![]() Chapter Four A new Journey BeginsA Chapter by FayyaadhThe first few days since their departure of Feist on their escort mission was relatively uneventful, most of the time it was Leon scouting ahead on his board to make sure the path was clear and no bandits or any other sort of riffraff were around, Leon and Savina were used to long trips up to a certain point but their charge Elaina was not so they had to make regular stops along the way to rest from half an hour to an hour this seriously delayed their efforts so it was decided that they would switch between their boards where the one would be for Elaina and the other Leon and Savina used to make the journey a bit more bearable for all three, they also found out that Elaina has no training at all in self-defense so on their last stop they decided that from then up to when they get to the capital that they will train Elaina for better or worse she may not have the build for it but they can’t always be protecting her so on the 10th of Moirna 2234 on Montou they started before any type of martial arts training Elaina needed to slowly build up so they did basics with sit-ups, push-ups lunges and such, however they did find that she was a very fast runner, that was due to her training as a MedSupp but even with that she was still a bit clumsy so that would prove a challenge but they were up for it between Savina and Leon, Elaina wasn’t sure who was getting a kick out of this, they did mean well but she just couldn’t see herself fighting, helping out with support maybe so but anything hand to hand she was hopeless she knew that but it looked as though she wasn’t going to worm her way out of this one. Savina and Leon decided to take turns with Elaina as they started to butt heads while trying to train her at the same time. Leon was a bit easy going so Savina took up the first shift, and to Elaina’s dismay Savina took to training her like how she saw the army being trained at times vigorously and felt # like she would just pass out, and they didn’t even start basic self-defense it was just building her strength and stamina first, this went on for the next two and a half hours with only ten-minute breaks that didn’t even feel like ten minutes eventually they stopped and thankfully that was it for the day. Once she could feel like she could walk again since her legs felt like jelly she found that Leon was nowhere to be found she slowly went to Savina and asked where he was as he wasn’t around camp, Savina Replied by simply saying “Either he is training at a clearing up ahead or he is doing some scouting either way don’t worry he is one person who can take care of himself, besides he should be around shortly it’s getting to sunset now, and since you are our charge he won’t take long.” As on cue Leon appeared from above on his board with what looked like some wood and food from some trees as he settled down off his board, “So training or scouting? Savina asked, curious about the question “Scouting of course plus a bit of R&R checking the views, and animals around here, we should be ok for now, but I’d give it two days before other creatures take notice of us”. “See like I said scouting or training” looking at where Elaina was, Leon had a slight smirk at this and then went back to making the fire for the night all the while looking at Elaina out of the corner of his eye, once that was done they sat down for the evening, although they were stocked with plenty enough rations Leon suggested they also eat some of the food he collected as this will have a little more taste to it. “Ok well now that our bellies are fool, how did the newbie do today on training while I was away?” Leon asked, “She did okay she is a good runner but as far as that she has a long way ahead before she actually learns some self-defense from either of us add to that of her being clumsy we got our work cut out for us” “Well it’s not like we can blame her, but I am surprised that she hasn’t learnt any form # of defense in the capital, but she wasn’t trained like us at the same time” “Hey don’t I get a say in this conversation you guys are being mean” Elaina said to both, Leon and Savina then looked at each other and burst out laughing. Elaina looked confused now what was it with these two, here she was sore in all manner places and here they are laughing at her, once they calmed down as if reading her mind Leon stated “ I know it probably sounds mean the way we are talking right now but really we are just having some fun, don’t be too serious, besides we are generally relaxed, its only with training and other things we are serious with, you’ll get too know that soon I should think and…” before he could carry on he felt a huge pulse in him, but quickly came back “and you’ll be fine no problem just remember we do things very differently compared to where you are from, meh I think you will adept just fine as long as we are around hey Savi?” before she answered she looked at him he looked slightly weary but otherwise okay “Eh Shana you in there? he said waiving his hand, she quickly grabbed “Ok firstly what did we say about calling me that in front of others we don’t know entirely and secondly” as she released his hand from her grip “Yes she would do ok around us we are after all the best A class guild members” glad to see that she was still there he simply turned got up turned his back and walked “Hey I know Savina just wanted to make sure you with us you spaced out there for a second but sorry regardless I know better of course, anyway I’ll take first shift tonight you two had a longer day than I had besides since we got proper equipment you can have some form of privacy I’ll give you ten minutes then call me alright” with that and with inhuman reflexes he jumped on a tree branch and headed north. Elaina was speechless “How… How on Gianera did he do that I mean unless he is native to this planet and one of the Andriani…” still