![]() Chaper OneA Chapter by MadMax760Chapter One I sat at my desk tapping my pencil. I was hoping that maybe someone would call, or for the clock to tell me I can go back home. I stood up, stretched, and decided that I would go back, and look at some of the older files that I needed to put up. As I started walking over to the cabinet I noticed that there was an uneaten doughnut sitting on my desk. It had been there for some time. As I wrapped it up in the cloth underneath it I decided that I would throw it away. As I finally got my thoughts back on track I continued my newest mission to the cabinet.
The first file that I picked up said, “Sinful Angel” memories started flashing back to me. It was a guy by the name of Jacob Anderson who killed people because he thought he was a angle from God to kill people who have committed serious sins. He had killed three wives who had cheated on their husbands, and another two men who had picked up prostitutes. As well as a kid who had burned a cross for a science project. We never had a clue on who did it; all he left was a cross at the crime scene. One day he messed up and left his fingerprint on one of the crosses. We traced it in the database, and he had been arrested for domestic violence once. I picked up the file, and placed it in the “A” folder. The next one that I picked up had written on it, “ Now feeling angry not only at the folder, but society for letting such a man be turned into such a monster, I decided to head back to my desk. I sat back down in my chair and propped my feet up on my desk. I reached into my desk drawer, and grabbed out my darts. As I leaned back in my chair I threw the first one at the board, and completely missed. ‘Has my aim really gotten that bad?’ I thought to myself. I started to laugh to myself as I threw the next one. This time it hit the bull’s eye perfectly. With this one I had to allow myself smile. I had gotten to the point I was so bored that I was starting to hope that someone would walk into my office, and start a conversation with me. I stood back up, and walked over to the window of my office. As I peered out I saw the last few people walk around the building. All of them counting down the minutes until they got to leave their office for the night; returning to the security of their house, and the warmth of their beds. Some of them had their wives at home, and some of them even had their own children to greet them with opening arms. Sometimes I wish that I and Kelsey could have worked things out. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. Things could have gotten better between us, but I let work take over things in my life. I did what every FBI agent wishes don’t happen. I let my job control me little by little until it was to late do anything about it. After solving the “Boogey Man” case I had let what the monstrous of people do to others control my life outside of work. Instead of going home to my wife I found myself sitting in my office thinking about the meaning of life; coming up with the same answer every time, nothing.
I had to pull myself away from the window. The late nights were starting to get to me, and I knew that once I just had a good night sleep that everything would be better. I looked up at the clock, and read its hands to be eleven fifty. I had only ten more minutes to wait, but thought that I’d sneak out a little early, and maybe get a bite to eat. As I walked out of my room I reached over and turned off the lights. As I was closing my door I heard a distinct voice come from behind me. “Deciding to take off a little early there John?” The voice almost seemed perturbed more than a since of sarcasm. I turned around to see Agent Hudson standing behind me. Agent Hudson was in his late forties, and his slick black hair had started turning gray. He had been with the force for quite some time. He worked in the profiling department, and I had worked with him several times before. He was a fit man who usually went to the gym at least three times a week. He stood around six foot three, and probably didn’t weigh a pound over what he should have. “Ha, just ten minutes. Don’t think that anyone will die in the next ten minutes while I’m gone. At least nothing that couldn’t wait till in the morning.” I replied to him. “Son let me tell you something, you never know when someone is going to call, and it could very likely be an emergency. Your one of the best agents I got and I can’t have you leaving just to go do a booty call somewhere, or going to get a drink. If I need you, you need to be ready to jump and go.” By now his tone had gotten very stiff, and I could tell he was probably a little agitated. I just looked down at my watch which now read eleven fifty five, and decided that instead of fighting with my bosses best friend over five minutes that I would just been the good little lab dog I’ve always been and do as I was told. Instead of going back into my office, and having to go through the routine of turning the lights on and so forth, I just sat my stuff down outside the door, and sat at the front desk. “If anyone in the world calls this number Dominick, I’ll be the first one to know. Does this fit your liking?” I said with a grin on my face. “If anyone calls them asking for me tell them that I’ve left, and that…” He wanted to keep going but I just decided to cut him off. “That you’re busy off on one of your little missions. Where is your new mission to now, the bar?” I said to him playing with the phone cord.
He just looked at me, and walked out the front door. By now the clock chimed twelve, and I felt like an idiot spending my last ten minutes arguing with Dominick about the minutes. I gathered my belongings and made a beeline to the door. Just as I put my hand holding onto my bag reached the door handle the phone ring. “Damn it. I don’t care I’m off the clock.” I said to myself. With that being the last thing I said; I walked out the front door and started heading towards my car. © 2010 MadMax760Author's Note
Added on March 11, 2010 Last Updated on March 11, 2010 Author![]() MadMax760Chattanooga, TNAboutHello you guys I'm just a simple writer trying to get his big break! more..Writing