Chapter Three A guild Job and a New Ally

Chapter Three A guild Job and a New Ally

A Chapter by Fayyaadh

As Leon and Savina were walking back to the inn they didn’t say much as it was an odd day however Savina looked a little more in thought, she was thinking about what he said especially that he knew about Leon’s power she wondered who else or was it just a very select few that knew about it, Leon on the other hand was buzzing as they were getting a guild job, it didn’t matter what as long as it wasn’t and escort mission he hated those as they were a bore and some clients were just annoying, as they finally entered the inn and then the room Savina finally snapped out of it and knocked Leon to the floor hard with a look on her face that almost scared him, she immediately went on top of him and started wailing on him trying to hit him as he guarded himself with his hands and tried to get free she did get a few hits in on him before turning her over and freeing himself, “what the hell are you doing? What did I do know I already apologized for that outburst so what is this about already?!” Leon tried to ask calmly as it looked like she was reading herself again “ You damned idiot I don’t even know why I let you take on those thugs yourself you weren’t in the right mind one and what if it happened again, what happened that time ago or did you forget the whole incident, honestly and there was more than wind magic wasn’t there, don’t deny it I’ve been around you long enough to know when you are using multiple types of energy, you could of done way worse than just paralyze them temporarily, this isn’t our home you need to be more careful.” Leon was in a bit of shock he didn’t realize, that his mood earlier did that much damage he knew he just wanted to just stop those guys in place but adding another element he didn’t even do it consciously, as for the whole thing itself it didn’t spring on him completely up till now, with a solemn face he apologized 
“Look I am really sorry I… I didn’t think about it ok, but I did honestly just want them to stop and re think what they were doing, I was sure I was just using lightning paralysis nothing more okay.” “Really you should know by now not to let emotions control you, don’t you remember what we were taught if we let out emotions take over we may lose control of our magic and it can go bad for both sides, you know this personally or don’t you remember what happened with Gray, but we did help someone in the process so I will let you off for now but you need to control yourself and just for your information, our “new friend” knows about what happened then, he told me himself as he is Lady Serena’s friend even though it was a surprise when told me but enough of this I suggest we just have supper and be done for the day, you really are impossible at times Shana you know that right”. Leon was a bit shocked at this, so this is what Savina and Mr. Kage were talking about for so long probably some other stuff while he was upstairs, asking her now when she was upset like this so he did as she suggested but was glad that she still referred to him as Shana she may be upset with him but least she still cares, so they had their supper and remained to themselves for the rest of their evening, as much as he wanted to talk to her she resigned herself to remain quiet. “No matter what this job is we still have a mission nothing will deter me from it I will avenge my home no matter what” she thought to herself, they both changed separately as they got new clothes so why not buy and use some sleepwear even if they were going to be on the road most of the time, Savina fell off to sleep relatively quickly again, however as for Leon he couldn’t fall to sleep so he decided to leave the room quietly as he could and went up to the roof, he always found it comforting looking up at the night sky it helped clear his head so even if he was thinking about what happened during the day just like today it cleared him of his troubles he found it fulfilling and thought that on this journey
he would be able to travel to even other planets sure both him and Savina didn’t know how to fly space crafts they just knew the general land and sea type vehicles on how to operate and drive them, but space he always wanted to go there it was another dream for him , he knew they had something to do first and that was to find the people who slaughtered their village and sadly no information on them came to be as yet, hopefully this Shawn Kage may be able to help them since he does work with guilds there must have been some form of chatter, he felt himself almost falling asleep so he finally went down and back to the room and quietly went to the couch and fell asleep.
As Shawn saw them leave he had troubling thoughts about what was happening it was nearly a century since him and his comrade’s help to put an end to what would have been a massacre even back then he felt they intervened far too late although results came out, there were small pockets of rebellion who wanted to carry on for their own selfish reasons, they were found and dealt with thanks to the combined effort  of both worlds, and now a town has been destroyed, news would break out soon about the place, whether or not it was a new group rising from what was squashed he knew not but trouble will be coming to the peaceful planet of Andrian once again.