a bit speechless ‘Savina said “come on he has given us ten minutes so let’s just change in the interim, but I suggest not # completely however we are still in the wilds no matter how you think of it so it’s always best to be prepared” Elaina didn’t quite follow that last part until she got in their tent, once in however she saw what Savina meant as she saw Savina only slightly change but then put a holster with a knife under her pants and a small one around her arm. Perplexed Elaina looked to enquire not only that but something she knew was what looked a touchy subject with them but would have to word it carefully, “Ok so umm... first off what with the knives for bedtime? And second question well… how to put this back at the store and well umm... now well... are you sure you two are not together, together I only aske because that word although it can be used in close friend context does also mean relationship so…” Savina knew where this was head true it was a bit of a touchy subject around strangers but since all three were going to be traveling for a bit, they’ll get to know her and she’ll get to them with a low sigh to herself she decided to explain “Ok well as for the first question I did say we are in the wilds so anything can happen such as bandits or creatures such as Ursung and Beowolves so one always will need some form of protection, as for the second one well how do I put this, look I know we may seem that close but we really are just close friends and have been since we were small, however don’t go getting any ideas alright he had a very bad experience with a girl although it wasn’t totally his fault he still blames himself for it so I have been there for him since that time yes we are close but that’s that alright, will all due respect I suggest you don’t persist with the question or the like of it to me and especially to him okay” she said as calmly as she could. While that was going on Leon was up in the trees “oh brother it looks like signs are showing slowly I only have two weeks left anyway but doing this does give me some form of relief, I really wish I could tell her, but I can’t hell I don’t even know myself why this happens to me and me alone mom only ever told me it probably has to do # something with my lineage from my actual parents, damn it! If only I knew more about what I am but for now just got to deal with this, but with company around I don’t like this one bit last I want to do is scare them or hurt them even” he trailed off at the thought and continued then stopped ten minutes was almost up so he decided to head back, he had to be weary though just because he could do what he could he had to watch himself last thing he needed was falling in the event of another pang, he watched carefully going and now coming both atop the trees and down on the ground below he stopped however once he looked carefully it was small group or Ursung maybe four or five, these creatures usually keep to themselves, but it wasn’t a good idea to linger they can be very territorial even a small section which may or may not be the case as he did see a few other animals around the area as well, he quickly left not wanting to disturb once he was away he heard a whistle, and whistled back to say he was close and on his way back. Once back he saw only Savina waiting for him he jumped down and walked over to her, “She’s asleep so no worries, but probably a bit too inquisitive although careful about it before you ask about what it was the whole deal with you and me, I just gave a brief explanation and told her to not enquire it to me or you again” “That’s nice and all but I wasn’t going to ask, but anyway I don’t think we should stay for long maybe just one more day and we have to move I saw a small group of Ursung maybe four or five, and since we don’t know how big or small their territory is by tomorrow we should leave alright, but you should get some rest”. “I think I’ll stay up for a little bit if that’s okay?” “Well if you want then it’s up to you” “By the way Leon you sure you oaky earlier on before you left it looked like you lost some color for a small bit there” Leon was surprised that she managed to see that “don’t worry about that I’m fine besides that quick recon helped out okay” as they sat against a big boulder not too far but not too close to their tents, and # just sat there gazing at the stars. Elaina who hadn’t slept yet heard them, and thought to herself “No matter what those two say they have something” after a few minutes she fell asleep, eventually Leon felt Savina’s head got on to his shoulder as she drifted off, he let her be for a few minutes before carefully picking her up, and put her in his tent since he didn’t want to wake Elaina up as well once she was in he left the tent and went back to the boulder and climbed on top so he could get a better vantage view of their camp site there he was for most part, but part of the time he went to the trees quietly as he could and did a few checks in all corners, and still made sure to come back after every few minutes to the camp to check on them. It was 23:00, so he still had a few more hours before he had to wake Savina up he decided to stay at camp for the remainder of the time so he decided to meditate since actual training would make a bit of noise, once again he went on the boulder sat down and started, in this state he was aware of his surroundings while just relying on his sense of hearing and sense of smell, and breathing slowly and carefully as he was taught by another member of the guild by the name of Owan, this guy Leon really respected as he was one of the top few S class members, who always had time and advice for the younger members and told stories of his jobs, even if they were a bit eccentric, but he was the one to help him with the meditating once his mother said that he had to, to ease his mind and a form of control when the cycles start she didn’t