![]() To A Thief - Chapter 41: Welcome to the JungleA Chapter by Jobyn![]() The Brigade grows ever restless and a strange letter arrives for Stiff. After such struggle and the absence of Draven, what could a personal letter possibly have for Stiff?![]() Brigade H.Q. The day was coming close to noon now. Most of everyone was back at H.Q. besides Stiff and Draven. It seems the city, or what was left of it, was practically forcing them to take some time off. Walking into the common room with Annie and Mel, Okina was surprised not to see Stiff there. He was normally bugging the others or trying to get somebody to spar with him whenever he was restless. "Anybody seen Stiffy?" She asked looking around. Flint had stopped working on his rifle for the day and now sat on one of the settees with his feet up on the arm rest while bouncing a handball against the wall. Catching the ball in his hand, he turned to Okina and sat up. "Uh, Stiff? Not sure, he was around asking for Draven earlier. I think he might have gone to look for him even though I told him not to." Annie sighed and stretched her arms up into the air while arching her back and making her way across the room. "They're probably off making out somewhere," she shrugged casually and walked down the hall to the dorms. "I'm tired. I'm going to take a nap. If anybody needs me... then, too bad." "I could go for a nap, too," Flint grinned as he hopped off the settee and made his way down the hall beside Annie. A few seconds later, Flint would go flying back down the hall and crashing into the wall, shortly before sliding down half-conscious onto the floor. "Use your own room!" Annie growled down the hall before slamming her door shut. Okina blinked and tilted her head curiously. "I wonder where they could have gone?" Mel scratched the side of her head in a brief moment of thought, then shrugged. "Dunno! Since therrre doesn't seem to be anything else to do, I think I'm going to worrrk on my cooking," she muttered, making her way through the kitchen doors at the right of the room. "Food?" Okina's coiled monkey-like tail straightened out for a split second before coiling back up like some sort of lizard's tongue. "What kind of food?" Mel smiled and held out her hand. "Meh, something simple. I'm not that grrreat just yet, so I've starrrted out nice and slow..." Okina grabbed onto Mel's shoulder and turned her around, shoving her forehead against hers and looking at her with intent eyes. "What. Kind. Of. Food?" She exasperated, repeating her question. Mel pulled her head back a bit, confused and a little nervous. "Um... well, you know. Maybe some mithkabobs, some dango, or some pastrrries... simple- STUUUFF!" She had suddenly cried out as Okina's grip on her shoulders tightened, shaking her a bit. "Mithrabobs? Dango!?" She echoed, nearly drooling. "Can I help!? Can I... can I eat some of it?" Mel huffed as she shut one eye and quickly nodded her head. "Ah! Yes, surrre! I normally sell them but, that's sorrrt of out of the question at this time..." Okina hopped once and slapped her hands together, giving a happy little squee and bowing her head. "Yay! Let's go~ I'm starving, starving! And maybe you can teach me, too!" "Hehe, alrrright then, I've neverrr had a cooking apprentice before," Mel smiled helplessly, once again making her way towards the kitchen. "Off we go, then." "I could go for some pastries too," Flint grinned as he hopped off the floor and quickly followed behind them into the kitchen. A few seconds later, he would come flying right back out and crashing into Veronaut. "Argh, what the hell!?" Veronaut exclaimed. "We're not the pastries, Flint!" Mel called out from inside the kitchen. Flint's eyes were spinning, dazed from the sudden crash before his sight set on the pissed off elvaan he was laying on top of. "Uh... hey Vero! What're you doing down there?" Flint chuckled nervously. "Get off me!" Veronaut growled, chucking the hume off of him and going after him as he ran off. "You perverted little s**t!" Claire and Moku walked into the common room, having just now returned from some business with the Archduke. Sighing at the ruckus going on between Vero and Flint, Claire shook her head and turned to Bear who was limping around aimlessly, drunk as hell. "Bear, what in Altana's name is going on here?" She asked him. "What? WHAT?" Bear stumbled over to Moku and Claire, leaning forward and looking at them as if they were complete strangers. "I swear to drunk that I'm not Altana..." "You're... what?" Moku blinked in astonishment. "I