Tides of Twilight - Chapter 18: Search and Rescue!

Tides of Twilight - Chapter 18: Search and Rescue!

A Chapter by Jobyn

Will Stiff and Okina be rescued in time?

Arimus picks up a pearl with a faded glow that had been lying around in that last image of Stiff and Okina. It pulses with light in his hand once, and transforms its fading glow into a soft, pink hue. 

Arimus has acquired a Love Pearl!

Using a Love Pearl: 
-Allows anyone to force two characters to fall in love for a single chapter. (Choose in the comments section at the end of this chapter)
-Said chapter will be a bonus chapter.  (All chosen pairs involved) 
-All characters regardless of romance status are available, as are antagonists.
-Characters must be chosen before the countdown on this page ends. (See timer below) 
-Characters to be paired are on a first come, first serve basis. You may not pick a character that someone has chosen before you.
-There will be more Love Pearls in the future. 
-Pairs do not cross over into other Love Pearl-induced Bonus Chapters, unless the same pair is chosen. 

Deadline reached as of December 12th, 2012 8:00PM (Pacific)

Pairs to appear in the forthcoming Bonus Chapter:
*Neko x Claire
*Draven x Taly
*Vero x Jakky
*Lion x Flint

As Exodus moves in from the eastern side of the forest, you and your team land on the western side. The first two hours are spent waiting for reinforcements while setting up a temporary defensive perimeter around the area. When reinforcements arrive, you are surprised to see Claire among the ranks.

You: That's a lot of reinforcements. Even Lady Claire is here.

Flint: Yep. It's important that we don't let anything happen to Stiff and Okina. A Catalyst and an X-experiment wouldn't be a good thing for the enemy to get their hands on. 

You: Yeah, I get that. Is that the only reason you're saving them? 

Flint: Yeah... Wait, huh? Oh! Onion Head Emoticons 141 And they're-- they're our friends. We love them! Right Annie? Onion Head Emoticons 90

Annie: Yeah, Flint. Best friends forever. So, Rook, did you forget how to salute your superiors or something? 

You look around quickly and notice that everybody but you is saluting Claire. 

You: W-Woops! Sorry about that! 

You promptly salute Claire, who gives everyone a nod. She then looks to you with piqued interest in her eyes and makes her way over.

Claire: At ease everyone. Now, Rook. 

You: Ma'am?

Claire: It seems you have a knack for locating these strange avatars that have been reportedly making appearances in multiple continents.

 You: Avatars... Oh! Well, I appreciate it ma'am, but it's not like I'm actually looking--

Annie suddenly nudges you hard on the back as she walks by.

You: Ow! 

Annie: Shut it, Rook. This is a good thing. Just say thanks...

You: Fine... Th-Thanks, ma'am. I do my best. Onion Head Emoticons 73

Claire: That's good to hear. I would like to speak with you about these avatars. Ah, yes. I believe you're well acquainted with the journalist? 

She motions her hand towards the ship she had disembarked, where Nael was fumbling with a journal in his hand.

You: Nael? 

Nael: Hoo'za-whatta? Onion Head Emoticons 107 Ah, hey there Fledge! Long time no see! How long's it been; three-hundred and forty-nine years, sixteen hours and three minutes with point-two seconds? Onion Head Emoticons 39

Claire: ...

Taly: That's a... very specific time. 

You: Heh, no, not that long. What are you doing here? 

Nael: Oh, Fledge, I'm disappointed. You know me, baby! Where there's danger, there's... me! Huh, I feel like I could have said that better...

Annie: Yeah, but you didn't! 

Flint: Very unprofessional, Mr. Journalist. 

Nael: Hey, hey! Onion Head Emoticons 94 Chill, aight? Chill. I have airship lag! I haven't flown somewhere in, like, months. 

Claire: Airship lag...

You: Does that even exist?

Taly: I don't think so...

Annie: Never heard of it. You're on a roll today, Nael.

Nael: Move on, guys. Onion Head Emoticons 86

Interesting note: At this point in the story, if you had chosen to do quests in Eden while staying with Nael many a chapter ago, you would now be branching into the Brigade side of things. You would have also been pretty famous around Eden's region, which would have brought the Brigade to seek you out in order to join them. 