even explain it to him properly and he always struggled until Owan helped him. Leon wondered where him and the others were even that arse Gordon, Leon realized he was quickly losing focus and did his best to clear his mind again, but it seemed this time he wouldn’t be able to the thought of the others and his home kept barging in, eventually he gave up and just sat there looking over the camp it was about 04:00 now and could feel now that he was going so begrudgingly he decided to wake up Savina for her # to do the remainder of the watch he was supposed to wake her up earlier on but left it hopefully she slept okay he was sure these things of home were plaguing her in some way as it was plaguing him, probably will get at least four of sleep it may not be much but what they could get they would take on the road. One he was in the tent he woke her up but lightly as he could last thing he wanted was a knife to the throat, she stirred and didn’t realized it was him and immediately went for him before she saw it was him she let go “Really you know you should do it very lightly and not to close, what time is it?” “It’s just after four a.m. your shift is up okay” Four a.m. are you mad you should of woken me up much earlier fine will give you at least five hours at best but then afterwards I think we should move, like you said there are Ursung around” so she left the tent only to realize it was his and not hers and Elaina’s she didn’t say anything this time he probably put her in his tent not to disturb Elaina plus it was easier for him since there was a little bit more space to move around with no one else in, so with that Leon was asleep and she took the remainder of the shift which wasn’t that long of which Elaina woke up groaning that she was sore from sleeping on the ground like that “Well you better get used to it missy it will happen a lot when we’re not close to any cities or towns, get dressed in the mean time we leave around 10:00 we’ll eat on the way” Savina Stated “Get dressed, don’t you mean bathe first?” Elaina questioned “You really don’t know anything about traveling the way we are, do you? (sigh) let me explain there are no such facilities when we are traveling, we have items that help us stay freshened up sure but we are taught and told to no over use them also as I have said again we are on the move until we get to a town or city luxuries are no matter we make do with what we have, sure the two of us are female however that is no excuse, you will learn to appreciate as go along until we reach the next town which is three weeks away and then eventually when we # reach Dirandiel which will still take time until we reach the place Mr. Kage told us about for transport until then that is how it will be alright”. Savina left it at that and moved along Elaina on the other hand was moody now how many times must she get lectured like a little child, as she carried on she heard some rustling behind the bush She was nervous at first and nearly got a fright when something poppet out and ran in the other direction, but if she looked as too why the small animal ran she would of backed away more and told Savina or ran to tell Leon but since she didn’t she wasn’t away of the danger that started to come closer to the camp, until she turned her back and started walking and then heard a twig crack behind her and then heard a huge roar from behind her which froze her in her tracks, which then an Ursung sprang from where it was, and no sooner before it got to Elaina, Savina was there and diverted it away with her staff “Get back already and get to Leon quick”. Elaina was still frozen though this was an Ursung right in front of her, and if it wasn’t for Savina it would of crushed her fairly quickly and didn’t quiet register what Savina said until she felt red in the face as if hit, it was Savina who slapped her to get head straight “ Snapp out of it I said get Leon I can’t deal with these creatures on my own you know” however once she got her bearings back and got up to get to Leon another two appeared towering over both as the stood up, you see Ursung are bear like creatures they ranger to different sizes are usually docile unless it’s a group of males Ursung have large claws and somewhat exoskeleton shell on their body which is covered by fur “ D****t I thought we’d have more time, but why are they are attacking I didn’t think we were that close to their territory” she said as she tried to dodge an attack from one of the three “Wait one, two, three hang on Leon said he spotted four or five of these guys last night where are the other one’s” as another one tried to attack she nearly got hit since she didn’t have enough time to respond until it got hit by # another staff it looked like Leon had woken up and was there to help “You know you Ursung really need to keep a look out for your young, and make sure they don’t wonder too far off” he said as he slowly stepped away to reveal the smallest of the lot behind and slowly moved it forward to the biggest of the trio which was the male roared with anger and began advancing at Leon as he nodded his head to get Savina and Elaina out of the way, the male started getting closer and closer and Leon stood his ground while the small Ursung was beside him moving too slowly to its mother. Finally the male was close to Leon who still didn’t budge or take his eyes off the creature and they just stared at each other, Elaina was still out of it but amazed at the same time here Leon was staring down at savage beast , and didn’t even budge or had a look of fear in him, she heard only slight growls coming from both of them once the small Ursung got back to its mother the male wasn’t sure still whether to attack or back away, but it saw Leon relax and nod his head as if to say be on your way the male backed away as did the rest of the Ursung and disappeared back into the bushes with one final roar. Once that was