“Excuse Mr. Kage is something wrong” Elaina asked as he snapped back to reality once hearing her voice, “No my dear just in deep thought, I hate to ask you of this, but would you mind closing up I need to make an urgent call” and he rushed off to the back, “Um okay Mr. Kage” she replied as he went off to the back, once the door was locked , she swept the place she went back to the house. She was curious as to what call he was making but knowing herself and how clumsy she could be at times especially at sneaking she decided to leave it and go to the kitchen,
to prepare supper she may just be a guest from the royal palace but that doesn’t mean she can’t take care of things like meals and such herself so she went about it, as this went on Shawn tried to get hold of Guild Master Hearst as this whole mess was an urgent matter to his dismay three times he tried and three times he couldn’t get through, this was just great although it was getting  late either the guild masters were busy or the old man was out, either way he would have to try tomorrow or when he could he suspected he was going to get busy  and would have to deal with these two himself accordingly he sighed at the thought “I’m getting to old for this, how Serena and Merana managed at times he didn’t know as for Leana is in the mist but she always watches, but then as for Bronson and Anviko, the fact he wasn’t there when they died in battle at the hands of that b*****d Anonvir, all that remains of their group now separated are scattered on this world he only came here on the behest of Leana and she is one you don’t refuse, yet they all walk different paths only in touch due to this boy who is now by him, fates be willing or fates  be damned he will help all he can, then it dawned on him he quickly checked the lunar cycles, “oh for the love of Arnonos, okay if I don’t have any hopefully Merana might be able to make and send it quickly if I catch her in a good mood being that its late” and with that he decided to phone one person who really did not like to be disturbed in the least.
The next day Savina woke up early only to find that this time Leon was sleeping still not only that as she saw he took to sleeping on the couch it was their third day here in Feist and already a lot happened whether it be good or bad she wasn’t sure as yet but they needed to move on soon and the sooner they get this job done the better as they had work to do, he may not deserved the small shouting and beating she tried to give him last night, but he got almost reckless with his power bad mood or not he could of done worse like what happened then she worried about him
he is a kind soul being thrust into this wasn’t right as she wasn’t sure if he would be able to hold up he already had two outbursts all from regret and anger, sure she had vengeance on the heart yet around him she felt calm no matter what they would always stick together from the time they became friends up till now, yet the power he poses that’s hidden does not just worry her but scare her if he lost utter total control, that’s why she will remain to be hard on him otherwise who knows what would happen then whispering under her breath “Lady Serena how did you manage this idiot when he was growing up to now” with that she let him sleep a bit longer, freshened up and left the room. As she left she suddenly bumped into Elaina without knowing it was her she said, “Hey watch where you’re walking bimbo” once she looked to see it who it was and   immediately apologized to Elaina who replied, “No problem I’m a bit clumsy at times so it’s my fault as well, I was coming to get you and Mr. Reiss, where is he by the way?” “You don’t need to be so formal with us Elaina as for Leon he’ll be out in a while, so we can go ahead in the meantime” “Oh okay I was hoping to thank him properly this time but that can wait I guess” she said with a smile. As they walked Savina got a proper look at the girl now she was slightly shorter that Leon, slim body but looked like she could run being a MedSupp requires a lot of leg work as the equipment seems light enough, tanned skin, with brown hair and violet color eyes, not a bad looker this one she thought to herself as they walked on, yet something about this girl seemed familiar, but brushed it off since she knew they haven’t met before until yesterday, she didn’t realize she was still studying her until Elaina brought her out of it “ Is everything alright MS. Valour?” trying not to look to obvious she quickly smiled and said “oh no nothings a matter no need to worry” thankfully by then they reached Kage goods.
