![]() Tides of Twilight - Chapter 15: The Dome of EmbersA Chapter by Jobyn![]() As if the people of the Brigade weren't enough to handle, you are now introduced to their rivals...! That, and more... MUCH more.![]() Check items. $: 5,000G Currency. "Did you know? Nael is the star of his own story now!" Check it out Here There were about five of these so called "Legion" facing off against the six Brigade Elites currently with you and the other apprentices. The six Elites; of course, were Stiff, Vero, Okina, Annie, Flint, and Lion. Okina frowns at Kyrie before giving her a playful smile, brushing her cute little threats off with ease. Okina: Tsk, tsk, Kyrie... Still making empty threats that you can never pull through with! When are you going to learn that threats are for those who are too chicken bawk-bawk to fight back? Kyrie: Okina... It's good to see you that you're still as childish as ever. (Smirk) It keeps defeating you more entertaining. Okina: Hey! I'm not childish! You're the one being all cute, giving us little threats like those... A young, tall and athletic elfin man with short, wavy dark green hair who was biting down on a toothpick stepped up to Kyrie's side. He closed his hands into a fist and pulled them behind him, inserting them into these two large plated gauntlets that hung across the back of his waist. Yanking his arms forward once more, he grinned wide and got into a fighting pose, now bearing two sizable steel fist weapons in both arms. He began mocking Vero. ???: Well, well, well... If it ain't Vero, the s**t bird. Vero spits off to the side and smirks, brandishing his two handed axe and unfurling the chain around his arm that the weapon was attached to for the first time since you met him. Vero: Zero... Of all the filth in Legion, they send their most pathetic piece of s**t yet. Zero: Pathetic, eh? Why don'tcha c'mon over here and lemme embed the shape of that stupid face of yours into the fist of my gauntlet... G'ahead, c'mere! Vero: Why don't I grab you, tie you to that ridiculous vessel you fools rode in on, and then boomerang you back to the backwash of the world instead? Zero: Hehe, this is gonna' be fun. For me, maybe. Then, a young feline hybrid woman with waist-length black hair and pale skin joins the other two. She bears a large, jeweled and foldable scythe which tracts outward via a trigger which she presses as she holds the lengthy weapon forward. It's probably not necessary to say this but... She had some rather large boobies, and gave any of you guys giving them a second glance a sinister look. Annie: Oh, look, they even thought to bring Baellie McBoobs with them. How thoughtful. Now I can make some good use of my sword... Baellie: So it seems you still live, Annie. I must admit, I'm a little surprised... Anywho, it won't be for much longer. Prepare to fall, feckless wench! Annie: "Feckless wench"? That's a new one, stemming from an oooold one. You do realize it's been like, what, thousands of years since people talked that way, right? Baellie: Hmph. You do realize 'tis a sin for a young woman to be so repulsively, revoltingly-repugnant now, yes? I shall be your dark messenger, and will release you from sin! Flint: Whoa, I gotta admit, despite her wording, that one was pretty fresh. Annie: 1, Big Booby Baellie: 2! Annie: Shut up, Flint! Just then, a flying rubber disc used more as a toy than a weapon comes zipping out of nowhere and nabs Flint directly on the side of his head. Flint: AUGH! ![]() The young man who had thrown the disc stood in a dramatic pose, pointing his index finger at Flint with a broad smile on his face. ???: (DJ scratching sounds) Risqé! He seemed a lot younger than the other Legion members, and bore no weapon. Instead, he dressed in athletic attire and had shaggy, short dark blue hair. He also wore a large pair of black tinted shades. For whatever reason, he never stopped moving his body, cripwalking as he beatboxed to his own rhythm. Flint: Aw man, not this Risqé guy again... Why do I always face off against the weirdos!? (Rubbing his head) Risqé: Pf zk pf-pf zk, pf zk vnnsh-vnnsh zk... Pf-skchskch pf-skchskch vnchk! (Whispers, pointing at Flint) Risqé. A smaller child-like female soon approached last, fixing her reading glasses and blinking at each of the Brigade Elites. She had blonde hair that was fashioned into large pig tails. Appearing confused at first, she reaches for her glowing stave and holds it to her lap. ???: Have we run into the Brigade? Does this mean we have to fight now? Why are they here? Are they after the same target? Can