CHAPTER SEVEN A Call from Home & The Howl of Emotion

CHAPTER SEVEN A Call from Home & The Howl of Emotion

A Chapter by Fayyaadh

As the morning drew close Savina started to slowly wake up, although sleeping was risky it was really just uncomfortable as she felt sore waking up, so she slowly got up and started to stretch carefully, at least this time they had a somewhat peaceful sleep she saw Elaina still asleep although looking a bit uncomfortable though but when one is tired one doesn’t complain, she walked over to see how Leon was doing, she was still slightly hurt by how he lectured her when she ran head first into a fight, but she knew it was only since he cared about her, as she drew closer she found the way he was on the ground like passed out she quickly but light turned him over it looked like he was in a slight pain so she slowly woke him up as carefully as she could at the same time trying not panic, as he started to stir he temporarily forgot where he was and instinctively grabbed Savina’s throat chocking her before realizing it was once he did though he quickly the both noticed his hand was covered in black fur and his nails were slightly longer and black as well, he quickly scrambled to cover it up looking for his gloves which fell off him without him seeing it fall, so she calmly got the gloves from where they fell and stretched out her hand to give it to him with a reassuring look “ You don’t have to say anything right now, I only know small details about your condition but not the whole thing when you are ready to talk about it I will be here, but I suggest we do so in private, we have a lot of terrain to cover but you don’t have much time however though so let’s keep moving for now okay” with that reassurance from Savina he put his gloves on which slowly put his hand back to his normal state. They got to waking Elaina up who complained about being sore and how uncomfortable she was they both
 just smirked at this, once they had a quick bite to eat Leon poke his head out the illusion of the wall at the head of cave to make sure no one was around, once he found it ok he deactivated the
small device that helped shield the place and both himself and Savina deactivated the cloaking spell however it was only in half effect since he passed out so the effect wasn’t as full they weren’t about to tell their charge that however, but after they started walking instead of using their boards to travel faster , the smirked at each other about this as it was torture for, she probably never travel like this either in a long time or never at all probably short distance but the two did mean well as this in part of training to help her build some form of stamina, but they did need to save energy for their boards, as the still had a long way to go before they reached the place where the transport they would acquire will be they carried on for a good thirty minutes before they came to a fork on the road that had three routes to choose from the left route was called Colp, the right side was called Cotean and the centre rout was called Colt  “Well let’s see which way the map says to go as she uploaded the map for them to see… hmm nothing is showing on the map actually all three routes do get to the same destination but other than the middle one the other two do eventually veer off at some point, but how do we choose where two go…”, then she remembered this is where Leon would pitch in with the most ridiculous way of solving these decisions “Alright best two out of three rock, paper, scissors to decide which route to take, Elaina just looked dumbfounded on the idea and Savina  just put her hand on her head whispering to herself “ By the goddess help me and grant me the patience to deal with him”. Before he could even begin this Elaina had enough as she stated she had a better and logical way of finding the right path then a ludicrous way of rock paper scissors “Thank the goddess ok so
what way do you know or have that will be definitely better this idiots’ way?” Savina asked Elaina “Well I’m sure you should know is that in the support whether tech or magic, some are part and partial to sensory usage, so I am one of the few who are in magic though I don’t have any tech in me for that part, so we use it to see the correct path.” Both Leon were astounded they either knew or forgot that, or didn’t know that all trying not to look like complete idiots Savina jumped in and said “Yes of course we know that but how are we supposed to know that you can do that I mean like you said not every  can be sensory types, so go on show us what you can do.” With that Elaina turned and started walking to the centre where all three routes converge, Leon did a subtle hi-5 for saving them, Elaina on the other hand had to take a deep breath she just made a bold statement that she was a sensory user and she knew she wasn’t all that adept in it but this was better than some ridiculous game to decide their routes once she got to the centre she took a few more deep breathes then put both her hands on the ground sending her energy into to it  then pulling it back then sending she did this a few times, she wasn’t the best at this and this was a crude way of using sensory, but she was slowly leaving beginner and entering mid-level, hopefully these two didn’t know that though, once she was done she lifted her hands of the ground and dusted the dirt of as well. “Okay from I can tell both the left and right seem ok but there seems to either be creatures or bandits maybe I’m not entirely sure but the middle route seems to be fine that or there is something I can detect but I am sure it’s a safe route since I can only reach ten kilometres I am not entirely sure afterwards what will happen, until I check again”, “Wow I really impressed and ten kilometres does seem far well walking wise but still that really cool, he Leon what do you think?” Leon was quite however, his eyes closed, with a concentrated look and opened his eyes “We got trouble, Savina get out your blasters Elaina, put a
barrier and one that we can only enter quickly if need be”, both the girls looked confused but the urgency in Leon’s voice told Savina that there was big trouble Elaina although a little slow saw that they were readying themselves and quickly put a barrier up no sooner that she did that a  small pack of Beowolves appeared, four normal ones and one very big one Savina just said “Can’t we have one freaking day off from fighting” before she and Leon started unloading on the Beowolves, trying to knock them out with their blaster moving and jumping but also leading their attention away from Elaina as she wasn’t exactly a fighter, and trying to doge the big one all at the same time they managed to get three of the normal ones and that only left the big one and a smaller one, however the smaller one managed to slip past them and head for Elaina she had to think quick and reinforced the barrier which managed to knock the beowolf  back just slightly which gave time for enough time for Leon to blast it a few feet away before returning attention to the big one, Elaina went slightly forward just in case they needed to get in to the barrier quickly if need be, meanwhile Leon and Savina jumped and dodged the big beowolf shooting at it as much as they could trying to knock it out at least, this was a strong one eventually Savina found two weak spots its’ left knee and the back, she directed Leon to the weak points and understood what she wanted to do a simultaneous attack just as he was about shoot the leg the pulse happened just slightly which gave the beowolf time to back hand him on the chest sending him close Elaina and with as much energy as he could just managed to graze its’ knee while Savina got the creatures back with a full blast whether the killed it or just knocked it out she was not about to find out as she quickly went to Leon as he struggled to get up even though that pulse was small it was enough to momentarily hamper him and let the beowolf strike a hit on him, thankfully it wasn’t its claws but it was still a hit, he managed to get up but
