![]() To a Thief - Chapter 2: Pondering of PiratesA Chapter by Jobyn![]() "With a long ride ahead of them to San d'Oria, Stiff reminisces about the first eventful night of his life out in Vana'diel, where he would take his first step forward."![]()
Looking out at the white sands of the Valkurm Dunes, Stiff saw many an adventurer fighting off goblin-beastmen and creatures that inhabited the many beaches. They were all working together, regardless of race, gender, or size- all in perfect sync with one another during combat.
"Fame, fortune, renown, blood, friendship, experience... such is the life of an adventurer," Moku grinned as he noticed how silent Stiff had become once the thief's eyes had met the surrounding violence. "So cool..." Stiff muttered, his eyes darting all over the place. "Hey, Moku! Why don't you just start me out here?" He asked, wanting to get in on it already- wanting to be a part of all this. "No can do, Stiff. You've still got a lot of basics to touch up on before you start out in Valkurm. Don't worry, in a few days time you'll be here running around with all your little hooligan adventurer buddies, making small names for yourselves among the goblins of the dunes. Until then, I've got something else planned for you and Draven for your training. You'll need all your wits about you, as I will push you to your limits. No mercy." Stiff blinked, feeling excitement quelling up in his stomach yet again. Despite how scary Moku seemed when he was serious, he couldn't help but relish in the fact that he would be starting his training today. He was on his way to becoming that somebody that he had promised himself and those of his past to be. "Alright, I'll hold you to it then," He grinned. "I aim to please, so I won't let you down." "So naive... but I'll take your word for it," Moku chuckled. "It'll be at least another hour before we get to San d'Oria, so just relax and enjoy the ride." After leaving the sands of Valkurm, the two rode off into the narrow hills and eventually made it out into a beautiful meadow full of trees and large dandelions; a place known as La Theine Plateau. The land was scarred with deep crevices that went down further into it, most likely caused by the wars of the past. It'll be a while before we get to San d'Oria, so let me tell you a little bit about my crazy night on the ferry to Selbina. Remember those pirates I told you about? Yeah, that. When you think of pirates, you probably think of those depicted in typical wives' tales right? Long black beards, eye patches, peg-legs and hooked hands? As if. These were so much scarier. It all went something like this: The swaying of the ferry boat after having been crashed by the pirate ship eased a bit as it rocked back into place, though shoved around by the sudden storm that had struck. These so-called undead pirates themselves seemed to have brought the storm with their ship. The walls of the ferry creaked loudly as the sounds of those who took up arms and went up on deck to fend off the pirates made combat. If one listened closely, they could hear hard, clattering footsteps coming from the deck and the sounds of ghoulish shrieks and laughs. Many of the guests had stayed in the hallway just outside the cabin, huddling against the walls and others who held the door closed and treating the wounded who would come in from deck.It was all quite frightening, but at the same time, very exciting. "I can't just stay down here..!" Stiff protested to Moku as he followed him out onto the hallway. "I'm an adventurer aren't I? I should be fending them off just as any other able-bodied person!" Moku had gone into serious-mode. He had burst into my guest cabin just moments prior to what you see now and demanded I stay off-deck. Remain down here while all the fun happened outside? Naturally, I protested such a ridiculous order. Moku continued approaching the door, not looking at Stiff. "My friend, you've got heart.. but these creatures are way out of your league. What shall happen to your future as an adventurer, should you fall this night? You stay here and help with the wounded!" Moku demanded. Stiff was a bit surprised by his firm tone and stature, as he had been so silly on their way to the port town of Mhaura. Stiff just narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. "I won't have a future if I stay holed up like this all my goddamn life!" He couldn't stand it anymore. It was always the same. Everyone seemed to be keeping him from becoming something of himself that he could be content with. "And someone like you is supposed to be able to fend these things off?" He asked in anger. Moku held his club out in front of him as he kicked open the door with his little stubby leg, causing a sudden burst of ice-cold, wet wind into the hallway. With his club stretched outward, Moku sent a sudden, powerful jolt of light flying at one of the undead who stood in front of the door. It was like the spell she had used against the beastmen so many years ago. It sent the undead pirate, who was a complete skeleton donning rugged clothes and weapons, flying onto the deck and breaking apart into a pile of bones. "Precisely." He whispered, making his way out onto the deck with the other adventurers who fought against the intruders. More undead pirates swung down from a cable onto the ferry from their ghost ship, using their weapons as handles and landing on board. They turned their shaking skull heads towards the doorway and clamped their boney teeth repeatedly as they shrieked, thunder roaring throughout the sea. "You there! Close that damn door!" One of the guests in the hallway shouted at Stiff as he bandaged another. Stiff clenched his teeth for a moment, eyeing the undead pirates as they made themselves comfortable on deck. But he grunted in defeat, hurrying towards the door and forcing it shut against the wind. He had been a little too upset about being treated like a weakling to care about Moku's powerful display of magic. "Take it easy there, tiger." A tall, slender elvaan male with dark-blonde hair and simple leather garments told the angry Stiff with a smug grin. "It's not like those of us in here are useless or anything.. we're treating the wounded and making sure these things don't barge in here, taking over the ship.. isn't that right, love?" He said, turing to a young, mithran woman with light brown hair whom seemed to be acquainted with him, and bore similar armor. She would just smile, purring as she took his arm in hers and sighed. "Of courrrrse, my love.. we're helping out too! Even if they do break in, you won't let them harm me, will you dearrrr?" She asked with an obsessive smile, tail wagging behind her as she looked up at the elvaan man. "You got that