we not share him somehow? Maybe come to a negotiation? No? Would everybody rather fight for the target? How come? Zero: Will ya quit yappin' your mouth, Ciel? Lion: Whoa there. To be quite honest, I don't think anybody in their right mind would go through the hassle of negotiating with someone who asks that many questions. In fact, I think that might even be a bigger pain than to simply fight... Ciel: Oh dear, do you really think so? What if I asked less questions? Wouldn't that be better? No? Perhaps if I resorted to hand signs? Can you understand sign language? The girl began to ask just as many questions in sign language, moving her hands all over the place and holding them out every two seconds. Lion: Nope. Don't think that helps any. (Draws her dual-daggers) Vero: I think we've had enough chit-chat. It's time to drop some heads. The two groups promptly engage each other in combat. While he still had the chance, Jedrek quickly hurried over behind his deactivated Mek and began working on getting out of his binds. Shortly after that, he was planning to fix as much of the wiring as he could before anybody would notice him. Like fools, you and the other Apprentices remained watching the fight between the skilled fighters, preferring to stay out of it for now. **Did you know? If you had chosen the alternate option at the beginning of this story, the members of Legion would have been your comrades and the story would have played out differently! This same confrontation would be taking place, though with you on Legion's side. Fancy that; two rival organizations with a common enemy! You: They're all evenly matched... Taly: The Brigade and Legion have been confronting each other for over three years now. They were a much bigger threat then, but after Steffan the Immaculate and Drebin the Umbral took out their commanding officers, they have become more organized and focused on ulterior motives, rather than mindless bloodshed. You: Drebin the Umbral? Taly: The one known as "Draven"; the second remaining Catalyst... and Steffan the Immaculate's closest friend. He has long since joined Legion under his own motives. You: Oh, that's right... I remember hearing about him. You sure do know your recent history, Taly... Taly: Yes. As I said before, my father has taught me much. Of course, it was common for one to know who those two were. Meanwhile, now free of his cuffs and giving his Mek a quick pit repair, Jedrek manages to get it back online. Quickly getting it to stand up, he smirks in delight and hops in. Jedrek: That'll do for now, but I'll have to pilot it myself... He brings the Mek to lunge forward, launching away streams of condensed fire and ice from its "crystal cannons" in order to get those in the way to scatter. Jedrek: That's right, move! Who's the b***h now!? Jedrek speeds off in his Mek, causing Vero to turn to you and the other Apprentices, completely infuriated. You: Uh... Was that Jedrek!? Vero: What the f**k are you idiots doing!? Go after him! ALL of you! Don't let him get away! You: R-Right! You and the other Apprentices; including Taly, quickly hurry after the fleeing machinist. Rather than go on foot, you all hop on one of the cargo trucks and speed off in pursuit, avoiding all the onlookers who were trying to run away from the battle. None of those in Legion had a chance to come after you, what with the Brigade Elites keeping them busy. While chasing after the Mek, you pull out your dual-pistols and aim them at the legs of the machine, making sure not to hit Jedrek. While your shots hit, they hardly even create a scratch on the customized surface armor. Jedrek laughs at your little attempt to damage his Mek. Jedrek: Haha! Were you... Were you seriously trying to get something done by shooting at the machine? Hell, you're f*****g crazy! (Keeps laughing, not stopping) You: Jeez... He's so full of himself. Unfortunately, it really doesn't look like I'll be able to damage his armor. Taly, you know these machines, right? How can we get it to stop? Taly: We must get closer. The engine on Jedrek's Mek is not exposed, so we must jump into the cockpit itself and damage it from the inside. You: In that case-- driver! Can you get us close enough for me to jump inside the Mek? I think I can take the machine out if everyone else kept Jedrek suppressed. Driving Apprentice: You wanna jump inside that thing? Alright, be my guest! Hold on, now... (Speeds up) None of the other Apprentices were exactly in line to get inside the moving Mek, so they all agreed to cover you. The plan was to get close