only managed to fall again before both the girls caught him and, although Savina wanted to check on him right there Elaina suggest that they move on as quickly as they can just in case the big beowolf wakes up, with that thought in mind Elaina brought out both their boards and both girls got him on the board as he managed to say “Sorry” before passing out. Elaina checked him out as they were riding and assured Savina that he was okay just probably out of breath from the skirmish and the hit he took, however Savina was glaring at her like she did something wrong, Savina kept quiet though, as much as she wanted to shout at Elaina, it wasn’t necessarily her fault, although if she picked up the danger from behind them quickly enough the three could of quickly gotten away before the pack of Beowolves came she let it be as she knew it was also because Leon either just trip or it was whatever happens to hip when it gets close to the cycle, fifteen minutes into them traveling Leon wakes up like almost nothing happened earlier on “ Hey uh why do you two have a worried looks on your faces, and two why are we using the boards I thought I said we needed to conserve energy”. “to answer both questions just think what happened about fifteen �" twenty minutes ago does tripping and getting hit by a freaking alpha ring a bell” Leon thought for a minute then crossed both his hands at the back of his head “ heheh yeah sorry about that, looks like Elaina’s own clumsiness rubbed off on me a little bit, anyways I’m fine now let’s set the board down for now , I ned to stretch and walk this off for a little bit”, both girls wanted to object as that was quiet a hit he took but he just brushed it off before they could say anything as he got the board to lower down and stepped off it, and before both of them could say or do anything more he deactivated their hover boards to go back on to their packs and started walking as if nothing happened. “Wait are you sure you are okay I could even see that was a big hit you took, I healed you just a little bit, but still you shouldn’t strain
yourself” Elaina said a little concerned “ah so that why I healed just a little bit faster than usual, thanks for that then although I am a pretty quick healer, and with rest I can usually get back on my feet well as long as the injury wasn’t too bad of course, and oh you my friend although you are our charge is not off the hook after what just happened don’t think we forgot about helping you train, we will start again tomorrow for now let’s move on and then settle down somewhere that looks reasonable enough for the day although I think we should go far in the path to do so, with any luck we will find a good spot away from danger well hopefully any danger I’ll go on ahead but will still keep close to you two from above, and with that he leapt onto the closest tree climbed and from there was a blur too far for them to see. “You can be a real dunce at times you know that” Savina whispered to herself as the two-started walking down the path as it curved and turned here and there they hardly spoke though as the both felt odd without Leon around, finally Savina decided to break the ice proper and get to know her a little bit better they were going to be traveling for a while after all, “So uh since you’re a handmaiden and all that what’s it like in the palace itself you know like how huge is palace inside?”, “Well the place is massive in size although the public mostly sees the front like the throne and ball room and such, that other parts well there is over fifty two  rooms twenty three of which are for guests, there is a massive library, with all sorts of literature, from history to fantasy, and just from Andrian but other planets as well, we have to know as a handmaiden I also have to know as much as possible about other cultures, sure the bulk of our sector worships the same deities but others don’t for one and also languages true again we all speak the same but that’s also due to tech and or magic, so there is a lot to learn, I haven’t personally met other races from those other worlds although it would be interesting I would say, well you probably assume that the kitchen would be big and you
would be right  there is a total amount of twelve chefs, but only a few are used at a time , depending what the royal family wanted, and of course when there was events like the ball or when there were guests the staff was much larger though I’m not sure the entire number of course, there is a training room both for exercising and as the name implies training, the king and queen both use it, that’s why both always look in excellent shape as for princess Thalia, they won’t let her do actual training, so unlike her older brother prince Dion who trains a lot in there and is not in the palace bulk of the time, he unfortunately is not as pleasant as his sister and the king and queen, he is foul, thinks he can do what he wants with the rest of the handmaidens when he feels like it, but thanks to Thalia that was put a stop to it, he just an outright jerk who feels himself above all others honestly I don’t know where he got that way of thinking from, but he is just a mean person…” she quickly calmed herself “Sorry it’s just that whenever he gets into my head I can’t help but get a bit angry, but where was I oh yes the training room heheh sometimes princess Thalia would train but only with the holograms rarely did the old trainer Matou train her as he was focused on training new recruits and the king and queen although they don’t allow her to train proper as she is supposed to be a delicate princess, master Matou every now and then trains her when he can, he pulls no punches of course even though he doesn’t want to, but at the princesses request he trains her hard, he is a really good old man with a kind heart but also head strong, there is also the alchemy lab and the science lab both are very unique I spent time in both sides as I am required to with my standing as a med-sup it quite interesting learning about all the different ways of healing from that point of view without magic although alchemy you can say is a little bit of magic in some for or fashion, I had to learn a lot of mixtures and concoctions, I
even made a luck potion once it only lasted for thirty minutes but it was fun though, oh sorry I’m getting ahead of myself, well as for their bed chambers it’s extremely huge as one would expect,
as for us maidens however our rooms are small but very few live in the palace such as myself and the kings and queens handmaidens so in total there are four us in the palace, the rest go back to their homes and families although my mother and father are still around I was asked by the princess to stay in the palace which I obliged, at first I didn’t know why but it seemed she just needed a friend, and I was the lucky one but every now and then I stay by her as there is an extra bed, her parents don’t like it but they never say anything bad about it as well”. Elaina stopped talking for a little bit as she was slightly out of breath for talking too long plus that was a lot of information to take in even for Savina, but she guessed she was little more comfortable talking in length with her than Leon who would be a bit over eager to hear about it and probably still will be given the chance, they walked a little bit more then Elaina decided to ask Savina “ So you asked a question now it’s my turn, what was Elendeil like? And if I may how long have you and Sir Le… I mean Leon known each other you two are close although as you said not in that manner, if you do not wish to answer the first I understand given the circumstances of course”. Savina thought for a minute then responded “I will answer the second question first I think, however even though we will be travelling for a while I can’t just tell you everything, as it was hard to leave that part of me behind and I don’t want or like thinking about it, but I met Leon and everyone when I was around eight years old at the time I was more a hard shell then than I am now, but he was one of the first few people to try and make friends with me sure there were others but he did his best and attempt to break me out heheh, according to a lot of people then he was a shy person as well who felt out of place in the town just like me he didn’t have parents,
although unlike me he never knew his, it was only after maybe three months I think he managed to break in my shell, and made friends with me, after that I slowly opened up to the others, I
butted heads with a few but it wasn’t that bad unless you count Gylinda Pierce that hot headed bimbo annoyed the hell out of even then, yet me her and another member Kaena Maiser were known as the She Demon Trio Later on I’m the youngest of the three and the lowest as both are S class members and I’m currently an A Rank its thanks to them I have some experience in the S class field than Leon, we have been through a lot, but I will leave the second question at that as for the first Elendeil was beautiful, lush and green always bustling with people, a beautiful view on the mountain top, since we are un the mountain side it offers some cover and great for sniper support if need be, the people themselves are welcoming and friendly but stand together if bandits come around I guess that also to do with the guild being there and with that comes better training, it was usually quiet except when we have festivals then that place really gets noisy, but excitement in the air, and joy and laughter makes up for that, yet it is also thanks to the guild the town has also been prosperous, as master Hearst stated that for the big jobs in each rank a portion must be given to the town itself, until now the place was the best but…” Savina then stayed quiet for a bit remembering what happened, Elaina seeing this quickly tried to change the subject “So is there anything else you wish to ask or should we carry on” slowly snapping back to reality for that memory Savina commented on something “ For someone who should be bright you made a slight miscalculation, throughout our conversation, you never corrected me or stated when we began our journey that you were a house maiden, I wasn’t even the one who figured it out that you were it was Leon who did, but no worries I didn’t just start this conversation of ours to confirm his theory but I genuinely did want to know as  I said we will be journeying  for a