over Leon let out a deep breath however Elaina just fainted from the experience “that was a bit too close for all of us I think, I thought we would have more time, to pack and leave” “question why in the world was that cub with you in the first place?” “Let’s pack up so long and we need to cover our scent don’t want that little one and its’ family bumping into us again, I suggest we try to wake Elaina up though gently alright, and to answer your question I have no idea where or when that little one came from I just saw it there after I heard the first few roars and shouting and saw that little one snuggled and sleeping, you know I never understand why they say Ursung are so viscous it looked so cute, anyway there’s your answer no let’s start packing we don’t want to be around too long, we should be around 10 kilometers from the next town I think we should just get transport # to head over, to the place Mr. Kage told us about, unless we need to take another route”. “Let us just see when we reach the place, any idea what the next town is called thought?” “According to the map let us see here” as Leon turned the map on his wrist pad “Ok we are here and the next town... oh ok it’s not actually a town but an outpost just says the name Kardrex Outpost, been around for fifteen years, small populace mainly used for trading, that’s about well okay then since it’s an outpost we may hit some luck with intel” Leon responded to Savina as they were closing up the camp, all the while Elaina was put against the boulder until she got up. “we need to be careful though it may be a trading outpost but that also means black market somewhere there and that means trouble, so we should take it easy, we can blend in somehow or other as for our charge well not so much” Savina commented “True very true, now I think we should wake miss startled up now, you were right we have our work cut this time, and now you know why I don’t particularly like these types of jobs, whether it pays well or not so let’s get to it” as he said moving to the unconscious girl, “hello anybody there, hello… Andrian to Elaina are you there” he said slowly shaking her, she slowly murmured, Savina saw this was taking too long and splashed a small amount of water on the young lady’s face that got her up, with a shock accidently knocked Leon to the ground with a headbutt to his chin and then as he was falling, she fell on top of him lining, Savina just shook her head this looks like it was going to be a common occurrence, sadly on their travels, it may be a bit comical but may be a real hindrance if an enemy was around. “I’m flattered young miss, but I think it’s way too soon to celebrate don’t you think?” Leon said jokingly on his back, she immediately saw what he meant and quickly got up, “Well if you two are done I think we should start moving” Savina said as she gave a hand to help Leon back up. Once he brushed the dust off him and they did a final check around the site # they were off. Elaina was still a bit red faced this was how many times now she bumped into them or fell on these two people who just brushed it off, for two somewhat care free individuals they were surprisingly handled themselves with the Ursung, she sighed to herself admitting that they were right she needed to learn to protect herself and she would have to deal with traveling like this without proper comfort as she was used to being also a hand maiden to the princess at times, something she was not to reveal from both the queen and by what Mr. Kage said no matter what unless she feels the need to explain especially with what the contents of the small box she was given to take back to the queen, “Oh why me, why not send another person with experience, I may have done a bit of field work but that was for training purposes and all that, I look like a fool with these two warriors I’m just support and right now useless support” she thought to herself looking at the road until they stopped. “Hey Leon, why did you stop? Savina asked “I think we should change formation for now, not that we are in any trouble but after that little standoff with the Ursung we just need to be more alert, Savina you take point, Elaina be in the middle in case something comes up whatever support you can summon up do so if need be I’ll take the rear, don’t ask why but I feel like we may run into trouble sooner or later okay”. The thought that she may be needed perked her up a bit as they all switched around, she remembered something “I think we can use your hover boards I remember Mr. Kage doing something with I think he also extended or a side extension or something I’m not too familiar with what he was doing but just check it out” “ That’s not a bad idea” Leon and Savina said at the same time the detached their boards from their bags and connected it to their wrist pad’s Leon’s eyes went wide with astonishment “ How in the name did he manage to do this with the time frame of a # week look at these extensions, better propulsions and…” Savina and Leon just looked at each other, “LAUNCHERS!!” they both shouted “Holy….” Even Savina couldn’t find words for this, once they calmed down though they checked what Elaina tried to say was there it was a side bar which could be maneuvered left, right or to the back. “looks like our trip is about to get a little bit faster” Leon said with excitement “Whoa there remember our boards still require energy cells to run with so we can’t over use them” Savina explained “ ‘sigh’ I guess you’re right but still if he did this I wonder what else he did with our gear, like he said we will just have to wait and see, oh and thanks for that bit of intel Elaina” Leon replied to both ladies “We should still keep to the formation you suggested for now though, I think also we should alternate between you and me Elaina you stay in the middle okay”, with that and a small bit of energy in their steps they headed to the outpost. As