A Story by Marko Gagic

A long ish description of a fantasy world I plan to write a novel series about (need to update this)

CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning and Overview
Part 1 - Myr and Eiil
In the Beginning there were the Prometheans. They used the immense power within themselves to create planets, stars, moons, and even living creatures. the most impressive was a planet created by the promethian Eiil, it was teeming with life and magic. Eiil named the planet after herself.
This slowly diminished the Prometheans, shrinking them and reducing their life force. One Promethean did not want to see his might die out, his name was Myr. he seeked a way to extend his power. Eiil thought Myr was foolish and selfish, she believed that it was the duty of the prometheans to give their lives to create, she convinced the other Prometheans to wait on the planet she created and improve it, perfect it.
Part 2 - Races and Gods of Eiil
The Promethean Grios gave the rest of his power to create the  Hydra God. Many of the other Prometheans followed suit and created the other ancient spirit gods, although none were as powerful as the Hydra spirit. The spirits took the names of the Promethean which created them. 
These Spirit Gods each had an accompanying Shrine, the shrines are scattered all across the world of Eiil, though most reside on the largest continent in the center, Eisevale
Grios, the Hydra Spirit, created the 6 Primal dragons from his different limbs, and hid them across Eiil. Grios used his 6 heads to create the Elemental Dragon gods, and finally, used his heart to create the world tree, and tasked the Dragon gods with defending the tree.  The carcass of Grios was cast into the ocean, and out of his flesh came the Lernaeans.
Two Promethians, Ay and Yohk worked together to create the Ay'yohk, a race of Intelligent Bipedal bird people. They are currently the only race on Eiil other than the Dragons and the Spirit Gods that know the true nature of the Prometheans.
Later came the Dwarves, the wild elves and swamp elves, and the Cyclopses. all were created on the continent of Eisevale
There was instant strife amongst the Cyclopses. They split into 3 tribes, valuing Strength, Ingenuity and Wisdom.
A Promethean known as Pol created the giants on the far northern land of Kronungar.
The dwarves found a cache of mystical crystals which could be used for levitation. The dwarves traded it to the Ay'yohk in return for the recipe for Cloud-forge Steel, which the dwarves refined into Adamantium after much experimentation. The dwarves used the crystals to create their capital, the flying city of Azeqa.
Many years later, the Promethean which created the Giants, Pol, created the humans with the last of his power.
The last few Promethians remained on Kronungar to protect the lands of Eiil.
Explication - The Four Continents
There are Three major continents on Eiil and an archipelago far to the east of the three Keystone Continents
The highest populated continent is Eisevale, home to the majority of Eiil's races. The center of Eisevale holds the immense Eretz Desert. Eretz is covered in ruins shaped like the three Keystone continents of Eiil.
To the north are the Asqel'ohn Mountains, where the Dwarves and Ay'yohk live. North from the mountains lies Skrida Bluff and Nyr Beach. This is where the Human Immigrants from Kronungar first landed. 
West from Eretz Desert lies the verdant Sshu'ma Forrest, home of the Wild Elves. To the west the Forrest loosens into the Miidel Prairie. In the oceans between the Miidel Prairie and Skrida Bluff lies Liwerin Island, a mostly uninhabited lightly forested island. 
To the East of Eretz Desert lies the savage Zhan'lon Jungle, homeland of the Cyclopses. A diverse range of primal creatures make their home in the jungle. To the South of the Jungle there is the Jindu Peninsula, it too is heavily forested like the rest of the Jungle. To the East of the Jungle is Wudao Island, a bare grassland, with high cliffs on it's east face.
To the south of the Eretz Desert are the Badlands, a strange volcanic valley leading to a beach head, the only signs of life are a small port town created by the Swamp Elves, and the fanatic followers of the Great Salamander Spirit: Sel, at Mount Nihuo. Across the Stormraven Sea is the Island of Sayathiya. Nearly the entire Island of Sayathiya is covered in thick marshlands, this is the homeland of the Swamp Elves. The only reprieve from this massive swamp is the great mountain range of Lazavard. The mountains of Lazavard are huge and spire like, and home to the great Quetzalcoatl.