while.” Elaina was astounded she forgot she wasn’t even supposed to say that she was unless accompanied by an S class member, she face-palmed her head “For the love of Milarar, how
could I forget, ok fine yes as you now know, I’m the handmaiden to one of the members of the royal family namely Princess Thalia, but as far as that is concerned I cannot give you any more detail regarding the job unless your superiors feel the need to do so, but if you wish to ask other questions I can still do so wait..” Elaina paused for a second and then continued “How did you go from back to that memory and suddenly jump back in, a person usually doesn’t do that, unless they trained themselves or just block it out like it never happened.”  “As I said before with how I don’t want to talk about my past, so this is the same, take what you can from that then.” Meanwhile up in the trees Leon was slightly struggling partly was because of the hit he took from that alpha but also the rush he was feeling, he never went into fights of any sorts when his cycle was close but the times he did it was just training, yet now he could feel that side of him pulling as he was fighting a lot more now than he should, he needed rest not battle and it was getting harder he managed to control himself but the way things were going he was worried, but at least his mental control was there, but if something were to happen to these two on their journey he wouldn’t know if he would be able to contain himself then, he shook his head he shouldn’t be thinking that right now, because right now he felt a little relief as scouting and doing so from the trees helped him a lot, yet he had the feeling he was being watched but not scent nor sound was present it made himself uneasy as he was sure that there was something or someone around but couldn’t put his finger on it he had to be careful then just in case but didn’t want to worry the girls, maybe it was just him being paranoid after so many fights in a short
amount of time, he wondered if Savina managed to get Elaina to talk though, he wasn’t sure if he actually figured out what she was, it was just a hunch but from the way he observed her he was
probably right, but rather Savina check it out he could be a bit too forth coming and that is not always was a good thing as he had come to learn, he scouted on ahead just a little bit longer till he felt that he was near the 10k.m radius before heading back it would be interesting to so hear what the girls were talking about while he was out. Ten minutes later he met up with the girls, signalling from the tree that all was clear before jumping down landing near them, “I don’t think I will ever get used to see you doing that, even if we are going travel for a while” Elaina said as he landed right near her making her jump, “Getting used to what” Leon asked quizzically “What you just  did the whole jumping with big ease on to the trees and going from one to the other and landing with ease afterwards”, Leon smirked at this “Heh if you think you would get a shock now and then you should of seen Savina here when we grew up she hated me doing that when we were in training, and also sneaking I was one of the very few that could and probably still can sneak up on her” “Yeah well you have an unfair natural advantage over me, and still do but try sneaking up on me now and you see what happens” Savina Said shaking her fist but still being friendly about it” “Sigh even if you two aren’t  together you are still too odd for my eyes, anyways shall we move on please, besides it feels like we are being watched its creepy and I don’t like it, especially if there is something around I couldn’t detect, so let’s move okay” then they all stood silent for a moment, then move on ahead quickly, for a bout forty-five minutes they walked, still chatting here and there though, they were getting close the ten kilometre mark, “Hey Leon is it true that Savina was part of the She Demon Trio, if so out of the three who is worst then ? “Yeah, she is and between Savina her and Gylinda the sanest person would be
Kaena I feel for her, she must deal with the two biggest hot-headed women in not just in the guild but the whole town, they nearly destroyed a few shops here and there with the way they
argue, but Savina is mild compared to black haired demon known as Gylinda that woman was a handful at times, to put it straight almost every guy she meets eventually runs that’s how scary she is, I feel for those guys but it’s a laugh all the time heheheh me and Savina used to bet on how long they would last, let’s just say we came out even at times, if you want to know who the strongest female is it’s her, not just the group but in the guild as well, let’s she’s brash, arrogant, has a huge ego but at the same time has the right to be so, lets she has psychic abilities which are scary and dangerous in of itself, she is hell strong as I stated and always messes with Savina and other way around, between the two I don’t know but yeah she is a scary lady who you wouldn’t want to piss off” as Leon was saying this he didn’t realize that he answered the call button on his wrist pad and unbeknownst to him Gylinda Pierce was right behind him with a look that literally could kill a man “Scary lady huh with a huge ego and men fear is that right to what I heard you saying he pipsqueak?” Leon turned as he recognised the voice and jumped when he saw it was her “Holly Hell, I didn’t see you there uh big sis how is you keeping?”  Leon said nervously with a hesitant smile, “Don’t even think about it pipsqueak I heard you loud and clear earlier on so when you get back home you best be ready for the thrashing of a lifetime” Gylinda said with an evil smirk “ Now, now Gylinda we didn’t call Leon and Savina to so you could have your way with them” from behind Master Hearst appeared and following him was Owan, and as the holo-phone broadened a lot more people came into view it was the rest of the guild plus the rest of the towns folk that were not there during the massacre, Savina helped  increase the range by tapping into it with her wrist pad to get a proper signal since this was a wide call, all who were not
present that day stood there well as much as the call could output though. “alright now to talk Leon Reiss and Savina Valour as the master of this guild I applaud you for doing your best, to
help our town in its time of need although the bulk of the town was destroyed and many people perished on both sides you did well erecting the barrier to keep out any unwanted company, but you should know that a few people did survive the attack, I suspect you forgot about the trap doors around the town in case of an attack, considering what happened I can’t blame you for checking thoroughly as the two of you were distraught at the time, so on behalf of the town thank you and also for doing your best for giving the dead the best burial you could do at the time, however, at the same time we are not particularly happy with how you took Rana from the dead, but I have spoken with everyone and they understand as to why you did what you did in that aspect I will let everyone else say their goodbyes and then the six of us will need to talk”  and with that the towns folk and some guild members said their goodbyes, good lucks and to come back home once they are done on their jobs. Once this was all said and done Master Hearst asked for both Owan and Gylinda to step forward as now needed to discuss what happened proper and of the job they have took. “Before either of you two younglings explain for your perspectives what happened, we already found out courtesy of Mr Kage who manged to get through to us eventually and told us of everything that happened, although I am non to happy about how all unfolded, and more so about the money, you did what you thought was right at the time,(sigh) younglings such as yourselves should never have to go through such torment, fate can be cruel at times, wait where are my manners hello Ms Finisai I am Master Claymont Hearst of The Phoenix Flower” and said the last part with a Bow “Now then I trust these two have been treating you well so far on the journey back to the capital, I do apologise that it has to be a long route
