![]() Chapter One Road to RedemptionA Chapter by FayyaadhThe year is 2233, and 99 years since the day peace was made and war had stopped on the planet of Andrian. A town in the mountains of the region called Agliesha makes ready for the nights and the next day’s celebrations as it will mark 100 years since that day, the town is a mixture of 3 three different races who once were at war with each other the Tekovians, the Magians, and those who are the natives of this world that were caught in the middle during that war the Andriani. All who gathered laughed and worked together now as one. The home worlds of the Tekovians and Magians were also to celebrate as this unified all, and from this unification, the three worlds and those planets were part of the Great Utopian War all mingled and combined their styles of living son magic and technology are part of each other although still separate they now complement each other in various machinations, such as the medical fields and others. Back at the town called Elendeil, which was named after the one who founded this place from a village onto the place that is seen today. Up top of the mountain by the training grounds a young man by himself trains, as everyone is mostly focused on the festivities that are to come, he decides to train physically he is done thanks to his friend and sister in arms Savina Valour, who now is down to patrol the town, he decides to train his mind and meditate. As the night comes and flying lanterns are slowly light to living up the starry night sky. A huge explosion takes place which breaks his meditation immediately and sees its from his guild The Phoenix Flower, immediately after that other places start to flame, he can only see death and destruction. # Shock is all that is on his face now, he knew he had to get down there to help to do something he had to get down there he could take his board but with raging fires and risk of being seen, he had no other choice than go through mountain passage way down, he took his equipment and with his board flying down like crazy to get there soon as possible he hoped is friends and his only family his adoptive mother who was to arrive in town was safe and not harmed, the guards should do okay as they were trained in both using the amalgamation of using magic and technology to fend of these intruders, but as he gets close to the exit of the passage a huge boulder falls and just misses him but because of that he loses his balances and fall knocking his head and falls unconscious. A few hours have passed since then as he wakes up luckily, he wasn’t injured to badly with only some bruisers and his board and equipment not too damaged. As he walks through the town he only sees death and destruction bodies lying about all over the place a lot of those faces he knew, as he walks around trying to find any survivors, as he gets closer to his guild, it is completely decimated the majority of the members were here for the festival he hoped those that were not there are safe, as he walks around turning over tables and rubble, he hears a faint sound, he tries to listen carefully and hears faint sounds and runs once he sees movement, once he moves the rubble, he finds that it’s Savina barley conscious holding a child, as he tries to stir them both as Savina slowly comes too, she instinctively punches her friend across the face, not knowing it was him at first, as he gets up slowly as he himself doesn’t have a lot of energy after check and the town where he could and the guild, the girl in her arms as she lays her down seems to have passed on still holding her little doll, she laid the girl down, hoping maybe she was just asleep and nothing more but young girl had moved on probably during the whole attack on the town, her friend walked to her side, only saying that they can’t # stay here long even to wait for others, as those who are responsible may come back to loot or are still around. They argued for a bit on that topic in the end Savina gave in, and agreed it was best but not without first burying those who they can and the little girl as well, they did what they could although it took a few hours, shallow graves or not the people of the town of who they could find deserved a proper burial and at the head of the little girl who passed on, however Savina took the doll as reminder of what happened, and to avenge her and the town. Before they left they made a not and put it in the one place they hoped the other member who weren’t around would find it if they somehow regroup. As they took what they could for the long journey ahead not knowing what or who they will find friend or foe alike. Just as they were leaving and looked at their once bright home, a small group appeared, whether or not it was those who came before, they did not look like they meant well, so both him and Savina readied themselves, they clapped their hands together then spread them out calling on their weapons and laid waste to the bandits, within minutes, afterwards they did what they could to put a barrier on the town so that only towns people and guild members could get into it as the towns people were given some form of the insignia of The Phoenix Flower with their imprint on it to make sure no outsiders enter. Her name is Savina Valour and his name is Leon Reiss, one seeking redemption for failing to help the town and the other vengeance for the dead, and together one way or the other they will avenge their home, as for now they only have each other, as they may as well be the last survivors of Elendeil. It has been nearly three weeks since Leon and Savina left on their journey # The two never talked much well Savina didn’t if Leon had anything to say about it he did his best to be chipper try and get her to open again after the ordeal he also was doing his best to try and not go to that day and talk about it as it really annoyed her so eventually he just tried talking about anything, he decided to take out the map and found that another town is up a head, “Hey Savi looks like there is town up ahead maybe we can rest restock and