Nael: Whoa! Onion Head Emoticons 80 What was that!?

You: What was what...? 

Nael: Didn't you guys hear that voice just now?? It was like, explaining something while referring to me! Are we being watched...? 

Lion makes her way over to the group, followed by Salnar whom had also joined the cavalry, and who now pats Nael on the back with a sympathetic smile.

Salnar: Nay, yer just crazy mate. 

Lion: Yep. And stupid. 

Nael: Whatever! I heard something, okay? 

You: So if all you guys are here, who's in charge of watching over headquarters? 

Salnar: Ah, but we've left good ol' Bear in charge. Ye needn't worry yer silly little self with 'im. 

Lion: Wait, Bear? 

Claire freezes for a moment, leaning her head towards Salnar. 

Claire: I thought I told you to put Mel in charge... 

Annie: Salnar, you retard! There's going to be a huge mess by the time we get back!

Salnar: Woopsies! I must have forgot, I'm so embarrassed. embarrassed4 onion head

Meanwhile, back at headquarters... Bear throws a huge party, having invited nearly half of Eden. They bump music so hard the entire building vibrates, and some play fight with their weapons while others dance, and Bear himself chugs an entire keg of beer in the heart of it all. 

Bear: AW, YEAH! Gimme another, yo! 

Roki: Ah' hurrrr that, beeyitch! lol2 onion head Let's git some freaking bunny girls up on those tables, yo! victory onion head

Naaj: ... whaaat1 onion headRoki!

Roki: Wah!! what onion head Except Naaj! I mean-- Just leave-- Forget the bunny girls, I meant get some cat girls up there! embarrassed2 onion head   God... I'm so buzzed!

Naaj: Bear's personality is starting to consume you... I don't like it. One drunk Bear is enough.

Bear: Ahhhh, yeah! I feel like some kitty tonight, yo! HEY, JAKKY! 

Jakky: W-Wha-- Me? Onion Head Emoticons 141

Bear: Come on, gurl, BTB over herepayup onion head

Jakky: W-Wha-- I-I don't know what... BTB is, I'm so sorry! Onion Head Emoticons 15

Bear: I said, Bring That Booty over here! 

Jakky: O-Oh, no! No way! I shouldn't be doing that! 

Bear: Ahhh, why not, YO!? 
Roki: Yeah, yeah, why not, baby!? You got them cuuuurves~ bled1 onion head

Jakky: N-No... Please don't say that! 

Bear: Alright, then I'll just have to hoist you up there myself! Blurgh! I'm coming to get yourghh, pretty kitty~! happy onion head

Jakky: N-NO! crying1 onion head Please don't! 

Roki: I'm going to get you toooooo~! bye2 onion head

Jakky: NOOOO!! crying3 onion head

Mel steps in at the right moment and freezes Bear in place, leaving him there as a drunken, grinning frozen statue. Naaj does her part by simply tripping Roki with her foot and making him land flat on his face. 

Bear: Guh-! frozen onion head

Roki: Ouch! desperate2 onion head Naaaaaj!

Naaj: Snap out of it, you are like a child. 

Mel: Sigh. What have the higher ups done? 

And now, back to everybody else!

Vero: Enough with this chit-chat crap! The longer we sit around like morons, the closer the enemy gets to those two idiots! Can we have our orders, please, or is that too much to ask? 

Claire: Vero, I want you to take Annie, Lion, Salnar, and Flint along with a small unit of apprentices into the forest. I'm going to run some things over with Rook and Taly, then we'll move in with our own squad. The rest will stay here and keep the area secure. Is that understood? 

Brigade Elites: Ma'am! 

Brigade Apprentices: Yes, ma'am!

Vero: About damn time. You heard the lady, losers. It's time to move out!

Claire: Deal with the enemy accordingly, though I'd prefer a clean rescue mission. Contact me immediately after you locate Stiff and Okina. 

Vero: Right, I got it. 

Vero's team starts moving out. Nael waves as he watches them walk off. 

Nael: Bye Vero~ bye1 onion head

Vero: Shut up. 

Nael: I love you!! 

Vero: Do you wanna die!? 

You: Off they go. 

Claire: Now, then--

Neko: NYEEEN! 

Claire: Hm? 

Nael: What the--?

Taly: That can't be good. 