had... eleventy-two bottles of 812 RolanberreeEEeeEeEEe~heeee!" Bear grabbed the end of his lance and sang into it in falsetto, like some high-pitched bard. "You are drunk as a freaking skunk, Bear," Moku muttered. "HEY!" Bear turned to Moku with a look of offense, but then waved his finger and put on a thoughtful expression. "Not drunk is he from the floor... Can rise alone and still drink more! BUT!!!! drunk is They, who prostrate... lies... without.. the power to drink... or RISE!" He had been speaking slow as if attempting to remember the lines he was reciting. "Indeed," Claire sighed in defeat. Bear's baby wyvern threw its little wings over its head, almost as if to hide the shame of its drunken owner. "We leave for a few hours and this place becomes a bar fight," Moku sighed. "Where... Where is my linkpearl? WHERE THE F**K IS MY LINKPEARL!?" Bear started yelling. Claire slapped her hand onto her forehead. "It's in your hand you buffoon." "Wert!" Bear exclaimed as he saw the mute blacksmith walk across the room. Wert just froze in surprise, pointing at himself in confusion. "Yeaaah, Wert!" Bear laughed. "Wassup' buddy!?" He asked, going over to the man and slapping him on the back. Wert looked up at him in irritation, nearly dropping his tools as Bear smacked him hard. He just shook his head and attempted to walk away. "Heyyy! Come on, mate! Drink us let- let's have us a drink!" He said, turning his hand into a pumped up fist. "..." Wert looked at the drunk b*****d and then back down at his tools, pointing at them and mouthing something along the lines of, "I have work to do." But of course, being tongueless, he couldn't say anything. Bear's expression suddenly went from pumped to frightened. "Oh my goddess..." He gasped, backing away. "I've... I've gone DEEEAAAAF!" He shouted, looking around frantically and making a break for the door leading out, screaming the entire way about how he's lost his hearing. All the while Veronaut was holding up an entire settee as he tried smashing Flint with it. "I don't have time for this," Claire ran her hand down her face. "If we don't give these fools something to do soon-" "Mail's here," one of the other Brigadier's walking in through the entrance of the common room door interrupted as he held up a few sealed envelopes. He went over to Claire and handed them to her, continuing on his way. That was one of the only other services available at this time- mail. People had been desperate to contact friends and families in other cities, so it was no surprise the priority of it. "Anything from the other branches?" Moku asked Claire as she flipped through them. "Hrmph. Nothing but letters to some of the members," she murmured, but stopped as a certain letter caught her attention. "Hm? What is this?" It was sealed with the emblem of First Class mail, and with it a stamp of the Elshimo region. The only other details on the envelope were, "To the thief who goes by the name of Stiff - Norg" As she read the details out loud, this brought the ruckus to finally cease if only for a bit. "Stiff got mail?" Flint blinked, going over to snoop at what had just arrived. "Did you say Norg?" Veronaut rose a brow. "Norg, as in, the location? That damn den of thieves?" Norg was known as the port for the black market of Vana'diel, being home to countless thieves, smugglers, and pirates. Only a very select few of people from the mainland knew of this place, much less knew how to even get there. Some from the Brigade have heard talk of people who have been to Norg and back, and how getting there required going through an underground cavern deep in the jungles of Elshimo Island. It was said to be full of fish men and monsters of the dark- a place known as the Sea Serpent Grotto. Nothing else was known of such a place, other than rumored locations. "What could they possibly want to do with Stiff?" Moku brought a hand to his chin. "Norg... a place like that never sends for anybody. It's nigh on impossible to gain access there, in fact." "I'll say," Nanaa purred as she made her way over to the group from the dorm hall. She had been overhearing the conversation after waking up. "If Norrrg is asking for Stiff, we'd betterrr hand him overrr. Now that is a group you do not want to mess with. Mrrrow..." "Haven't you been there?" Veronaut rose a brow at Nanaa. She held her hands out and shook her head in defeat. "I have not... I may know the jungles of Elshimo better than the back of my own hand, but you'd be lucky enough just to find the entrance to this Sea Serpent