Broken Promises

Broken Promises

A Stage Play by Malik Rosser

A story about a man who came up from nothing, to having it all, then back to losing it all again, but at the expense of saving the one he loves.

Broken Promises

Cast of Characters
James-(The ex-husband of Destiny)
Destiny-(The ex-wife of James)
Eric-(James’ old acquaintance)
Aaliyah-(Destiny’s best friend)

Summary: James, an ex-C.E.O representative of a company that hits rock bottom and loses everything: his wife, his son, his job, his life. He tries to build everything back up from scratch, but what he can’t get back is his son who died in a tragic car accident. James attempts to win back the love of his life (Destiny) and everything else he’s lost, but Destiny’s friend, Aaliyah and a man named Eric who works Wall Street, who is also James’ assistant three years ago, have stepped in and literally ran him and his life into the ground of Washington Cemetery.

James: I can’t stop thinking about my son, or Destiny. I lost the most important things in my life because I was determined, so determined that my hard work turned into fear that pushed me to make things perfect. I worked hard to support my family; I gave them shelter, food, security, and anything else they needed. Three months from today was the day I lost everything. I picked up my son from school and immediately got a call from my boss telling me that I was due for a promotion, but only if I made it back right away. I buckled him in and sped the whole way. Everything was fine until I reached the last intersection. I sped through trying to beat the red light, but I didn’t and we were rammed instantly by a diesel. The car rolled and crumbled against the concrete. The Paramedics and the Fire-fighters arrived and saved us from the wreckage. I had only a few scratches, but my son took a turn for the worst. They tried everything they could to save him, but everything failed, and I lost my son because of my stupid mistake. When I told Destiny everything that happened, she nearly killed me herself. She left me, and then I got so depressed I couldn’t work and later that day I was fired on the spot. Now I’m trying everything I can to regain my sanity, put my life back on track, and fix my broken promises.

[Chorus]: James has been mourning for the past several months because the loss of his son and the possible divorce that his ex-wife, Destiny is considering. James has tried his best to prevent the the divorce and get his wife back along with the rest of his locked away happiness. Destiny’s friend, Aaliyah dislikes James and is trying her best to make sure they don’t get back together. As time went by Destiny ran into a man named Eric, who she slowly started getting attached to. James hates him, because Eric thinks he’s better than everyone and he’s just using Destiny. One night at Destiny’s Christmas party gave him all the proof he needed to show Destiny that Eric isn’t the guy he says he is. James tried to show her the pictures, but Eric wouldn’t allow him to get alone with her. James later sent a text message telling her to meet him at the cemetery, alone. She hesitated to answer, but later said yes. Eric snuck her phone when she wasn’t paying attention and read the messages from James. He left the party, visited the gun store, and then waited for them to arrive at the cemetery.
Episode 1
[James enters the cemetery]
ERIC: Those are some nice flowers.

JAMES: What are you doing here?

ERIC: Don’t worry about it. Destiny isn’t interested in you anymore. You know that right? You’re nothing.

JAMES: You don’t know anything about me.

ERIC: That may be true, but I do know you’re a screw-up. How do you lose your son, your wife, and everything you’ve ever worked hard for, all in one day?

JAMES: You don’t know what I’ve done, or what I’ve been through.

ERIC: Well I know what you put your son through.

JAMES: Don’t say a word about my son!

ERIC: There’s that built-up anger I heard so much about. Don’t worry about Destiny I’ll take care of her like every other woman I’ve been with, including her best friend Aaliyah.

CHORUS: James released his anger and attacked Eric. The two men fought brutally. James broke Eric’s nose, then Eric pinned him down on the ground, attempting to break his arm.

[Destiny enters]

DESTINY: What are you doing!

ERIC: Just having a little fun with James, that’s all.

DESTINY: Get off of him!

JAMES: He’s using you, Destiny. You can’t trust him.

ERIC: Who are you going to believe? This screw-up or the man you love?

DESTINY: I never said I loved you. We went out on a few dates, but we’re not together.

ERIC: So what are you saying?

DESTINY: I guess I’m just trying to say I’m not looking for anything serious right now.

ERIC: Fine. I understand completely.

DESTINY: Good. So why did you want me to meet you here, James?

JAMES: I have something that I think you need to see. It’s from your party.

CHORUS: Destiny grabbed the pictures. She stared them down and immediately lost her cool.

DESTINY: What is this?

ERIC: You tell me.

DESTINY: You and Aaliyah hooked up at my party?

ERIC: Why should it matter? Like you said, we’re not together.

DESTINY: That’s not the point. The point is you were trying to get with me, and went behind my back and messed with my best friend.

ERIC: She didn’t mind.

CHORUS: Destiny slapped Eric in the face, leaving a bruise on his cheek. Bright lights blurred their vision.

[Aaliyah enters]

AALIYAH: Why’d you guys leave the party? Everyone’s looking for you Destiny.

