Chapter Two Kaged Goods

Chapter Two Kaged Goods

A Chapter by Fayyaadh

As Leon and Savina packed up and left and started walking they started talking on what they should do while they were there, they had an ample amount of money although they felt bad on how they had to get it as they didn’t have a choice as they didn’t know where they would be going and how much they would need, add to the fact that they needed repairs done on the equipment, which was in both bags, technology driven to be light and other features and magically infused to carry up to a certain amount of items, one of the worries was the med packs they had as they only had enough, and would need to get more hopefully the more at a med center, Leon was more concerned about his board though unlike Savina as barley used it and most of the time was with her bag. Once they were close to the town they really perked as the thought of an actual bed, bath and more importantly proper food! The buzzed with delight at the thought and moved a little more enthusiastically yet they knew not to get too jolly as they did have a job do, and that was gather information as much and if any about the people that destroyed their home it may be highly unlikely as this town by the looks of it was intact and unharmed. As they finally enter the town which is called Feist, which mostly deals in trading like how their town was, before anything they needed to find a reasonable inn to stay first before moving about, and they might as stay for a little bit as they have been on the road for quite a while their bodies needed a lot of rest once they one called the LOVE & LUCY INN which was about 80 Rana per person and 500 Rana for two for a whole week. Leon took the week deal and thanked the lady at the front desk once he paid and got the card key for the room.
As he turned around the lady said “Your welcome have a lot  fun and enjoy your stay at the LOVE & LUCY INN and feel to ring us up if you need” with a wink he didn’t think much of it at first until he got to Savina and told her he got them a place for a week, without any warning she knocked him not too hard though in the stomach just saying “You moron that is more for couples than anything else, do we look like a couple to you!!! Honestly, but you did get us a good place to stay, so I’ll give you that at least” as she turned at headed for the inn and Leon slowly behind her thinking “Man I’m an idiot but least she seems ok that I got a place”. Once they reached the room however he really felt like an idiot as there was only one bed and silently hit his hand against his head, now that he understood what the lady meant when she said “have fun”, Savina seeing his expression laughed for the first time in three weeks because of how he looked now with shock on his face although she couldn’t tell cause of his skin color he was red faced, which amused her and decided to have a small bit of fun for a no nonsense girl this time having fun at her friends expense, with her best cute impression she said “Just be gentle okay” Leon just stared there blank as she said that almost like an explosion went off in his head she laughed as he couldn’t say anything, well it wasn’t like she wasn’t beautiful but she preferred to have her armor on most of the time and hardly ever dressed like a lady if not in her armor it was her general clothing of jeans boots and different types of shirts her height is about 1.70 meters with beautiful clear skin lush red hair that reached her back in the middle her eyes was a mixture of blue and green hinge, which is not that common so she was very unique with that at home even though with armor she was still a looker but practically a lot of the guys were afraid of her tough demeanor she has a lean and toned body thanks to all her training over the years yet she was called “The Red Haired Demon” because she took no bull and could lose her temper
depending on the situation but try cut her hair or even if a slight strand leaves her head then you will see and know fear, however with all this she was still a good warm-hearted young lady. Leon wasn’t too bad a looker himself but excluding her he was a bit of a blunder head and shy when around other girls, especially after the incident that happened she found it a bit funny, cute and annoying all at the same time. Leon was just a bit taller than her by only 3 inches, like her lean and toned you’d never know that he had a lot of muscle but due to his own training that he pushed himself through if he wanted to he could at best last a while in sparring with their top tier guild members, yet he was more of a reader and always in the library reading what she knows not, well he had light to medium brown skin, jet black hair that covered part of his left eye she could never understand why he would just leave it like that at times, but he said he liked it like that as for his eyes they were emerald green and hell sometimes she even felt lost in them at times as if they were peering into one’s own soul, while she saying all this in her head it looked like Leon finally came back to his senses, “You’re a mean person at times you know that Savi” he said once he sat down still a bit red faced, yet smiled, he knew even if there was anything there between them that he simply wouldn’t have a chance as they were very close friends and he wouldn’t want to ruin it, so he was glad that no feelings ever came into play as far as he knew. “Tell you what I’ll head into town check around the stores to see what we can get, will be a while here so we can take our time gathering information if there are any to gain and the general stuff that we need, so you go on have a long bath and relax we may both need it but well…” he trailed off as he saw