Grotto." "Damn," Flint blinked. "A place even Nanaa doesn't know of... that's gotta be something." "What's going on?" A familiar voice called over to the group. Stiff had just walked into the common room. They all remained quiet, just as anxious as he was. Claire pulled away from the group and walked over to him, handing him the letter. "You've got mail. I don't know who it is from, but they would prefer only you read it. I suggest you take to your room and do so carefully." Stiff stood quiet, looking down at the envelope in Claire's hands. Sure enough, it was addressed to him. Taking it in his hand, he mouthed the sender's location silently and made his way down the dorm hall without another word, only glancing into Draven's empty room before walking into his. Locking his door behind him, he went over to his desk and set the letter on top, pulling up a chair and sitting down. After inspecting the envelope and the emblen on it for a bit, he finally tore it open and pulled out a neatly folded letter. "For your eyes only," it read. Unfolding the letter, Stiff could feel his heart beating with anticipation. It was the first time he had received personal mail, and first class at that. Holding it open before him, he began to read the fine black print. "Dear Stiff, Greetings from Norg. I expect this letter has found its way to you in the Grand Duchy of Jeuno. Allow me to get to the point. You may not know who I am, but I know exactly who you are. Here in Norg, myself and a few others have become well aware of yours and your linkshell's feats against the underground group known as The Descent. And yes, we have heard of your victory over the dark swordsman Gazo. That man was well known here in Norg, and was an apprentice to our head himself once upon a time. It has come to our knowledge that the emptiness has had a hold on your body since you were but a child, and after countless years you have begun pushing such darkness away from you- an accomplishment rarely, if ever heard of among those bound by emptiness. And with your accomplishment, came the hard-earned victory over Gazo. Are you surprised? Don't be. We know everything. We watch everything. But to be honest, Stiff, most here don't know you like I do. I have some things of great importance to give you. Things of both great value and knowledge that can go to you only and will only ever come to you. That is all I can tell you. I will be waiting for you here in Norg. A private airship has been dispatched to Jeuno for you, and should already be awaiting your arrival. Come alone. Don't bring any linkpearls. Shadows Guide You, Sekai P.S. Bring this letter with you." "Sekai?" Stiff whispered to himself, saying the name and trying to see if it spurred some sort of memory. But there was none. He had never met a man named Sekai before in his life. It was strange to admit that I was rather curious. But I know what you're thinking... who in their right mind would meet a stranger in a den of pirates, right? ... I would. Port Jeuno It had been a little under an hour after Stiff had explained to everyone that he would be going on a small trip and gathered together what he could take. Of course, he couldn't say much other than the fact that he was wanted in Norg. He was accompanied to the Khazam airship departures in Port Jeuno by just about all of the gang including Moku, Claire, and even Vero. He knew they were all just as baffled as he was as to the means of his summons. It was kind of odd, the airship port had obviously been put on hold due to the repairs on the city, but somehow these people from Norg were able to send their own airship to pick Stiff up and did so with no resistance from the Ducal Guards. In fact, the Ducal Guards had sent two people off to the airship port to handle Stiff's admission. "Sorry sir, but that is as far as they go," the hume woman behind the counter bowed her head, referring to his friends. "We have been asked not to let anyone else through departures except for Stiff." "Yeah..." Stiff nodded slowly, turning to the others and rubbing the back of his head. "Well guys, I guess I'll see you soon?" "I sure hope so," Moku frowned. He didn't like the idea of having Stiff go on a trip like this all by himself. Not to a place like Norg. But he could obviously handle himself now. "Contact us as soon as you can, whenever you are able." "Tch, what do these pirates have to hide that we Brigade can't know of," Vero grunted. "I can think of a few things," Nanaa purred in a smart tone. "I guess that's that, mate," Flint patted Stiff's