To A Thief - Chapter 35: War

To A Thief - Chapter 35: War

A Chapter by Jobyn

The time is now.

Outskirts of Jeuno

"We're in position, mi'lord," Gazo spoke into his dark pendant as he clutched it in his large hand. He knelt down outside of the entrance to Port Jeuno, atop a small cliffside lining the gate. He oddly admired the view from here of the fine city. He hadn't seen it in years. "Jeuno," he muttered silently, running his thumb along the edge of his great katana and drawing blood from it. 

Daan stood in a similar position atop one of the slopes in Rolanberry Fields, looking across the long bridge from this side connecting the land to the city. He grinned from ear to ear, bringing his hand up and clenching the dark pendant hard in his fist. ".. My Lord.. My Sovereign.. We await your Order.. Your words of Absolution," he spoke in a rasp, almost growling tone. The excitement was overbearing. 

Kyrie landed swiftly on her feet as she jumped from tree to tree over to the top of the Upper Jeuno border, taking her own position. Lowering herself on one knee and placing a hand on the hilt of one of her katanas, the young kunoichi brought her dark pendant to her lips and spoke. "We have all three corners, master. Awaiting further orders."

The Descent leader sat on his chair in his favorite dark and dreary location. He sat there for a good minute after listening to the acknowledging voices of his minions, eyes closed. After that time, he brought his hand to his pendant and yanked it right off his neck. His eyes shot open as he slammed the pendant onto his armrest and began to seep an abundant amount of darkness from his body and through the pendant. 

That same darkness would seep out of the other pendants that Daan, Gazo, and Kyrie were holding. 

"Exterminate them. Find the catalyst. Bring him to me!" His voice thundered through the dark pendants as the darkness surrounding the three descent members slithered over the earth and then rose up in lumps that formed demon-like silhouettes. Each member was now leading twenty of these beings. 

Daan, Gazo, and Kyrie's eyes all flashed a bright red as they smirked widely in anticipation. It was time to move out. 


Brigade H.Q.

The members of the Brigade were restless. It felt like they had all suddenly hit a dead end, and had nowhere else to go. And while they were stuck in this dead end, the problems of the world grew bigger and bigger. 

They were like a pride without a lion. A colony without a queen. A kingdom without a king. A child without its mother. They were lost. 

Some even appeared to be losing hope altogether; packing their things and visiting family. It felt like the end of days, and everybody was nothing but a sitting duck. Many people probably didn't even realize the threat this world was now facing, and continued with their normal lives. 

He hated to admit it, but Stiff actually felt somewhat envious of them now. Everything was fine for them. They continued to do what they had to. Work, eat, spend time with your loved ones, and sleep. That was all there was to it. Let the big guys handle all of this rabble. 

No, I have no right feeling this way...

I signed up for this, even if it was mainly because I didn't have an actual family. No, that's wrong too. They are my family now. I'm no different than anybody else in Jeuno, aside from my particular duties. 

In fact, we should be following the people's examples. Even if they are oblivious to it, we must simply move on like they do. There is no use moping around. Vincent didn't get to where he was by being restless. 

.. D****t. 

What's going to happen now?

... What do we do, Vincent? 

Stiff clenched his fists and gritted his teeth under closed lips, trying desperately not to let go of hope. He might have even let it go if it wasn't for a pair of gentle hands wrapping around his arm. It was Okina. 

Resting her head against his shoulder, she looked up at Stiff and held a sorrowful gaze. Seeing someone like him, who was always finding small pathways into the brighter side of things so troubled and silent truly bothered her. It just didn't suit him. At this point she needed her happiness to channel with his own, sort of like what he said to her before they kissed for the first time. "Are you okay, okay?" She asked softly.

Stiff felt himself pulled back into his mind along with his hope as he felt her touch and heard her voice. Feeling his body ease up, he turned to her and gazed into her big, cute, blue and green eyes. He had found anchor. 

"Okina!" He nearly exclaimed, pulling her to him and throwing his arms around her, hugging her tight. His body had reacted before he could even think, but he wouldn't dare pull away. 

Okina just stood there in surprise for the first few seconds, her eyes a little wide as her face was nuzzled into his collarbone. But she immediately wrapped her arms around him in return, closing her eyes as he whispered into her ear.

"Don't let me go, okay?

She didn't know exactly what he meant, but she gave a quick nod. "I-I won't, Stiffy. I'll hold on tight, tight." 

Looking at Okina made Stiff realize what that little glimmer of hope was that she had anchored for him before it got away. 

That's right. 

We can't stop now. We can't give in. We have to fight for everyone. For our loved ones. For Vana'diel. 

"Thank you, Okina," Stiff said, pulling back a few inches and squeezing her shoulders softly as he gazed into her eyes.

So long as she holds onto me, I will never lose hope. 

Okina gave him a smile, feeling better for the first time since this morning. "There's the Stiffy that I know, I know," she sighed in relief. "Everybody here looks like zombies now... I didn't want Stiffy to turn too," she whined. 

Stiff blinked for a moment, then couldn't help but chuckle, giving her forehead a kiss. "A zombie? Oh, you silly girl. I bet you'd like that," he smirked, pressing his mouth to her neck and pretending to munch on her. 

"W-Wait, Stiffy!" She protested, giggling some more and feeling her cheeks flush at the feel of his lips and breath against her neck. 

Both of them had almost forgotten that it was such a solemn day today up until they caught the silent stares of everybody in the room. 

Stopping immediately, both of them pulled back reluctantly and cleared their throats. It really wasn't the time to be playing. 