the little doll attached to her bag, “Anyway I’ll be back in while okay” as he got up and walked to the door, slightly looking back at her and the door before closing the door with a sad look in
his eyes that he didn’t wish for her to see. He walked down the stairs instead of using the lift, they both were dealing with what happened in similar fashions both putting a façade for the other
both trying to be strong for the other that bit of joy was genuine in the past two days, he did his best for dealing with all that happened he couldn’t get down in time to help save anyone so he felt defeated as there were too many good souls in Elendeil, even the scoundrels of the town didn’t deserve that fate , he sought to redeem himself by helping whoever he can from here on in whether big or small, but he worried about his best friend Savina although his mother still maybe out there as she had something important to do but did not say a word out it, essentially both him and Savina were all they had he knew she would never ever forgive herself  now she tried to save a least one person and that person passed on in her arms for now he needed for to deal with it herself  before he could do anything she just has to try, but he will always be there for her, and bring her back at any cost so that she doesn’t walk a path that will turn her to the other side. Once he finally got to the entrance he decided just for tonight they’d at least eat at a restaurant so, when went to the lady who helped him before he asked if there was a good place she’d recommend to have supper, to his surprise they inn, which was more like a hotel now that he realized , said they have one here so they can come down when they want and a table would be ready for them after all he did pay the special, he thanked her once again, and left the inn, and walked around to see what this town had, he took down the names on the wrist pad he had, but no bulletin he saw or could find said anything of the group that burnt his home to the ground, this really frustrated him as they needed something to go on anything at all, but it was slowly getting
late, there was one shop however that mainlined the stuff they needed he took down the details of the place Kaged Goods, a unique name he thought, as he slowly walked back to the inn, as he
hope that Savina took some time to grieve, she maybe as fierce as a full grown tigera but as for now the fierce animal is just a cub trying to be strong. At the same time after Leon left she wondered why he had that odd look on his face and why he said that before leaving, at first, she was confused until she looked at where he was looking before he left it was the doll the doll that she took from their home, the doll of the child that she swore vengeance on those responsible for snuffing that innocent life out, but she swore it silently to herself that day “why did that idiot have bring this up now, now of all times and places, she said to herself frustrated it took her a few minutes to realize that he gave them both a little bit of time to grieve shortly but by themselves, and knowing he made sure to be out long enough so she could have time to herself “Damn you Leon why did you have to go and do this I’m not weak!” to let off some steam she decided then to just have a bath, maybe that will cool her off from pummeling Leon, it was one thing for him to grieve and walk it off but to leave her to grieve like this as if she wasn’t that strong.  Once she undressed herself however and put salts in the bath to help her unwind, she couldn’t help it any longer, and cried it out cursing through gritted teeth. After about an hour of crying and letting it out she realized it was getting late as she got out and changed although they didn’t have much clothes which is also another item they needed she heard a knock at the door which was Leon asking if its ok to come in, she said okay and he entered he told that ok since she had a bath he’s up next then they both are going to go out to eat at the restaurant, which surprised her at the fact she thought he’d of just stuff to eat, so 15 minutes later, they left the room at 20:30 and went to the restaurant which actually on the roof, a whole bit of moonlight
romantic effect, again Leon slaps his hand against his head for not realizing that, Savina although slightly annoyed at her friends idiocy chuckles to herself, as he can be hopeless when it comes to these things so for the first time since they left their home that had a proper meal and for once they didn’t have to worry about any beast about and just enjoy their evening, once they finished they left for their room both were extremely tired, so both decided to sleep Savina fell asleep rather quickly Leon guessed that she either let out or was just that tired once she was on a proper bed, as for him he took his pillow and slept on the couch partly because he was beyond shy and any other movement probably would get him clobbered, and partly so that he could just stay up for a little bit longer as he wondered and hoped that their guild master, his mother and others that weren’t there are safe as to where ever they maybe, and with that he fell off to sleep.