enough so that you could make a surefire leap of faith inside the cockpit while the other Apprentices subdued Jedrek by throwing nets and non-fatal magicks at him. However, Jedrek appeared to have caught onto your plan when he saw the cargo truck pulling up close to his Mek, because he suddenly rotated the body of his machine and aimed its crystal cannons at you. Driving Apprentice: Oh, s**t! You: Pull away! Jedrek: Quit grindin' on me! Shoo! He shoots a condensed stream of ice at the left set of the vehicle's wheels, rendering them unable to rotate which in turn brought the truck to swerve out of control. You and the other Apprentices were quick to evacuate the vehicle before it flipped over. Jedrek: Haha! How was that, punks? Eh? (Turns around) Oh, s**t. Despite his rather quiet reaction, Jedrek's Mek had ran straight into a large turned up set of rocks sticking out of the ground. He obviously didn't see them since he had the upper portion of his machine facing you all, while it continued to run forward. The sudden crash caused his Mek to stumble out of control before falling forward and skidding across the ground. Jedrek remained inside the Mek, holding on tight. Jedrek: Gah... F**k! You narrow your eyes and quickly take this chance to sprint forward, realizing that Jedrek and his machine were now vulnerable. Taly makes a feeble attempt to stop you for some reason, but fails. Taly: Wait. You: He's open! I'm going for him! Jedrek: Come on, get up, get up! Jedrek was frantically fiddling with the controls, trying to get the Mek to stand up. It was reacting slowly because of the malfunctioned wires, but it started to pull itself back onto its "legs". However, both you and Jedrek stopped short as you felt a sudden quake centered around the area you were standing in. Jedrek: The f**k was that...? You: Huh? An earthquake? No... This is something else! The large rocks that Jedrek's Mek had crashed into suddenly began to rumble. Another quake, much stronger this time ensued. Right after, the rumbling rocks began to rise out of the earth, creating a sort of "wall" around your entire perimeter; trapping you and the machinist in an enclosed arena. The large rocks that had bordered around you began to pull back a bit, creating big gaps in front of them that began to release black smoke. Soon after that, large bursts of fire began to shoot straight up and out of those gaps, creating a giant barrier of flames. However, these weren't normal flames. They began to enclose the area above into a "dome". The temperature rapidly began to increase, drawing sweat from your bodies in a matter of seconds. Jedrek: What the f**k, man! What is this!? Some kind of volcano!?!? You: No... This is... It can't be! The temperature continued to increase as the fire dome's flames began to thicken. The entire area had quickly become a red, fiery hell. Jedrek: Gah, damn! This heat...! Jedrek messes with some controls inside the c**k pit's panel. After doing so, he activates a transparent paling over his Mek. This appears to bring both him and his overheating machine relief from the heat. However; for you, it's a different story. You fear at this rate you would quickly be burned alive. Just outside the fiery dome, the other Apprentices can only stare in awe and confusion, wondering what in the fiery hell is going on. Taly, not reacting as such, approaches the fire dome and holds her hand up towards the "walls". Shutting her eyes, she begins to concentrate... And you hear the distant sound of her voice in your head. Your Autumn Frigicite... Use it. Harness it's powers! You: ! You have activated your Autumn Frigicite! You are now able to sustain the incredibly high temperatures. You: Much better... Jedrek: Hey you! (Looking at you) You still alive!? The f**k is going on here? How come you aren't burning up? Before you could answer Jedrek's question, the dirt in the center of the dome begins to spiral inward until it creates a large, smoking hole. Like the flames that had risen from the ground and created the dome, a burst of fire shoots out of this hole; now truly resembling something of a volcano. The color of this fire begins to change drastically, going from bright red, to orange, to green, to blue, and then back to red. The flames begin to move about, taking shape into a strange fiery being. Countless large rocks from the border of the dome began to fly towards this being, creating a solidified body for it. Now it was beginning to look like some kind of giant fire golem... and it had its sites set on you two. Warning! Now engaging...
