Revelation. Moments of truth and peace within ourselves
In the
stillness of the night Silence all around save for the Distant foghorn
sounding out I sit by the seashore, alone Staring off into the
distance The vastness of the oceans Darkness, mesmerizing, lulling Me
into a dream-like state.
Stars twinkling down upon my form The moons
soft ray's high above me Such beauty for the eye to see, yet lost in this
moment.. For alone I am Lost in deep thought. Traveling the sands Of time.
To a place of memory, age old Moved towards the cob-webs pushed Back, to
hold onto.. Like pictures of past.
Salty tears move slowly down my
cheeks Cold from the night air, yet numb to all I am. Standing at the edge
of the coolness Lapping at my feet.. The sand moving back And forth with
the tide.. Like memories They slowly come forward, only to be yanked
back Once again before touching your minds eye In a blink of an eye, they
are gone, traveling.
Back towards the yesterdays.. The hands of
time Once again taking their due.. I am free once more To move forward..
The stars looking down catch my Eye. The moons ray's beaming softly upon my
form I see in shadow upon the cool sand.. And I stand And look all
around.. Suddenly seeing for the first time All before me.. Above me.. Hands
moving, I wipe At the tears, now dried upon my cheeks.. Then I
Slowly turning, I hear the sound of the fog-horn In the
distance, so peaceful, the thought comes To mind as I slowly make my way
towards my home..
The silence that meets me, I savor like a drug No
longer afraid. For once again I have survived..
Yes... I softly sigh
deep within. Once again I have survived..
This poem was very fluid, and very romanticized. I liked it a lot. I also like the way you chose a font. I usually don't like fancy fonts but I love the one you chose, it really designed your poem like it was a letter of some sort or something.
life has us, holding us to the very thoughts of each and every moment whether joyous, sad, or just thankful that we have been and are the strength that we cherish...
There is something to be said about sitting in silence and letting your mind go in any direction that it wants. At first the poem seems to be filled with sorrow and maybe regret as past memories seem to sting the present but then once we can really focus and think it through we see the silver lining in all experiences and in this one it is to say no matter how bad it may feel we did survive to live another day. Beautiful poetry.
As usual your words send the reader to a magical place I place of peace and serenty oh to be in such a place with the one i love would be heaven on earth Is ther such a place? you oh Poet must tell me of it must point it out must bring me to it o that I might share such a place with my belove-ed
Hello to all;
Been awhile since I been on. Most know me, some don't. Hopefully I can get to know the few that don't and catch up with all the other fine fellow poets/friends that have become so.. more..