The next day he woke up relatively early as it was only 08:00 and Savina was sound asleep curled up, he had to admit she did look kind of cute when she was sleeping, so once he got up he had a shower to freshen up and then checked his wrist pad for any information if somehow the guild members got back or any messages received, to his dismay there was nothing at also nothing from his mother at all who left two months ago she usually would send him a message if she went on a long trip and rarely did he accompany her she never really went to other cities or towns, now and then she went to the royal capital and for some reason she never let him come with her she did and made sure that the guild master Hearst saw to it that is one place he was not allowed to go on guild quests, and was always frustrated by that, certain places even planets he wasn’t allowed to go, he is 25 and still wasn’t aloud or even told why not, but since all of what

happened he decided by chance these places come up especially the royal capital he was going to take it afterwards he checked how much Rana he had which was still a lot both him and Savina
felt awful as to how they acquired this money as it was essentially taking it from the dead, he shook those thoughts away quickly as he could. Before Savina could wake up he took a shower to freshen up, once he was done Savina was still asleep he said to himself “This girl is really a heavy sleeper jeez its almost 09:30, we are going to have to move around and check the stores properly and she still is sleeping” and with a sigh he decided to wake her up, by poking her face until she finally started to stir “Hey there sleepy head had a nice nap, did you?” Leon said, she was still a bit groggy and Leon couldn’t help but laugh as he saw that sleepy face and messed up hair, she realized slowly that he was laughing at how she looked, she quickly lunged at him to shut him up however this time he was ready for her and whit a few steps he redirected her attack but still made sure she didn’t hit the floor completely and caught her before she was fully on the floor, with a smirk he said “Good you up at least, hurry up or we just going to laze around all day eh Shana? “Ok fine let me freshen up and we can make ready alright sheesh you win this time Shana. Once Savina was ready they went down had a quick breakfast and then headed out into town, and started getting what they would need on the road ahead first stop was to get clothes because they both knew traveling in the same clothes all the time would be downright dirty and un healthy so they both got what they could careful not to spend too much at that store, next was medical supplies, which at least had guild rates but  again they tried to spend carefully, it looked like most of the stores in this town at least didn’t have guild rates, they may have past here when going on missions but never needed to spend a lot of time here though, also the fact there was no
guild presence here showed, as their guild was one of the only few for a long while in the surrounding areas there were others in other towns/cities but for now it was just them. They
finally got to the one store that looked like it had guild rates, it was the store that Leon last night Kaged Goods. Once inside the store they started to have a look around either to replace their equipment or at least repair it if this place had a workbench, after browsing for about 10 minutes a man came out probably around his mother’s age if he had to guess to see if they needed anything and introduced himself as Shawn Kage “Good day to you my friends how may I be of service to you this fine day?” Leon was hardly paying attention as he was to in to looking at all the weapons, armors and other equipment, so Savina spoke instead “Good day to you Mr. Kage if possible yes we need repairing or replacing some of our equipment and selling others that we don’t need, do you by chance have guild rates?” “Well indeed I do young lady, but which guild are you with if I may inquire as there are very few and far guilds between here and the closest one to Feist is  The Phoenix Flower by Elendeil, and if you are from  The Phoenix Flower I do require proper proof that you are legitimate, I have had people imitating guild marks time and time again you see.” “Sure, thing sir, hey Leon stop your geeking out and get your butt over here” Leon heard and went to her side they then produced of their insignia from their wrist pads and the emblem which is branded on their shoulders, Leon’s was on his left and the color black and Savina on her right side with red, once that was done it seemed that Mr. Kage was satisfied with results. “Ok so you are both A Rank Guild members Savina Valour and Leon Reiss, hang on Leon is it? By chance you wouldn’t be Serena Flanour’s kid, would you? Both Leon and Savina were slightly taken by surprise but only slightly as she did travel a lot. “Sorry Mr. Kage but how
do you know my old lady? Leon asked “First off have a little more respect for your mother she’s not that old you know, and two me and your mother are old friend’s from back in the day, I know