As they entered it seems Mr. Kage’s shop was busy he motioned the two girls to go behind the counter to help, he wasn’t one to do this but sometimes the more hands helping the better, so both girls helped out for about half an hour, until Leon came in it was still busy but calmed down by the time he got there he walked by Savina and whispered “You should of woken me earlier”  as he moved along the counter, after 15 minutes it finally died out “ Apologies for that all three of you are guests, sometimes an extra hand or two is needed and appreciated, so thank you for your quick assistance, however we will need to discuss details of the job here as opening and closing my doors isn’t exactly good for business and before you ask looking at Leon I am still going to look over the gear you will get it back before you leave at weeks end” Shawn explained
“Oh, is that items almost ready” Elaina asked, Leon was getting bored already if this was just a delivery job which was nothing basically to him, Savina however enquired as to what is this about and is it to do with their job? “You are not one to skimp around the details are Ms. Valour? Very well yes, it is the job I have is an escort mission of which is to escort MS. Finisai here with the items back to the royal capital of Dirandiel…” before Shawn could continue Leon lit up “You are kidding right? We are going to the royal capital that’s great, finally a chance to go there yes” Leon said extatically. “Didn’t you say once that you didn’t like escort missions? What on Andrian changed your mind this time?” “It doesn’t matter we are going to the royal city woohoo I have been waiting for a chance to go there” “This isn’t a jovial or a light-hearted matter Mr. Reiss this mission isn’t all that easy the route you would of taken cannot be take that’s how important this mission is, no one and I repeat no one is to know about it excluding you two Sir Hearst and Lady Serena , do I make myself clear on the matter?” Shawn said sternly, before Leon could reply Savina quickly said “Understood sir, but why can’t we travel the normal
route wont it be simpler to teleport there via a tele-crystal or a transporter?” “Good questions MS. Valour but unfortunately not as I said this is on a need to know basis only us and the royal family, and before you interrupt me again Mr. Reiss yes this is a job from them they sent
Ms. Finisai here to collect the item three weeks ago unfortunately, it has taken time as the person who makes them had other aspects to deal with in the interim they are ready but I sent word that an extra item is needed so all will be done by weeks end and then you will be off, Ms Valour I will discuss other details with you later, as I am aware that you have travelled to the royal capital if only a small few times, to discuss the routes preferable to take, and as for you MR. Reiss remember this is only a one time job for you in this regard, Lady Serena’s restriction still stands however this is a special case so don’t mess this up do I make myself clear?”  Before Leon could answer Shawn told both him and Elaina that they needed to go to the guard post as they needed to answer some questions concerning the day Leon helped her and injured the scoundrels and gestured them away to the door but for Savina to stay behind to discuss the job. Leon wanted to interject but a look from Savina told him otherwise he knew that since three weeks ago he shouldn’t mess around too much he got that lesson last night, to keep it down, and in a way she was his superior, they maybe same rank class but she was more than qualified to carry out higher requests it’s their promise that holds her back, with that thought he left although un willingly with Elaina behind him, with that the two left. Once that was done, Shawn let out a surprisingly loud sigh “Honestly how did Serena cope with that boy, from a baby up to now, he has energy and resolve I’ll give him that though” he stated looking at Savina, “well sir its true he can be somewhat a handful, but his heart is in the right place and he is a gentle soul unless provoked or
sees someone in danger, then he almost becomes a slightly different person his attacks can be swift yet deadly he never needed to end a life, at all mostly because jobs we took were simple
enough but now and then we would have to deal with bandits and such like before we got here just after what happened our home it seemed some bandits were trying to get in, and we took care of them it took us a while being as we were tired from the ordeal, but he does have a mind of a tactician as well able to plan even during a fight I always found that amazing, but true he has his flaws like being a bit to energetic like now until he sees the seriousness of the cause, I grew up with him so I’m one of the few who is capable of handling him, as for Lady Serena well let’s just say if there is one thing he really fears is that of being in bad books both from watching and from experience…heheh when it comes to her punishments he becomes as scared as a little wolf cub, she may not be his actual mother but she is the only family other than the guild that he knows”. “I see well that was interesting to here, may I ask then other than that day and now has he ever let out power in that state?” “Thankfully not but after that eclipse now and then he had trouble controlling his emotions, so he was confined to the town but trained a lot, we were both a bit too young to go on jobs back then, but we did help out in town, he loved his books so when he wasn’t training he was there, but avoided contact with a lot of people including me until he seemed ok again, however I did notice something else whenever it looked like the two moon cycle would start he was confined to the house or him and Lady Serena would leave for a time and come back afterwards , he never looked right those times and no one excluding Master Hearst was allowed in or knew what was going on, but for your question I would say no unless Lady Serena knows otherwise.” “Very well I will tell you about the two moons cycle as it is coming up and since I cannot be there you will have to help your friend”.