You all turn to see the mayhem that the hyperactive cat boy was causing. To your not-so-surprise, he was sprinting around the area pouncing everyone like some lion having a field day with a bunch of gazelle. None of the other Brigade members were expecting that, so he kept catching most of them by surprise. 

Eventually, he turns his excited gaze towards Claire... 

You: Oh, no...

Taly: Don't do it, Neko!
Neko: *Purrs*

Claire: ...

Nael: What in-- What the heck is going on?

Neko gets into his charging position and then begins a sprint on all fours towards the Brigade leader. 

Claire: ! He's fast...

You: NO, NEKO! 

Taly: Bad!

Both you and Taly quickly dive forward and collide with the incoming cat boy at such an impact, that the three of you spin out of control and skid across the grass. 

You: Gah...! Onion Head Emoticons 122

Taly: Ugh. Neko, you've got to stop with the pouncing.

Nael: Okay! Can somebody please tell me what's with these random sexual assaults?? 

You: It's not sexual...

Taly: He's just... 

Claire: Ah, yes. Lion told me about this boy. She said he appeared from the light that was dispersed after Rook's fight with the fiery avatar, yes? 

You: Uh huh. He thinks he's a cat, or something.

Neko: Nen!! 

Taly: Well, it's just-- he appears to not have much else in his mind but his feral qualities. 

Claire: I see. Then, I'm glad that you kept him with you. Any objects or individuals linked to the recent events are essential to our investigations. That includes you and Taly, Rook. Which is why I must speak with you two. 

Claire turns to an Apprentice standing around nearby. 

Claire: You there, would you be so kind as to show our guest, "Neko" to one of our airships? Keep him inside and secured at all costs. That is an order. 

Apprentice: Huh? M-Me? Okay... I'll, uh... Hey, Neko! Hey, boy! Follow me! 

Neko: Nenko?

Neko stands up, but doesn't move. He stares curiously at the Apprentice, who reaches into his own pocket and pulls out a candy bar. 

Apprentice: See this? Food! My lunch, actually... but if it'll get you to move-- Okay, go get it! 

The Apprentice chucks his candy bar towards the airship ramp, but Neko simply watches it land and only twitches an ear at the sound it makes. 

Apprentice: Come on!

Claire: Sigh. Nael?

Nael: Look, buddy, the kid ain't a dog! He won't play fetch. Now, this is how it's done! Onion Head Emoticons 142

Nael stretches his legs and then puts on a stance akin to a marathon runner. A second later, he bolts running towards the airship as fast as he can, flailing his arms and screaming. This immediately causes Neko to chase after him, wanting to pounce the fleeing journalist. 
Neko: Nankooo!! 

Nael: Wuaaah!! crying3 onion head

You: Wow, look at them go. 

Taly: I guess Neko likes to chase people or things that look like prey. 

You: Well, I've always known Nael to be good at running away from things. 

As they run up the airship ramp, Neko manages to pounce Nael right through the opening of the door as he was running in. There are a bunch of loud crashing noises, and then silence for a few seconds before Nael emerges looking like hell. He shuts the door and gives an affirming thumbs up.  

Claire: Now then, I'd like to tell you two about these avatars that we have been encountering. Stiff said something about them being "Einherjars", and that these beings have been coming from an "alternate reality". He also told me that he had reason to believe you two know something of this alternate plane. I am right to assume that he is correct, yes? 

You: U-Um... Yes, but wait a minute. How did Stiff know that?

Taly: That is correct, Lady Claire. Though, we were not aware that anybody else knew of this matter. 

Claire: Well, nobody did until Stiff and Lion had a private meeting with me. They told me that during their stay with the dragons in the Sky World, they encountered Exodus and battled with them a number of times. We still don't know where exactly the members of Exodus originate from, but they have been wanting to capture the two remaining Catalysts in this world for three years now it seems. 

Taly: Yes, we witnessed these events with the power of the Twil'Eye. 

You: Right.

Claire: The Twil'Eye; I would like to know more about that. But some more info on Exodus: Stiff has also confirmed that their leader; General Grau has gained access to that alternate reality with the use of highly-advanced and powerful technology. 

You: Gained access... to Einhera? 

Taly: So, this General Grau wants to cross over into Einhera? 

