![]() Bang Bang BangA Story by Outsider![]() Home and alone one quiet night.![]() It was a night just like this one and three little girls were home alone. The night was quiet, a little too quiet for not even the chirps of a cricket could be heard. Alone they sat in the living room doing what they normally do when their parents are away. The youngest is watching her favorite TV show as loud as she can, the middle child is on her phone oblivious to the world, and the oldest is doing her homework. Everything is as it should be until the clock strikes eleven. When a faint banging sound comes from the back. No one hears this because of the TV is so loud, until the second time. This time it was closer to them, near the middle of the house. Bang bang bang on the window, the noise draws the attention of the oldest. She grabs the remote and turns the TV off. Everyone stops and tries to listen as they sit there in a dead silence. Now its more defined and can be clearly heard. Bang bang bang, the oldest jumps up at the noise and walk toward the sound as the little ones cower in the corner of the couch. As she gets closer to where she thinks the noise came from. Before she reached the other end of the house another bang bang bang but this time it came from the front door. A look of horror on her face as she slowly makes her way to the door. She dismisses her fear for it might just be her parents arriving home early. She reaches for the door handle, BANG BANG BANG at the other door. This wasn’t her parents and terror fills her as she runs to her sisters. Away from the door, she tries to look through the window across the room. BANG BANG BANG on the window behind them the noise is so loud it sounds as if it's going to break. Their head jerks to look at the window just to hear the other window shake as if trying to be opened. The oldest bolts for the window not caring what will happen. She runs faster than she has ever in her life and flips the lock. The door begins to shake and cracks open she hits the door with all of her body weight and it's barely enough to close the door again. She flips the lock and rushes through the rest of house locking every door and window. There's only one door still unlocked and it's in the back of the house. She flies to the back not even breathing as she runs, desperately wishing she could go faster. Just before she gets to the door she stops dead in her tracks, like a deer caught in the head lights. All she can do is stare, petrified with fear from what she is looking at. The dark stained wood door is wide open and everything was silent. There wasn't a single sound throughout the house nor outside. She slowly takes one step forward then another and another until she is touching the door. She slowly shuts the door trying to not make a single sound that indicates where she is and what she is doing. As soon as she closes the door tight and locks it she slowly turns around not wanting to know if something is there or not. BANG BANG BANG against every door and window. The noise so loud it sounds like a roaring train rapidity charging towards the house. Both the little ones scream and then silence. The oldest darts to the living room with her sisters screams still ringing in her ears. Fearless she enters ready to fight whatever was here. She turns the corner and trips over something falling hard on something warm. She jolts up not know what she's touching until she is up. Dread fills her heart as she stands there looking at the bodies of her sisters. Their heads turn completely around with their skin stretched into a distorted smile. Tears fill her eyes and she turns to see whatever did this and the last thing she heard was Bang Bang Bang.
© 2017 OutsiderFeatured Review
3 Reviews Added on October 6, 2017 Last Updated on October 6, 2017 Author![]() OutsiderOKAboutWith a rough background chocked up full of traumatic events I use writing as my escape. I let my emotions flow through my words to create something more than just a piece of writing. Something more th.. more..Writing