about you because whenever she could come pass we would catch up and she go on about you both good and bad, so yes I do know Serena but I digress you are customers so have a look around as for your equipment second floor, and to the far right you will find a workbench, and maybe you can tell me what going on I haven’t been able to reach the town for three weeks now and I got a job for the guild. They both looked at each other with solemn faces, “Wait what is with those looks did something happen?” They sat down and explained slowly what happened from both of their perspectives as both were separated at the time of the event, Shawn was silent the whole time listening carefully to their stories, but before they started he just put the closed sign back in 30 minutes on the door, once they were done he just sat there bewildered at the events, after a few moments he asked “Are you sure there were no survivors, did you check everywhere? I know it was a shock to both you two, having to go through with that but are you both sure no one else made it out alive friend or foe alike.” Before Savina answered Leon spoke “of course we checked all over high and low and damn signs of life shock or not, we don’t know if anyone managed to make it out of town or were taken prisoner but we did our bloody damn best, you try feeling helpless knowing you could of done something but couldn’t because you got knocked out but freaking rocks falling or thinking you saved at least one innocent soul only to have them passed on in your arms, ITS NOT BLOODY FAIR!!” Savina was in shock at how he just spoke she didn’t realize how it really affected him she knew it did but for him to shout like this and see and hear regret and anger in his eyes and voice just shocked her she too was also was
angered but seethed with vengeance in her heart, but that was her she was cold at times, so to see her closest friend, burst like this. Through this whole rant Mr. Kage stayed composed still not
saying anything against them he gave Leon a glass of water who soon calmed down afterwards. “I’m sorry Mr. Kage I apologize on Leon’s behalf, but you must understand that was…well it’s been difficult for us to grasp still what happened that day and…” “No need to apologize young lady your friends reaction although not completely unexpected in my eyes was still a reaction none the less, so please do not despair in slightest, look I have to open shop again but by all means go upstairs to the bench and check what needs repairs we can discuss payments and all that later ok, my suggestion though for now go grab a bite first then come back I will put your gear safely away for now, as I said I do guild rates but just for you to know I know your guild very well and friends with your guild master, in any event go out for a bit I think you and your friend need it alright” Leon and Savina were amazed at how calm and kind this man was they were strangers to him but his was friends with their guild, “We thank you for the offer Mr. Kage very well will come back in a bit” Savina said and forcefully nudged him so they could leave. Once they left, Shawn sighed,” oh well it will be a long journey for them I suppose hopefully not into complete darkness” as he reopened shop and was back to business until they came around later. Once they walked far enough, she got a hold of Leon’s arm and pushed him to the side.
“What the hell was that bursting out like that to someone we don’t even know seriously, he could have thrown us out for how you reacted like that” she said still gripping his arm, once he got loose he turned his back and just said “Look I’m sorry okay Savina.” “Sorry won’t cut it what on Andrian’s was that about?!” before he could say anything more they heard some shouting and
voices from further in the alley “We will talk later, but first it sounds like someone may need our help alright” and he just started walking down the alley to where the voices were coming from
without even looking at her, she was annoyed and worried at his response he never acts like this at all when they were growing up seldom was he ever this bad at all, she quickly followed up behind him, when they reached the end an all too familiar seen was occurring a group of guys terrorizing a girl, this really irked up Leon  so  walked over grabbed the guys shoulder who currently had the girl by her arm turned him around and punched him right across the jaw which sent him crashing to the wall he told Savina to get the young lady out of there and he won’t have any arguments right now, she got hold of the young lady and they went as fast as they could with girl slightly bruised, “who do you think you are eh some big hero, we were just having some fun with the little lady that’s all.” One of the thugs said, the guy that Leon just punched slowly managed to get up with help from one of the other, “just get him already” the thug who crashed in to the wall said “let me tell you something I do not take kindly to bullies and thugs like really annoy me so I will say this just once I am in a bad mood right now so if I were you I would leave and also rethink your lives while you are at it are we clear” he said as lightning and wind started to form around him, “heh what kind of parlor trick is that? And are you threatening us that’s your biggest mistake guy, alright boys have at it. Leon simply said as they came at him “You were warned” then with the magic he was forming around him went straight through all of them in mere seconds, as all were knocked to the ground barley able to move I warned you people and you didn’t listen unsurprisingly so, you all are going to feel numb for a while and unable to move” he then walked to the guy he got hold of first “now I am going to the authorities to get
