Chapter Five Reminiscing & Contact

Chapter Five Reminiscing & Contact

A Chapter by Fayyaadh

 It was a quiet day at Kaged Goods having few customers and those few having a bit of disappointed looks on their faces it seemed have younger people in the store to assist helped greatly, but more importantly young females he knew why that reason would attract more customers, but that was by chance with Miss Finisai being here for a longer period than that was required of her. While pondering this he saw a message pop up, it was from Leon, once he was done reading it he immediately called for the towns chief commander, to inform him of the situation, “Okay so make sure you send a small contingent of men alright maybe a down if you can spare that much Kardrex Outpost is important to us remember that” and with that it was done, they were lucky if Leon and the two hadn’t come across the outpost,  it may have been lost and they wouldn’t of known about it before it was too late, now he really need to get a hold of Hearst, he wasn’t sure if any other places around Andrian were hit as yet for now it was Elendeil and Kardrex, but if he was right other parts have probably been either taken/destroyed , but hopefully some were saved and managed to fend of these attackers, the cities maybe safer since the police are there but towns don’t have that much luck, those who are trained are to become guardsmen and women, where as in cities you get more training and better equipment, which in his opinion does not make sense just because towns may be a bit smaller does not mean they are easier to handle. With luck though he might be able to get a hold of Hearst this time, as now the need had become urgent now. Although there were other guardians out there in the system those have resigned themselves to their planets and surroundings, Bronson him and Serena were this side but as for Merana, Anviko and Anonvir they were part of another sector, yet all had formed
a bond and proper brothers and sisters in arms during their tenure together, the powers given to them were incredible especially that of immortality, they couldn’t stay young forever though they would age and age very slowly however excluding the two brothers, the rest were far older than they appeared, he himself  was close to two hundred years of age, yet eventually when their time was drawing to a close a guardian would either pass down the mantel or if died in battle which was rare, their weapons, or armour would seek out a potential and proper replacement, and with it all the knowledge and experience that the former guardian possessed in their life time.
Shawn realized that he was reminiscing a bit too much, as he needed to hold of Hearst and possibly Serena he already got an earful from Merana, but Serena would just got him for sending Leon off like that oh well, he will deal with that later right now he has to contact Hearst once again. Once he closed shop he went to the back to try and holo-graph again, finally it looked like the line was connected. The image of Claymont Hearst Guild master of  The Phoenix Flower finally appeared, “Ah good day to you Mr. Kage, I apologize for not answering sooner but we have had odd communication problems up here in Drinemen, we haven’t been able to contact our guilds or of the sort for a while here, but we just finished the conference, but enough of that what do I owe the pleasure?” “It’s good to see you to Clay may I ask are most of the masters there, if so please put them on I have some not so comforting news that may explain why no one could get a hold of their guilds” with a worried look now on his face  he asked Shawn to wait a few minutes, then a group of masters all appeared before him, he didn’t have time to see who was who he just needed to brief them all and then get back to speaking with Clay in private “ Ok so I will try and be brief in what my thoughts are on what may have happened and why I called you all here, your guilds may possibly be all in danger the ones in the cities not so much but the ones
who are in towns and far off most definitely, bluntly the biggest hit I know of at this moment was Elendeil which has been from what I know completely destroyed by a force not known as yet but unfortunately this is true I know of only two survivors from the whole ordeal I will discuss that matter in private with master Hearst as for the rest my suggestion is if you can communicate now, contact your guilds and the cities or towns they reside in again and also any S rank members who were off on long jobs to return immediately, if I’m correct the guilds are just the first target to get out of the way to what I cannot say, but for now please do as I ask , and get to your respective guilds immediately, I cannot remember if any ones guild was close to Kardrex outpost, but it was almost taken over by what maybe the same group that not only destroyed Masters Hearts home but also interfered with communications, that is all I can say to the rest of you as I have no answers other that what I have just explained, Master Hearst I will give you half an hour, then please come back as it is a matter for your ears and maybe Sir Owan if he is with you, I cannot say more than that right now I’m afraid. “Very well Mr. Kage I will be back and with Owan, in that half an hour Shawn decided to make himself some earl grey tea and a pop tart or two, while waiting, with all that was going on and about to happen, they would all need a clear head in the coming days. Once the thirty minutes was up he got a ping to say that Hearst was back on line, “Alright my friend all those who were here on the call all agreed to check this out although a few are sceptical in you assumptions, your gut instincts usually have hit on the mark, once they have all checked and assessed the situation with the guilds they will decide on what to do next as my own, Guild Master Maurice of Oceana, Camerina of Lewat , Edmind of Lotus and Shiana of Merquinn have agreed to assist with my home, once they are able and capable to do so
if worst case scenario has not befallen them as well, now please tell me lad what has become of my home and of who are these two so called survivors that managed to escape this disaster”.
