KeysA Poem by MaggotsXWas written for a group prompt ("Treasured Item"). I chose to focus on a father's (or other parent) teachings, with a bit of class dynamics tossed in.Keys"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson The man, Walter Monroe, air-dusted his keyboard: with hands, palesome and pocksome, he moved the pressurized can deliberately, -- small moves, moves of measure -- directing the flow to remove all residuals of his work in small puffs of his white flaky skin. The man worked: Walter, CFO, worked exhaustively at his keyboard. The man knew: the keys, to reward and recognition, are earned by sweat of brow; cause and effect -- Walter's father, his CEO, knew this; taught this -- at his table, at his knee. He taught this. They taught this. The boy, Monroe Walters, blew on his keyboard: with breath, fresh and futile, he wasted precious time, time left to be spent, -- small breaths, breath of youth -- directing the flow, under his key, stuck in a down position; down here, among the books, down here. The boy worked: Monroe, twelve, worked so tirelessly in the college library. The boy knew: the keys were the only chance he had; what luck to be off the street: cause and effect -- Monroe's father, the janitor, knew this; provided this -- when he could, whenever he could. He taught this. They taught this. MaggotsX @ 07.14.2022© 2022 MaggotsXAuthor's Note
Added on July 17, 2022 Last Updated on July 17, 2022 Tags: teaching, parents, socioeconomic, privilege AuthorMaggotsXGreenup, ILAboutHowdy, my name is John. I've been reading and writing/publishing poetry since I was a kid. Primarily as pure hobby-craft, but I have placed in a few publication contests in the past. My style usually .. more..Writing