there but this was unexpected, if not I would’ve been able to make proper arrangements, that and also this was supposed to be for the S class only members I apologize on that behalf as well”. “No need to apologize or be so formal in that sir, all is well here although the two who accompany are a bit odd, they are also very helpful, and upfront honest about things, however I was trained to expect any types of behaviour, in my studies we had a bit of trouble on the way but nothing these two couldn’t handle they even offered to train me a little bit in self-defence in the duration of our journey, plus we are around the same age which conversations and such a little bit easier” , Master Hearst slightly raised his eyebrow as she said that they were going to train her in self-defence the mere thought of it was mad, as these two had a heavy training schedule when they did train and putting it on someone especially a handmaiden was uncalled for and preposterous Owan could see that Claymont was not to happy and about to say something so he intervened “I assume this course of action was to do with the incident at Kardrex Outpost then.” Before she could confirm Leon then jumped in, That was partially my fault as soon as we saw the smoke and the shouts and screams, I rushed in to see if I could help, without thinking ahead and put not only my life but Ms Elaina’s and Savina’s life in jeopardy, however if we didn’t intervene and help those people a lot more lives would have been lost”  “That was very irresponsible of young man, although I admire will to help others, a lot worse could of not just happened you but Ms Finisai and Ms Valour as well, but you are right if you indeed did not assist Kardrex would have been lost, but putting your charge in danger was extremely reckless, and will not happen again if you can help it are we clear” Master Hearst sternly at Leon in that time, Savina thought to herself “what is he talking about, both know I was the one who went with a hot head into that skirmish so why is taking the blame”, Gylinda caught
that piece of information, if there was one thing about being a psychic which for some reason people thought it had to do with magic which she knew did not is that she can read minds and communicate as well from mind to mind, or even link up people instead of using radio during a job. “Always looking to protect your comrades even when there is no need to somethings never change I guess”, Gylinda said to herself and then said, “Master Hearst I think we should move things along and back to the matter on hand namely the job they have taken, also remember we don’t have a lot of energy for this call after all.” I suppose you are right Gylinda very well to the matter at hand”. “as you may know by now this is an S rank job although it being unusual your charge is of that stature she is in fact…”, before master Hearst could continue Leon interjected “ She is the handmaiden to the royal family and mainly the handmaiden to the princess”, all three were astounded that he knew about this and before either of them could ask how, he responded “If you want to know how I figured it out well it was simple, how she talked, walked, acted and responded to a lot of things such as our behaviour during up to now also how she perceived the creatures of the land also her skills were quite curious, and to me all of this would have been with someone who was actually from the palace itself and not just your average citizen, this was all just a hunch though so I wasn’t exactly sure if I was right or not, but your expressions tell me otherwise” was his reply  “Yeah you were right on the Rana Leon, she said so she was once I uh cleverly asked her about her” Savina  confirmed, Gylinda couldn’t help but snicker, she had a feeling of the two would figure it out eventually, even if Leon’s observations sometimes turned to be accurate yet down right creepy, “You truly are a one a kind person young man I am impressed that you figured it out, but next time don’t be so blunt, especially if your elders are trying to tell it themselves and for the sake of the others” Owan said lastly looking at Elaina.
Leon shrugged it off as he was like that at times and couldn’t help himself, “Can we please get back to the matter at hand and no interruptions this time” Master Hearst said sounding annoyed, “alright since you now are aware of Lady Finisai’s role, we need to make sure that once you present yourselves at the royal capital that things will go smoothly, now I thought a lot about this, and in Arnonos name no trouble will come out of it you two will officially be instated as S Rank members of the guild”, both Leon and Savina were shocked at this okay sure Savina had it coming but delayed her promotion due to that she wanted both of them to be inducted, Leon was also shocked, however for him it was a special case as his mother Lady Serena, forbade it until she felt it was right to promote him, so either his mother agreed or this was Master Hearst’s own decision to do so, “Owan and Gylinda if you will” Master Hearst said and Gylinda and Owan stepped forward and spoke in sync with each other “Leon Reiss, Savina Valour we hereby declare that you have proven your worth through many trials and tribulations as a member of this guild, and after all that you have accomplished it has been decided that you are now ready to take on bigger responsibilities and bigger jobs, with all that comes with the duties, the perks and now you fully represent the guild in this rank, wear it with pride and do not tarnish it as there will be grave consequences if you do so, from here on in you will be treated as true equals amongst the guild and in the S rank class, where you will be given jobs that are not for the faint hearted nor those who do not take the role seriously, please step forward and present your wrist pads and where your mark is so we may proceed with promoting you to that of Rank S” both Leon and Savina were still in awe but responded they both took their arms out of their sleeves where their emblems lay, and presented their wrist pads as well, then along with Master Hearst Gylinda Pierce and Owan Pierce they
took out their pads and upgraded Leon’s and Savina’s status as this happened, their arms where the guild marking was burned slightly, at which they both winced at since it burnt like crazy, but the sensation stopped as quick as it came , and they saw on each other’s shoulders that their emblem had changed, it now had fully winged and flowered to signify that they were officially not only S class members but in a way adults now that would be treated as equals, “I do apologise that this was less formal than it should be but given the circumstances it is how it is and I must say you got this because you have truly earned it, now if I am correct Leon, Savina both Owan and  Gylinda wish to speak to you privately, unfortunately I cannot stay and keep you company and talk with you Ms Finisai, but I must take my leave I have other matters to attend to and we cannot strain the power to carry on, so I bid all you three farewell and good luck” and with that Master Hearst Logged off. Before each went to the other Owan asked to have a quick word with Elaina, the spoke for about five minutes, then went to set up the side and sat down for a bit, Leon could of listened in but decided not to do so this time, whatever that quick chat was it was just for her, so he let it be in the interim though Savina, and Gylinda were talking he thought they may have their usual banter but something felt slightly off, even though they did have their slight back and forth so he decided to ask her mentally while he was talking to Owan, “So how are you doing lad, and I mean really not what you tell yourself in front of those two?” “Honestly I don’t know at the moment ever since that day I…I just don’t know I fell a whole load of anger welling up and regret building inside me, but last thing I want to do is worry about myself I’m more worried about Savina, she may look okay but I know this whole thing is eating at her more than me especially that small girl that passed on in her arms which I need ask if you do know