"Sorry about that guys," Stiff muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes scanned the room. "But listen to me, we can't just stand here moping around like lost children and hope that the adults will come to make it better. We are the adults! If we don't stand up and fight back like Vincent wanted us to, then who will? Others may try, but I doubt they'll do much," he finished, eyeing everybody in the room. 

Nobody said a word. 

"Right!?" Stiff threw his arms out towards them, wanting them to at least say something. "This isn't the end!" 

"Shut up," Veronaut finally growled. "Nobody cares what you have to say. You didn't know a thing about Vincent. Why would we even listen to you? You're just a freak who practically doesn't even own his own body." 

"What...?" Stiff rose a brow and squinted his eyes at Veronaut. 

"You know of what I speak," Veronaut replied briefly before throwing his axe over his shoulder and walking out of the room. He looked like hell. Granted, he was always quite vicious with people he didn't like, but this time he almost looked like he could swing his axe at any one of them. 

Just how much did Veronaut know? He certainly was closer to Vincent than most of us. Like brothers, some might say. 

"Don't listen to him Stiffy! Verovero is more like a monster with his scary attitude, so hmmmmph," Okina mumbled, sticking her tongue out at Veronaut's back as he walked out. 

"Just let him be, you two," Nanaa said to Stiff and Okina. "I think he's been through enough for now. It's no secret how much Verrro respected Vincent, yes?" 

Both of them remained silent after that. 

Nanaa was right. Veronaut was there when it happened, as well...


I wonder how you're doing right now? You and Vincent also went way back. I bet he was like an older brother to you. 

You were there, too... when they killed Vincent.

Stiff pursed his lips as his thoughts went to Draven. He had been avoiding everyone and keeping to himself since they got back this morning; having walked out earlier today. He couldn't have been any better off than Veronaut.

Then, a small but loud voice familiar to everyone called out across the room. 

"I will have no more of this!" 

Moku made his way into the linkshell common room and shot glares at everyone. 

"I can't believe you all continue to slump about mindlessly. Have some respect; some dignity for your leader!" He shouted, making everyone's heads shoot up in surprise in his direction. 

"Now you listen to me," Moku narrowed his eyes as he continued. "We are at the brink of a war. Its been only ten years since the Great Crystal War ended, and by altana, I will not let another one hit Vana'diel! I won't have it!" He swung his arm at the air. 

"Moku..." Stiff thought somberly. "He lived much of his life during the Crystal War. I can't imagine what kind of things he must have gone through during that time. And he was just a kid."

"Your leader; Vincent, and many other great heroes fought with all their power to procure this peaceful future. But there are no more heroes of old anymore! The fate of Vana'diel has been passed out to this generation. Vincent died believing he could trust this future to you all. It was a miracle that he stuck around to begin with. All the other heroes are no more," He said, catching his breath as he cleared his throat. 
"But do you want to know what I believe?" He asked. "I believe the new generation of heroes is right here. This was the sole reason why the Brigade even came to be. Vincent didn't die and leave Vana'diel to its fate. Vincent left Vana'diel to all of YOU," He stated, looking at each and every single linkshell member. Everybody looked back into his eyes intently. Whatever spark Moku had in his words and eyes, it had finally spurred the fire as hot as the sun in everyone. The drought was beginning to dry. "Brigadiers. The future is yours." 

"That's right!" Stiff unsheathed his dagger and spun it in his hand. "Live for tomorrow! There's no way in hell I'm giving Vana'diel to those Descent a******s!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Okina nodded, lightly pumping her fist. "I'll fight too." 

"Count me in," Flint pushed himself off the wall and cracked his fingers. "I never really took our assignments seriously, but this time things are gonna change. I'm gonna have to put all my dates with girls on hold!" 

"What dates?" Nanaa scoffed as she got off her seat. "You neverrr had any to begin with. Anyway, I see no gain in waiting to die, so I'd rrrather have some fun with our fate," she purred. 

Flint slumped in response. 

"Well, Team Melannie?" Moku smirked at Mel and Annie, who had been leaning against the wall as well. 

"I told you not to call us that," Annie snapped at Moku.

"Well, becoming a herrro does come with a new title, doesn't it?" Mel brought a finger to her chin in thought. "He wouldn't be able to call us that then."

"Hrm... right," Annie sighed. 

"I guess we'rrre in," Mel smiled daintily, her tail swishing behind her.

Before any others could step out of their slumps, a Jeunoan resident suddenly burst into the room flailing his arms and breathing heavily. 

"HELP!" He screamed frantically. 

"What are you doing? These quarters are strictly prohibi-" Annie had started before the panicked man cut her off. 

"Jeuno is under attack!"

It wasn't until now that the sounds of screams had begun. 

"Attack? By who? Is it the enemy!?" Flint asked the man in surprise. 

"I- I don't know!" The man coughed. "They are... they are demons! Being led by people in dark armor! People are being killed left and right!"

Moku reached for his staff without further ado and slammed the bottom of it against the floor, sending a wave of fortifying mana that cast variations of the white magicks known as 'Protect' and 'Shell' 

"Now! This is it, Brigade!" Moku called out to everyone loudly. "Wait to die and be free of fate or live and fight for the morrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Vana'diel's fate is in your hands!"

There was not a single person who didn't draw their weapons and run out of the place with the intention of giving in. Everybody was ready to fight. The time for this generation was now. 

Altana knows where Draven and Veronaut went off to. The only person who stayed in the building was Claire. She was the one person who was hit hardest by Vincent's passing. I think I know why...

Continued on the next page---------------->

© 2011 Jobyn

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Added on November 14, 2011
Last Updated on November 14, 2011
Tags: adventure drama comedy brotherly

To A Thief



Corona, CA

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