Claire: Einhera-- so that's what your home is called... Not exactly. Using this technology of his, General Grau created a rift between realities that created a sort of "paradox" between this world and Einhera. 

You: A paradox?

Claire: Because of this rift, aspects of Einhera have begun to exist here in our world and have been radically changed by this reality. Likewise, Einhera is most likely experiencing radical changes itself. 

Taly: For what purpose did Exodus create such a rift? 

Claire: It's still too early to say, but the Einherjars that have been appearing around the world seem to be a direct by-product of General Grau's breach into Einhera. I have no doubt in my mind that Exodus is attempting to not only locate Stiff and Draven, but to locate these Einherjars as well. 

You: I see... So that's why we just happened to run into them out here, so far from headquarters. 

Taly: What about Legion? 

Claire: I would imagine that aside from whatever agenda they may have, Legion is in a similar situation as us. They must be aware of the Einherjars, and of Exodus. 

You: No surprise there. They showed up demanding that we hand over Jedrek. 

Taly: Jedrek appears to have some sort of connection with Exodus as well, though I don't believe he's actually with them. He does not seem the type. 

Claire: Yes, he is being questioned as we speak. Further details we learn of his involvement will be shared with those participating in today's mission. You understand why I am singling you two out, yes? 

You: We understand. But, ma'am... May I ask why Stiff suspected us? As far as I know, he's not from Einhera. 

Claire: I'm not exactly sure, he didn't disclose that with me. I believe he's been waiting for you to confront him about it yourselves. 

You: I see... To think that I've been contemplating telling him about my dreams, before. He must have already known. 

Taly: Steffan the Immaculate. What an intriguing fellow. 

Claire gives the beginnings of a smile before turning and making her way towards her prepared squad. 

Claire: Shall we begin, then? 

Stiff and Okina continue to lie low within the forest, yet to be found...

Stiff: So! 

Okina: Wuh? 

Stiff: I got back in contact with Hyde and Lidia the other day!

Okina: Eh? Hnnm... who were they again? crazy monkey 100

Stiff: You don't remember them? Well, they were that middle-aged couple who took care of me that one time, when I got messed up by Legion and managed to escape. 

Okina: But, you were messed up by Legion lotsa' times, Stiffy! 

Stiff: Pfft. Barely. 

Okina: Nuh uh! crazy monkey 083 Like a hundred times! 

Stiff: Okay, now you're just being mean! depressed1 onion head

Okina: But it's true! The bad guys would be like, pow-pow!! crazy monkey 055 Then Stiffy would be like, "Agh!!"  crazy monkey 092  And then the bad guys would go, "Dieee!" crazy monkey 124 And then Stiffy would get really mad, like "I'm going to kill you all and your entire families..!" crazy monkey 117 Then--

Stiff: ALRIGHT! So I got my butt kicked a couple of times, but that was a long time ago! 

Okina: It was scary! I didn't like when you'd get really mad, Stiffy...

Stiff: Sorry about that. Believe me, I hate it too. Anyway, I worked for Hyde's carpentry business for a few days, remember? Then Draven found me and brought me back to headquarters. 

Okina: Oh yeaaah.... I think I remember now! How are they?

Stiff: They're doing well. Hyde found a lot of work in Eden, so he's always busy. And Lidia runs a small flower shop that Hyde built right on the side of their house. 

Okina: Aw, how sweet! Are you ever going to work with Hyde again? I remember you saying that you liked working in carpentry. 

Stiff: Actually, yeah. I asked him for a part-time job in his carpentry business and he was happy to give me one. 

Okina: Oooh! That's good, Stiffy! But how come? Do you need the extra money? 

Stiff: Not at all. I just... like to build, I guess. And who knows, maybe I'll-- 

Stiff's expression suddenly goes blank, having sensed something odd. The moment his eyes shift towards the trees behind Okina, he suddenly lunges forward and throws his arms around her, enveloping her into a hug as he quickly rotates his body and feels something bounce hard off the back of his steel chest guard. 

Stiff: Okina, stay close!

Okina: W-What? 

Being quick, he picks up the object and hurries behind a tree with Okina. He holds it up to show her some kind of tranquilizer bullet with a strange dark fluid inside.