Kronungar is the far northern home of the Humans and Giants, it is covered in snow constantly. Most of the land is Tundra and mountains, but there is a great boreal forest to the west known as Eikdraug where the humans make their home.
Grios is the homeland of the Lernaean and the Dragons, which once was occupied by the Great Hydra: Grios. The land is a Ring shaped island with high mountains around the edges, and in the center lies the Heart of Grios, a massive tree which generates energy for all the forests and jungles of Eiil. The Tree is protected by the 7 Elemental Dragons; Noc'Grios the black, Gin'Grios the white, Tia'Grios the Red, Ero'Grios the Blue, Ter'Grios the Brown, Aer'Grios the Yellow and the chief protector, Den'Grios the Green. On the north tip of Grios lies a beach where the Lernaean make their home, at first it was a shabby collection of towns made of loose stones and driftwood. There were two major clans among the Lernaean, The Phronesis; which held the Blue, Black, and Brown blooded Lernaean, and The Praxis; which held the Red, White and yellow blooded Lernaean. After much fighting, the Green blooded Lernaean, lead by Cassicus came, and unified the Lernaean under a new, tentative rule. Their new capital was a glorious city, crafted right into the face of the mountains.
Far to the east is the Sapphire Archipelago, a large collection of uninhabited islands. There are many caves which hold untold riches, as well as a shrine to the Dolphin Spirit Tej.
Part 3 - Myr's Infinite power/ The Nameless Ones
While all this was happening Myr was searching the endless void for a source of power. For years he wandered aimlessly, until he started hearing the whispers.
The whispers told him of the fate of Eiil, and what he must do, he followed the whispers, and they grew louder and louder, until it overtook his entire mind. The whispers knew everything, about the Promethians, about this universe and the next, and all others before it, Myr's mind was lost.
He finally came to the yawning gap, a boundary between existence and infinity. The whispers told him to leap into the trench, he followed their order. 
He felt as though he was suspended in the nothingness, something was holding him in place. A bright light surrounded him and then he found himself Somewhere else.
The Nameless one and his servants appeared before him. "You seek Infinite Power...Then it appears we both have something to offer each other..." The Nameless one's location was constantly shifting, as if it was everywhere, and nowhere. "I have not walked the plane of existence for some time now...and YOU are the key to my escape...In return, I offer you my power..." Myr accepted the Nameless One's terms.
The Nameless one's servants started swarming Myr, all had different size and shape, but none were truly discernable. The Nameless one shouted some ancient command, and at once, the Servants ripped open Myr's chest, Myr screamed in terror, he had never felt pain before. The Nameless one slithered his way into Myr, and the Servants sealed him in. Myr and the Nameless one were now a single entity, And the Nameless one was in charge.
Intermission - The Nameless One/Existence and Infinity
The nameless one is a terrifying and formless being, he is the very definition of chaos. He ruled over the nothingness before Infinity and Existence were birthed. For a time, the nameless one wandered Existence, spreading insanity and gaining followers, servants. The ancient heroes of an Existence long past managed to lock The Nameless one in the yawning gap.
Through the chaos of the void were birthed Infinity and Existence. Existence is the land of the living, it is where true physical beings reside. Every cycle, Existence is refreshed, born anew. 
Infinity is the ever expanding land of souls and godly beings, there are two levels to Infinity, one for the souls and gods of previous Existences, and one layer which overlaps with the current Existence, this is where the souls and gods of the current cycle reside.
Part 4 - The return of Myr
Myr, under the control of The Nameless One, returned to Eiil Two Thousand years after it's creation, his first order of business was to destroy the last surviving Promethians. He found them hiding in the mountains of northern Kronungar, and absorbed their soul, turning them to stone.
Seeing this Myr's core was stricken with grief, he was able to fight against the Nameless one, regaining control over himself. He used his immense power to create a massive shrine in the center of the Eretz Desert. Myr called upon the different races of the world of Eiil, to bring their strongest and brightest to the shrine, as representatives of their race. Myr told them that they would be given incredible godlike powers, and gave them 5 years to gather their people, and meet at the shrine
The council of the Lernaean decided that they would not go, for they were already immortal, and had the blood of Grios within them. A sinister Crimson Lernaean named Prodisia had other plans, she hijacked a fishing boat and headed North towards Eisevale, alone.
