cold thoughts and red wine
A Poem by Missty Makaya777
Blank, blank red wine to
accompany me on this lonely afternoon .As the sun is fading out of sight, The
cold thoughts start to form in my mind….oh mind, mind! Where do I start, it’s been so long since I
freed you from those words, that’s been weighting you down and chocking you up.
Blank, blank, I take a sip …Here goes nothing. Life is a roller coaster I aint
teaching you nothing new everybody knows and everybody live the struggle. We
all pray for a better tomorrow with regrets of yesterday .today is a new day
for a new beginning, but I am choosing to speak feelings that came alive
through past my higher I is working magic to bring words to life,
I am choosing a sad melody so they can dance in harmony. Can I start by saying
f**k the system; I believe we can all agree that we are being fucked deeply.
But I am also starting to believe that we are becoming comfortable bending over
every day every minute every second. 3 drop of wine, for the grand moun that
came before I, may they guide us in this chaos. Listen up closely our chaos is
there order yeah you know, the new world order there already at your doors, they
have their eyes on you, you who dare to rebel. divide and conquer, does it ring
bells ,we all different but yet ,we want the same ,freedom, peace,real food, clean water,
fresh air ,they are patiently waiting for a race war. We as human must find a
way to rise over hate so we can heal our planet. But I refuse to forget what
was done to us, yes I said us because I am my ancestors; still they live in my
DNA. They pain cannot be described in a couple of lines nor there greatness, so
I will leave it for a virgin piece of paper and seven candles, as I will be
opening up the seven portals to this primarily source they call dark energy, all
come from it and all shall return to it, with that said what do you stand for.
What are you fighting for, what are you ready to sacrifice your life for. May I
please end this by saying f**k the system as its f*****g us at this right
moment. Missty MAkaya777
© 2016 Missty Makaya777
Added on September 30, 2016
Last Updated on September 30, 2016
Missty Makaya777Montréal, Quebec, Canada
writing is my escape door
from this s**t system
so come,yes you come escape with me.