Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Outsider

I feel like Death and Life make bets on me…


Jan 7, 2016, in the void in which the universe begins and ends. The overseers, with no true physical form another than the ones they choose. Life, Empress of the light and life of the souls and Death, lord of the darkness and keeper of the fallen souls come together for a friendly wager.

Death: How long do you think she will last?

Life: At this rate maybe four years before she joins you.

Death: I bet less, I bet she barely makes it passed her 18th birthday.

Life: What are the stakes this time?

Death: If I win I get to rewrite her contract with me and do with her as I wish, even if I choose to use your power.

Life: That is bidding high, what do I receive if I win?

Death: You may choose five souls to save or end.

Life: Any five souls?

Death: Do we have a deal?

Life: Indeed, It has been sealed.

Over the next few months, Death visited and watched her. Listened to every thought, every cry, every scream, every wish, and every desire. The more he learned about her the more he fell in love with her. Now it is against the seer’s code to fall in love with a mortal for they will only die in the end and cannot enter in the seers' realm nor can a seer stay long on the mortal plane. But he didn’t care, he couldn't control his heart. He no longer wanted to win the bet, Life could have a thousand souls he could just have her.

Date May 21, 2018, twenty days after her 18th birthday. Sitting alone she looks at the floor as the red paint spills from her thigh and lands by her feet. Razor in hand and tears in eyes she sits in silence but drowning in the screaming thoughts inside her head. She swore she would never try to take her life ever again, but what does she have to live for now? 

Girl: I’m sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry…

She finally cries out, as she puts down the blade and covers her face with her hands. Death enters into existence and walks to her.

Death: Its ok, shh it's ok. It's not that bad.

He puts his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

Girl: “it's not that bad” I’ve been tired of this place since I was 12… but you already know that don't you!

Death: Yes, I know.

They sit in silence for what felt like an eternity before she looks up and quietly begins to speak.

Girl: Why… 

Death: Why what my dear?

Girl: …We both know who you are… We both know that you want death…so…why…why did you?

She stops unable to finish scared to know his answer. She waits a few minutes as Death just waits knowing what she wants to ask. He puts his arms around her and holds her tight wishing he could take her pain away.

Death: …I made you promise because I fell involve with you.

Tears filled her eyes again and she sobbed on his shoulder. So confused and hurt anger starts to rise up and she pushes him away.


She grabs the razor and presses it against her wrist. She presses so hard a small amount of blood seeps out.

Death: No! Please don't do it! I’m begging you! Let me explain! Please! Just put the blade down… please.

Girl: I have nothing here! My family beats and hates me! I give my life to protect my sisters even though they take part in the abuse! It’s not just at home, I have no friends, I get picked out and bullied and I cant say anything about it! Tell me one good reason I should stay! Tell me!

She screams cutting deeper and deeper, blood dripping off her wrist and staining the floor. With horror in his eyes, Death looks at her wishing she knew just how important she was. How beautiful and priceless her soul was.

Death: Because you can make it through this; you can push through this stage and you can live a wonderful life after this little bump.

Girl: I see…

Her eyes darken and she grows still and silent. Death can normally hear her thoughts but for the first time, he can’t hear anything. She showed no emotion and no signs of life. Death takes a step closer and her head lifts and her eyes slowly trail back to him.

Girl: You know I thought you would be different.

Death begins to open his mouth but she continues.

Girl: Yes, you're just as beautiful, just as sweet, and just as lovely. However, I thought you would want for me to die… or is this a trick? That lady “Life” came to me and told me you were a lying trickster and to never trust you. So is this a trick?

He desperately tries to explain but like before he can she cuts him off.

Girl: So how can I trust a word you say. You probably don't even care about me at all. You probably don’t eve…

Death: Stop! 

Tears welling up in his eyes, he didn’t know this feeling but it was so strong he couldn’t hold it in.

Death: I don’t know what she told you but she was right… I do lie, cheat, and steal… but when I started to watch you and get to know the real you… I can’t describe it… I just… all I want to do it protect you…

Sadness fills her eyes as she takes the blade off her wrist and runs into his arms. Death sighs as she embraces him. Holding her tight and wanting to never let go.

