The Fire

The Fire

A Story by Just Manoosh

Written Feb 07, pre-deletion day.


The Fire

What extinguishes our fire, is it loss, age or the disheartening truth?

Somepeople go their whole lives without harnessing the fire in their soul, I am not one of these people.  Throughout my life I have fed this fire, it fuels my very lifeforce.  It is as much a part of me as my hands, my bones, my blood, my mind.


Recently I see my fire as a curse rather than a gift. 


I am starting to realise that perhaps my spirit and belief are what keeps me from being happy.  Who am I to want more? what makes me different? what makes me special?


Others look into the night and see the dark ....... I look into the night and thank the stars for their light.

Every day man looks forward to the winters end ....... but I, I see no end, I see one beautiful circle, each seasons as beautiful as the last.


How often do you hear a person saying "I have nothing left" ....... I on the other hand say you are wrong, when Pandora's box was empty there was one more thing left inside, hope.


Here I pose the age old question, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear, does it really make a sound?


What is the point of a fire burning brightly when there is no-one to see its beautiful flames? Maybe the world is right, quench our own flames and warm ourselves with the burning embers.


I wish the walking stick was enough.


I do not conquer.



© 2008 Just Manoosh

My Review

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very insightful. i like this line best: "Others look into the night and see the dark ....... I look into the night and thank the stars for their light."

it takes a lot to be able to see beyond all the negativity that surrounds us. but to find the light just a little past them is truly worth the trouble.

this fire you speak of. it is your blessing. rekindle it. :)

beautiful words!

Posted 17 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 7, 2008
Last Updated on February 7, 2008


Just Manoosh
Just Manoosh

Wonderland, South East England., United Kingdom

Music Playlist at Outside the Cafe Esperanza e inspiraci�n (Hope and Inspiration) Everyday without exception I shed silent tears. Just ask me, I won't bite. N.. more..