you and your group of thugs, since I used a certain type of lighting magic you won’t be able to move for a while, now while they come I suggest you and your gang re think your lives and do
some good alright.” He stood up and walked away leaving them there paralyzed, he felt a little bit better after letting off some steam thanks to those dimwits and went to find some guards. While all this happened Savina got the girl away as she felt the magic slowly build up from far, she never knew he trained this much or if it was something else, she then asked the girl if there is somewhere she can drop her off she said to Kaged goods, with a bit of shock they went there, as the two ladies entered, he saw it was them but immediately was worried as to where the young man Leon, as he also felt a small amount of magical build up, Savina  told him what happened and that he was um dealing with the problem, but first we need to see to this young lady who got mixed up in this she said to come here. Before they could do anything, Leon who was looking for them eventually just landed up at the store to finally apologize to Mr. Kage when he saw both girls there and asked, “what are you two doing here?” before anything else Savina rushed over to him slamming him against the shop wall a slapped him across the face “Okay I deserved that” she then slapped him across the face again “okay I deserved that one to” before she do it one more time he caught and said “okay now you are pushing your luck Savi” before letting her go and walking over to the girl, “hi there miss are you alright? They didn’t bruise you up too much I hope” he said with a bit of a worried look the young lady politely said, “no not too much it seems just my ankle I think is a bit sorer but that shouldn’t be an issue but thanks to you and your girlfriend I’m fine now thanks”. As soon as this person said that one word he knew it was over and quickly put himself between her and Savina as she lunged “GIRLFRIEND DO I REALLY LOOK THIS IDIOTS GIRLFRIEND TO YOU LISTEN MISSY I MAYBE MAYNTHINGS
BUT HIS GIRLFRIEND NEVER, BUT DON’T YOU GET ANY IDEAS YOU HEAR ME!!” both the young lady and Mr. Kage just stood in shock at this outburst as it was not expected at all.  “sorry about that she gets a little testy when that word comes up my suggestion don’t bring that word up or anything to do with that situation” he said with a nervous smile, Savina slowly calmed down afterwards, realizing she lashed out she quickly apologized for her behavior, the young couldn’t help but silently chuckle at these two friends, “Mr. Kage I need to apologize for earlier on lashing out at someone who is trying to help is not right and for that I am sorry” Leon said with his head down, “no need my friend it’s not your fault for lashing out like that, however I do suggest to try and keep cool if the subject does get brought up not everyone maybe understanding as me alright.” “Yes, sir he said with a smile relieved that he didn’t offend too much on his earlier outburst, then something came to mind “Sorry miss you said you can take care of your own injures how so if I may ask?” “No need to be formal we are probably all the same age except for Mr. Kage my name is Elaina and I’m a MedSupp, basically I’m in the medical field and have been taught some support type magic as well as technological techniques   to help in support as I’m not a fighter, and please to meet you” she said with her hand out stretched, they both shook her hand, and reintroduced themselves as Leon Reiss and Savina Valour, A Rank guild members of  The Phoenix Flower “Now that introductions are, mind telling me why we could feel your magical energy when you “dealt” with those thugs?” Shawn asked with a stern look this time looking directly at Leon, “wait what are you talking about I used as little as I could with wind paralysis on those jerks, there is now way you could have felt it that far from where I was, I just used maybe 5% or I’m sure I used that much I tend to let off a little bit
more if I’m a bit angry but not much I should think so” he said with his hand rubbing the back of his head, “you are a real dunce you know that Leon if there were a lot of magical sensitive
