Chapter Six An Unexpected Visitor

Chapter Six An Unexpected Visitor

A Chapter by Fayyaadh

It was midnight when Shawn stirred from his sleep as he thought he heard a noise or two as he fully opened his eyes he saw he was immediately greeted with the point of a sword yet as it was still dark he could not truly see the figure standing over him until he heard the one voice he didn’t want to hear so soon, and least expect to be here, Serena Emita had arrived and from what he could tell wasn’t all that happy to see her comrade and brother in arms “Hello Shawn it has been a while has it not” “Hey Serena ah what brings you this side?” he said nervously as he moved of the bed slowly with the blade still following him until  he was standing against the wall trying to slightly nudge his way to the door, “By chance might you be able to tell where my son is as well as his best friend might be at this moment in time perhaps, you wouldn’t of sent them on some so called minor job to Dirandiel even though you know that was an explicit rule that he was not allowed going there”. All the while Shawn was cursing himself in his head he did not want to talk to her about this face to face, he needed more room as the bedroom was slowly lacking in space until he could reach the door, “I’m waiting for your answer Shawn, where is my son?!” At that exact moment Shawn saw an opening and tried to bolt to the door before he could make it through Serena threw her sword at the door just missing his face and then a small dagger which was a few inches to close below the belt region, very rarely has Shawn showed true fear, and at this moment in time that fear was all the cause of one woman who was severely ticked off. “Ok alright we can talk but let’s do it in the kitchen or lounge alright, then I will explain everything, but please hands off any weapons” Shawn said as calmly as he could to Serena “Well why didn’t you just say so I’ll go warm up the kettle, and do be a dear and change into
something decent you are in the presence of a guest and female after all” she said with a smile and a small tap on his cheek while removing her dagger and sword and left the room, Shawn needed to compose himself, and just take a few breathes in, he then found a suitable change of clothes, and went out of the room, only to find that everything was made already, Serena was truly something she could be so silent you wouldn’t know if she was there or not, given that what previous occupation was before she became one of the guardians and the fox guardian to be more precis, so he went into his lounge and there she was already sipping on her tea, “You know you really give me a heart attack one of these days, with you being silent and all, but okay to business I guess”. He took a sip of his coffee “Look first off it wasn’t like I had a choice your guild was the closest to here I would needed someone for this job although simple it was very important, yet until I learned from those two what had happened to the town I had no way of knowing, in fact if I did not only would I of sent for another guild but would of sent aid for your town, sending them was very risky yes I understand that and considering what their state of minds are, they maybe strong willed kids but that type of trauma just doesn’t go away.” He stopped and took a sip oh his coffee looking at her to try and read her face before carrying on “Ms. Valour the whole time I have seen her has kept a level head but what happens when those two were alone I cannot say, she has a dangerous fire in her right now if she is not careful she may go down a route she might not be able to return from, now as for your ‘son’...” he stopped for a minute so he can try and word himself carefully “ Well he is the opposite I think he feels just as or even more guilty than Ms. Valour for not being able to help anyone during that mess, he even took off with me when I asked them certain questions about the whole thing, for one who is timid I saw and heard true regret and anger, I cannot say how he will turn out but as for both well, they will
need to lean on each other more than the other now try and be the boulder the other needs, this event regardless has changed them for better or worse again I cannot say”. Shawn looked at her she stayed silent this whole time no interjections just the sound of her sipping her tea so he carried on although the next part he knew , would perk her up and most probably not for the better “There was an incident that same day I met the two this happened after he lost his composure and they left the store, the girl whom was needed to head back to Dirandiel got herself in some trouble with some of the scoundrels in town it was just their luck that Leon heard them and intervened, in all too familiar setting as it was happening in an ally way, Ms. Valour got the girl back here and in the meantime he just let loose , he hit them with wind paralysis and by the looks of it a small piece of his sleeping power which he didn’t realize he had used, actually it wasn’t me that just sensed that power it was Ms. Valour to but she thought it was him adding an extra layer of magic, the fact that girl could sense his power even a small bit astounds me, but that was that those poor boys were sent to the prison infirmary and get this Leon suggested that they be reformed to do some good.” Shawn stopped again sipping his coffee and puzzled all this information and still not a word from her, however before he spoke again she finally sat her tea down and decided to speak “ Don’t get me wrong Shawn I am still mad for what you did you should of let the stay here a while longer, I don’t like this at all what is happening to Andrian may just be the beginning of another pointless war but one where it is not of what we dealt with and you let those two off and which they may become in the middle of it they are simply not ready, and don’t get me started on the cycle issue that’s even more worrisome Leon is now much older than before and to control himself will take way more effort during the
cycle and with two people accompanying him other than myself will bode trouble, and before you ask who I know these Merana got a hold of me after you made the call to her and Owan a
