The sun has set but traces of color edge the sky. Its perfection doesn’t seem real but the chill air and night insects tell me otherwise. Without words they say “yes we are here.” I know this is true because I can feel them around me, the cool breeze sweet with the lingering scent of heliotrope and honeysuckle touches my skin and the occasional bite from a brave mosquito willing to gain one last scarlet meal before discovering it’s final fate. I can see the stars shining and almost hear the eternal song they seem to sing to the universe. These things are real but in another world reality is imagined….or is imagination perceived to be real? Words sent on the wind but never heard are cleverly contrived to convey our thoughts, eyes that should reflect our unspoken emotions are seen but never gazed into. In a distance great with no space in-between we are connected by key boards, networks, and monitors. Where we can say anything, and be anything in a created state of existence. Our safety nets are called delete, block, and disconnect they don’t hurt much, maybe not at all. For some a little time and they start again, new face, new name, new game. Who are they today? Where does it end and what have we lost? God has placed in our hearts the need to love and be loved. With all the turmoil and risk that goes with it, there is no substitute.