they walked they started seeing smoke getting closer to the outpost, then hearing screams “ damn it their under attack” Leon said now in a hurry before he could do anything Savina was on her board and went zooming to the outpost Leon didn’t have a choice he just told Elaina to hang on to him as he also got oh his board and went as fast as he could to the outpost Savina though was ahead and as she reached the outpost she saw them, the people who looked as though they were the one’s that attacked her home without she rammed in to a group with her board and flipped over them readying her swords and started moving through the group so quickly that that they didn’t have time to retaliate, she found civilians and urged them to get back, by this time Leon and Elaina had appeared there were bodies everywhere and blood all over Elaina tried too keep her composure, but was on the verge of being hysterical, seeing this Leon quickly did his best to assure her that things will be alright and that she need to calm down they will need her help with support and that of a medic for any and all survivors of the outpost # they find and told her to stay with him and don’t go off, he fought off as many as he could be doing his best to protect Elaina and any survivors as much as possible getting them to a spot and running again trying to find Savina, who had just lost herself in battle as she tore through the group with her swords cutting and slashing, she maybe in a battle frenzy but she did also recognize that some were of the outpost by the way that they were doing their best as well to fend off the attackers, Leon broke through and finally got to the civilians telling them to head in the direction where put the others, as for Elaina he made sure of it that she was out of sight from these barbarians, he got her to one of the posts, near the outlet of the survivors were and erected a barrier, she wasn’t used to expanding this much stamina but she had to do it these people needed to be safe and Leon was counting on her to keep up for as long as Leon and Savina needed to drive back or eliminate their targets. Leon and Savina did the best they could protecting each other and civilians. However there was only two of them and a few guardsmen and plenty of the enemy still, by now the civilians as well as some of the guard were okay, as much as she wanted to break the barrier, she had to keep it up for as long as she could without being spotted, she then remembered that she had stimulants wither her and of which may help Leon and Savina, while concentrating on the barrier she quickly went through her pack and got what she needed, an automated them quickly to get to the two and sent them off, the stimulants zoomed and zeroed in on them and went straight for the legs injecting into Leon and Savina, with renewed vigor the two pushed back and encouraged the guardsmen and women to do so as well, eventually they just managed to drive off the remainder, they would of captured but knew that if they did these people will attack the outpost again this whole battle took about an hour or so they weren’t really sure but it was over for now, as they walked back to where Elaina was hiding to # let her know to come down and take down the barrier, both were impressed that she held on for so long and congratulated her on a job well done she earned it as they got close to her they both thanked her, but they had to wash out since they had splotches of blood on their clothing, as they turned their backs and started walking they didn’t realize that there was still one left who was aiming bow blaster at them and made the shot, Savina just managed to see it coming in time and with her barrier deflection magic repulsed the bolt which then went right back through the enemies head and fell, “I just took no I couldn’t off I took a life...” she started hyperventilating, Savina quickly sat her down doing her best to calm Elaina down, Leon quickly got some water for her to drink, they both did their best and she eventually slowly calmed down. Leon motioned Savina to take the lead as he went to check on the civilians, “Okay just take a few deep breaths Elaina slow deep breaths in an out okay” Elaina did what she was told Elaina took her hands gently in to her own “ Listen to me carefully Elaina what you did wasn’t bad okay you saved a life even though that meant by taking another one out I know you didn’t mean it, it was just a reflex from this fight and especially after you did your best to protect these people in case any of the enemy got through you did ok alright, I know taking a life is not easy its not meant to be even for me and Leon when we were forced to do it also hit us similar to you, its and odd thing to say and not really a good thing to say that sometimes to save a life you have to take one, but at times it may happen, but you reacted in a good way preservation of life and self-preservation of one’s own life does matter whether it was aimed at me or Leon, you protected us from a blow that may have been fatal it may only get harder from here okay our travels won’t be a paradise walk I hope you see that now but we are both proud of you, you held on for so long which is very impressive indeed, we are here for you just remember, this maybe a job for us but that doesn’t # mean we won’t take into account how you feel at times, now buck and stand tall remember now you protected these civilians so you are a hero in your own right okay” with that she helped Elaina stand back up and both waked towards Leon who was checking on civilians, and speaking to a guardswoman who although exhausted was helping and relaying what she could about what happened, once Leon saw the two ladies heading his way, he told the guardswoman to rest a bit he will be back to get more information on what she could otherwise to get her station commander so they could speak with them, the lady thanked him and went