The Humans and the Giants were both at war with each other at the time, and no forces on either end could be spared.
The Wild Elves sent their wisest druid Valus'trigo to the shrine, Valus insisted on going alone, but the council commissioned a few Leaf Shifters (A type of Druid-Assassin) to shadow him.
The Cyclopses had a competition to decide who was the strongest. After a long and bloody battle, the winner was the Warlord Chuan'Huai.
The King and Queen of the Ay'yohk, Mino-gahud and Mal'eima respectivley. They brought a small army with them as they did not trust Myr, the Promethians never told the Ay'yohk of him.
Grym Delthoron, King of the Dwarves departed without warning, bringing 3 of his crown guard with him, his wife was furious.
Prince Valmi of the Swamp Elves was sent to the shrine by his father, alone. His father trusted him with his sacred dagger, for protection.
Part 5 - Ascension
The shrine had a splendor that none of the races of Eiil had ever seen before. It was white and sleek, as if made of very smooth marble and shaped like a wide dome. there were glowing runes in a multitude of colors surrounding the grounds.
The first to arrive were Mino-gahud and Mal'eima. A guardian made of sand arose in front of the entrance. "ONLY ONE MAY ENTER" It bellowed. The Ay'yohk soldiers raised their spears at the goliath, poised to attack. "Stay your hand." commanded Mal'eima, she turned her head to Mino-gahud "I will go through." Mino was taken aback "But, my beloved! What if something happens to you?" He shouted. Mal closed her eyes and put her hand on his shoulder "Do not worry my love, I promise you I will return. Phoenix Preserve us." Gahud nodded. "Phoenix Preserve us." Mal turned to salute her soldiers, to which they saluted back. She turned to the Guardian which cleared a path for her.
Prince Valmi could see the resplendent shrine in the distance "Ah, Finally!" he exclaimed. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder "Nice knife you got there." Valmi reached for his dagger, but it was no longer in it's hilt. Prince Valmi was left bloodied and broken in the sand, as Prodisia continued to the shrine.
Valus Trigo appeared before the shrine next. He looked at Mino-Gahud "Ahhh, Mino-Gahud, you grace me with your presence." "As do you, Lord Trigo." "Hahoo, Lord Trigo, don't make me laugh. Just call me Valus." Prodisia then appeared before the group, and Valus shifted his gaze to her. "Hmmm Peculiar...Now what may you be?" Prodisia looked at Valus and painted a false smile across her face "I am Prodisia, of the Lernaean. Charmed." Prodisia approached the entrance and the Sand Guardian arose once more. "...YOU MAY ENTER" The Guardian cleared a path for Prodisia to pass. "Ooo I LIKE that" Valus exclaimed. Valus shuffled towards the entrance before the Guardian melted back into the sands. "...YOU MAY ENTER" and the Guardian cleared a path for Valus. The leaf shifters continued to hide in plain sight.
Chuan'Huai was the next to arrive to the Shrine Grounds. He glared at Gahud "Hmph, why are you, the lord of the "mighty" Ay'Yohk, awaiting outside like some fool?" Gahud looked up at Chuan "Greetings to you too, Warlord." Chuan grumbled something under his breath "I don't have time for this nonsense, Phoenix Preserve You, hehehehh." The sand Guardian arose as Chaun approached the doorway "...YOU MAY ENTER." The guardian cleared a path for the massive Cyclops "Hah, of COURSE I may enter."
The last to arrive was Grym Delthoron, he approached the Shrine sweating and panting. "Hoh, damn this blasted desert." Grym looked over and spotted Gahud. "Well if it isn't good old Mino himself! Long time no see!" Gahud chuckled "It's good to see you, old friend." Grym took a moment to catch his breath. " you know what's going on with this place?" Gahud looked down at the sands "I do not know much, all I know is that only one of each race is allowed inside, Mal'Eima went in with Valus Trigo, that horrid Cyclops Chuan and some strange red crested reptilian creature. I can only hope that she is safe..." Grym stroked his thick beard. "Hmm strange indeed. Guards, stay here with Mino, I'm going in." The guards nodded and stood their ground near Gahud and his men. The sand Guardian arose as Grym approached the passage "...YOU MAY ENTER." The guardian cleared a path for Grym. Grym stood there a moment "Well, here goes nothing..."