Stiff: Looks like Exodus found us first. Quick, up into the trees! 

Okina: Exodus?? 

Without another word, he grabs hold of Okina's wrist and hauls her up into the cover of the trees. 

Okina: Stiffy! You don't have to--

Stiff: Hey, listen, I know you're more than capable of protecting yourself, but right now I think it'd be better if you stayed hidden. Remember when we fell from the sky? That happened! So you're not in the best shape to fight right now. 

Okina: But what about you! 

He gives her a light grin. 

Stiff: I'll be fine, silly. Just stay in those trees monkey girl. 

Okina: Hmmmph! crazy monkey 139 Okie, fiiine~ 

She heads higher up into the trees in true monkey fashion until she's entirely out of sight. 

Stiff: Alright. 

Stiff reaches for his sword and disassembles it into his two separate blades.

Stiff: It's time for some fun!

Stiff starts an immediate dash in the general direction that the tranquilizer bullet had been shot from.

Stiff: Hey there, ya Exoderps! Ollie, ollie, oxen free! 

Two Exodus Soldiers appear from behind a pair of trees that were directly across from each other. 

Exodus Soldier: Get him! 

They begin to fire at him with their guns, shooting endlessly as he makes short work of their bullets by simply deflecting them away with his blades. The way he rotated them to block the gunfire looked as if he was rotating two large steel fans around his body. 

Stiff: Who brings a gun to a sword fight? Tch! You wussies! 

Exodus Soldier: Use your net-bombs!

Stiff: Gasp! shock2 onion head Not the net-bombs! 

One of the Exodus Soldiers provides cover fire while the other reaches into one of his belt pockets and pulls out a sphere-shaped projectile; about the size of a tennis ball. Hurling it towards his target, the Exodus Soldier is surprised to see Stiff simply whack the net-bomb away with one of his swords, while using the other to continue deflecting the incoming fire from the other soldier. 

Stiff: Fou-- No, homerun! 

The net-bomb disperses its energized net in mid-air, entrapping the one who had kept shooting at him. He was now pinned to the ground, bound by the net and struggling. Truth be told, this actually surprised even Stiff. 

Stiff: Oghh! Freakin' bonus points, dude! victory onion head

The remaining Exodus Soldier, unaffected by his comrade's entrapment, reaches into his belt pocket and pulls out three different types of projectiles. One of them was a net-bomb like the first, but the other two were different. 

Exodus Soldier: Dodge this, freak!

Stiff: Three!? But I've only got two swords! How am I going to block three freakin' balls!? 

Exodus Soldier: Shut up! 

The soldier throws all consecutively, though not directly at Stiff and more so around him so that he wouldn't deflect them so easily. Stiff pretends to be scared, but then promptly leaps up into the air and hooks the arched parts on the back of his blades onto a branch, quickly swinging himself upward and out of sight. 

The trio of projectiles go off, throwing a net, tranquilizer shots, and knock-out gas all around the spot that Stiff had just been standing. The Exodus Soldier had jumped behind a tree to avoid them himself, and was now cursing to himself as he sought out his target above. 

Everything was silent for a few seconds as he moved cautiously around, keeping his weapon pointed up. 

Stiff: Hehehehe... I think me and you both know how this is going to end, buddy. 

Exodus Soldier: !

Stiff: Nothing good ever comes from a scene like this in movies; when the lower ranked dispensable soldier finds himself alone with the beast. Unaware of its position, but completely aware that he's in its sights... At this point, it's but a matter of seconds... until...

Exodus Soldier: Where are you... Just where in the hell are you!? 

Once again, silence... until...

Stiff: REARRGHH!! 

Exodus Soldier: AHHH! 

Stiff had suddenly lowered himself out of nowhere, directly in front of the soldier while upside-down, actually scaring the poor b*****d. Before he even had a chance to shoot, Stiff grabbed a hold of his arms and pulled him back up into the trees, out of sight. 

Who knows what befell of that soldier... But in a different position, where another small group of two Exodus Soldiers and one Exodus Sergeant searched, they could hear a faint scream. 

Exodus Soldier 1: What the hell? 

Exodus Soldier 2: Sergeant, did you hear that...? 

Exodus Sgt: I heard it you fool, I'm not deaf. That sounded like one of our guys. The objective could be onto us... Keep your eyes peeled. 