who were the parents especially if it was people we knew don’t mention or say anything to her alright I have a feeling that will do even more damage to than good she feels responsible even though it wasn’t her fault, even if whoever wouldn’t blame her she would still feel it and most probably get more aggressive because of it…” Leon stopped short as another pulse came and went “ This is why I asked if you were well, your cycle will be starting soon and so the pulses are going to come so just be careful, as for the child worry not I know who they be and would not blame  Savina” “ Oh they are coming but at a more rapid pace than usual I have no clue what it means it has never done this before which is worrying me, sure my cycle is coming soon but it’s my aggression as well with it, I can feel it slowly slipping and with fight after fight that which sleeps inside will get more dangerous sooner or later I will need to let loose just so I can feel some relief later but , I can’t afford it to happen while these two are near me I don’t want to hurt them, I still don’t understand this whole legacy thing still especially the part that needs suppression , but eventually for my sake and whoever is around me, I will need to know exactly what is going on”, “calm down dear boy I trust in you that you can face whatever it is head on you give yourself far too little credit just remember your training and that you are in control, I know not of what happens in this cycle but I will not rush the answer from you” and after some reassuring words from Owan  Leon carried on talking. Meanwhile as the conversation was going on Savina and Gylinda were having theirs “Ok so what is it that you now you Gylinda?” “Okay first off how about a thank you for making you an S class member, and two how are you holding up and none of that crap that you tell Leon like all is well crap I know you better than you know yourself don’t forget that you little tramp, so I will ask again how you holding up?” Gylinda said with a definitive and harsh tone “Hmph well I’m fine I don’t know what you are talking about in
any case, so yes thank you for inducting me into S class” Savina retorted. “Hmph still the tough act, you do know I can pry your mind and see for myself  what you really are thinking and feeling” Gylinda replied with a smirk “ You wouldn’t dare, that an invasion of privacy and you know damned well that you can’t do any of the sort without the masters permission” Savina said through gritted teeth, the last thing Savina wanted was Gylinda going through her mind, not that she didn’t have anything to hide but she didn’t want to her to see how she really felt especially the guilt about the girl who passed on, and burning hatred for those that did b******s who burnt her only home to the ground, even though there are still people alive she would claim vengeance for them. Then something odd happened Gylinda could hear someone trying to reach her mentally, she pulled up her barriers until she felt the familiar presence, it was Leon calling her “How in hell did you manage to reach me mentally, you shouldn’t be able to do so?” “Heh it was worth a try I actually wasn’t sure if it would work considering you a long way away from my location, anyway there is something I wanted to ask if that is okay?”, “You got guts kid knowing that I am a psychic I could of done damage to you mentally, but fine ask away, hell since I may get more out of this conversation than your friend here”, “Okay well it’s just this where is Kaena I thought with all that’s happened and all of you finding out what happened she would be here at least, even for this informal yet formal inauguration of ours, out of everyone I know she would of wanted to be there when it happened” “Hmm… well if I didn’t know any better I’d say that you care for, but don’t you already have a girlfriend plus she is two years older than you, you know”, “Look it’s…it’s not like that I just like being around her and well at times like these…she’s the one person I can really talk to you know so not having here at least with all
this I must ask if she’s around or on her way home, what’s happening? Leon said trying to hide as much emotion and concern in this mental conversation, although he did his best Gylinda still was able to detect the worry in his voice, she too was worried about her friend so she decided that she would fill in  him but at the same time this was for Savina as the three girls were a team, however Leon has been known to surprise her, maybe he will be able to figure it out besides this for one may end up both actually admitting something to each other although he was two years younger than Kaena she also has a bond and a liking to him which she never understood but beggars can’t be choosers. “Very well I will tell you what I know but please act slightly surprised when Savina informs you well that’s if she does otherwise I will just say I sent you both the intel to be safe on your pads, now be quiet until I have finished am I clear?” Leon was silent which she took as a yes “ Ok here is the thing, Kaena isn’t here because well…because she is actually M.I.A at the moment the last I heard from her she was on an S rank job, you remember the linguistic one in some ruin to help guard and cipher what was there, well the last time I heard from her was just before all hell broke loose here at home, she seemed weary and tired but nothing that said she was in danger however, but as you do know when it comes to long jobs, that person needs to communicate as to how things are if assistance is needed, the general rule as you know look maybe with the whole thing is nothing but I have never known her to not communicate even in dire straits, but on the other hands she was close to the dark region so that is definitely not good, that’s about all the information I can give you I’m sorry but that how it is if I find anything more I will let both of you know, but that is the just of it, so now you can talk but no shouting we may be mentally talking but it’s still my head alright pipsqueak” Leon looked surprisingly calm but as she looked closer she felt an odd aura it was the same that she felt all
those years ago, he may have not been aware of it but she saw something that she never would of seen in her lifetime, eventually Leon spoke “fine make what story you have to for Savina and just include me saying that you also will relay the details to me on my pad, sorry I barged in like that, anyway I will let you get back to focusing on talking with Savina” and then just retracted from her mind  the last thoughts she could feel, was fear and a rage she was unsettled with if anything happened to Kaena. She was of course still talking to Savina the whole time as well this was happening in the mental plane, but for a minute she blanked and stopped talking without realizing it, she was also talking to Savina at the same time about the whole thing with Kaena yet thankfully Savina just took it as a pause and nothing more she was now more concerned about Leon what she saw in the plane was a little bit unsettling, not much as menacing but a force that she hadn’t expected from one such as him, “Hey bimbo are you there what’s with the long dramatic pause all of a sudden or is your brain fried”, this manage to bring back Gylinda back as she retorted “Quiet you idiot I was just in deep thought about this whole situation if you haven’t taken it seriously I suggest you should, Kaena is out there somewhere and cannot be contacted because of whatever reasons there is, look we may not see eye to eye but as part of our trio and more so the guild we look out for each other so until our home is fixed up you need to do your duty are we clear, now I will also forward what I know to Leon on his pad I’m not entirely sure how he will take it so just watch out for him alright.” “Wait I don’t think that is a very good idea those two maybe close but if something happened to her he may go ballistic he is a little bit protective of her more so than he is with me, or did you forget that they maybe two years apart but they are close, so if you are just bare that in mind alight” Savina said worriedly. The two
carried on talking after that same as Leon and Owan during each talking with the other Elaina although feeling slightly left out but understandably so, so she watched them and gaged their reactions Savina looked a bit predictable from what she gathered since their first proper meeting as for Leon something was off while talking with Ser Owan his talk seemed important and tense but the all of a sudden his body tensed and it was though she could feel an almost deadly calm like something happened and he did his best to contain himself, but his expression was unreadable and that kind of scared her so she quickly went back to see how Savina was doing she had a worried look on her face, but then started a slight bit of the banter again with Gylinda, eventually all four stopped talking it seemed their conversations were at an end, both Savina and Leon said their goodbyes and last words were exchanged before both Owan and Gylinda closed the call both stood silent for a minute for a minute before motioning her to them once Elaina was near them the went on the move, whatever they discussed must have had an impact on them, there was a beeping sound on Leon’s wrist pad but he just checked it without reading what it was Savina looked annoyed by that it looked like she would have to break the tension this time “So Master Hearst isn’t what I expected, I thought he was an imposing person but he looked like one of those wild old men you hear about telling stories and giving excellent advice, the guy you look up to..” both Leon and Savina and looked at each other than looked at her burst out laughing, she wasn’t sure if they were laughing at her or the comment she just made but at least they she made them smile, “Hehe that guild master is one of a kind, what you said is true but he can exaggerate a lot and not always right but he is a good man that’s one thing the both of us can say for sure, and apparently in his younger days he was a bit of a perv, don’t know how true that
