It’s a Short Ride from Cheyenne To Laramie

It’s a Short Ride from Cheyenne To Laramie

A Story by MBARRYM

The other side of the conspiracy for covering up Leperachauns


Day Three:   The lady behind the counter at the Motel Cheyenne said I should drive down to Laramie and then take the Laramie Stage Coach back to Cheyenne.  She said, “If you want a real wild west experience to tell the grandchildren about, buy a ticket for the early afternoon Laramie Direct Stagecoach ride back here to Cheyenne.  It will take the northern route on the other side of I-84.  You’ll see the old mine trains, and 150 year old Greggerson Mine Company; and you’ll see the Kaufman Township, they say it’s haunted, and at the end you get to go through some of Old Cheyenne.”

I was getting more and more curious, but I had to find out what the coach ride cost, but before I could get it out, “what does it….”

She says, “If you were going one way only, it would cost $59, and the Cheyenne ride back to Laramie is $69.  It is more because it takes longer to make that trip.   It goes farther north.” 

“How long does it take to come back here tomorrow,” I asked.

She said, “I would allow 8 hours because sometimes it takes longer to see everything depending on whether the coaches are full or not.  They have eight or 9 coaches, so there might be as many as 50 people making the trip.”

“What do you get to see on the trip down to Laramie?”

“Well, if it is dry all the way, which it usually is you will see the Wyoming Territorial Prison and the actual cell in which Butch Cassidy was incarcerated.  There is the Territorial Miner’s Court, and the Old McGowan Gold Mine.  That is really quite interesting.  And, then there are always the surprises that they arrange for everyone to see.” 

“Oh, by the way, if you buy a round trip ticket you get both coach trips for $110, and they provide one meal at the Saloons you visit, which are about mid-way on each side.  I think you will enjoy it.  And, you might get lucky and find a piece of gold laying around. “

I said, “now how can that be, there couldn’t be gold laying on the ground.  I’m sure those mines have been scoured both inside and outside as well.”

“Well, it happens.  You see, when it rains heavily out there, and it did last night, the water comes rushing down out of the hills.  And, the gully washers will invariably wash nuggets of gold up and deposit them here and there.  You should keep your eyes open, okay.  Don’t forget I told you so.  Cause if you find any gold I want my share, ok?”

Well, that was it.  She told me the ticket office was just around the corner on the opposite side of the street.  I made a bee-line over there.  When I got inside the ticket office, a young guy came out from the back offices.  He had the reddest hair and the greenest eyes I believe I have ever seen in one person.  And, to make it more unusual, he was very short.  I could see down on to the top of his head.  Now this is bizarre, I thought.  Is this man a leprechaun? Nay, couldn’t be.  But, what does a leprechaun look like if not like this man.   I told him that I wanted to take the 12:30 stagecoach ride to Laramie.  And, I want to get a round trip ticket so I would end up back to here tomorrow. 

So, the red-headed guy, asks me how I will be paying, and what time did I want to come back tomorrow.  I knew I should watch him and even follow him.  All afternoon, and all evening and all night if I had too.  If I followed him long enough, so the legend goes, he will lead me to his pot of gold that is if he is a real leprechaun.  Nay, I thought to myself, can’t be true.  There is no way that this man could be a leprechaun.  He is way too tall for that.  Leprechauns are only 2 or 3 feet tall, a meter tall if you will.  I’ll come back tomorrow after the tour and check to see if he is still here.  I’ll confess to him what I was thinking about him, and have a good laugh.  Then, I’ll take him to a pub for a stein of lager.

“I need to be back here as early in the afternoon as possible,” I said thinking that if I got out there on the earliest coaches to leave Laramie that I just might amble around the mines and find a nugget or two.  I had been assured that any gold I would find out there would be mine to keep, and I didn’t have to tell anyone that I had found it.  In fact the lady at the Cheyenne Motel said that there were signs up in both terminals about the small nuggets.  It was just that they didn’t advertise it, or make a big deal about it.

I went out to the depot in the back where the stagecoaches were, well, being ‘staged’ or put in a line.  The next trip was scheduled to leave in two hours.  At 11:30, I was going to hop into one of those well-appointed stagecoaches and head for Cheyenne.  I decided to go back to the hotel and make sure I was paid up through tomorrow’s return time from the Laramie trip.  I couldn’t wait to see everything.   So, for the next two hours I poured over the brochures looking for everything I could find out about the trip to Laramie, where and how many stops there were, and what I wanted to see to get the most out of each stop.  I even searched the internet for info about each stop for information.  If there was something to be found or learned I wanted to find it and learn what I could.  I also wanted to get as many pics as I could for a photo album I was planning to put together for the grandkids afterwards, for their amusement and amazement.

