![]() Chapter (15) BEES CAN FLY.A Chapter by MAD ENGLISHMAN![]() BEES CAN FLY. Some scientists and doctors and other clever men Were sitting in an office when a bee flew in with them. The men all stopped and marvelled, as the bee flew all around. First up to the ceiling then close down to the ground. "Oh my." said one "That’s very odd I’ll have to study this you know. I really cannot understand How a bee can fly so slow." Some others they took pictures And plotted where she flew. And then they had a meeting And decided what to do. For days and days they pondered Did calculations on a wall Then they finally decided That bees can’t fly at all. © 2017 MAD ENGLISHMANReviews
StatsAuthor![]() MAD ENGLISHMANGreat Ponton, Lincolnshire, United KingdomAboutHeading for my 72nd birthday in April. I've enjoyed an eventful life. With the help of 2 wives I've managed to raise 3 children. Proud of my kids. I embrace all cultures but ultimately I'm proud to be.. more..Writing