off to find her commander and for some rest. As all three walked along they saw the carnage those people wrought those civilians who managed to survive to survive thanked them but still teared up about the lose of their friends and families, while others shouted at them for not saving this person or that person and why they came so late to help, Elaina truly felt bad they all did but she wanted to console these people help them in anyway but Leon stopped her “Listen we did all we could here, I know you want to help more of these people but its something we cannot do we saved those who we could, everyone is thankful but for some they are just overcome with emotion you did good don’t forget that, we won’t stay long here though we have to move along alright” Elaina nodded her head and they moved to where the guard station was. Leon found where the lady was who he was talking to earlier on “Hey did you manage to find your commander…?” he saw the look in her eyes she was in shock and disgust he quickly ran into the station, and just found what was a massacre everyone be it prisoner or guardsmen were slain he ran to the station commanders room, when he entered he saw a detestable site the commander was all over the room, he couldn’t help it and walked out the room before puking even for Leon that was a bit too much, Savina came in at this time “Oh by the bones this smell here is horrendous, wait why are # you out here looking like you saw death itself?” “I suggest you don’t go in there we won’t be able to find anything until the mess in there and out here is cleaned up” “Okay but is the S.C there?” “He is the mess in there trust me you don’t want to go in there” he said pale faced so they walked out Leon still a bit pale from seeing the commander himself. Seeing this Elaina was about to enquire why he looked pale “Don’t ask Shena, you’d pass out if you saw the mess there” Savina and Elaina were amazed he just called Elaina Shena which is a term used for friend, Leon didn’t realize he said this though and carried on “Hey miss I know you are still in shock but is there anyone else around like the vice commander around or captain” slowly coming back as she heard the young man ask a question to her “sorry I’m still a bit fuzzy after today’s whole experience but too answer your question, we don’t have captains just the chief commander and vice and….” She trailed off “its ok take your time you’ve had a long day, have some water it may help” Savina offered the young guardswoman who took the offer and drank some water “Thank you, as I was saying we don’t have captains just the two I mentioned but because most of the officials are dead or wounded I cannot say as too who is in charge now but the vice commander I am not sure he lead the charge when this all started yesterday, I hadn’t seen him around since before you three came I hope he isn’t dead as well..” “Sorry to disappoint you Lisa but I’m not dead yet” a voice came from the corner, it was the vise commander “Jim is that you?” she ran to him as he walked slowly clutching his arm “sorry I couldn’t be there for the last fight but clinging to one’s own life is hard you know” he said with a small grin “Jim the Chief he…” “That traitorous b*****d got what he deserved, he sold us out” “What are you talking about Jim? The vice commander then explained what happened and why he left the battle “You # see I went to get the chief a little after that battle was underway, when I came to the station what I found was a massacre bodies all over the place, until I heard the commander I went in quietly as I could, he was talking with someone I’m not sure who the person was but it looked like the commander wasn’t in any danger as if they were casual but talking business, from what I heard he sold us out these people that attacked us they were going to take over our home I wasn’t about to let that happen but before I could do anything then man in question blew the chief up, I guess he was finished with his business , I went in ready to attack, this guy was a pro he dodged my attacks like it was nothing I did manage to get a few hits though and a cut on his face, but after that he had enough, that how I lost feeling in my arm here, he was using advance tech though stuff that you would find only may be in Tekovia and on the black market, either way that’s why we weren’t ready for these guys”. “So I guess that would make you the new chief then, let’s get this place cleaned up, we had some questions for you but it seems part of it was answered when we saw that group, but we should move on as soon as we can I’m afraid we cannot stay for long here, besides you will need to fortify defenses just to be safe in case of another attack, although we would like to stay and help we are on a job at the moment” Leon said and showed his mark to clarify what he meant, “Oh I see what you mean, sadly you may have the right of it we may come under attack again so we need to fortify heavily with what little we have, I don’t know if we can manage, is there no way for you to contact your guild to bring assistance I know you people are no militia but we may need help.” Jim enquired, “Unfortunately we are having trouble contacting other members of our guild since these people may most probably be the same that attacked our town, we can contact a friend to see if he can communicate with others around the area to come by your aid, however I cannot promise you anything as it may take time for any # reinforcements to get here, you may have to hold out a bit longer but we all took down the majority, partly in thanks to your own people who fought to protect at all costs Savina said. “very well, please see to contact the person to get help for this outpost then, if you require anything I’m sure the people may be willing to help but it may not be a lot considering the damage done, I will leave you too it then come find me once you are done