is but he does tend to ogle at some ladies when they are not looking so watch out if I were you” Savina said with a smile  , “Yeah that old  man is something I can tell you that but even with whatever quirks he has there is no one you would have by your side in a bad situation, just don’t wear anything short if you’re a girl, like Savina said he was a perv back then and no matter how you slice it he is but too a much lesser degree” Leon responded afterwards, thanks to Elaina their mood lightened slightly which they were both thankful for, “Hey what’s the time by the way it must have been an hour or so since we stopped I think?” Elaina asked, Leon looked at the time heh you’re right well although it’s just after midday, we still need to keep moving though until we find a proper clearing with some form of cover at least ok you two stick together I’m going on ahead again alright, and without a word he leapt to the trees again, while the two girls were left alone again. “Ok that was odd what’s eating him, he didn’t need to go off again we should stick together as much as possible for now we don’t know this are well enough to split up to long” Savina stated, as they started walking the path a bit quicker as it was hot since it was just after midday. Leon was up in the trees although he said he would look ahead he really just needed to clear his head quickly as he could everything was a mess if it wasn’t for the job escorting Elaina to the capital but now Kaena was supposedly M.I.A which really irked him she just be an Andriani and more than capable of defending herself but the fact she hasn’t communicate just troubled him he didn’t even know why he was overthinking things about her right now what he was feeling as he did his best to remove feelings from any occasion to any female he may get close to, so why her, although he and Savina were close and grew up together he never felt for in that way, just in a sister/best friend way but with Kaena he always kind of just stopped as if he
was in a trance when around her and felt more at ease and comfortable that he would talk with her and tell her things that he wouldn’t anyone else especially what he feared most with what happens on his cycles. As this was all going through his head he nearly missed a branch and at the same time almost hit his head on another he quickly grabbed a branch and lifted himself up  taking a seat on the big branch to catch his breath and snap himself out of it, there was too much going on now it felt like with every good news came bad news on top of it, he had to keep it together for his sake and the girls, at least training Elaina might help at this he smiled cause she didn’t know what was in for at least this will keep his mind occupied from Kaena for a bit, he saw the girls not too far from where he was and that there looked like to be an alright clearing up ahead and what sounded to be a lot of water running so hopefully that was a small waterfall which would be perfect for training and to clear up, so before he got back to the girls he quickly went to check and as luck would have it he was on the mark, but just because it looked good doesn’t mean it was necessarily safe, Elaina will have to check for them to be sure that it was yet he still had the feeling like he was being watched he would have to be on guard regardless even if it will be a day or two spending here, they need some form or rest otherwise they all will be a bit too tensed if they carried on without relaxing although training may not be part of relaxing, for both him and Savina its kind of fun if not in the serious mood and hopefully with Elaina it will be somewhat fun but in the end they are training her just in case she may need to defend herself, she may have some type of training but not the type that is needed for the journey that they are in now, he looked around again to check if anything or anyone was around before jolting back to where the girls might be. Meanwhile the two girls were talking as they were carrying on,
and Savina saw that Leon went slightly ahead most likely he saw or found something, either that or something was still bothering him from the talk with Owan, she gave a heavy sigh out loud as she temporarily forgot she had company, Elaina noticed it but paid it no mind whatever the two discussed with their guild was probably heavily on their minds even if the two didn’t show it, and had their ways of dealing with it, but whether they avoid they subject completely and how it will affect them going forward she will have to see though until then she will have to wait and see and she really hoped that they both would of forgotten about training her for now at least. Leon spotted the two girls once he was close enough to see them and then just dropped right in front of them unexpectedly and two effects on that was expected and one unexpected, the expected was that of Savina tried to do a kick which he would of caught and blocked easily, however the unexpected part was in fact Elaina, it was either instinct or just that being with them for a while she needed to expect trouble, which was probably the latter he thought as he was flung about ten meters thanks to a force shield bubble she created the minute after he caught Savina’s kick. He got up slowly as he was in a way hit but a forceful object but smiled still as he reached both their gaze one who was a bit ticked off at what he did and the other looking sorry for what she did, and simply said “ Heh looks like being around us has slowly helped with your timing on making forcefields that’s good, consider that to be part of your training now and then alright, anyway you both will be glad to know I found a nice place for us to set camp for least two days I think we all need a somewhat rest and that mixed in with training and light training for now will do us all some good.” He said with a smile as he turned to motion them to follow him he winced slightly as that force bubble did hurt him slightly the two girls started walking
right next to him, one with still a slightly annoyed look on her face but now with a smirk as he deserved what he got and the other with a worried look on her face as she wasn’t sure how hard her bubble hit him. They carried on walking for a few more minutes until they finally reached the place Leon was talking about, “Alright before you ladies get too excited Elaina if you please scan the place, as much as you can last thing we need is a few not so nice surprises here.” On that note she knew what to do although a small area she would still have to expand slightly just to be safe, “Okay well everything here and surrounding is fine, oh and there looks to be an opening behind the small waterfall but I can’t tell how far back though”. after that she just heard a heavy sigh from both, “Ok fine this time we see who has to check it out best two out of three alright?”, Elaina was surprised that it was Savina who said this and without a moment notice they started their game of rock, paper, scissors or at least their version of its which was basically using elemental magic, which saw Savina win but that wasn’t necessarily good as she had to go in and check behind the waterfall which left Elaina confused as Leon should of gone in as he lost, Leon saw the confusion on her face and smiled as he sat down across from her “Heh confused huh, well let me put it this way depending on the circumstances and how the game ends the winner goes ahead and the loser stays behind”, Elaina still looked slightly confused which Leon didn’t mind so he explained further, “Okay as I said it all depends on the circumstances, unlike earlier before, where we going to decide which route this time it was to decide who can rest and watch the others back just in case something happens also the one that hasn’t taken much damage, plus the one that is fresh has slightly more aware and capable if they have to retreat if need be, while the other can quickly if possible recuperate, depending on their injuries,