Girl: I think I’m falling in love with you too… That's why I'm sorry.

All he could hear was the faint sound of something being ripped and then the smell of blood filled the room. In shock he lets her go to find she never let go of the of the blade. Tears streamed down as he looked at her cut wrist. So deep that she only had a couple of minutes. He pulled her to him and held her as tight as he could. So afraid to let go, for if he let up even a little she would slip away.

Death: I’m sorry too… but I can’t let you make a contract with me.

Her body goes limp and falls to the floor. Her soul lifts into the air and floats. She looks so calm and peaceful as if she was just sleeping. Her hair softly flowing from her beautiful head, her body in the fetal position, nude from the impurities. Wrist no longer slit, scares have vanished, and there isn’t a single mark on her body. He looks at her face and leans in to kiss her cheek.

Life: What are you doing?

Death jumps back and turns to look at the witch herself.

Death: You evil monster! How could you do that! I wanted her to live! Why would you tell her to not trust me!

Life: I play fare my dear, and since you broke the seer’s code and dared to fall in love with a mortal I knew you would try to keep her alive.

Death: You have no right to do that!

Life: Don’t I? You are the one who interfered with her life, and with the conversation, I just heard it sounds like you’ve been interfering even before the wager.

Death is silent as he looks at Life with cold eyes, wishing he could wipe the grin off that… that woman’s face. He then realizes something his grief made him overlook.

Death: I still won the wager, didn’t I?

Life can’t break a deal once it is sealed and has no choice to listen and do as Death wishes.

Life: …Yes. You did win the wager but you are also in violation of the code and have to pay a price for this.

Death: You choose five souls and I still get what I want.

Life is silent as she thinks, she won't get a deal like this again.

Life: Fine.

Death: Ladies first.

His smile shows his intention of mischief. He bows and ushers her past him to where the can view the world perfectly. Life takes her time choosing her five souls and when she is done and her part is sealed. Death’s dark side begins to reap, his true nature unfolds and the darkness surrounds Life. Life tries to escape but no one can escape him.

Life: STOP!

Death: Oh stop? Stop “my dear”? You think loving that girl made me weak. Well, you are sorely mistaken, she made me so much stronger, stronger than even you “my dear”. You think you are so much better because you let them “live” what is even living for those who suffer? That girl didn't deserve the “life” she got! So “dear” I'm going to give her a life she will be everything she desires!

Life: No! You don’t understand what you doing! It's not natural and who knows what could happen

Death: Maybe your world will end but mine can never! I watch over the ones that leave yours. So “my dear” I don't care! And furthermore, from now on we won’t call her “the girl” she has a name and its Hope. Hope, it's ironic and beautiful so if I even here you murmur another name for her you will face my darkness once more.

Death backs up and begins to form his seal, this seal will bond him to his word, the universe is bound by his word. No one can go against this for it becomes a law, for that is the power of a seer.

Death: Hear my words and hear my vows! My first vow is that this lost mortal called Hope is no longer a mortal but now immortal but not only immortal but supreme immortal and she can not be killed and anything in the mortal world around her. My second Vow is that the seer Life cannot write for touch her life force. My third and final vow is that… She remembers her life but the record of her in this time is erased.

Death’s seal is placed and he and Life collapse, too weak to stand from the drain of all of their power. Both gasping for air and desperately trying to regain themselves.

Life: *huffing* Wh-why… does this mean so-o much to you?

Death: *whispers* Because sh-she has taken my lonely dead heart and made it beat again.

Death lays on his side and pulls back the form around his heart and pulls the tiny light pink flesh out. Shrived and small but it was beating, barely but just enough for him to have a little life.

Life: That's how you have become so strong… you have become somewhat alive. Yet, you’re still death…it's giving you both of our gifts.

Death: These aren’t gifts their curses. We are cursed to be without the comfort of another, cursed to never feel the warmth of a loving embrace. But I broke the rules and I've felt that embrace even if I was only for a second. I’m tired of watching the lost souls…. just for a little while… we need a break. I will give you some of my power and I will stay with Hope for until her immortal soul chooses to leave the mortal plane.