then, Sargent Lisa please accompany me I need to get my arm looked at and we need to assess the damage her” “Sir yes sir” was the Sargent’s reply “actually I may be able to help with your arm at least” Elaina said stepping forward, she assessed the arm with a little machine, “ It’s not looking too good I’m afraid two of your tendons are torn it will either take a long process to heel or may never to the point in which you may need to amputate it I can give you something to help ease the pain and it may slowly repair them but unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the arm for a while, and if that doesn’t work well, like I said we may need to amputate it” “ If you can try I would be thankful indeed young miss” with the same little machine she adjusted it and injected him, with a herbal formula. “I’m afraid I could only use a little bit as I need many more on our journey, but what little I did give you should at least ease some pain” Elaina said once she was done and stepped back “by the goddess you three were truly sent to us in our time of need” Lisa said teary eyed. “Thank you, again young lady,” Jim said as he and Sargent Lisa walked away. As soon as the two left Elaina buckled and near collapsed, before both Leon and Savina caught her in time and sat her down “You really need to stop falling for us” Savina said with a smile, “Maybe we should just sit here for a while Leon I mean that was a crazy fight there” Savina said looking at Leon “I don’t see why not but can I talk to you for a second, don’t worry Elaina we will just be # by the corner over there okay, rest but just stay alert okay” Elaina nodded at that and both Leon and Savina walked till the corner where Elaina was still in sight but not in earshot “ok what did...” before Savina could say anything more Leon grabbed her arm and pushed her to the wall “What in the name was that earlier on taking off just like that facing all those people by yourself not even waiting for all us to go in there, do you have a death wish I saw you before you saw any survivors and before seeing me you had no regard at all ,just hacked and slashed, your way through the enemy, what is going on in that head of yours or did you forget that we are a team we work together and be together at all times, don’t you forget we have a job to do once that is done then yes we go hunting but not with the regard for your own life, like I saw today” he then let his grip loosen a little bit but still looking at her with a stern and serious face. Savina was astounded, there were times in their past where he was serious about aspects but not to this extent where he berated her and manhandling her the way he did. Their home being destroyed as such did something to him that she was now uncertain of and it may start to scare her if anything more happened that he could snap completely, he then let go of her arm and turned his back at her “Look Shana until we hear of any survivors or any guild members coming back from wherever they are including the master we are all we got, I hope you can see understand that, for now we are all we got, tell Elaina I’m going to scout for a bit I will meet with both of you later” as he unloaded his board and went off. She stood there in shock again he had blown a fuse and with her this time, not only that he physically handled her if it was someone else she would knocked them to the ground the fact that he did this but the way he berated her talked down to her like she messed up even though she didn’t, what was happening to her easy care free best friend, he would never do this at all and now it’s like he was becoming very protective of her, then she # realized what he said until they find or know that others are safe they are all they got. Once she realized what this meant it was going to that time where she was there for him, they got closer from then onwards, she just slumped against the wall gritting her teeth and holding back her tears “You, stupid fool” luckily, she heard Elaina calling out to them they were gone for a bit, so she quickly cleared her face and composed herself and walked out from the corner “Hey where is Leon?” Elaina asked, “You know him always scouting ahead he went to make sure to scout around the outpost that all was well, and if there were any more of those people around the area, and if I’m correct also to contact Mr. Kage and inform him of the situation here as well, let’s move along shall we” “sure you okay it looked like you lost some color on your face?” “don’t worry just a little tired from the fright” Savina said with a smile, as they walked away back to where all the stores were. Above the outpost Leon was scouting around checking to see where they might have attacked from, searching and searching he couldn’t find until he found what looked like tracks to the north west, of the outpost it looked like tricky terrain around there but if they did have supposed better tech he wasn’t sure and wasn’t about to find out they had a job to do, and he won’t tell Savina of this she seemed hell bent on going after them earlier on hopefully that lecture got through to her, while he was up there he decided to send a message to Shawn about these events and if a small regiment, could come to help Kardrex Outpost as soon as they can with some materials. Descending back down to the ground he managed to find Sargant Lisa, and informed her of the situation, “Ok just make sure that you cover all sides with what you can I am not sure, if these people will attack or when and if reinforcements may arrive but that is all you can do for now” “Thank you again young man whatever help you did is till help and worth the effort I wish we could do more for you and your friends but, with the it is right now words # are all we can give you” Sargant Lisa said. “Very well I guess me and my companions will be off I wish you and Kardrex Outpost well, but a suggestion I would give now