EuphoriaA Poem by Manali.ShahThe poem attached below is a recent re-creation of a traumatic experience of my life. The words attempt to emote the intensity of my feelings.Euphoria by Manali Shah She stood alone in the rain, Anticipating the lightning, In its rage to
strike again! The bolt struck her down Cursing and bruising her back, Leaving a gash so deep It burned her insides out!
Fire knives twisted lies in her skin, Making fissures deeper and deeper within, Every slash slit her veins Every strike punched her name. Thunder cheered along Aggravating the
mocking game! She saw herself in the pool of her blood, Misty eyes stared at her, singing words of love, She looked within for the strength she was born with, As tears rolled
down, diluting the crimson flood. The sea ripped her open, exposing her hidden flesh, Every pore soaked in the acidic rain, Hurt drizzled down her wet body, While she was stared down by Pain, O you cowardly seas! How you slash and dash!
Her beating heart started beating fast As she broke the chains like shattering glass The lightning envied her growing resilience The hurricane guffawed as the sky smiled overcast!
The Sun and the Moon now appeared in the sky, Light yellow and a ball of light, Blessing her with, faith abundant The Stars
twinkled showering their shine. She arched straight up with her arms outstretched, And embraced the future the Universe had granted, She purged all the clouds of sorrow away Her wounds now became her spears of Truth, Her scars became her armor of Faith.
Life filled her up with the that Fire again, As she clutched at her heart which was kindled ablaze, Time was a companion, Love became herself, As she glided
through the war zone with dignified grace. She glowed like the first morning rays. She had conquered
the infinite seas; She was reborn from the ashes To be the Queen! © 2017 Manali.ShahAuthor's Note
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