CHORUS: The arrival of Destiny’s friend, Aaliyah spilled even more trouble on the current situation. James stood there covered in leaves, Eric held his bloody nose, Aaliyah stood confused, and Destiny had fire in her eyes at the sight of Aaliyah. What else could go wrong on this supposed-to-be cheerful holiday?

Episode 2
DESTINY: Why are you here, Aaliyah?

AALIYAH: I got a message from Eric telling me to come over to Washington Cemetery.

DESTINY: I thought we were friends?

AALIYAH: What are you talking about? We are friends.

DESTINY: Friends don’t go behind other friend’s backs and hook up with a guy their talking to.

AALIYAH: What do you mean? Eric and I aren’t doing anything.

CHORUS: Destiny tossed the photos toward her.

AALIYAH: Destiny I can explain. How did you get these?

JAMES: Say cheese

AALIYAH: I’m going to kill you, you freak.

ERIC: Don’t worry. I plan on killing him tonight. Right here in this cemetery.


ERIC: Afterwards, I’m going to bury him right next to your son.

JAMES: I want to see you try.

ERIC: Oh, I will. I failed once, but I won’t this time.

DESTINY: This time? When was the first time?

ERIC: I’m sure James might know by now.

JAMES: The car accident. That was you?

AALIYAH: You did that?

ERIC: Yeah. The kid was an accident, but it still got me closer to my plan.

DESTINY: You killed our son? You’re the one who did this to us?

ERIC: James is the cause of all this. I don’t know if you remember, but I used to be your assistant, James.

JAMES: My assistant? Eric Miller?

ERIC: You didn’t even notice me. You didn’t even look at me the day you fired me.

JAMES: So you held a grudge for three years and finally decided to come after me?

ERIC: Sounds about right.

DESTINY: We’re leaving. Come on, James.

AALIYAH: I can’t let you do that.

DESTINY: Are you really taking sides with this psychopath?

AALIYAH: Yes. I love him and I know how to treat a man, unlike you.

ERIC: Keep them busy. I’ll be back.

[Eric exits]

CHORUS: James takes out his phone discreetly from his back pocket and dials 911, while Eric goes to his car.

DESTINY: What’s he doing?

CHORUS: With the police listening in on the confrontation, James hoped that the situation could be turned around with no one being harmed.

Episode 3
[Eric returns to the cemetery holding his gun]

JAMES: Are you insane? Put that away.

ERIC: I told you I came to finish the job and that’s exactly what I’m about to do.

DESTINY: I’m not going to let you hurt him.

ERIC: Then I guess I’m going to have to kill you too.

AALIYAH: Maybe we can just let her go.

ERIC: She could tell the cops. We can’t take that chance.

AALIYAH: I guess you’re right.

DESTINY: Whatever happens, I just want you to know that I love you, and I wasn’t going to sign those divorce papers. I just wanted you to feel how bad I felt after everything that’s happened. I never wanted to lose you.

JAMES: I love you too, and I made a promise to keep you and our son safe. I couldn’t keep half of the promise, but I still have a chance to make sure I can keep the other half.

DESTINY: What do you mean?

CHORUS: James placed his phone, still connected to the police, in her back pocket.

ERIC: Enough talking.


CHORUS: James and Destiny ran out of Washington Cemetery, and Eric aimed his gun at them. James threw himself towards Destiny and shielded her, taking three bullets through his back, and one in his leg. The sound of police sirens scared Eric and Aaliyah away. A trail of blood led to James and Destiny, who sat in the middle of the street. She held onto James tightly and tried her best to stop the bleeding, but all attempts failed. The Paramedics arrived, but it was already too late; James had already bled out and his heart no longer beat. Destiny cried out as James was sadly announced deceased.
In the end, James got exactly what he wanted, to win back the love of his life, but he suffered a tragic fate and was later buried in Washington Cemetery; next to his son. The police later caught Eric and Aaliyah before they could flee and they were arrested for murder. Destiny left the crime scene physically unharmed, but her heart ached from the loss of her husband, James.

Destiny: My life has changed ever since that night. I think about my son and James every day, wishing they were back here with me. James wasn’t perfect, neither am I, or anyone else. James believed if you have something worth fighting for, fight on no matter what until your last breath, and that’s exactly what he did. And even through James’ mistakes and deep depression, he was still able to protect me and fix his broken promises.

© 2015 Malik Rosser

Author's Note

Malik Rosser
This was my attempt at any type of playwrighting. So... how was it? I hope to turn this into a full 'play' and/or novel one day.

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Added on April 17, 2015
Last Updated on April 17, 2015


Malik Rosser
Malik Rosser

Texarkana, TX

I'm a week away from being 18 and I love to write; I write short stories, poetry, scriptwriting, and I'm currently working on my first novel. My favorite genres are adventure, romance, mystery, and sc.. more..

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