Sign away on the dotted line.
Take my fears away. I give you
A rose, dear girl. He was only
Mine for one day in the sense that
People weren't there and I was just
Excommunicated later.
Liable for all sought kisses,
Liberated from all misses,
A diamond in the rough like us.
Steady the pen, the hand devoid
Tonight of meaning I work for
A prize on some eventual
Mountain. I want it not to stop,
Please a person, I want to please.
Of course it is like whining, death's
Stage brings out black curtains, stop now
Time, stop now everything; how can
A moment freeze me, and great lies
Narrate a nappy deduction.
Call me, call me, call me and then
Anyone will see that one's sight
Reasons, can reason with the mind.
Escape. Tomorrow was going
Someday to be better than now.
Talking to the inner spirit
A person sends me to myself.
No one sends me to myself, I
Can't breathe and die possessed of this
Arrogant evil both within and without
Ring the bell, I didn't try to be better.
Someone loved me, did I love, did I want him?
I wanted his body and soul and spirit for me too, but to share with whomever.
*stampella; crutch; stampo-mold; stancare-tire out; stancarsi-get tired out