of my shirt and screamed in joy like a little toddler being held upside down by his feet, almost knowing he would fall, but yet having fun at the same time. I hadn't known what to do, until I remembered the ice crystal I had found.
Quickly, I put Jason down and unzipped my backpack to find the crystal glowing with a white luster. I stood up, crystal in hand and looked back only to see that the wave was about fifteen feet away from me. Jason yelled, "Susie! Watch out!" I held the crystal out in front of me and shut my eyes tight. "It's coming! It's coming!" I heard Jason shriek. The roar of the wave became deafening  until I heard it stop. I looked up, only to see the whole wave frozen before my eyes. It was so close to us too! So close, that if it had moved another two inches, we would have been underwater right about now. I tried looking past the frozen water and saw that the prairie out of the woods was just a sheet of ice now.

"Woah!" Jason said in astonishment. "How did you do that? Do you have super powers or something?" I just laughed at his tone and said, "No, Jason. It was this crystal that had the super powers." He got up quickly to look at it. He touched it carefully, but pulled away. "That's so cold, Susie!" he said as his eyes widened. I laughed again and placed the crystal back into the backpack. Then I picked Jason up again and we continued on.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Jason and I were already out of the woods. I decided to walk out to the city I saw when I had first been blown onto the prairie. We were happily just about there when I heard Jason starting to complain. "Susie, I'm hungry! The last thing I ate was my bowl of Lucky Charms I had last night before bed!" Oh, God. Here we go. I thought as I rolled my eyes. We were walking past a park with benches set up along the path. I plopped him down on one of them and opened up my backpack again. I pulled out a Hershey chocolate bar I brought along with many other snacks for myself. "Yay! Chocolate!" Jason yelled as he bounced up and down and clapped. I gave it to him then stood up to see how far we were from civilization. I heard many cars, people screaming, glass breaking, fire alarms blaring, so on and so forth. I knew we were definitely not far at all!

Suddenly, I saw a girl who looked about my age run out from behind a tree. She was bleeding from almost everywhere on her body, but mostly her head. She was also crying and sweating and looked so tired out. I approached her carefully. "You alright, miss?" I asked quietly. She looked at me, almost with an anxious look. "If I were you, I would not go into the city. Buildings are collapsing, people are robbing businesses, the people are all so frantic that their killing each other!" she told me as she began to cry even more. Suddenly I knew that this wasn't going to be fun.   

© 2010 Mara-J

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Added on November 11, 2010
Last Updated on November 11, 2010



Western Springs, IL

My name is Marijean, but I prefer to be called Mara-J. I am 13 years of age and I, obviously, love to write stories. Not only that, I also love writing poetry and drawing. Anything that helps me expre.. more..

My Love~ My Love~

A Poem by Mara-J