An immense beam of light engulfed the entire grounds of the shrine, vaporizing all who stood, except for Mino Gahud. Gahud opened his eyes to see that the Shrine had vanished, and was replaced by glorious marble statues of all those who entered the shrine. "EIMA!" Gahud shouted as he ran towards her statue. Several Sand Guardians appeared before him and blocked his path "THESE ARE SACRED GROUNDS. YOU MUST LEAVE." Gahud looked up at the towering Guardians who stood between him and the statues. "You...B******S!" Gahud blasted the area with a massive fireball, dispersing the sand guardians. Gahud clutched the statue and fell to his knees. "How...How DARE you take her from me!?" A light shone down Gahud, and Eima's voice filled his mind. "Do not worry my dearest Mino, I will be at your side, always." "I, I don't understand...what do you..." "Look up" Eima interjected. Gahud looked to the sky, and noticed that there was now a second, smaller sun which lied close to the original. "My light will bless those who live pure and just, you need only to call my name and I will be with you." Gahud got up to his feet, and saluted to the sky "Phoenix Preserve you, my queen." Gahud heard the laughter of Eima "I am far more than a queen now Mino, I am a god!"
Part 6 - The new gods.
Each of the racial gods gave something to the planet of Eiil before departing to the astral plain. Mal'eima used her power to create a second, very bright but significantly smaller, sun. This sun exudes powerful magical energies, and allows the use of Light Magic. Chuan'Huai hid a terrible powerful artifact for the Cyclopian clans to fight over, so that they may have eternal war. Valus'trigo tilted the world of Ai, so that it may have seasons. Prodisia revoked the immortality of the Lernaean (as a final insult to the old leader, Cassicus).
Grym Delthoron gave each race a powerful ability to call upon. The Dwarves were blessed with Stone Form. The Cyclopses were given the power to increase their stature by almost double, and go into a bloodthirsty rage. The Ay'yohk were given the ability to shift into pure energy, effectively exploding and reforming shortly after. The Giants were given an ice form. The Humans were given the ability to survive and fight through near impossible odds, cheating death. The Wild Elves were  given the ability to shift into animal of their choice (Each wild elf chooses their animal when reaching adulthood). The Swamp Elves were given a waterform (Later turned into a mist form due to corruption) The Lernaean were given the ability to expel an element from their mouths, like the dragons they strive to be.
Part 7 - Movement
After the new gods came the Humans used their new found power to drive the Giants back, and reclaim their home. The council of elders discussed whether or not it was still safe to remain on Kronungar, their final decision was to have half of the Human population migrate south, to the newly discovered Eisevale. The leader of this movement was Ellrich Holdir, the Hero King. Ellrich had fought in countless battles against the Giants, and brought the Human tribes together years ago during the bloody civil war. 
The humans touched down on Nyr beach, and started making settlements around the coast and further south down Skrida Bluff. Ellrich was not satisfied with simply living tucked away in the northern tip of Eisevale, he traveled south into the desert where he had heard the New Gods had ascended. A path through the Asqel'ohn mountains had been hewn by the Dwarves, who were shocked to see this Human. "The Ay'yohk told us they saw boats arriving along the beach, but we didn't believe it!" Ellrich remained focused on his task "I seek passage to the desert." The Dwarves were very confused by this "No one's been in that desert ever since the ascension, it's forbidden you know!" "I seek audience with this so called God." "You don't mean the one that made the shrine? The one who gave the 5 their godhood?" "I mean exactly that." the Dwarves started to laugh. "Now, tall one, why would you wanna do something like that!?" Ellrich smirked at the inquiry. "This almighty god sits there, with power overwhelming, and no sense of good or evil. No one being deserves this much power." The dwarves stopped their laughter. "...And, what do you plan to do to change this?" Ellrich started walking toward the Desert now. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
Something fell on the island of Sayathiya after Myr gifted the Five with Ascension. It destroyed a huge chunk of the island, leaving a deep whirlpool in it's wake. A small amount of Swamp elves took this as a bad omen, and asked the Swamp Elven Seers for help. They told these elves that a great evil had come to their land, and told these elves to flee to the east. These elves took all they could with them, and sailed far to the east, in hope of a new home.