right, love. They lay one finger- or bone on you, I'll leave them with nothing but the marrow.." He chuckled, giving a smirk to his partner. Stiff looked away from the two and sighed, hoping just maybe the pirates would somehow break in here. "I don't care about any of that stuff.. I just wanna get out there and prove that I can fight, too.." He muttered to himself. He remained silent after that, just thinking to himself about his situation. The sounds of swords clashing outside and the grunts of those fighting on deck could be heard, along with the water tumbling off the side of the ship, causing it to creak loudly as it swayed and bounced. It was just too much to bear.. all this excitement going on and him stuck in here. "Heh, them kids these days.. think they're invincible just 'cause they're young." The elvaan chuckled alongside his partner. I remember feeling like I was being treated as a child. Sure, I'm only 16.. but I'm no toddler. It was like staring at a cookie jar atop a counter. Rather than wait for it to come to you, why not work your way to it? Okay, so being a kid, you're short. Big whoop. You see a box. Stepping forward, you grab said box and slide it over. Climbing on top of the box, you reach for the cookie jar. Opening the lid of the cookie jar, you grab your reward and then: Ta-da! All that waiting has been narrowed down to that first step forward that you took and the climb to the cookie jar. Probably not for the best, but when you're a thief like me.. it works. So what did I do? Simple: I took a step forward. "I was told once..." Stiff started as he placed his hand on the hilt of his dagger, gripping it tight. "...That as long as you had the heart for it, you could take on the world." He unsheathed his dagger and spun it in his fingers before setting it in his palm. "And right now, this is what my heart is telling me to do!" He called out after Moku, hurrying towards the door with an anxious look on his face and kicking the door open hard. It flew open with so much force that it bounced off the wall as it retracted and flew back shut against Stiff's face, sending him tumbling onto his back and landing in the hallway he was just in once again. "Back so soon?" The elvaan man mumbled as he looked down at Stiff with raised eyebrows. His mithran girlfriend just held a hand to her mouth laughing. I can't help but feel like that could have gone a lot better. That kick was so unnecessary... I tend to get lost in the moment sometimes. "Shut up!" Stiff shouted, standing up and rubbing his forehead as he hurried out the door, his spirits feeling the sudden yank of what had just happened. Still, once he was outside bracing the icy cold, thundering winds and the stinging, freezing rain he felt alive again. So much fighting, so much violence, so much excitement. Taking his dagger in hand, Stiff spotted the first target of choice. It was a weaker-looking pirate with less clothing and armor than the others attempting to creep up behind a battling Moku, attempting to catch the unsuspecting mage by surprise. "Oh, trying to be sneaky now, are we? I'll show you..." Stiff grinned as he began running across the deck towards his target. He was almost caught off-guard by two barrels that were tumbling down the deck rapidly, having rolled down due to the slanted position of the ship as it rocked. Jumping just in time to land on top of one, he threw his arms wildly in the air trying to keep himself from falling off as it continued to roll down the deck. Somehow, Stiff managed to keep balance on the tumbling barrel, conveniently rolling towards his target now. "Whoaa-whoahh! Urgh- BARREL STRIIIKE!" He shouted just as the boney pirate turned to look at him, letting out a shriek as the barrel crashed into its body, sending it flying off the side of the ferry and into the violent waves bellow. Stiff had flown over the side of the boat the moment the barrel shattered upon impact as well, but was able to latch his hand onto the railing at the last second. "Ah! Crap, that was close..." He muttered, looking down at the tumbling waters and then quickly attempting to scramble back onto the deck in fear. "Ack! If I fall I'm so dead! I don't think I can hold- Moku?" He blinked in surprise as the taru suddenly gripped his wrists and helped him back up on deck. It looked rather strange, a taru hauling a hume 3 times his size over the edge of the boat. "Sigh. You could have been a little more swift, Stiff. I expected you to come out here, but I figured you'd be a little more... sleek, you know? Still, I'm glad you came out. This is step one of your training: Confidence in your ability! Don't confuse it with stupidity." Stiff grinned in reply, jumping back up onto his feet. "So you were expecting me the whole time? Sheesh, if I had known that I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of making such an entrance." Moku laughed, turning back towards the enemy. "Don't worry, that entrance was more than suited for you. Anyway, let's retake the ferry!" He called out, holding out his club and running forward. "Hell yeah!" Stiff cheered, holding out his dagger and running behind his companion. They worked together with the other adventurers on the ship who were fending off their undead enemies. Moku made sure to keep a close eye on Stiff, more so to make sure that he didn't get hurt rather than to see his progress. For Stiff, he took on the pirates with similar antics as that first one. By the time that dawn began to break out into the sky, the undead menace shrieked out and finally retreated, climbing the cables of their ship and sailing away into the mist, taking their thunderstorm with them. Cheers and howls of victory filled the deck. "We did it!" Stiff cheered, throwing his dagger up and catching it swiftly by the hilt. "Heh, you did alright for a shrimp. I'm impressed." Moku snickered, sheathing his club at his side. "You didn't do so bad yourself, for someone who looks like a shrimp." Stiff grinned wide. "LAND HO!" A booming voice shouted as the fisherman's port town of Selbina came into view. _______________________________________________________________________________ And that pretty much sums it up. After a night like that, there was no way I was going to turn back now. Having taken part in the recapturing of our ferry ride, I felt like I was finally making a difference in my life.. and perhaps in this world. I can't wait for what the road will bring me next once we arrive at San d'Oria, which is now coming into view. My training and new companion will be revealed next time on Chapter 3: Training Day! © 2011 JobynAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 1, 2011 Last Updated on October 31, 2011 Tags: adventure fantays humor violence |