Remembering an Old FriendA Poem by Marianne RoseI'm named for a saint, and when i was young, she was my best friend.
I was so small when I first began to visit you,
Walking down the long aisle, Touching my knee to the ground like they taught me, And quietly making my way to your home. You had a beautiful fence, a place I could rest On my knees in your front yard of lush red grass. So tall and beautiful you stood, Looking out as if an invitation to enter Was always on your lips. I couldn't speak in this quiet place, Listening always for your voice. Instead I wrote my hurt words On tiny pieces of paper that I knew you would read when I went away. Read and ponder- Taking my pleas into your heart Before you found an answer. Two small coins in my hand I offered to you The least I could do for the way I felt When you looked down, Tears filling your eyes, dropping down to water roses at your feet. Sometimes, When your caretaker was there to let me in, The gate swung open And I could move close to you, touching a rose petal And whispering "thank you" As I lit one of a hundred candles that filled your home With light. You always told me to come back, Silently, so no one could hear, That I was your special girl, Named for you, And so closer to your heart. I came many times, every week, For many years, Writing my cares and sorrows With a tiny pencil that was always sharp. Tucking them safely in a place where you would find them And take them Into your heart. Now all grown up, I still feel you there, Inviting me to come back. To pour out my sorrow and watch it dissipate Into holy space, Where miracles are possible. To light a candle for each one I feel suffering Under the weight of secret burdens. I am still your special girl, decades later, And you are still listening. © 2016 Marianne RoseAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorMarianne RoseSanta Rosa, CAAboutRecently retired from a Community College as an Employment Advisor and Program Developer - such inspiring, hopeful work. The dreams and hopes born out of loss and confusion stimulate the writer in me... more..Writing