I headed back to the Cheyenne Stagecoach Depot and got boarded as quickly as possible.  I was very tired already and needed a nice place to get comfortable.  I did just that, and surprisingly was boarded on the No. 1 “Cheyenne” coach.  All the coaches carried the name of famous cities in Wyoming.  As 11:30 approached, five other people boarded the “Cheyenne.”  We departed the depot on time, with four other full coaches, 1 coach, No. 8 Sheridan had five on board.  Three other coaches entered the ‘convoy’ line-up because they had too many coaches in Cheyenne and not enough coaches in Laramie.  Those drivers had to actually ride shotgun or even hang off the sides or back of the coaches going back to Laramie to get home in the evening.   In the line, for the trip to Laramie were: The #2 Sundance, The #3 Rock Springs, The #5 Medicine Bow, The #7 Casper, The #8 Sheridan.  At the back of the convoy, were the three coaches from the Cheyenne line being ferried back to their home depot.  Their #1, The Fort Laramie, The #5 Jackson Hole, and The #7 Shoshoni.  Without them at home base, there were 15 coaches in Cheyenne and only nine in Laramie.  My internet searches had revealed a lot of interesting facts about these Wyoming cities, and about the naming of the coaches and even a few stories about them.

The stops along the Laramie trail were, to me, not as exciting nor did they hold the potential for reward, and I didn’t think there was as much risk of anything happening on this side.  Only thing was about that assessment:  I was wrong, almost dead wrong. 

We left the depot right on time, just as scheduled at 11:00 am local time.  The trip would take approximately six hours.  We were scheduled to visit the Wyoming Territorial Prison where we would get out and go inside to see where Butch Cassidy was jailed with most of his gang, and the Territorial Miner’s Court where Butch Cassidy was tried and found guilty of bank robbery, theft of property from 6 Stage Coach robberies, and 7 counts of robbery of trains and passengers.  That was a big deal on the front end of this nostalgic journey down the Laramie Trail.  It was downhill, because Laramie is at a higher elevation than Cheyenne because it is closer to the Rocky Mountains.  Laramie is actually almost 1500 feet higher above sea level at 7165 feet above mean sea level.  Cheyenne’s airport is measured to be about 5705 feet above mean sea level.  What that meant to me was that it was definitely more taxing walking in the direction of Laramie, and the closer you got to Laramie the quicker the ascent became.  It didn’t take me long to decide I needed to get back on the coach and ride for a while.  I road in the coach with Sister Micah de Silvio, and her sister, Sister Marco de Julio.  I had a time getting their names straight.  And, it wouldn’t have mattered to me or them, if it hadn’t have been for the fact that one of them was the Holy Mother of the San Hacinthe Monastery and Convent in San Pedro de Macoris in the Dominican Republic. 

It seemed like we were never going to get anywhere, but we finally reached our first stop.  I’m sure it was meant to be an historical place on some national registry, but to me Bode was one type of “shoppe” after another.  I looked around some of them, but left empty handed.  We only had 12 minutes at this stop, and there wasn’t time to find the “historical” attribute of the Olde West town of Bode.   What I was interested in was yet to come.  

For whatever reason, we raced past the place that was second on our list:  the Jericho-Brady Silver Mining Operation.  It was all boarded up.  At the next stop, we got a reason for the bypassed tour site.  According to Mick Drewrie, the tour guide:  “there was an accident inside the mine yesterday, and two of the mining engineers got hurt pretty bad.”  So the place was ruled ‘off-limits’ and we went on.  We arrived at our next tour site, just an hour and 35 minutes after we left the Cheyenne terminus of this site seeing tour business.  We were to be there a full hour.  We were directed to the Paddy O’Flaherty Saloon and Diner.  The diner was in the back of this establishment.  I was determined to find the historical aspect of each tour site.  This one I was sure that there was more to see.  Didn’t understand why I couldn’t find the most significant site on this route, but I wasn’t finding it.   Asking the waiter I was watching I finally said, “What here is historical?”  He turned away from me, as if to walk off, I moved quickly to get around him, and 4 seconds later I was right in front of him, again.  After a harsh questioning period, I decided to end the investigation.  All he would do was point to the double gate entrance to the back saloon.  I don’t think he spoke English.  When I looked in through the double door entrance to the saloon, I didn’t see anything at first.

