T H E B I G L I F TA Poem by anthony blakeTHE WRATH OF UNCERTAIN SKIESTornados have big impact It is reality and a known fact This story will amaze and surprise you A wonder in the mind But a true story being no sublime Mother Nature can mutter a punch It can happen all at once It was a scheduled destination comprising of a Greyhound Bus It was through the open highway of Kansas A state known for any Mother Nature enterprise A Tornado had approached while the Greyhound Bus was maneuvering The bus was in the mince There was no way for the Greyhound Bus to turn back The Greyhound Bus being on Mack Suddenly with a quickness, the Tornado picked up the Greyhound Bus, and the bus revolved around the funnel However, Mother Nature added to the amazement Immediately, the Greyhound Bus was gently put down on the ground on the highway where the passengers journey began, and the Greyhound bus held in tack Now how about that? The Passengers thought their lives would be over But their was story became a discover The Greyhound Bus Driver and Passengers lived to tell the impossible, and all they got was minor bruises and a few cuts The Driver and the Passengers were their own witness This surrounds Heaven’s glory No more to say other than end of story.
© 2019 anthony blake