few hours ago the poor man is stricken with grief yet he still managed to get through to me and notify me before I got here so thank Arnonos he did or I wouldn’t be as pleasant right now, so yes I am aware of everything up till now I just wanted to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, I only hope Savina might by a slim chance be able to handle him, especially once she sees what he actually is, and as for the young lady Elaina , the fates are either playing a cruel joke on my son or there is more to the fates.” Shawn was taken aback the fact she found out everything so quickly and to listen calmly, and then respond same he could never get how her mind worked, then by accident he blurted out “Why do you refer to him as your son, you may have raised him but you aren’t really his actual mother” the sooner he said that the sooner he regretted saying it, as Serena leapt from where she sat and with sword in hand toppled him over and put the sword to his throat” “Please say that again Shawn that I am not his mother?, I am his mother no matter what you or anyone else says, I made a promise to his parents that I will do my best to look after him even I didn’t know the first thing about being a mother as I am an orphan myself, but I tried my best and still try to this day d****t, so do not think for a minute that I am not worthy of being his mother, say that again and I will permanently make sure that once you retire that you won’t have a single chance of reproducing at all do I make myself clear?” she said with a bit of venom and hurt in her voice “Yes coherently clear” was Shawn’s response as she gave such a piercing stare it looked like that itself would cut him  as she finally got off him and he could sit up slightly. She sat back down and then continued as if nothing happened “I am worried though since his cycle will begin soon probably in under two weeks, if was by himself it may have been
ok but he is traveling and with females no less, and considering they don’t know it may make it worse Savina may be able to somewhat handle it but this person that’s traveling with them not in the slightest, considering his age things are going to get tricky now he is an adult so controlling
may take more effort…” before she carried on Shawn had to interject “Actually I may have mentioned a small portion of his condition to Savina but only so much so she can be prepared in some fashion I didn’t tell her everything it’s up to Leon to do so, as for the person they are escorting no she doesn’t know anything at all, but something is troubling I am not sure if Owan told you but that girl is apparently the one he tried to help when the incident happened, so yeah things are looking interesting not sure if its good or bad though” Serena’s eyes widened “the girl from the…, do they know it’s her?” “I doubt it they both didn’t recognize her and vis versa, so that’s safe for now” Shawn replied. “By the stars, the fates are really testing this time, I hope Leana will watch over them, as much as I need to go to him Elendeil needs me more right now, all the guild members have been asked to get back immediately this is not going to be good all of what happened what is being set in motion by whatever outside force only bodes ill, look if you reach them let them know but don’t say anything about me as yet, I cannot baby him forever and he has Savina at least, although both of them wouldn’t know what love was properly even if it hit them in the face with a brick but they will take care of each other regardless”. “That’s a given the way those two acts around each other everyone else may see something, but they don’t I just hope you are right but being an adult and with those genes from both sides I guess we will have to see, he has two weeks left now and if I had to guess it won’t be pleasant afterwards when his cycle starts.” “Very well then well I best get some rest I’ll be headed back tomorrow” as she got up and headed to the bedroom, and just shut the door. Shawn just looked at the door, this woman
barges in, threatens him (justifiably so) gets his side of the story and then just marches to his bedroom and shuts the door like she owns the place and he is the guest. With a huge sigh he just
rubs his eyes and puts the mugs away and went to sleep on the couch in his own house for the remainder of the night. Once in the room and listened for Shawn, Serena couldn’t help but really worry about all of this, she did want to go and fast to get to Leon but he was many kilometers away now and she was needed back to Elendeil urgently, if it wasn’t for the fact that his cycle was about to start she wouldn’t be as apprehensive or worried about him but since it was the fact, she wasn’t sure how it would be now if the other half of his legacy would start to pull even with the serum to suppress it, thankfully these cycles on happened twice in a year and no more than that, but after each year progressively harder than the last, his mental conditioning needs to be strong this time around but after what happened and he witnessed she wasn’t sure, magic plays a small part with him but it’s his race that grants him power different to that of magic, or she should say a whole system, Savina was now another worry that girl no matter how strong she is, what she went through as well was just as bad and probably worse, but both always managed to hold the other together she hoped that this time it would be no different, and who knows maybe one of them would finally realize they felt for the other, another concern now was this girl of all the luck in the world they all had to meet now and of all times with his cycle, fates be damned here how all this happening at once is very troubling “ I pray you be safe and keep your companions safe my little wolf” with those last thoughts Serena laid her eye closed and slept. The next day Shawn woke up the next morning to the smell of a fresh pot of coffee and toast with a note on the side, “Thank you for letting me stay the night had to leave quickly but here is a thank you take care and keep me updated as much as you can when you can “Signed Serena,
with a sigh Shawn had his readymade breakfast before starting his day once again  “That woman one day will be the death of me I swear” Shawn said with a slight smirk before “ pu naelc” and pointed his hand at the sink to clean the dishes, and left, I think it’s time I contact old Mounty at Beamon to see if he can arrange for the young man to get here, time is of the essence now and not a lot of it” with that he closed the door to the house and opened the door to the store.

© 2018 Fayyaadh

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Added on August 9, 2018
Last Updated on August 9, 2018



Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

hi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Fayyaadh