Those who stayed witnessed the corruption of their land, and later themselves. A black mist rose about them like a blanket of shadow, the vegetation rotted away, and blackened as if burnt, but still moist. The Swamp elves quickly deteriorated into Dark Elves, their eyes turning a pale gray, and the green pigment of their skin left their body, as their blood became black.
When things could not get any worse for the former Swamp Elves, the Lernaeans invaded.
When the Lernaeans learned that their immortality had been stripped from them, they knew that they could no longer remain on Grios. They gathered all they could and sailed north to Eisevale. Their boats were of poor quality, and many were not fully prepared for the journey, nearly half of the Lernaeans died during the long trip. Those who survived landed island of Sayathiya, which had become fully corrupted at this point. Both the Lernaeans and the Dark Elves were driven mad from their hardships, But the Lernaeans were stronger, and slaughtered any Dark Elf which got in their way. The Dark Elves had to retreat to the desolate mountains to the East, and there they plot their revenge against the denizens of Eiil.
Part 8 - Ellrich and Myr
Ellrich had made his way to the grounds where the shrine had once laid. Sand guardians arose and surrounded Ellrich. "THESE ARE SACRED GROUNDS, YOU MUST LEAVE." Ellrich did not flinch "I seek audience with your god." "WE WILL GIVE YOU ONE MORE WARNING. THE-" The Guardians instantly turned back into sand, the land and sky around Ellrich turned into a blank white void. Myr appeared before Ellrich and kneeled down so he may speak to him. "I have been watching you Ellrich Holdir. And you interest me indeed. What is it you wish to ask?" Ellrich stood proudly before the grand Promethean. "This is no request, it is a demand. You hold power, overwhelming. I will not stand while one single being has the power to destroy all, if he so wished." Myr was surprised. It was almost as if Ellrich had known about the Nameless One, hidden away inside of him. "...I accept your terms mortal." Myr pondered for a moment. "I shall split myself into two, these halves will watch over the souls of the just and the wicked." Ellrich thought that something was off about this statement. "Why are you so...eager to relinquish your grand power?"  Myr gave Ellrich an uneasy look "I...I have seen first hand what power can do. I have had my fill, so to speak." Ellrich nodded. "Let us proceed then."
Myr dug into his own chest , and started ripping himself asunder. Out of the now gaping hole in his chest, bursted the Nameless One, who dived at Ellrich, and climbed into his mouth. All Myr could do is watch in agony and terror as The Nameless One claimed a new host, A host who could walk the realm of Existence. Myr what shred of power he could before splitting, and banished The Nameless One and his host, Ellrich Holdir to the desolate Lazavard mountains on the island of Sayathiya.
Myr had finished his transformation, and had turned into two forms, one of good, and one of evil. Kalomyr, the avatar of Justice took the form of a large man made of cobalt, water-like energy, and had a massive flowing beard. Kakomyr, the avatar of Destruction took the form of a tall, slender elf, who had long tendrils growing out of the top of his head, which he could form into a throne to sit in, he was made of fiery crimson energy.
Out of this white void, Kalomyr and Kakomyr made the Overworld, and the Underworld. These were reliquaries for souls of the especially Just, or especially Wicked. Kalomyr offered a blessing to those who would do good deeds in his name, while Kakomyr offered curses to the enemies of those who sacrificed innocent lives in his name.
Part 9 - The World Now.
500 years after the splitting of Myr Eisevale, Kronungar and the Sapphire Archipelago had undergone many changes. This, the Year 320 of the 3rd age, is when our story takes place.
The Humans had settled a Capitol known as Knutheim on Skrida Bluff. The humans have many smaller settlements peppered throughout Eisevale. The humans defended against some of the Cyclopian Empires in the year 297, they had almost lost their home, until they received help from the Dwarves and the Ay'yohk. The current king of the Free Human States, is Torygg Axston.