As I stood there behind the left gate of the doorway, a tall, burly, scruffy looking dude walked by me.  It wasn’t that he brushed by me, He walked right into me, causing me to lose my balance and fall into the gate.  I barely caught hold of it as I frantically grasped for something to grab hold of to arrest my fall.  It seemed like a long time, but it could only have been a handful of seconds until I caught the gate and regained my balance.  As that man walked on past, I became aware of others in the saloon I hadn’t seen before.  I noticed that there was two barkeepers behind the bar on my right.  There was a hallway and stairwell in the back center that led up to the second floor.  Then, I noticed that there were at least 7 or 8 people up there looking down into the saloon.  A waiter was carrying four mugs of beer over to the table to the left.  I hadn’t noticed the people sitting at that table when I entered the saloon.  Then it occurred to me that the four sitting at that table were playing cards.  I had no way of knowing what that guy who just rudely knocked me off balance was doing.

I could see the faces of three of the four, but for the man sitting with his back to me, I could not identify him.  The man walking away from me toward the bar all of a sudden turned to his left,   I was just thinking that he was headed to the bar to get a sassaperilla or something stronger.  After he turned toward the poker table, he pulled out a long-barreled six-shooter, walked right up to the guy who was sitting with his back to the saloon front entrance, and shot the man in the back.

I turned and went as fast as I could to the bartender and told him what just happened and that he should get the sheriff there quick. 

What the bartender said to me next left me totally astonished, he said: “do you not understand that you have just witnessed the shooting of the famous gun-fighter, showman and lawman, Wild Bill Hickok.  What you saw, was not real.  It didn’t just happen.  He was murdered by a man named Jack McCall on August 2, 1876.  That was one hundred and forty years ago.  Hickok was holding the famous ‘Aces and Eights’ hand.  Both aces and eights were black.  The fifth card in his hand is thought to have been either the Queen of Hearts or the Queen of Diamonds.  Nobody knows for sure what the fifth card was, but all five of the cards were quite red after the shooting.” 

I said, obviously puzzled and alarmed, “How can that be.  It looked perfectly real to me?”

The bartender said, “We don’t know what is going on.  We had a physics teacher in here a few days ago.  He said that something had happened somewhere in our galaxy that has electrically caused a change in the time-space continuum.  Something has caused a rift in the fabric of time.  And, now that event occurs right here in the back left corner of this Saloon.  The Physicist said it could mean that as this rift ripples through time, that it could cause a Time Paradox.  He said that if the rift isn’t closed up soon, that history will have been changed, and that it could actually change the time and date of the event itself.”

I said, “I don’t understand what all that means.  What do you mean that it could change the time and date of the event itself?

The bartender leaned in towards me and said to me, “That event happened in Deadwood, South Dakota.  Deadwood is over 300 miles from here.   That you just saw it happen means that Bill Hickok was still alive, in his time, until just a few minutes ago.  That kind of thing is called a Time Warp.  You see, if Wild Bill Hickok was still actually alive ten minutes ago, then Jack McCall was still alive, and so was all those other people you saw in there.  The problem is that those people, who should have died over a hundred years ago, were still alive and interacting in the world.  If any of them had a child that was not actually born back in their day, then there is likely a time warp coming.  Who knows what kind of things could happen as a result.   But, some of these other people who are alive today that should be alive today might just all of a sudden disappear.  It could cause accidents to happen, and planes to crash because people who were there in our time, might not have been born because those people back there in that saloon kept on living.  Look at it this way, what if Jack McCall had not shot Hickok, and instead took his gun to the capital and killed the President instead.  What if the death of that President caused another country to think that was great opportunity to shoot their rockets at us.  It could cause all kind of disasters.

The bartender turned and walked back into the saloon.  When he came back, he looked at me with the grimmest of looks on his face, and said to me.  I just saw the assassination of the President of the United States.  A shooting that happened in Dallas, Texas more than 50 years ago.  The Time Warp has gotten worse, and I think I’m going to get out of here, and get home before something really devastating happens to this country or to the whole world.”