Life: I don’t want a part of me to die for your adventures!

Death: Darling you already have, have you not seen your heart?

Life frantically moves her form to reveal the Death was right. Her heart had grown stone cold and has been that way for awhile judging by the size and color.

Life: *quivering* Wh-when did this happen and why am I not stronger like you?

Death: I noticed for a while now but I don’t know when exactly. You’re not stronger because all things die but nothing ever comes back. I’m sorry but you will never be as strong as me until you find true love. Only with real and pure love can one be more than they are.

They both lay there not saying a word, just thinking about their next move. When finally Life breaks the silence.

Life: I… wish you luck.

Death turns to his side and looks at her and smiles gently.

Death: Thank you.

Death turns back and looks up into the void as a large smile stretches a crossed his face.

Life: Try not to be too happy over there.

Death: I can’t help it. Gosh, I’m so ready to go!

Life: *sighs* Get going I'm strong enough to handle it up here.

Death: I would be so tempted to kiss you if I didn’t still hate you.

Life: *giggle lightly* I love you too.

The date is unknown, Death has reached the mortal plane and has Hope’s soul ready to be reanimated. He arranged so they are in an undiscovered location so Hope can take time getting use to her “new” self.

Death lays Hope’s body onto a patch of wildflowers and wish weeds, and stands back to look at her. Her skin seems to glow as she lays there as if she is about to wake from a pleasant dream. The flowing waves of her hair glide on top of flowers as the gentle breeze drifts through. Death can’t look away, he just stands there in awe taking in her beauty. Not wanting to look away for even a moment, afraid she’ll vanish in that split second. He moves closer to her looking straight at that face he wishing he could hold and cherish forever. Leaning in he kisses her cheek, so warm and soft he can barely keep himself from going back for more.

Death: You are so beautiful.

He runs his fingers through her hair and leans in to give her his gift. His lips gently touch hers and slowly the power of Life leaves Death’s body and enters into hers. Filling her lungs with air and her heart begins to beat once more. He fills her body as a rush of warmth flows through it, waking up as if it was nothing.

As she awakes her face scrunches from the light hitting her eyes and Death can’t help but laugh a little under his breath. He moves his body so the light doesn’t hit her eyes directly but it's still too bright for her to stop scrunching her face. 

Hope: *groans* Turn the light off mom I was dreaming.

Death: *female voice* What were you dreaming, dear?

Hope’s eyes pop open just to be blinded painful rays of fire. She groans and covers her eyes desperately trying to regain her sight. After rubbing her eye until the burning hell was gone she slowly opened them to see who she was with. Slowly Death’s beaming eyes and a smile comes into focus as her eyes readjust. Finally, he is in her view and she throws herself into his arms. Tears of joy run down her face as she begins to sob in his arms.

Hope: H-how? A-Am I dead? I’m s-so sorry!

Death: shh shh, it's ok. it's ok. I’m here. I’m here.

He gently caresses her head letting her cry for a few seconds before he begins. He honestly doesn't want to tell her, doesn’t want to try to explain. Will she even understand? Can she? Thousands of thought race though and clutter his head, he didn’t even notice Hope was trying to get his attention.

Hope: Hello? You there?

Death: Oh! I’m sorry, just was thinking…

Hope: Is everything okay? *smiles* Are you okay?

Death just smiles and brings her closer to him, he can smell the faint scent of the flowers she was laying on. Against his will, his eyes well up with salty tears that glide down his face and drip off.

Death: I am now.

© 2017 Outsider

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A amazing story. I have used Death in many of my stories. I liked your version. Create situation and great conversation. You took the reader with you to deadly thoughts and a surprising ending. Thank you Outsider for sharing the outstanding story.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A amazing story. I have used Death in many of my stories. I liked your version. Create situation and great conversation. You took the reader with you to deadly thoughts and a surprising ending. Thank you Outsider for sharing the outstanding story.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 4, 2017
Last Updated on October 5, 2017




With a rough background chocked up full of traumatic events I use writing as my escape. I let my emotions flow through my words to create something more than just a piece of writing. Something more th.. more..

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