shoulder. "Come back in one piece, yeah?" "Yep," Stiff grinned, trying to be casual but finding it hard to hide his nervousness. But he looked at them all and put on a stern face. "Listen guys, about Draven..." "We'll find him," Claire assured him. Stiff had also told them about the incident with Draven in Eldieme before they had left for the airship departures. He had not returned to Jeuno after he ran away. "Yeah," Stiff gave another slow nod. "Just don't pay attention to anything he says. The emptiness is clouding his judgement. He thinks he's a monster and has no place in this world... I was like that too, before. Let him know he still has us." "You just leave him to us," Moku smiled. "He'll be here before you get back." "Heh, thanks," Stiff sighed in relief. It was good to have people to depend on. "Indeed," Claire nodded. "It's a good thing, too. Had these fools all grown anymore restless, headquarters would be a mess. Now they have some work to do." "Just go already," Annie sighed helplessly. "The sooner we find Draven, the sooner I can return to my napping." "And my cooking," Mel giggled. "... And my drinking," Bear added loosely, still a bit tipsy. Stiff chuckled at them and then finally turned to Okina. She had just been looking at him with a pout the entire time, not wanting him to go somewhere without her. The others left the two alone. "Hey, don't look at me like that," Stiff smiled playfully, pinching her cute little cheeks. "Even if you could come with me, I wouldn't let you go to such a dangerous place." "Hmph!" Okina pulled away from his pinching. "I'd go anyway, anyway." Stiff snickered and leaned forward, giving her a little peck on the tip of her nose, saying, "Of course you would." He gave her one last peck on the lips and whispered, "I'll see you soon." Okina's grumpy look became a smile as she nuzzled into his kisses. "See you soon!" Not keeping his flight waiting any longer, Stiff hurried down the walkway and stopped at the departure door in front of a large galkan guard. "Airship pass?" Was all the guard said. Stiff froze for a moment before reaching into his satchel and pulling out the envelope with the emblem on it instead. "Right this way, sir." Somehow, he knew this was what the guard was asking for. Walking out into the small open port, Stiff saw an airship unlike any other of the ones normally used in Port Jeuno. This one seemed a lot more reinforced and built for faster flying than the others. It was a little smaller in size too, boasting a sleeker design. What intrigued him the most was the two large barrels on each end of the front side. The round holes inside the barrels themselves showed that these large cannons were probably automatic. Making his way up the ramp and into the lower decks of the airship, Stiff was surprised to see nobody else on board. Or at least, he couldn't see anyone else where he was. The door to the captain's room was locked, and the only response from his knocking on it was the rising of the ramp and the closing of the airship exit. The engines started up momentarily and in a matter of seconds, they had lift off. The only other doorway that was open aside from the deck was a large room with a long dining table in the middle, fit to cater to a whole committee or something. Not only that, but on the end of the table facing the doorway Stiff stood at, laid a collation of fancy food and drink, some he hadn't ever even seen the likes of but looked and smelled delicious. Everything was hot and ready to eat. "What's all this?" Stiff blinked in surprise, approaching the table and looking at another note before the food that addressed him. "Stiff, I assume you have boarded my private airship on an empty stomach. Things like this happen when your mind is so clouded with questions that you simply push your hunger away. As such, I implore you to fill your belly to its content. We wouldn't want you to pass out from hunger now, would we? -Sekai P.S. Don't be daft! we've no reason to poison you... That could be arranged without the use of a letter or a private airship. Simply think of it as a humble token of our friendship. P.P.S. We can always throw the food to the dogs if you're not hungry." Stiff's stomach nearly roared at the end of the letter. "Oh man, are you kidding? I'm starving!" He said, realizing this Sekai had hit the nail on the head with the hunger comment. Without further ado, he dug right in. It was difficult to explain the richness and texture of everything, and better yet- the flavor. He couldn't even stop to think