people around here, which hopefully there aren’t you would be in deep trouble, letting out a lot of energy” Savina said, “oh well it was quick so need to worry” Leon said with a smile, “you two are really something you know that” Shawn said shaking his head. “Okay well since we are back here I’m heading up to the workbench to get started you coming Savina?” Leon asked, “in a bit you go on ahead besides it can only accommodate one person at a time when I saw it” she replied, and Leon went on ahead. “Elaina why don’t you go freshen up and heal yourself in the meantime I suspect this young lady wishes to talk with me for a bit” Elaina obliged and went on ahead she did think however that these two-people looked oddly familiar but not sure from when or where she brushed it off and carried on to the far side of the store which became a house at a point and headed to the guest room. “Now young miss what is it you wanted to inquire? As soon as I said I knew guild master Hearst and Lady Serena, however I can’t just close shop again, so maybe just help around, and we can talk at the same time deal?” Savina thought about it then agreed, so he directed her to some crates of weapons that needed to be placed in some shelves and on the walls, “ok so I’m guessing you won’t tell me exactly how you his mother but how did you come to know about guild master Hearst?” “, I can answer both those questions however as for the first I will only give on a small bit of information, well let’s start with the second question I came to know of Hearst through Serena no less once I decided to move here from my home planet Herion, and was looking to set up shop somewhere, at first, I was thinking of where Serena was, but she refused although she learnt how to make and mend armor and
weapon from me, she refused as she was the guilds smith and although we are good friends she didn’t want any competition that may make her work a little bit inferior, and to be fare she did
have a good point there but I still need somewhere to set up shop so that’s when she introduced me to Hearst, who showed me various locations on a map that I could choose with a condition that I register with the Merchants Guild Association or M.G.A for short, which is why also I deal in guild rates, it has some benefits joining as there are always guild looking for good deals, so the influx of customers are always about, I even had multiple offers to be permanent smith for a guild here and there but that would just hold me down.” Savina was listening intently as she was moving around with items, and was very intrigued, “before you answer the first question then I would like to know how long ago this happened?” Shawn replied by saying “ well I would have to say some thirty years ago or so, well for the first question, you may not believe it but Serena was an adventurer much like myself although I did have a trade I like to go around and see different places, but that time the war was long ended so it was much simpler to travel around much like you and Leon I was in my twenties back then it, during our travels we met and made a few others so in total at the time there were seven of us, but I digress reminiscing on so many memories can make one smile and sorrowful so I will leave it at that. However, I will tell you one more thing I am familiar about what happened on the 13th of Silmar, so I know about your friend’s odd power burst that day, I suggest from here on out after you leave on the job I have you two to make sure that he won’t lose control unknowingly as today it was an all too familiar scene correct?” Savina looked at him with surprise, the fact this man knew about what happened

to Leon but then again, he was Serena’s friend after all. “I would like to ask more on the first question but as you said you will only let on so much information very well, I may be curious to
know more but I know better unlike my friend up there” as she heard him working with machines repairing, what he could “oh well I cannot ask more about it” she looked at the time
and saw it was almost 17:30 “ I don’t believe it time went so quickly” “no worries I suggest you and Leon head back to where you are staying at and come back tomorrow so I can fill in the details of the job alright as for the gear I will take a look at it myself before you head back here” “Well if you insist about our gear than ok thank you for your assistance, Leon maybe okay thanks to Lady Serena but he isn’t close to that level yet. Hey Leon, get your butt down here we are leaving for now alright!” she shouted so he could hear her. “Alright then be there in five” he shouted back, at the same time Elaina came back in “Sorry I took so long although it didn’t take long to heal myself I kind of dozed off afterwards” “No worries as Leon finally came down, hey Mr. Kage can I leave our gear here for the night?” I was just saying to Savina here that you should, so I could look it over tomorrow before you come back so I can discuss the details of the job so the both of you go on ahead” Shawn replied, Elaina then asked where they were staying and before Leon’s brain could stop him he said The Love & Lucy INN, “Wait isn’t that the inn for…” before she could say anything Leon motioned her to not say it otherwise he knew what was going to happen with Savina, “ok well never mind you two have a good rest and thanks again for earlier today you saved my hide” and with that Savina and Leon left as Shawn closed up shop for the day and thought to himself things are going to get interesting for better or worse he wasn’t sure as yet, as he knew the truth and about Leon’s power and his true parentage.

© 2018 Fayyaadh

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Added on August 9, 2018
Last Updated on August 9, 2018



Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

hi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Fayyaadh