either way the one at the back will need to recuperate, as much as they can, it helps if there is at least two or three others in the group, so for instance now sure I’m slightly warn out from the day’s events but only slightly plus with you here, as a healer and eyes that aren’t weary can still help although not as keenly trained but a fresh pair is a fresh pair though speaking of which if you can , can you try and heal me slightly not too much though, as this place does look peaceful enough to rest up even if we are going to do light training for two days”. Elaina thought about what he said and it kind of made sense to her, their reasoning on to do it  might be odd with their game but the actual reason was solid so she complied and went over to him “Okay so which method would you prefer the quick painful method that involves injection, or soothing magical way that may take about five minutes or so?” At the sound of needles he cringed although his capsules did have needles it was a necessary evil one which he will glad to be rid of someday “the soothing remedy thanks I’m not entirely a fan of needles” Leon responded, Savina smiled at this as she saw that he really didn’t want the quick method which was effective it would of only been slightly painful depending on what  medicinal herbs she would have had to use to inject him with, but she complied though she motioned him to turn which he did and surprisingly just took his shirt off one time as he moved, he may still have worn a tight vest under but he didn’t need to do that, this made her blush as she saw his muscles from the back but at the same time his bruise marks that he had from fighting for a while, her red face quickly went away as she attended to his injuries, she did her best not to show she was putting a little more effort into healing him, she did after all just hit him with a force bubble, so she decided to go a little deeper and heal him from the inside, Leon noticed this quickly and sat upright, he didn’t need to be
healed too much he usually healed by himself because of his own regenerative capabilities due to his biological chemistry which he didn’t understand really but was grateful for this at least, he didn’t want to exert her own energy so he got up slowly, and before she asked him to sit back down he simply said Thank you for the assist” and put his shirt back on Leon felt much better plus his own healing would drastically improve in the night as he sleeps, Elaina on the other hand wanted to help heal him a little bit more but she started to see sometimes arguing with these two would be pointless, so she left it. Meanwhile Savina was searching the cave which seemed to be mostly empty, a few shrubs here and there but very little if nothing at all to say to say if anyone was or is still around here, which she couldn’t find she thought she may have felt a draft but left it as this place was covered by a waterfall, and you wouldn’t know it unless you came very close to it, after that was done she start walking back to the entrance she thought she felt as if someone was there, checked her surroundings again and left maybe it was just the fact they had so many fights up to now that they just felt as if there was just someone there, Savina then shook it off and headed back to the entrance. Once outside she saw that Leon was getting healed by Elaina and wondered why she did know he had quite capable and incredible self-healing capabilities of his own but maybe because he was worn out he probably needed some assistance to help speed it up, then something hit her his cycle would be starting soon but she wasn’t sure how soon it would be it could be next week or a few in a few days either way the needed to check the lunar calendar immediately if they’re lucky no trouble will come to pass before or after it. Leon saw Savina coming out, but he didn’t see the worried expression on her face thankfully, so they met at the middle,” Ok so nothing inside the place which is good, but I’d rather make sure
so, Elaina before we set up proper camp in there, you as well just check the place out okay?” Savina said to both Leon and Elaina, “Heh thought as much you would say that I guess we both read enough books heard enough tales and seen enough in movies and shows to be on the lookout for false panels and such eh Savi?” Leon responded with a smirk, “ok I don’t have an issue doing so at this rate we have to be careful, but seriously that’s your basis behind checking what about you know actual experience and all that?” at that question both Leon and Savina looked at each other and sighed, “Personally we haven’t so we can’t say but if you heard I did say also tales, and that meant from people who have experienced in all most guild classes, well actually B, A and S class to be more precise, up to now we haven’t of course which is kind of a good thing as that means no enemies sneaking up on from the back such so yes we do not have the experience but in our line of work one needs to expect anything really good or bad” Leon responded, “ Hey guys sorry to change the subject here but I was just curious how long do you think it will be till the double lunar cycle appears, I know it’s just a random question but I can’t remember when?” Savina said but looking directly at Leon as she said so. Leon’s eyes widened he had almost forgot that he had probably a week left before his cycle start, “Oh that actually it may appear earlier than expected this time around, maybe by a day or two, it’s really something don’t you think for a few nights there are two moons above us its very pretty you know, do you guys also observe it?” Elaina asked. Leon was still in slight bit of shock it never occurred to him that it might be early in fact from the time he started up till now his cycle was never earlier than expected, once it came late which was a blessing, but to have it early” Hello, Milarar to Leon you there?” Elaina asked right in front of him he didn’t even notice she was right there because
he was in such thought, seeing her up close made him buckle backwards and trip. Once he got up he just smiled as if to say, “Ha-ha you got me” which she took with a smile herself, “hey mind pulling up the calendar, so we can check it out?” Savina said trying to ask without sounding or looking worried “Sure thing” Elaina said as she switched on her wrist pad and looked for the lunar calendar. Both Leon and Savina tried their best not to look too worried, however Elaina noticed this but since she had a psychology background she thought it best too observe for now and see what was going on, “Ok so by the looks of it from what I can tell it may or may not be two days early at the end of the month looks like, aww I didn’t know it would be delayed this time that basically never happens or so I’m told”. Leon’s eyes shot up in disbelief  he couldn’t believe his luck, by some dumb luck he was spared until the end of this new moth they were in but then, he wondered why its true it never really happens, and it being a rare occurrence indeed it only happened once and that was shortly after the incident with the girl he tried to help all those years ago, but eventually let out a huge sigh of relief but a bit too loudly for both girls to hear, Elaina looked at him oddly as to why he did that and Savina just covered her eyes , and saying to inwardly “You moron you are such a dolt at times.” Elaina felt there was something going on here, but she would have to wait and see and tread carefully about it whatever secret they were keeping from would come to light whether by chance or choice. “Hey I got an idea before we start any training and all of that lets freshen up and have something to eat, you ladies go first I’ll be close by and checking the perimeter and get some stones and wood…” before he continued he looked at Savina’s face if this was a comic book or a cartoon show he would see the red pulse on her forward signaling that someone just crossed a line and before he new it was
flung half way in the water, “ You Stupid Idiotic Moron, its one thing to sit down and have a good meal but another to tell to girls to freshen up in the middle of nowhere while you check the perimeter , we just got here from a freaking skirmish the last thing is for of us to spilt again” she said all this shaking her fist slowly walking to him, even Elaina admitted she really was scary when Savina looses her temper although she has been with them a short while, but found it hilarious as to the situation itself, sure the shouldn’t split after that skirmish they had but she knew he just wanted to give the girls at least some privacy after all. “Easy there Savi I only said that so you ladies could have a little privacy you, unless you want a guy sticking around in a time in which you would want some privacy” Leon said calmly, realizing this Savina slowed down a bit then just turned around and said “ Fine but no going perimeter watching just rather get what you need close by once you do that head inside, and set up then only me and Elaina will freshen up, afterwards once we’re done than you as well, but just one thing….try and peak and Elaina will have to heal you all over again once I’m through you got it?!.” She said shaking her fist, Leon just nodded and got up he slightly winced as he wasn’t completely healed, and that punch didn’t help either. As Savina walked away she smiled slightly to herself “you might be a lot at times but you a decent dolt” she whispered to herself quietly, Elaina just stood there in amazement no matter how much these to butted heads they were always considerate to another but had an odd way of showing it. So, Leon went to gather stone and wood while Savina head back to where she was with Elaina “You know the both of you are odd in a way maybe it’s just because where I grew up, but do you really have to hit him all the time and him asking for it?”. Elaina asked before she could stop herself that was a bit blunt even for her, Savina just looked at
