The Purpose of Life
A Poem by Man-Alive!
I was outta there, I left, I went to encounter the world so I could get that eccentric understanding back, but cry-sakes, I could have had a little spirit been a little less maudlin. So what if everything is a damn conceit (as in strained and far-fetched bullshit) this is living--enjoy it--laugh at the floor plans we lay down, don't be serious about those dakinis we whisper to then turn drastic on; mostly, though, there's you how I see you--a South Western Athena, with the taste of cumin and sandalwood.
Yeah, well, and there's me, too, like a struck-blind prophet passing thru all the stages starting with being unknown to myself never ending even when my mouth finds yours or I find the sandalwood and salt smell on your neck.
Your own change to an oracle I fall into. That's where the most wisdom is held, taking the accumulated inner tensions that keep us miserable and dissolving them. You said you feel safe with me. To find that new task before us, Athena, unearthing answers and changing ourselves until we're entirely new--that is the most important thing.
© 2010 Man-Alive!
Author's Note
I don't care what you say in your "review"
Added on January 15, 2010
Last Updated on January 25, 2010
Man-Alive!Las Vegas, NV
Anything you need to know is in the writing. more..