for a second just why in the hell he was being pampered like so. A private first class summons, a private airship, a private buffet... that was sure something. Who was even driving this thing? I ate until my belly was fit to burst. After that, I spent the rest of my flight on the upper deck, watching the crystal sea stretch under me like the sea of thoughts that flooded my mind. I thought about a lot of things. About bringing Draven back to his senses, about how this fight against The Descent was certainly not over... and of course, about the identity of my secret "pen pal." It wasn't long before Elshimo Island came into view. But we didn't stop at the Khazam airship port like we normally did on our trips here. We kept flying overhead, past the jungles and then around to the south east end of the island. There we hovered in front of the cliff side of the island, just above the water. Moments after, the large cliff wall began to shift upward. It took me a second to realize that it was in fact a large gate that was rising, made right out of the cliff side itself. It made way for the airship to enter, having it glide in before closing in its entirety once again. Even then, the airship continued to glide around many large tunnel openings, so much so that I couldn't even hope to remember what paths we took. On top of that, it was a little too dark to see. After all, we were flying an AIRSHIP inside an ISLAND. It wasn't too much longer before light began to fill the tunnels of the inner island coming from large blazing torches along the walls. Eventually, the airship finally slowed near what appeared to be an underground port. It docked on top of the water, opening its ramp and making way for the wooden walkway leading out. Stiff anxiously waited outside the captain's quarters, expecting the driver to finally emerge and walk him outside... but he didn't. Realizing he was supposed to exit on his own, Stiff continued down the ramp and stepped out into a large underground city that was almost indescribable for words. Apart from being underground and lit by torches, there was the obvious port docked with many ships of the like, from air to sail. Many sections of the city were lined with wooden rooms and hallways that looked as if they could have come straight out of the inside of a gigantic ship. In fact, that was the best way to describe it. An underground city built with the theme of a giant ship's interior. The residents- and there were many of them, either eyed Stiff indifferently or one would shoulder a friend and nod in his general direction. It felt like everybody's eyes were on him now. This was no den of pirates and thieves... This was a den of lions. "So you've made it," a firm and mature voice spoke. "Welcome." Stiff turned quickly to the source of the voice. What he saw made his eyes nearly pop out of his sockets from the surprise and shock. It was a rather tall hume man- almost as tall as an elvaan! He had a black tattoo that resembled a dragon on the upper-left side of his face, and bore a devilish smirk. He was quite good-looking to boot, a look of power in those unchanged green eyes of his. His long black hair cascaded over his slender but toned form down to his lower back, being shorter from the front side. The outfit he bore was like that of a long coat, but was in the form of a dark red open vest lined with gold silks and filled with too many zippers and pockets for Stiff to count. He wore a pair of dark leather boots of ridiculous quality matching his gloves, pulled over the sleeves of his draped black trousers. "And so, we meet again. As our pact had denoted many a year ago, the Walk of Shadows has finally led you back to me," the man spoke. "It... It's you..." Stiff stood there, overwhelmed by the reunion with the enigmatic thief of his past. Immediately, his childhood came rushing at him. This was the first time he had ever met someone again from his past, because they were all dead... and he had assumed this man was dead too. "My name is Sekai," the man smirked, finally introducing himself after nearly ten years. He held out his hand, holding a familiar wooden dagger. "I believe this is yours." ___________________________________________________________________________________ The time has come. Stiff and Sekai's pact has now come into effect after a long and tedious decade. Continued in Chapter 42: My Lovely Partner
© 2012 JobynAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 8, 2011 Last Updated on February 25, 2012 Tags: adventure drama comedy brotherly |