is if you have any abled body people maybe two get this message again to the town of Feist that is where my contact is my contact is there and he can confirm the runners story as I did send word to him, it may or may not help but it’s best chance you have, tell you commander that this outpost cannot be lost not just for the sake of those living here but to make sure those people get a foot hold, my town wasn’t as lucky as our outpost its destroyed, and we did what we could so that only my guild and any folk that was absent in that time may enter, be safe Sargant and may the stars watch over Kardrex” and with that he left to find his two companions. Then it happened that all too familiar pulse, “Damn it I may only be two weeks from the cycle but why so earlier one after the other with these damn pulses, we cannot afford to lose time, he quickly put himself together and carried on looking for the two ladies, until he found them, and waved to them to come his way. “Found anything” Elaina asked “Unfortunately not but I sent a message to Mr. Kage and, the relative intel to Sargant Lisa, I suggest we leave though we can’t stay here too long, I don’t think Kardrex will get attacked again so soon, but these people need some time to grieve and fortify and having us around may hinder either of the two” Savina felt in mood to argue after the ‘little chat that they had and Elaina was still weary from using a ton of her magic so if they went, but before they reached the gates they saw the New chief commander running to them, “Phew I’m # glad I caught you before you left here, this is the least we can spare and give you guys for your help it may not be much, but it’s the only thing I could think of and I will not take no for answer” he handed them a small pack of energy cells, “Thanks then although we shouldn’t take these it is much appreciated, but are you sure even though this is a small pack you won’t need it?” Leon responded, “Not at all remember we are an outpost so we do trade and we are stoked with these cells” “Hmmm might I suggest that all the “good” goods stock you put in a secure place then in case they come back its better they don’t find them I would say, but thanks again and may the stars watch over you and your outpost, with that the new chief and Leon shook hands before parting on their separate way. Alright you two we need to make some head way it’s about… what time now ah it’s already 14:00 and we got here about 11:00 well ok then let’s move on same formation as before alright ladies so they headed out all still a bit weary from the fight. “Can we stop for a few minutes please we had a long day and I for one am already tired and hungry” Elaina moaned, “she has the right of it Leon from the morning up to now, you may have a ton of stamina left but as for us it has been a long day and she is right on another thing we haven’t eaten if we can at least stop top to have a bite to eat, then we can carry on okay” as Savina agreed and put her own thoughts to it “ I guess you are right, fine let’s just got another 30 minutes then we can stop I just don’t want to linger around the area incase more of those goons show up ok”. The two ladies agreed and carried on for a bit longer, until they stopped at a clearing, they checked the area out first and then found a nice shady spot under a tree, even Leon had to admit he was hungry, so they ate no other noises except for them eating afterwards they all relaxed for about fifteen minutes until Leon got up and said they had to move along, they knew they couldn’t complain this time after all he was right those goons may be around the area # still around the area and that meant traveling even at night. For the sake of them not losing their own energy both Leon and Savina got out their boards and found that they linked so it doubled in size so all three could fit it, as for maneuvering it neither was entirely sure how as this was another new surprise for them, Savina checked her wrist pad to see if any intel was uploaded for this as luck would have it, it worked with their visors, and worked either with one or both controlling it, Leon again elected himself to take the first half of the trip, so the two ladies could rest as their boards individually did already have a feature of allowing someone to stay on the board via straps and such the same applied to this one here, it may not be completely comfortable but it’s the best they could do. Leon knew he couldn’t go to fast with this new mode as he wasn’t aware how much energy it would use up but still this would help them around certain terrains, it was around 20:00 right now as he checked the map on his pad for the best route according to the directions they were given to by Mr. Kage, so he chose a the north eastern route which was short but also was a mountainous region with a few caves around, with that and the ladies sound asleep it took him about forty-five minutes which was great since he didn’t want to expend anymore energy either on himself or on the board, he found what looked like to be a suitable enough cave for them to stay in for the remainder of the evening but just to be save he cast an illusion spell to show it was closed off with help, and to back it up a small imagery device to back it up in case the spell failed if someone were to touch it and fall through, this device made sure to make an image feel real, “heh I should use these things more often…” then it happened again the pulse, it seemed that it was going to come more progressively now so he really had to watch out now, he slowly let the board down and once that was done it was it for the night as he passed out on the ground but thankfully after he set up what he needed to keep them safe. © 2018 Fayyaadh
Added on August 9, 2018 Last Updated on August 9, 2018 Author![]() FayyaadhJohannesburg, Gauteng, South AfricaAbouthi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..Writing