___________________________________________ The Avatar of Flames (????/????HP) Jedrek: What... the... F**K! I repeat: What. THE. F**K! You: This is just like back then... (Remembering the Dome of Frost) But where are its crystals!? Agnarest's face-- if it could be called a face, takes form over the "head" rock. Its features are engulfed with flames, giving him a rather menacing expression. He begins stomping over to you and Jedren, opening its mouth wide and breathing out a wide stream of fire towards you both; similar to Jedrek's fire cannon, though on a much bigger scale. Both you and Jedrek manage to jump out of the way in time, and any smaller flames that do make contact with the machinist are absorbed by his Mek Armor. Jedrek: Hey, buddy! I'm the least of your problems now, so we'd better work together on this! Now how the hell do we kill this thing!? You: I... I'm not sure! Jedrek: What!? You: I'm not too sure myself, but try looking for some kind of crystals along its body! Jedrek: Crystals...? I don't see no damn crystals! You: Guh, just keep looking! ~*~
Meanwhile, outside the Dome of Embers... Apprentice 1: What the hell is that!? Apprentice 2: Haven't got a clue, but Rook and Jedrek were trapped inside... Apprentice 3: You think they're dead...? Apprentice 2: I don't know. I can't reach Rook via comm pearl... There's no signal. Apprentice 1: Well, whatever the case, the others have gone back to report to the Elites. Nothing else we can do but hope the flames die down until then... Apprentice 3: Did you guys see that light coming out of this thing before it closed up? It was a lot like-- Apprentice 1: I know. The light back at Lake Eden. Apprentice 2: Rook was there in Lake Eden, too... Taly: ... Taly turns away from the dome of embers as she senses another presence nearby. This particular presence was unlike any other she had previously felt. Definitely a lot stronger than the other Legion members. In fact, she got an incredibly similar feeling deep in her soul whenever she was near Steffan. Looking past the oblivious Apprentices who were still caught up on the dome of embers, she was now eye to eye with a tall, strapping young man who stood calmly across them all and wielded a blackened great sword, which was kept on his back. He looked no older than twenty, having suddenly appeared from what had to be thin air-- or else she would have sensed him long before he got this close. Either that, or he was incredibly fast. Even now, standing there, he made no sound. The blazing wind from the fiery walls blew firmly against him, causing his short, though somewhat lengthy pitch black hair to flow back against his head. His eyes were a shimmering red-- not necessarily a blood thirsty crimson like one would expect from a being with so much lingering darkness inside of him. Rather, they were an empowering red, brimming with strength and hard held wisdom, carried through from years of pain as well as fierce learning. The same could be said of the stern, reminiscently wistful look on his otherwise handsome persona. As he walked towards the dome, the gleam of a silver plated pendant in the shape of a dragon fang bounced against his chest. Apprentice 1: Huh? Hey, you! Stop right there! This area is off-limits. Apprentice 2: Go back the way you came, sir. Apprentice 3: Who are you, anyway...? Young Man: ... He paid no heed whatsoever to the lesser Brigadiers. He only proceeded to approach the blazing wall. This, of course, triggered a negative response from the Apprentices, who briefly drew their weapons. Apprentice 1: Take one more step and we'll be forced to deal with you accordingly! Apprentice 2: I suggest you stop now, sir! Apprentice 3: Is this guy deaf or something!? Young Man: ...
Apprentice 1: Doesn't matter now. Looks like he's intent on ignoring us. It's his call... Attack! The Apprentices had no choice but to engage the unresponsive man, even though he hadn't attacked them. But they had orders to engage those who didn't comply as hostiles. However, what they didn't expect, was to be met with an incomprehensible force which they had yet to experience in their lives up until now. Each attack, whether by sword or by bullet was parried seamlessly, and without effort! Some of their melee attacks were even shoved off course by the man's hand itself... Keeping the same walking pace towards the dome of embers, the young man took each and every Apprentice out with the use of knock-out blows made with his hand; something like a swift karate chop to the neck. It was a mystery why he didn't simply kill either of them. Perhaps he thought they weren't worth killing. The young man gave a single glance at Taly as he came to a stop in front of the flaming dome, examining it for a few seconds. As he began to reach his hand forward, a small chime was emitted from a dark pearl in his pocket. Pulling his hand back away from the fire, he answered the pearl without saying anything. From there, the disgruntled voice of a girl spoke to him. Kyrie: Hey, are you there? Listen, (Fighting sounds) there's another Brigade Elite here who we haven't seen yet. I haven't got a clue who he is, but he's picking us off without even trying... Young Man: ... A Brigade Elite? Kyrie: Ah! One second-- (More fighting) Okay, well, I don't know what he is, but he's definitely on their side. He dual wields two swords and wears an eye patch over his left eye.... We need you here, Draven. He's... He's really strong. Draven: I'm on my way. Kyrie: Okay... Kyrie out. (End transmission) Draven took one last glance at Taly before turning around and going off on his way, leaving her there on the ground unscathed. Each step he took was like a blur, sending him many feet further than if he were to just walk normally. The farther he got, the lighter this overwhelming feeling inside Taly's being became, until it completely left her. Taly: Drebin the Umbral... You finally show yourself. ~*~