maybe get any information, besides we need to repair our boards properly in any case” Leon said. As a female this also had a better appeal for as she did need much needed rest but also privacy as they did take the river route, at last she had a small smile on her face and said “about damn time, and don’t forget a bath we need to find an inn, but considering the amount of money on hand we have whatever we can’t repair or need we need to just sell it off “. The fact that she perked up a bit was a relief for Leon as he thought to himself, and she did need some privacy keeping watch when they made camp, took a toll on them both as they kept watch separately so the other can rest or bathe when they could, like his mom said “ Always make sure that your girl friends have their privacy and don’t peek unless you want a fist to the head or a kick to the gut” he chuckled remembering that and knowing Savina she may do more than a punch or kick to someone for indecency against her or any other female, she wasn’t known for being the red haired demon for nothing in the guild, but soon as that thought left thinking of his mother, put a small sad look about him as he wondered where she was, he may have been more mentor then mother as she wasn’t his true mother, but someone who took him in and cared for him none the less, Savina heard him whisper something about his mother, but she left it they both were outsiders as she was just a child an orphan really when she got there he was a baby but was the same age when they met as he was always at the guild, listening to stories and learning from them, his mother # was a weapons smith in a way but also trained members of the guard and new members of the guild, such as herself so she understood why he was a bit down, thinking to herself as they walked. She decided to stop and Leon nearly bumped into her without warning, once he got his bearing he asked why she just stopped, “Well look up its almost night fall, the town maybe just a few hours ahead but let’s just rest okay, I’ll take the first shift this time, no arguing unless you want a knock on the head” she said smiling, realizing he said it without whispering too softly to himself, he smiled and said “Fine least for tomorrow or however long we will be in the town” neither of us will have to worry, let’s find a good spot to set up before it comes to dark”. So they found and set up camp and got wood the provisions they got along the way either by hunting or from the trees would at least last another two or three days, so that’s was ok once the wood was set up Leon simply said “emalf” and the wood caught fire he enjoyed using magic when he could, but using it with backwards speech was tricky to say, given there were simpler words and incantations, both had an ability to use certain parts of magic but both couldn’t use support magic such as healing, that’s why the referred to using halos which was technology based medical pack used for different things such as antidotes, and advanced stitching for wounds that require, it would be good to have someone who has support magic but some medical knowledge as well, but that is wishful thinking to say the least. So once they were done and Leon slowly nodded off, she took up watch, although they maybe a bit safer since they are nearing a town, they had to keep their guard up not so much for bandits and such but the creatures as they were attacked the first few nights, she was always better than him in combat they may have trained together, she always had the upper hand yet they were equal, he just had a kinder heart, and never felt a reason to really harm a person, she on the other hand was more upfront no nonsense # lady, they both are in their twenties now, but she remembers one specific day when they were growing up one she will never forget and one he barley remembers, the day he snapped and lost his temper, and she witnessed along with others what power lay hidden in the young boy back then 11 years ago. It was like any other day in town it was bustling as usual with many people passing through the town or even staying in at the inns, and hotel but also this day was very special as today on the 13th of Silmar 2222, an eclipse was to take place, during this time Savina and Leon were doing a few run around errands for the guild master Hearst, and for his mother/mentor and the same time, going and either dropping off goods or picking up from the other stores, Leon moaned as they still had a small bit to do “Oh come on when in Artiruous name are we going to be finished my legs are getting sore and the eclipse may happen anytime now”, “Quit your wining Leon we are almost done but with that attitude we will be lucky if your mother sends us on any more of these errands, besides the guild is busy and so is your mum, you know having a business to run and all that so quit your whining or I will give you something to really complain about” Savina said raising her fist up his face. With a sigh he agreed “alright fine it’s just one more hey, some doctor or whatever needed some power cells and ingredients, stuff like that hey?” “Yes, so let’s get moving alright, heh I’m surprised you remembered that” Savina said sarcastically, “ha-ha very funny Savi” Leon said as they went on to their last destination. They got to the clinic, and delivered, once they were done, Leon Suggested they take the shortcut back to the guild, as they were heading back they heard some voices like lis-saber a girl and others around, although wanting to get back quickly his curiosity got the better of him and motioned Savina to check quietly, however what he saw made him angered the guilds masters son and a two of his cronies # are troubling the doctors daughter he couldn’t remember her name but she was a year or two younger than him and Savina , she was trying to protect the injured feline from the boys, he told Savina to get the master or any grown up quickly before running in and tackling the one boy she was amazed the he actually did something brave but also stupid as he didn’t have a chance against these boys since