“alright but please no questions until after I have finished, before I begin pleas also put Owan on line as well” Owan then came into view.  “I will tell you all I know, well as for the two known survivors according to them, they are Leon Reiss, and Savina Valour, and from what they told me well you have very strong young members and students, they said all happened on the eve that would mark 100 years of peace, according to both they were separated at the time Leon was busy training and according to Savina was patrolling a section of the town, at some point there was a huge explosion, yet they were not sure where, then after that all went into chaos Savina was the closest so she did her best to help she couldn’t get a decent look at the group, as she was too busy fighting and helping at the same time, your guild I’m afraid were caught completely off guard, she couldn’t tell me much from there as it was a traumatic experience, Leon that whole time tried to get down but the passage he was going through collapsed near then end and he fell unconscious, once he came to he did his best to look for any stragglers any survivors but the town was in such bad shape he couldn’t find, he managed to get himself to the guild where there were just bodies all over the place whether it was guild, foe or a towns member he eventually found Savina who was hunched over, and… Owan I’m sorry to say this your granddaughter passed away I know this because of the small doll Savina had attached to her bag, whether they knew it was her or not I cannot say as they weren’t in their proper minds at the time according to Leon, Savina tried to use her body as a shield for the girl from the rubble that was falling around them, they buried her and any of the others who they could and marked their graves, as best they could.” Shawn decided to stop as he could see the shock in their faces, and the tears in Owan’s
eyes, “I do hope and pray there are survivors who managed to hide somehow or even escape, as I do not know if any were even take captive, but the two managed to put a barrier around the town so only members of the town and guild members who were not around could only enter, I assume you had something to do with teaching them that as that is high end magic and teck Owan, I will give you both a few moments before I carry on, I know this is not something both of you wished to hear “ Thank you my friend, are either of the two around you now maybe we can speak with them, both suffered some trauma and as some they looked up to besides Master Hearst if I can just talk with them…” “I’m afraid not old friend I sent the two on a job something I wouldn’t normally do but given the reason for it I had no choice, I sent them with one of the Princess handmaiden back Dirandiel I know what both of you will say, but time was short and the young lady needed to get back it may take them sometime as this was to be a Secret, basically for someone of S rank but being that I could not get a hold of anyone, and after what they told me I gave them the job, look both are younger than all of us but, I hope by being around this girl and even going on this job they won’t be too eager to risk their lives, that’s the hope though, Savina did her best to be calm  and struggled, but Leon who as I am told  by any of you is calm and never one to lose his temper, I’m afraid he almost did as he shouted at me, and let lose some of his power on some scoundrels who also troubled the young handmaiden, don’t worry those boys will be fine but Leon gave them a truly frightful scare with his display which was only 5% according to him, now we all know what he can be capable of course, I don’t know who to worry about more though with Ms. Valour I can gage only so much as for Leon that will be trouble if he ever snapped.” Shawn stopped to take a sip of his tea before continuing “A bigger concern is that his cycle will start soon, I got him his “Medication”, but he will have to
deal with this on his own, until I can get hold of Serena, I did inform Ms. Valour about his condition and to watch out for him, so hopefully things may be okay, will all the training you gave him on meditation Owan, and just recently before I contacted you I got a message from Leon about Kardrex Outpost, I relayed it to the chief commander here, so he should send a small contingent soon. “Will you or Lady Serena ever tell us the truth about that boy Shawn old friend it may put things into some perspective?” Owan asked “I am afraid not his lineage needs to kept on the low unless Serena says it’s okay, I will get a lot of lip for sending him to the capital as they may see his genes are odd, but I will deal with her when I get a hold of her as well, other than what I have told you that is all I know for now and can tell you I’m afraid, the rest we will just have to wait and see, but as for you to contact them I would suggest coming home first and deal with Elendeil first and get word out to any remaining members out there. Thank you Mr. Kage for all this information I admit it’s a lot to take in and not a lot of time to mourn as well, we will get back as soon as we can, just one more thing this young handmaiden of the princess just two questions do they know she is one and two what is her name?”  “To answer your first question no she was told not to do so unless it was in the presence of you and your second question her name is Elaina Finisai”. “Wait are you sure that was the young lady’s name?” Claymont said with a surprised look on his face, “Well yes why do you ask?” Shawn asked curiously “If I am correct that is same name of the girl who Leon tried to help those years ago you know of which I speak” Both Shawn and Owan were in shock “apologies I didn’t know she was that girl, but safe to say if you can call it safe both Leon nor Savina recognised her and vis versa” Shawn replied “Well this is turned out to be well I don’t know what as yet partly interesting good and bad, I do thank you for what you have told us old friend, but if you both will
excuse me I…”  “No need for words Owan I understands my friend we will speak when you have come back and mourned proper” Owan then left as he holo turned off.
