![]() Note To SelfA Story by Iqmal![]() Dealing with anxiety, and depression, I wrote this to assure myself that everything will be okay.![]()
Hey you. Yes You.
You might feel like everything is against you right now. You might feel worn out and worse for wear. Nothing may be going the way you want, or maybe, you just feel like giving up on everything and everyone. All you need to know is this. It's okay. It's okay to fail. It's okay to give up. It's okay to feel sad sand helpless. Everyone is allowed to feel, and have already felt, this way at some point in their lives. You're human. Just like everyone else. You don't have to be strong all the time, and you have to accept that. At the end of the day, it's okay. Because looking back, you're here. Right where you are supposed to be. Your choices lead you here. Good. Bad. You are where you are supposed to be now in life. You've been through so many things. Learnt many valuable lessons. Laughed. Cried. Smiled. Got pissed at those stupid choices you made back when you didn't know better. But they lead you to there you are now. And it's okay. They made you, who you are. A stronger, wiser, and valuable person. Even if you don't feel that way. All you need is to have faith. It might take days, weeks, months, or years But it's okay. The future may not be clear, but that's what makes life exciting. That it's all in your hands. You decide how things go from here. Only you, and no one else. So make the most of what is given to you. It doesn't have to be now. Just take your time. Baby steps. It's okay. It's okay, and will always be okay. Because, from this moment on, you will your life how it's meant to be. On your own terms.
© 2018 Iqmal |
Added on August 31, 2018 Last Updated on August 31, 2018 Author