Exodus Soldier 1: You don't think he's pulling that darkness s**t again, do you? 

Exodus Soldier 2: I don't know. It's possiBUH--!

Exodus Sgt: He isn't. Remember what General Grau said, the kid can't do it on his own anymore. Right now is as good a chance as any to capture him. 

Exodus Soldier 1: Affirmative, Sergeant. Guess we don't have too much to worry about, eh Cole? Huh? 

Exodus Soldier 1 stops in surprise. He starts to look around frantically. 

Exodus Soldier 1: C-Cole!? 

He hears a slight ruffling coming from his left. 

Exodus Soldier 1: Is that you CUH--! 

Exodus Sgt: I thought I told you two to pay attention! 

The Exodus Sergeant turns around to find both his men sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Someone, or something had knocked them out cold without him even realizing it. Although he knew all too well already that it was their target. 

Exodus Sgt: Alright, you b*****d... You want to play games? Then, let's play. 

Like magic, the Sergeant's suit gives off a small electrical glow before rendering him completely invisible. This was something even Stiff hadn't seen before. 

Stiff: Whoa, papa bought you kids some new toys. I call hax!

Exodus Sgt: Don't take me lightly, you little runt. You're not the only one versed in the art of stealth. 

Stiff drops onto the forest floor from above, landing on his feet. He unsheathes his swords and swerves them around himself slowly, as if feeling around. 

Stiff: Whatever you say, pal! Anyway, it's not like I need stealth to take you out. I just wanted to have some fun. I kinda missed you guys, to be honest. 

Exodus Sgt: Fool... I drew him out after all. 

Oblivious, Stiff activates a trap in the ground that had been set up beforehand, which causes a net similar to the energized one from the net-bombs to spring outward and envelop him. He almost avoided it as he somersaulted back but didn't have enough room to get the distance he needed, so instead he just tumbled onto the floor. 

Stiff: Gah! 

Exodus Sgt: Not so tough now, are you, boy? 

Stiff: Son of a... You tricked me! Clevah geurl. 

Exodus Sgt: Shut your mouth. If it wasn't for General Grau's orders to capture you alive, you'd be dead by now. 

The Exodus Sergeant deactivates his invisible mechanism and operates his communication device. 

Exodus Sgt: General, I've got the boy. I will be sending you my coordinates now. 

General Grau (comm): You're a good man, Sarge. I'm on speaker, right? Hey, Steffan! 

Stiff: General Grau, what a pleasant surprise...

General Grau (comm): Hah, how do you like my kids' new toys? Sleek, right? 

Stiff: Screw you, Grau. 

General Grau (comm): Yeah, love you too, a*****e. So, listen, I was wondering if you've recently lost a pet or something. 

Stiff: What?

General Grau (comm): I'm asking, because I found an adorable little monkey wandering around earlier. I don't suppose she's your pet? I mean, you seem like a monkey type of guy to me. 

Stiff: Okina...! No! 

General Grau (comm): Okina? Cute name. It suits her. I like it... Oh-Kee-Na. 

Stiff: You son of a b***h! I swear, if you touch her...

General Grau (comm): Whoa, easy guy! I thought you liked me? 

Stiff: Eat s**t!!

General Grau (comm): Sigh. And we were having such a nice conversation, too. I guess I'll just cut straight to business. You keep my man, Sarge, entertained while I come to you, and Oh-Kee-Na will remain untouched. Easy-peazy lemon-squeezy. 

Stiff: Oh, I'll keep him entertained... I'll get you Grau. I swear it. 

General Grau (comm): Ohh~ scary. You be a good boy now! 

The device stops receiving feedback as the Exodus Sargeant shuts it off. Loading his weapon with a clip full of tranquilizer shots, he points the barrel at Stiff and sneers. 

Exodus Sgt: Now, let's make sure you stay down.  

He shoots a few times.

Stiff: Ungh...! 

Stiff and Okina are in trouble! The Brigade is running out of time...

To be continued...

© 2012 Jobyn

Author's Note

Hey guys!

Sorry about the absence of character-interaction in this chapter as well, but this turned out to be waaay longer than I anticipated, and am saving the interaction for the next one >_< (Aside from the Bonus Chapter)

My Review

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Featured Review

"She then looks to you with piqued interest in HERE eyes and makes her way over."