they were older than them, as much as she wanted to help then as well, she ran to get someone quick. Once she was a gone the boy that got tackled shoved him off and Gray the guild masters son grabbed and punched him in the stomach, “Oh what this the little wolf cub trying to be brave and pick a fight ,hah don’t make me laugh kid, I suggest you run along and we won’t hurt you, well not much I should say” he said before punching him again, Leon did his best to stand up, then looked at the girl and the small saber asked them if they both are okay, the girl nodded but the saber was injured and not looking too good, the other boy noticed this and told Gray, Leon tried to motion the girl to slowly star moving if she could with the saber, but she was scared he couldn’t blame her so he tried to be brave, he was also scared, but he wouldn’t let an animal nor another person who couldn’t defend themselves or unable to, so he does his best to stand his ground before he could do anything one of the other boys went around and snatched the small saber from the girl before they could do anything, however the cat nicked the boy who dropped it an did its best to hind behind a dustbin of sorts, Leon moved in front of both the girl and where the feline went, Gray had enough of this little stunt and pushed him to the ground and grabbed the young girls hand she tried to struggle but he wouldn’t have any of it, as she struggled more she managed to slap him to get free, once she did that however he really got mad as all this was happening the eclipse started taking place and Leon , started feeling strange, once he saw the girl hit the ground but still conscious and saw she had a bloody # lip, Leon just snapped and a strange blue aura started emanating from him and encompassed him the strange aura also started going higher and higher, and so almost anyone could see it, Gray looked at this and thought it was a silly parlor trick, “Rescue” he softly said Gray said “What?” then Leon just said “I will Rescue her” before unleashing his power and went for the boys that caused the suffering, the young girl by then had passed out, as Leon let out with blow after blow on them, with the magic infused in every hit on them until Gray and his cronies were broken and battered before he passed out, all the while the eclipse took place. At the same time of this happening with Savina she ran as fast as she could to the guild hall, to let the master know, and hers and Leon’s mentor, about the small situation, they both sighed but new they had to intervene other and knew Leon wouldn’t stand a long chance now, however once they saw the eclipse, and the strange light from where Savina told them where Leon was, his mother had panic on her face something neither the guild master or Savina thought they’d seen before as she rushed, as if she knew something terrible had happened, the both followed as fast as they could but when all three arrived, it was over the masters son injured beyond anything he’d seen before and the other two although not as bad, were still injured barely conscious the girl laying where she was and the lis-saber trying to nudge Leon although injured but they could see it was not from Leon, and he was still emitting the aura, but slowly dissipating. They gathered every one up and took them to the clinic, the doctor although shocked, to see his daughter hurt was slightly relieved that not too badly, the boys including Gray were all sent immediately sent in to emergency recovery as they took a huge beating by a massive amount of strength and magic, all the adults were concerned slightly scared and confused as to how Leon managed this, but his mother said that she would look after him and not leave him here, she has some medical knowledge, but this is something #
she needed to deal with concerning his power. Leon finally woke up a week later, he was questioned but couldn’t remember much after the young girl hit the ground all he knew is that he felt a strange sensation before blacking out, of course Gray tried to lie his way out this thinking his father would believe his story side of things but the one boy who was there knew that lying this time wouldn’t help as the girl already said what she could as she was still weary, and slightly scared after the incident, all the while Leon’s mother made sure to it to not leave the house, Savina wasn’t sure what they talked about or anything of that matter once he was allowed to go, but he was not his jolly self for a while, and less so when learnt the doctor his wife and the girl were leaving, both the master and his mother assured him it wasn’t his fault, even the girl’s father before they left told him not to worry he stood up for his little girl and will always be grateful for that, but Leon felt like it was his fault and for a time just wanted to be alone, but he trained nonstop after that, she saw how he pushed himself when she checked up on him when she could without him knowing, as for Gray he had what was coming to him and was expelled after it was found that he did a lot of nasty things and used his old man as form of barrier to make others afraid of him. That was a long time ago though as she got out of her thoughts not realizing she was staring but Leon was long asleep by then, she only hoped that what power came forth never came again that scared everyone, or at the least, he learnt about it later and was told to train to somehow control it, as the hours went by she felt tired now herself and decided it was time to swap, so she woke him up, and they swapped all the while hoping she’d never have to lose her dear friend. But with a burning vengeance in her heart she swears she will avenge her home no matter what, as she falls to sleep. © 2018 Fayyaadh |
Added on August 9, 2018 Last Updated on August 9, 2018 Author![]() FayyaadhJohannesburg, Gauteng, South AfricaAbouthi my Name is Sayed Fayyaadh Sayed Hassan but just call me Fayyaadh, I'm 27 years old I always loved reading and found that I am good at writing, I've done short stories in the past but was only for m.. more..Writing