her with an eyebrow raised and started giggling “Sure to you it may look odd and it probably is but that’s how we grew up actually our first meeting was me pummeling him  all because he  stood up for me the new girl when I first joined, heh yeah you’re right I guess but I wouldn’t have it any other way we keep each other in line and he is one person who you would always want in your corner that never back down attitude and willingness to protect those around him he may have gotten into trouble because of how he is”, Savina said all this while she sat down near Elaina if it was anyone else they would think that these two are really more than best friends hell even Elaina still thought that especially how they talk about each other and are a bit protective to. Leon in the mean time caught the just of what Savina said and smiled as he collected what he could, its true they were odd on how they acted with each other, both of them had their families taken away from them far too early first when he was just a baby and two when whomever attacked her home and killed her parents he often wondered if she felt the need to avenge them but he never brought it up though, right now though his mind drifted to Kaena with everything that happened until now he really would like her company, he never thought about until Gylinda brought it up but he did care about her there was just something about her that he really liked other than being a feline Andriani she was always warm and open to him strangely it wasn’t like a big sister little brother type thing they had like one would think he has the sibling part more with Savina , with Kaena it felt like something else he wasn’t completely sure why though, he also thought that she was the only one up to now to see him in that other form, and was surprisingly accepting of it she thought it was cool even though he was terrified if lost control and might hurt someone, but she always reassured him that he wouldn’t and she would make sure to be there for him, the fact that she was missing near the freaking dark region no less really
worried him, but he had to see this mission first before even thinking of looking for her, he knew she could handle herself but right now he just couldn’t help but worry. He decided to go over whatever information Gylinda provided for them while the girls freshened, he went to the entrance of the concealed cave and told the girls they can freshen up while he sets up inside, and try not to overthink this whole ordeal but he knows that he can and probably fry his brain with all the worst case scenarios that might happen to Kaena. Outside the cave the girls had undressed and put their clothes near the moth of the cave, Savina made sure to cast a spell around the area incase someone does come along while they are bare and can retreat or hide quickly if need be, also to make sure that Leon doesn’t get any ideas, she new wouldn’t dare peep, but incase it was by accident she set up a mist barrier to cover their parts from any eyes and a whole mist barrier at the entrance to the cave itself although she had to alter it to make it like proper water mist which was a bit difficult considering the concentration needed to do so. Once everything was set up for them the two young ladies went ahead and first just relaxed in the water although it was cold like crazy at first Savina got a proper look now at Elaina she wasn’t too bad, slim and fit what looked a small for pack she didn’t look down further otherwise it might really freak and make Elaina uncomfortable, Savina may swing both ways but she obviously new better, as far as Elaina was concerned though she wasn’t too thrilled as she saw Savina was lean, fit a hell of a six pack smooth beautiful skin, but what really got Elaina slightly a bit more red faced was how perky Savina’s rocking knockers had and bigger that hers, eventually after a bit Savina suggest they help wash ear, now Elaina really got red faced, Savina seeing this couldn’t help but chuckle Oh relax will you we’re both young adults after all no need to get embarrassed, besides its just
mainly each other’s hair and backs is all, besides we are both kind of exposed but its just us so don’t worry okay, seeing that Elaina was still a bit flustered, “Hey no need to rush I guess look we can reax a little bit more but then we do have to bathe properly you know. Elaina relaxed at hearing this “S…Sorry about that its just no one ever has requested me to do that well maybe except Princess Thalia, I only help her well because she is the Princess of course even if me an her are good friends at the same time, for anyone else well…” “No need to say anything I guess I understand but I wasn’t requesting or ordering, I was mainly a suggestion you know, (sigh) look I know you grew up in the capital and things are obviously different from there to where we are but we don’t get luxuries like that nor take them for granted, I will be very honest with you here there are times that both me and Leon will require or suggest something of you that you may feel uncomfortable with but that wont be our intentions so please relax and keep a broader open mind okay” Elaina thought about it for  a second “ I guess you are right again both of  you did say something like that way earlier on so I guess I really do need to be a bit more open to how things are, but by the way is Leon okay or something he really looks troubled and a bit more so than from when we spoke to your guild friends?” Savina let out a slight sigh, ok lets first wash then talk alright, again it’s just a suggestion so don’t feel pressured or anything”. “Hmm okay fine beside like you said its just us girls I guess”, Savina quickly got what they needed to wash up “Okay so first me or you, actually never mind lets do you first okay” that wasn’t a question but a statement Elaina heard so she agreed in all honesty she was still a bit shy and nervous to do something like this but, she knew it was good to have a broader and open mind at times, so she turned her back and started washing herself as Savina came in and started wither hair “ You
know you have lovely hair might not be too long but still lovely” Savina said as she slowly washed Elaina’s hair “Uhm thank you” Elaina responded. “Okay so what is it you asked? Why is Leon acting up or something? Well you saw know his reaction with Kaena missing right, well look I don’t know exactly how close those two are given me and him are essentially brother and sister, as we grew up together although a lot of people often think that we are than just friends of course kind of irritating if you ask me, sure me and him are pretty close but my boyfriend yuck but everything that’s happened, look me and him have both taken a heavy toll that call from home may have done some good or reassuring us and lifting our spirits a lot, but when it comes to people he cares about it gets pretty hard on him he can make rash decisions and his judgment clouded, his emotions don’t always hinder him its just with people who are really close such as me and Kaena he is a bit protective it’s amusing and annoying at the same time, all I can say is that just don’t bring her up much or at all the less he thinks about her and the more on getting you back to the palace the better I would say okay”. Elaina simply nodded in agreement with Savina she was still troubled by the look he had when they met their elders but knew right now wasn’t the time as they were actually here to relax and not stress, all of a sudden she felt cool hands on her back and couldn’t help but arch forward as it was slightly unexpected, “heheheh you really need to relax jeez I did say I was going to do your back, didn’t you hear me?”, “Sorry just lost in thought for a second, you can carry on I guess” Savina looked at her for a second but left it she knew they all had stuff on their minds as of now. Suddenly there was a huge sound like something smashing or hitting a wall both girls got up with a shock as they heard it from the cave from where…. both ran to the entrance Savina quickly did some magic and
both were clothed and ready, they new Leon was in there but Savina swore she never see anything else in there and Elaina was of the same mind so what they saw shook them there with its back turned to the was a huge wolf like creature that looked like it had Leon’s leather coat/jacket wearing it even as it turned its head towards them and let out a deafening howl, a howl of rage, a howl of emotion…

© 2018 Fayyaadh

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Added on August 9, 2018
Last Updated on August 9, 2018



Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

hi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Fayyaadh