As Leon and Elaina, she was bombarded with questions such as what is the capital like? Around how many people she thinks lives there what type of people live there what about the royal family what are they like? She was trying to process all these questions before she could answer them, it was like trying to answer a child who was full of energy after eating a ton of candy, feeling a bit overwhelmed by so many questions, she got clumsy and fell over her own two feet, before he caught her in a classic style, being so close he got red and accidently let her fall again before she grabbed his hand and fell on top of her, he was even more red being close to Savina was one thing but someone new like Elaina at this range, he became a little gob smacked, and quickly got up from her, “S.. sorry about that I didn’t mean for you to drop you like that” Leon said apologetically still a bit red faced “No I’m sorry because of my clumsiness that happened, mind helping up though please as she outstretched her hand” he nervously and hesitantly grabbed her hand and pulled her up but made sure to not let her get too close again, well we best get going we don’t want to keep the guard waiting” he said before hastily walking off , she followed up as quickly as she could behind, he was still a little bit red though “heheh he must not have a lot experience around girls much, it’s kind of cute” she thought to herself as they got to the guard station, once in the man in the front directed them to the chief he sat them down and started questioning them. Once he finished with Elaina he started with Leon who he was more hard with as to the damage he did in that alley both to those injured and to the property itself, Leon did his best to explain and that he was part of a guild and that as a guild member he one to help in situations as such as what happened to Elaina, at the mention that he was in a guild asked for proof so Leon partially removed his shirt so he could slip his arm out and show the insignia, he was satisfied with what they had to say but as for what happened to the thugs he wanted to show
them personally what damage he did as they exit the offices and headed to the small prison, and then the infirmary, what Elaina saw shocked her cut marks on most part of their bodies, still paralyzed barely any were conscious, she should be used to seeing this type of damage as she did help at the hospital when it was required of her but this, big cuts were one thing but small one like these, would leave any person in excruciating pain, she realized then that it was Leon who did this, this so called  gentle person did something like this, unable to speak at that revelation she walked and slapped him before leaving the place completely, once she left he said to himself “That I probably deserved” then to the chief of the guard he said if you would like I can cancel the paralysis, however once the numbness goes out they will feel terrible pain, I do apologize however as I thought that I didn’t put a lot of pressure as I originally thought” the chief motioned for him as he did the spell, the scoundrels who first didn’t feel anything then let out screams before passing out, “So since you are the one who apprehended them what do you want to do?” the chief asked “ Just rehabilitate nothing more just make sure they do more good is all, so are done?” Leon asked slowly turning back to the door “I suppose we are, it is an odd request you made but I will see to it that these boys do some good then” Leon thanked the man and walked out. As he left the place he sighed heavily Elaina shouldn’t have been there to see the damage he wrought, although to himself he did want these guys to suffer a bit so in a way he did summon wind magic as well although unknowingly but the more he thought about it the more he wondered how is it so few people manage to sense him, they were taught that magic can’t always be sensed whether it was a small or big, and in his case no one really could unless it was his mother and Savina, but now this new guy MR. Kage could as well, whatever power he has and
was capable of it seemed not to be completely magic, although that couldn’t be it wasn’t like there was some other power out there. He wondered this all the time walking back to the store
hopefully he could try and explain himself to Elaina as she was shocked at what he did before running off then again trying to explain this wasn’t something he even could not as he was unsure himself about this. Without knowing it he bumped into Elaina she seemed to have calmed down slightly but remained silent, so he motioned for them to get back to the store in that time though not a word was said until they got the store as it happened it wasn’t entirely busy, they both helped around until all customers were dealt with then Elaina simply walked to the back without saying a word. Both Savina and Shawn noticed this and immediately questioned Leon as to why? He told them what transpired, Savina just sighed and said she will go talk to her mean while MR. Kage should tell Leon the details so he can be brought up to speed on the job, so she went to the back to try and talk to Elaina, as for  Leon Shawn decided to explain the job, well mainly the routes they should take as he already explained it Savina, however they would need to stay till weeks end as the delivery of the item and an extra one will becoming only then, once this was all sorted and both girls came back in, it was business as usual. However Savina did come by Leon and simply said “ I wouldn’t talk to her for now if I were you until she feels the need for it, I did what I could but it’s up to her just hope it won’t last the whole trip back to Dirandiel” and moved along and with that the day went pretty fast afterwards Savina and Leon Left back to the inn, they had three days left until their mission began, so they knew they had to take it easy before then. The next two days were uneventful to say the least they mostly rested, and helped by the shop yet Elaina still didn’t talk much to Leon, but mostly with Savina, he didn’t of course but he barely has outbursts that others suffer because of it, so he let her be she’ll come around or will
must since they weren’t taking conventional means to Dirandiel, and the routes they were taking or should take even though short had an uneasy feeling about this whole thing, although a simple enough job escort missions tend to go haywire, but he kept those thoughts to himself.