Back inside the dome of embers, you and Jedrek were hardly holding your own against Agnarest. While the machinist's paling was enough to keep him from burning up too bad; and your Autumn Frigicite providing a similar effect for you, there was no doubt in your mind that they were only temporary solutions. You had to find a way to take Agnarest down fast. Jedrek: God d****t, it's no use! There are no crystals on this guy, man! You: I'm aware of that now... What the hell do you want me to do about it!? Jedrek: Well you gotta' know something! You sure as f**k knew how to stop yourself from bursting into flames and turning into a lump of coal! You: Whatever. Wait... Hm, the flames on this guy... After quickly avoiding another wave of fire that Agnarest had spouted at you, you begin to examine its fiery body carefully. You: Hey, Jedrek! Jedrek: What!? You: Can't you shoot water or ice or something with those crystal cannons of yours? Jedrek: Well, no s**t. What about it? You: Try extinguishing the flames around this thing's body! Quick! Jedrek: You want me to attack it? Are you crazy!? This thing's going to go apeshit on me if I do something like that! You: It's do or die, Jedrek! Jedrek: Fff-- Alright, fine. Grab its attention so I can get a clear shot! You nod and quickly move in to nab Agnarest's attention. It only took firing at it a couple of times with your dual-pistols to do so. Pretty soon, you had it spouting fire at you and threatening to crispify your rear. You: Hurry up! I can't outrun it for long! Jedrek: I'm going, I'm going... (Fiddling with his panel) The large blue ice crystal attached to the left cannon of Jedrek's Mek begins to spin furiously, charging the weapon up. When it's gathered up enough ice energy, he aims the cannon up at the Agarest and begins to spray it with a steady stream of ice, which quickly accumulates around the fire beast's body. Sure enough, this extinguishes some of the flames and reveals a couple of glowing crystals that were hidden under the fire blazing around its body. Jedrek: Holy s**t, you were right! You: That's it! Keep it up! I'm going to shoot the crystals! Jedrek: Gah! Hurry! I think this thing's getting pissed at me! Indeed, it was. Agnarest had lost all of its interest in you and began to glide towards Jedrek, who's aim became shoddy the moment he started to panic. Being quick, you pull out your dual-pistols, twirling them in your fingers before stopping them with the barrels aiming point blank at the vulnerable crystals. The moment you started to shoot them, Agnarest began to flay its rocky appendages about in disarray, becoming agitated. Jedrek: You like that s**t, f*****g fire devil!? Haha! You: He's acting tough now, but just a few seconds ago, he was crying like a baby... Needless to say, the Agnarest was becoming more and more enraged by your retaliations. As the vulnerable crystals began to crack, they briefly pulsed with a red color before the beast unleashed a wide burst of flames that quickly melted away the ice Jedrek had stuck it with. It was more furious now than ever... But with your new tactics, both you and the machinist countered with another round of the same thing. It wasn't too much longer until Agnarest began to convulse in pain, its flames spazzing all over. The rock "body" it had come to form now began to crumble, breaking away into little chunks that dropped to the large hole in the center below. After that, the flames it was comprised of began to disperse, until what was left was a womanly figure with fiery red hair. She was now free of pain and suffering, lit up like a mystical phoenix rather than a blazing beast. Elegantly, she lowered herself towards Jedrek as the flames belonging to the dome began to die out. Agnarest: You have rescued my soul from hellfire. I thank you, mortal. For this, I shall grant you my blessing... The woman brings her hands together and harnesses a portion of her body's glow, creating a red glowing frigicite before her. She hands this stone to Jedrek, and begins to glide upwards through a new beam of light. Jedrek has received the Summer Frigicite! Description: A ruby colored stone containing fire properties. Agnarest returns to Einhera. *Info: You did not meet the requirements to receive the Summer Frigicite. In order to have received this item, you were required to have had the Winter Frigicite in your possession. This would have allowed you to defeat Agnarest on your own, thus she would reward you with the Summer Frigicite. Jedrek: The f**k? A rock? I just fought the f*****g devil, and she gives me a damn rock? I was expecting a little more from a bombshell like that... Well, s**t. This looks like it holds some pretty good value, at least. I bet I could get some good pocket money for it. You: ... As the area starts returning to normal, the machinist turns off his Mek and continues to bounce the Summer Frigicite in his hands. You: I need that stone. Jedrek: What, this