A Cyclopian Warlock by the name of Xan'Shuk attempted to use a spell to evolve the Cyclopian race into a perfect killing machine. This backfired, and 95% of all Cyclopses started rapidly "evolving" into Ogres, Orcs and Goblins. Only the three Imperial families remained Cyclopses, while the rest became part of the 3 vast Cyclopian Empires. These three are the Shuk, led by Arcanist Mol'Shuk, brother of Xan'Shuk (Who was executed after his faulty evolution spell.), The Huai led by Warlord Shor Huai, son of the Cyclops God Chuan Huai, and The Bukep, led by Siegemaster Gar'Gan'Bukep. The Ogres serves as the royal guard of the Cyclops families, while the Orcs and Goblins are the meat of the Empire's armies. Some Orcs and Goblins have split off from the Empires, and attempted to live amongst the other races of Eisevale. So far the only races which accept the Orcs and Goblins into their societies are the Lernaeans, the Dwarves and the Wild Elves.
The giants found an artifact crafted by Kakomyr which made their Ice Form permanent, this made them Immortal. This excess magic on Kronungar has changed the humans of the land, making them larger and stronger than the average Human. These larger humans are known as Jotunn. The Jotunn have split into two tribes, The Druids which follow the teachings of the Wolf Spirit: Ulf and are led by Archdruid Dvegar Nol, and the Barbarians who worship the Raven Spirit: Hraf and are led by Lord Karl Drenguild.
The Dwarves found the Primal Dragon of Earth, which granted them his protection. The Primal Dragon of Earth now rests next to King Angwald Delthoron, Son of Kazrol and grandson of Grym.
The Ay'yohk have made many flying cities which watch over all of Eisevale. The Ay'yohk do not trouble themselves with the affairs of the other races for the most part. Their King is still Mino Gahud, as the Phoenix Spirit granted Mino immortality long ago.
The Drakul have taken over most of Sayathiya. Their capital city, Kolkhis, is a shining star amidst the black swamp of Sayathiya. The Emperor of Kolkhis and the Green States is Cassicus the 6th (The Lernaeans lead short lives, about 50-60 years on average.) While some Lernaeans have separated, these ones worship Prodisia, and seek dominate all they can in her name. Their current leader is a Red Lernaean known as Rodiel.
Certain Wild Elves have taken to worshipping Mal'Eima, these Elves have become High Elves and have moved to the Miidel Prairie. These Elves are among the first, Clerics, Paladins and priests on the face of Eiil. Their leader is the Paladin King: Mastaniel the Resplendent. The High Elves and the Humans both landed on Liwerin Island at the same time. This is when and where they made their pact, and created the Free City of Ullr-Alalrii. The Wild Elves see the High Elves as traitors, and due to the pact between the High Elves and Humans, have branded them both as enemies to the Wild Elves. The current leader of the Wild Elves is Queen Ruzica Winogriif.
The Dark Elves who live in the Lazavard Mountains have taken to Worshipping the Nameless one ever since he came to them in the guise of Ellrich Holdir, and offered them power in return for Fealty. With the help of the magic of the Dark Elves, The Nameless One was able to summon many of his minions from the void, and the Dark Elves assisted in turning The Nameless One's Vessel into that of a powerful Lich.
The Swamp Elves who sailed East found the Sapphire Archipelago, and hidden under the sea was the Elemental Dragon of Water and Magic. In return for finding Her, the Dragon turned the Swamp Elves into the Sea Elves, to better suit their new home. The Sea Elves are the only race on Eiil who live in relative Peace.

© 2015 Marko Gagic

Author's Note

Marko Gagic
I plan to add a race of Lizard people to the south known as the Tokage, will add soon

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Added on September 22, 2015
Last Updated on September 22, 2015
Tags: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Chronicles, Description


Marko Gagic
Marko Gagic

Surrey, BC, Canada

Hey man, I like to write stuff, I tried to make a D&D adventure out of a story I made a while back, but that backfired more..