Notches not nachos. The superficial is nozionistico.
Interesting, interessato. I realized I couldn’t use all the words.
Talk with talc, and that was chalk. No
more late night chalk
At the school where I got to work. They
replaced all the late
Night chalkboards with white ones. I
can’t get into assaggiare-assurdo.
Lovely chicks can dig it, but when I hear the words they sound like
Eeyore or donkeys, so I can’t even them. Sigh! Not today. Someone
Intermediates, interprets and can say assoluto
but it doesn’t sound well.
Let’s go around the room and figure out why we are here. Does anybody
Ungraciously see the institution for what it usually is? A money-maker?
Fortunately, realism is what I see, but I cannot see what I want to know
Lunacy of numbers, whether or not I should continue in this game of words,
Uccelli or so be it, not a game bird
necessarily but a game of birds.
And now the second draw, with this sword and now, which way is the man?
Colgado-Sacrificio this is why we need
to study Albanian, or German, French.
Have they brought in the spring chickens all cut up in the marketplace for a
Turkey? Surely not a turnkey. Is it idealism or constraint? That is what
the man means.
Surely it is idealism which blocks my decision about whether or not to go on
with this…
Moreover, there is constraint, which sounds lovely, why not stop for a minute
and wait…?
A light could be seen I suppose somewhere.
Either it is at the end of the tunnel or
Nowhere, we loved each other for our broad or grand expressions, but was it
just an hour.
I practice sanity from a fear of knives, not knowing fencing or swordplay for
lives or even wives.
My widow is a pane, didn’t you know Old English knows that, the dow the eye the win… the wind; what of that? She’s blind.