thing? You: Yeah. I'd make better use of it than you. Jedrek: Hehe. Tell you what, since you helped me out a bit back there, I'll let you buy it from me. How's that sound? You: Wh-What!? "A bit"? If it weren't for me, you'd be nothing but ashes right about now! Jedrek: Same to you. You: Grrr... Jedrek: That fire babe gave it to me, so it's mine. If you want it that bad, you can have it for... 11,000G. You: 11,000G!? D****t... Fine. You check the amount of currency on you at the moment, and sulk when you realize you don't have enough. You: All I got is 5,000G... I would have had enough if I didn't buy that Gunslinger upgrade... Serves me right for being impatient. Jedrek: Well, that sucks for you. Tell you what, though. I'll come back to Eden with you guys. You: Really? Jedrek: Yeah. I owe you that much, I guess... But tie me up again and I'm f****n' outta there. You: Okay. Sounds good. While the landscape had all but returned to normal, and any remnants of the fire gone, the newly made beam of light remained. But you paid little mind to it when you saw the distressed Taly on the floor, as well as the other Apprentices lying around unconscious. You rush over to her and help her up. She appeared to be staring into the beam of light. You: Taly!? What happened? Taly: We met with Drebin the Umbral. He took out all resistance, but didn't kill them. Do not worry, he showed little interest in me. He appeared to be looking... At that. You: Huh? Taly pointed at the beam of light, which strangely began to thin out, as if it were about to disperse. Both of you had your attention to it now, because it became clear that there was still something within that light. A shape... A humanoid shape. Yes, you could see it now... The light continued to shrink, until it had completely disappeared and revealed a young boy standing there, looking drowsy and a bit dazed... As if he had just woken up from a deep slumber. What really shocked you though, is that you felt a strange connection to this boy, as if you had seen him somewhere before. You: You... Letting your eyes trace over his feline features, you receive the sudden flash of an image in your mind. Even though it was gone in an instant, you could see the despondent statue inside the Crystal Spire of Einhera with its odd feline features, as it had been when Emelline was speaking to it. You: My lord..!? It's you! You didn't exactly know why you had suddenly called this young boy that. He obviously didn't look like a lord. But still, of all the things you remembered, you recalled those words when referring to him. Taly bowed her head by instinct as well. Jedrek was completely dumbfounded. Taly: Your grace. The young feline hybrid suddenly turned his empty gaze towards you and gave a very light, almost serene smile. ![]() However, that quickly changed as he blinked a countless number of times and really began to get a look at his surroundings. He now appeared fully awake as his ears twitched at every single little sound coming from every direction. Lowering himself in a crouched position, he rubs his ears with the back of his hand and then quickly straightens up as he sees you and Taly. Boy: Nyen...? (Blinks) You: What...? Are you alright, my lord? Boy: Nyen nen! Taly: ...My lord? The moment Taly takes a few steps forward, the feline hybrid inches forward on all fours, arching his tail up. He narrows his eyes and smiles in a playful manner, pressing the tip of his tongue out between his lips in a focused manner. You: Uh, I think you should be careful Taly... He looks like he's about to-- Boy: (More forcefully) NYEN! Without warning, the boy quickly sprints forward while hunched over like some cat, pouncing Taly onto the grass and looking down at her with a toothy grin. The tips of his feline fangs began to poke out between his lips, seemingly appearing when he was in this kind of mood. Taly laid there motionless, looking up at him. She was just as lost as you were. Taly: ... He then looks up at you and looms away from Taly, giving you that same, ready-to-pounce look he had given Taly prior to charging her. You: W-Wait a second, no pouncing, alright? ![]() Boy: Nye-hena! He makes a dash for you, moving at an alarming rate. You couldn't even hope to avoid such a charge. Of course, you were brought down to the grass in a similar fashion that Taly had been, left astounded by the force such a smaller framed and agile person could apply. The boy curiously bops you on the head once, completely unchanged. You: Gah! Jedrek: Can someone tell me what the f**k is going on? Is this kid retarded or something? He thinks he's a god damn cat! Like, a real cat! Taly: (Sitting back up) My lord is... not being himself. Question 1: You look up at the unusually mischievous and frisky face of the one you used to call "lord', though as to why is still unknown. Having pounced you to the floor, you don't know how to react, because it's just so out of character for him to do such a thing, or so your memories recall. 1). My lord? What's gotten into you? Don't you have a bigger vocabulary than "nyen"? (2 Votes) 2). **Results have been tallied. To be continued... (Leave your choices in the Comment/Review section below) © 2012 JobynAuthor's Note
Featured Review
4 Reviews Added on July 29, 2012 Last Updated on July 30, 2012 Tags: Humor, Comedy, War, Romance, Fantasy, Manga, Anime, Interactive, Excitement, Adventure, Mature, Brotherly, Friendship, Love, Book |