Savina was to take point here as she knew a few routes to get to the capital however being that they weren’t taking any forms of transport even with their boards it was going to be a long trip, one thing he was excited for though was the fact that their gear was almost ready and apparently had better improvements, Shawn wouldn’t say what types just that they will see along the way but pointed out certain aspects mainly for where rations and med supplies would be, he did suggest however that they physically carry a weapon or two on them instead of summoning them, as it make it a little bit easier on their journey. Come the final day Savina An Leon packed up and left the inn thanking the lady in the front for the accommodation, once that was done they headed to the store, and found Shawn and Elaina waiting for them  outside and all walked to the end of town, however as they were getting to the end Shawn asked the two ladies to wait up ahead he needs to discuss something important with Leon, so the two girls went up ahead and Shawn took Leon to the side and spoke “Alright Leon there is something important I have to give you and  of which you need to keep safe at all times, this is the reason why you are only leaving now as I had to get this done and delivered before you left” he then showed the case inside was five large capsules, instantly Leon knew what was this, “No it can’t be that time already I mean it shouldn’t be for about a month” he looked out in dismay “ I am sorry young man but the time is drawing close and you know what that means, so careful with these and make sure to control yourself Lady Serena isn’t around right now to help, so this is all on you okay, I have informed Savina but I only gave her so much information if you wish to discuss it
properly with her it’s up to you then” said Shawn. Leon immediately put it into the secret compartment designed for these capsules and they walked back to the two young ladies. “Now before you go just a few things I will briefly discuss, firstly see to it that you are very careful from here on out after what you told me, the routes that I suggested may or may not be dangerous right so keep a watchful eye, secondly I am still trying to get a hold of Master Hearst and Lady Serena maybe within a day or two I will manage to finally reach both or at least one of the two, however I have sent news to other guilds in most towns to be on the lookout if any danger such as what happened occurs they at least will have better defense, thirdly this escort mission will take some time so be careful with the supplies, and lastly about 600 kilometers from here to just after the one route there is another town I called in ahead so as soon as you reach got to Navy Mechanics I organized two cycletrons so it will make it easier on your journey, it should be smooth sailing from here but you can never be too careful, for even in times of peace, chaos lingers, watches and waits so always keep your eyes open the horizon.” With that and a few last-minute words the trio were off until Shawn could not see them anymore “Serena my friend I hope you will understand and forgive me but, there was no other way he will need to learn eventually and this journey and others from this will shape him in ways you never wanted but is what he needed the world may soon need that power again.” He said to himself as they were now completely out of view and walked back to his store. Far in the distance in an unknown part of the galaxy a lady watches over the trio “Well, it seems that the journey has begun, whether one or all become the next generation of protectors I will see, but for now it seems that Andrian is

going in for a rough ride” She is Leana the phoenix guardian one who watches over and keeper of history since time immemorial and as for now she is curious yet contempt to see how this young man and his two companions fair in a world that slowly will ask more of them then once thought.

© 2018 Fayyaadh

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Added on August 9, 2018
Last Updated on August 9, 2018



Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

hi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Fayyaadh