Just thought I'd point out the typo there. :P

"where Nael was fumbling with a journal in his hand and held a pen in his mouth. "

This bit was a little odd to read. If it were me, I'd get rid of the last part with the pen, because you only mention it that one time.

Lol. Okay. This chapter had so many fourth wall moments. I nearly grinned through the entire thing!

It was funny, but the humor totally dominated the more serious situation at hand; Stiff and Okina being in serious trouble. If General Grau was the typical malicious antagonist, the humor would have thrown his persona off-balance.

However, he's not the typical antagonist. He's quite cheeky and surprisingly whimsical... and I like that! On top of that, he still manages to pass off as an intelligent and evil villain. I think he's interesting and I want to see more of him.

The battle scene with Stiff and the Exodus soldiers was funny. He came off as really cocky this time around, making light of the more serious soldiers and their attempts to capture him.

A little surprised that the unnamed Sergeant succeeded in doing so, but that's a good thing because it keeps Stiff from being a Mary Sue and puts more importance on the other characters, including us.

I'm glad to see Nael again. I was beginning to think he wasn't going to make another appearance.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Oh, and the Love Pearl idea... Now THIS is going to be interesting.

Let's see... I choose: Neko and Claire

The most unlikely match ever; I know, but after reading how he purred and charged at her, it just had to be done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thanks for pointing those out! I have since done away with em' :))

I'm glad you found .. read more


jeez stiff and Okina are in trouble i thought he was suppose to be all badass lol xD

Posted 12 Years Ago

haha I love how stiff teases the soldiers while fighting them

And for the love pearl....>:) i choose Vero and Jakky!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

hi jobyn

love your story. keep it up :)

tough choice.. but i chose lion and flint

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thank you!
Morg-I mean Nael! Welcome back! I really like this character, glad to finally see more of him! And wow things sure are getting out of hand O.O I hope you keep on updating fast cus what is patience? I expected Grau to be the grouchy tough guy what with his scars and all. You surprised me yet again and I like him more like this!

I've got one request though... please don't turn Okina into a damsel in distress type >.< She's been anything but useful so far...Isn't she the main lady? Then again I guess they can't all be a*s kickers.

Can't believe you actually pulled out the Love Pearl card XD Glad you did though!
I'll chose Taly and Draven! They both seem oblivious to romance, should be funny to see how they get around XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Haha, morgan! xD I totally wasn't even thinking about him when I had Nael be the only one who heard .. read more
"She then looks to you with piqued interest in HERE eyes and makes her way over."

Just thought I'd point out the typo there. :P

"where Nael was fumbling with a journal in his hand and held a pen in his mouth. "

This bit was a little odd to read. If it were me, I'd get rid of the last part with the pen, because you only mention it that one time.

Lol. Okay. This chapter had so many fourth wall moments. I nearly grinned through the entire thing!

It was funny, but the humor totally dominated the more serious situation at hand; Stiff and Okina being in serious trouble. If General Grau was the typical malicious antagonist, the humor would have thrown his persona off-balance.

However, he's not the typical antagonist. He's quite cheeky and surprisingly whimsical... and I like that! On top of that, he still manages to pass off as an intelligent and evil villain. I think he's interesting and I want to see more of him.

The battle scene with Stiff and the Exodus soldiers was funny. He came off as really cocky this time around, making light of the more serious soldiers and their attempts to capture him.

A little surprised that the unnamed Sergeant succeeded in doing so, but that's a good thing because it keeps Stiff from being a Mary Sue and puts more importance on the other characters, including us.

I'm glad to see Nael again. I was beginning to think he wasn't going to make another appearance.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Oh, and the Love Pearl idea... Now THIS is going to be interesting.

Let's see... I choose: Neko and Claire

The most unlikely match ever; I know, but after reading how he purred and charged at her, it just had to be done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thanks for pointing those out! I have since done away with em' :))

I'm glad you found .. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on December 12, 2012
Last Updated on December 13, 2012
Tags: Adventure, Excitement, Interactive, Anime, Manga, Fantasy, Romance, War, Comedy, Humor, Mature, Brotherly, Friendship, Love, Book

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