Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by MadMax760

This would be chapter two, haha


Chapter Two


            As a horrifying scream broke the night silence Reece jumped out of his bed. He looked around to see where that scream could have come from. Only one thought came into his head.


            As he dashed over to his bedroom door he removed the wooden office chair. As he swung open his door he could see their father banging on her door. He had to think quickly. He ran back into his room, and went into his closet. As he looked around to see what he could possibly use his eyes got locked on a wooden bat. So Reece grabbed the bat he was prepared for a fight.

            “Get away from her door!” Reece screamed.

            “Why you little punk, get the hell away from me!” The father said back.

            A little muffled sound of Madeline’s voice was able to slip past all the yelling, “Reece help me!”

            “Get away from her door! Do it!” Reece was yelling at the top of his lungs.

            As his father walked towards him; he clenched up his fist. Reece was scared. He didn’t want things to be this way all he ever wanted was a peaceful home. Reece raised the bat over his head.

            “Don’t come near me!” Reece said. “Get away!” his voice starting to rise.

            Yet even with the warnings his father did not stop and continued his way towards him. Finally Reece swung the bat, and hit his father right over the head. His father fell with a loud crash. With all the commotion his mother walked up the stairs.

            “What the hell is going…?” His mother stopped in the middle of her sentence. She was stunned as to see her husbands body laying on the ground knocked out.

            “What are you doing?! Have you lost your mind?!” His mother started shouting at him.

            “I was only doing it to protect Madeline; he was trying to get her.” Reece let the bat fall out of his hands.

            “No he wasn’t! That’s a lie!”

            “No its not! He was banging on her door trying to get in even after Madeline yelled stop!”

            “Then why didn’t I hear any of this?” His mother asked with a look on her face.

            “Well maybe if you would stop spending so much time with the drugs you would hear and see what’s really going on in this family. Not you’re made up world.”

            With that being said Reece picked up his bat, and stomped off to his room. As soon as he was in he turned around and yelled,

            “Madeline if you want you can come sleep in my room.”

            Madeline grabbed her pillow and her stuffed teddy bear and dashed down the hallway into his room. As soon as she was clear of the door; Reece slammed his door shut, and locked it to where his mother could hear it.

            “Come on,” Reece said, “we’re going to go for a walk around town to calm down.”

            Madeline, still being upset and petrified just nodded her head. Reece still being as mad as he was just before the fight walked over to his bed, sat down, and started putting shoes on.

            “Are you ok?” He asked her, trying to calm himself down.

            “No, but I’ll be fine. Really. Where are we going to go?” She said trying to forget about seeing her protector hit their dad with a bat.

            He replied, “We’re just going to go for a walk. No where fancy. Probably just down the block, and if we want we can come back.”

            “And if we don’t want to?” She asked.

            “Do we ever want to come back to this hell hole? No. Except we need somewhere to stay, food to eat, and a roof over our heads.”

            “Why can’t we go to the police Reece?”

            “You know every time we go there all they do is say we’re making it up, and to leave them alone. They never have, nor never will believe us Madeline. I’m sorry but for the time being we just have to suck it up, and deal with it until opportunity knocks on the door.”

            As Reece was finishing up his sentence he walked over to his table that was under the window. He pulled the table out, and opened up the window allowing a nice cool breeze to flutter in.

            He told Madeline to be careful, and to watch her step as she climbed down the side of the house. He lifted her on to the window seal, and she stepped out every so quietly. He followed behind her trying to make as little sounds as he could. As he descended down the side of the building into the grass he looked around to make sure his dad had not seen them, and followed.

            As they were walking down the street Reece looked Madeline and asked her, “So how are you doing?”

            “I’ve been a lot better; I just want us to go to California like you promised Reece. I want to get out, and be free finally.” Madeline replied.

            “I know sweetie, that’s what I want to, but Uncle is just like the police and don’t believe us. They never will.”

            “But it’s not fair! Just the other day dad hit me, and I have to put up with it! I want out, and I want out soon!” She started screaming.

            “Madeline, Madeline calm down. You can’t be screaming like that in public, or they will take you away from me, and then I can’t protect you anymore, is that what you want? I will not be able to see you again for two more years till I’m 18.” Reece said with a very stern voice.

            Madeline realizing that she had jumped to her anger to quick just looked down out of shame, and shook her head. “I’m sorry.” she whispered out

            Reece stepped in front of Madeline and looked her in the eyes,

            “Madi, I’m going to do the best I can to protect you and give you everything you could ever ask for. That’s why I took you out of that house. It’s not safe there, and it probably never will. We’re going to live outside for a little, and I’m going to do everything to make sure your ok. I love you.” He told her.

            “I love you too, but do you really think we can make it out here?” she asked him looking down at the concrete sidewalk below her feet.

            “I don’t think we can; I know we can.” He told her as he embraced her in his arms.

© 2010 MadMax760

Author's Note

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Also very good...i've seriously got chills!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 10, 2010
Last Updated on March 10, 2010



Chattanooga, TN

Hello you guys I'm just a simple writer trying to get his big break! more..

Chaper One Chaper One

A Chapter by MadMax760

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by MadMax760