Trust MeA Story by KiConfidence.
She struts down the hall. A smile on her face, her head held high. She is wearing some crazy outfit that she loves. She hear the snarky comments of the "popular girls, but guess what? She doesn't care. Secretly, the girls probably envy her ability to brush off their remarks.
Because it doesn't matter. What people think. When you look back, do you really think that you'll care that some random kid made a comment about your outfit? Confidence. Most people wish they could be confident. They wish they could do what they love and not be criticized for it. But guess what? Being a kid today, with all these narrow minded people, you're probably going to be ridiculed for not being like everyone else. The trick is to not care. Which is easier said than done. Just remember what what they're REALLY saying is, "Wow. That person isn't afraid to express themselves. I'm jealous that I'm too scared to do that, so I'm going to mock them and make it seem like a bad thing to be different." If you're one of those people who are mean to individualists, don't be. Who are you to judge someone who is just being themselves? We aren't perfect. We shouldn't have this idea that different is bad. Because it's really not. Trust me. © 2010 KiReviews
1 Review Added on December 27, 2010 Last Updated on December 27, 2010 Tags: Confidence, individuality, trust me, story, Michiko |