“I do wish I can do more to help and check Elendeil out, but unfortunately this business does not give me that time I’m afraid but once you are back maybe I will have found some who is capable enough to look after my shop, and come to your aid Clay” “I appreciate it Shawn but for now keep to you home you never know if these b******s may come and attack there next, my only worry is that if you are right why has there been no news of these events that may have taken place either it has been kept under wraps or there is someone behind the scenes, we shall see as time progresses but you have given us much to think about, oh and one last thing good luck with Lady Serena as you will probably get more than lip from her” Hearst said that last part with a slight grin before signing off. “Yeah luck, I will need a miracle with her” he said sourly. Both he and Serena were around the same age he wasn’t sure about the rest of the system guardians those that kept to their planets and surrounding areas Bronson was a bit older give or take a few natural years, Merana was the oldest she kept to herself a lot of the time but she at least was a team player when it counted, she had seen a lot more than they did, the only reasoning for not even passing on was that she personally needed to find the right candidate to replace her as, she failed once and so she will carry on till that day. When they all heard that in their time together, they weren’t sure what to be more shocked at the fact that a person can linger for a longer period if they fail to pass on their mantle or that she said it nonchalantly, however cold she could be she always offered advice when it counted or where one would ask for it, yet what she said was starkly different from what they were told about the whole immortality deal, she was and is the only one they knew of ages ago that had failed to pass on her mantle whether it was a fault on
her own or something else no one knew she kept that close to the vest. Bronson was a true warrior never say die man who always looked to battle as just another test at life, he knew his weapons which is why he stroke up a friendship with Bronson, he was a good man honourable and true to the end, he never faulted and lent a hand when it was needed of course he had his ridiculous competitions mainly that of counting each foe one struck down, Merana never had the time or patience for that surprisingly Serena didn’t mind that at all, and so he and Serena didn’t always mind unless thing were absolutely serious then no games just fight, defend and protect. Bronson truly was a good hearted man which is why it always cut him to know he was their when Bronson and Anviko fell at the hands of Anonvir, he never understood why Anonvir became a guardian, Not even Leana the phoenix guardian told him when he confronted her about it after the whole massacre and destruction of Anviko’s whole planet billions of lives lost, she only ever said that as for his armour she always suspected it was corrupted but could never truly see, but the mantle of the Feared One would if not checked by the user either corrupt them or they corrupt the armour, and would find someone like minded once the former bearers time was up, and after Anonvir she could not trace of the Armour she may not have looked or said it at the time but Shawn had the feeling that she was very worried as nothing escaped her sight as she was the Chronicler of their order and the only living member from whence the guardians truly started. Anviko was much different from his brother calm cool collected, kind hearted individual who always had his ear out for anyone wanting to just talk, he was a brilliant warrior fast and swift on the field, a great tactician for one so young, his loyalty for his comrades knew no bounds. It would be said the same for his home planet, yet for his moniker of the wise when it came to it
was not whole true as he was still young, as they say wisdom comes with age, each of them came into parts of their titles in time though, even Merana who was somewhat cold held the title of
The Courageous and Kind, probably through her years she became cold, he dared not ask , yet Anviko dared to do so, but only because he cared for his new comrades and wished to know each as much as one could, he was courageous enough to ask her the question and stood by it even when was asked not to, whether she ever told him he never knew, but she took a liking to him for that stance, she did care for comrades no doubt, and more so after his display, honestly He thought that Anviko’s moniker should of rather been the Brave and Loyal as that suited him much better, as for Serena she was beautiful yet deadly and truly was her name sake of the Sly and brave, and showed it on multiple occupations, yet she did have the side which sent shivers down his spine if she really had a problem with anyone of them including himself she was not afraid to show it, and for one so nimble and small in muscle mass she had the strength of 10 Alpha Ursung’s if need be, and no matter what she said about Leon she cared for him like a mother would her only child but very protective, ne knew not if she made a promise to Anviko and his wife, but she made sure that his lineage would remain secret and to contain Leon’s power, which was still a mystery if had to guess only Leah knew what it was, that was part of the issue the other was that of his actual mother both Anviko and her were not the same species and so she the so called “medication” was to suppress both genes in him mainly his mother’s side, their child was the first and is the only hybrid in existence his very being would pose a monumental threat if he wasn’t looked out for properly, he knew sending Leon not only to the capital but in the state things were in may look bad but his gut told him that the boy needed this he would need and eventually learn what and who he is, whether he would forgive all those who
knew, he w wouldn’t know but for now, it was a waiting game to see. Shawn knew that he himself would need to pass on his relic, and may have found one a young man who has moved between his own home planet and to here and back again to Herion, in fact he knows the boy also took up being a smith and heard he was quite good for one so young, much like how he was before he was chosen it seems, that’s how it will come to pass, well he was looking for an apprentice to move his skills on of smiting  as well so why not, maybe he will put in a call to home and ask for the boy, although no one knows who he really is they do know of him as one of the best guild smiths around his side of Andrian. Shawn didn’t realize how late it was going into just a small part of memory lane and it was late, but also considering the time he closed up shop and contacted Owan and Claymont no wonder it was late, so he decided to turn in for the evening and a fresh start tomorrow since it was going to be Sindar, the store was closed so he would have an ample amount of time, and with that thought in mind he snapped the lights off, and went to bed.

© 2018 Fayyaadh

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Added on August 9, 2018
Last Updated on August 9, 2018



Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

hi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Fayyaadh