I watched him walk out the front door.  The main street was out that door, and there were 9 stagecoaches lined up.  As he got clear of the door, I heard him scream out in sheer and absolute panic, he turned back toward me and said.  “Where are the stage coaches?  I don’t see any of them.  They were there fifteen minutes ago.  At that point, as I stood there and watched him, he just up and slowly disappeared from the feet up.  In the space of ten seconds, he was erased by something I couldn’t explain.  I walked toward the door, because I felt I was being drawn to that door.  It took me several seconds to get there.  When I went through the doorway and saw what the bartender must have seen.  It was like my eyes would not focus.  When they did, I realized that there was absolutely nothing outside that door.  Everything was gone, and what I saw was a dark, rolling mass of clouds that obscured everything.   It was then that I realized that everything that had been there 30 minutes ago, was now consumed by whatever that was.  In the back of my mind, it came to me, and I reached out to see if I could touch whatever that was.  And even as I watched, the cloud rolled toward me a few more inches and as I watched in horror my hand disappeared from the end of my arm.  I could not feel a thing, even as more and more of my right arm disappeared.  Then I realized one last thing, there was nothing behind me any more either.  Everything was gone.  The Coaches were all gone.  The horses were all gone.  The Bartender was gone.  I was ……………..


I was, I think caught in an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, a wormhole.  The purpose of the Bridge or wormhole is to bend space in on itself so that two far distant points come into close juxtapositiion to each other.  First, by creating a negative force of sufficient power near one of the two points, the bridge or wormhole, can then be created by directing the negative force in the direction of the destination.  However, second, if the force is created on earth, and is directed into outer space, the worm-hole will form and the vacuum force in space will pull everything into the “tunnel” and send it to a destination in the direction of the vacuum.  Third, a wormhole created away from our planet Earth, but directed at the planet will create a vacuum which will also pull everything away from the Earth’s surface, and deposit everything at the terminus, wherever that might be.  The only difference is where the vacuum or negative force is generated.  Wherever the force is created, a transit through the tunnel without an exo-suit or spacecraft will be destructive to the unprotected traveler.  All matter being pulled through the tunnel will be stretched into a broken or scattered tissue chain.  So, it is important that a spaceman have a protective shield against the disruptive forces within the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.  This must be an electro-magnetic shield of enormous power, at least a 9th power (or 1x109th so that it can interact with the Bridge but not be destroyed by it.

The fourth possibility for the creation of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge is that it is created on Earth’s surface by a local Negative force.  Some say this force could exist on earth’s surface in significantly adequate force in the form of extra-natural forces: that being the spiritual force left behind at the death of the body of its original human vessel.  Additionally, this force is almost always directed by malevolent or beneficent superior spirit forces.  Once either the malevolent or beneficent force has accumulated sufficient extra-natural forces, the new PK is able to direct the force it determines.  These E-R Bridges tend to also be violent, but they can disrupt any structure or living being within its domain like a tornado and deposit that material to a distant destination on the surface of the earth. 

As I regained my consciousness, I realized when I looked into the mirror behind the bar, that I was different in appearance than I had ever looked like before.  I was somehow different, maybe it was my ears or my mouth or my eyes or all of that, or maybe it was my overall shape.  But, when I looked at myself, I thought I was looking at someone else’s image, but not mine. 

And, I was no longer in the saloon, I was back in the stagecoach.  The horses were back in the barn.  All the stage coaches, horses and drivers and even the building were right where they should have been.  I could not believe any of this had happened.  But all of this had happened in the wink of an eye.  I and the other living people that were in that saloon prior to the appearance of the bridge were now being found in entirely different locations.  I was back in the stage coach.  I knew two things about the disruption I had witnesses.  I knew (1) that I had watched buildings and animals and abandoned things and even myself being disrupted.  I had watched what I knew to be the actual pattern of the disruptive forces of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge.  I had seen people and buildings and everything being disrupted into long, partially disrupted elongated matter chains; and I knew (2) that the energy in this disruption had been inadequate to displace the matter to a further distant location outside the planet.  Therefore, the disruption was created on Earth by a Superior Extra-Natural Force through the aggregation of human spirit forces.  It was my opinion that the Superior Extra-Natural force had been only temporarily created by a Beneficent Force of Spirit creations.  Had the Superior Extra-Natural Force been Malevolent, it would have secreted the natural materials into oblivion, or at the very least there would have been no sustaining life force returned to their human source.  Within days all materials had been returned to its original place. 

If you find this story to be incredible, or just incredibly woven together, just remember we all look at life through rose colored glasses.  And everything that is represented to be something in our minds, realize that even in our humanity, our visual cortex only displays the life we experience in the form of many colored pixels in the back of our minds.  Everything we see is nothing more than what we see when we look at an image on a television screen.  Just many colored dots on a black screen.  Put together, our mind interprets what we see relative to what we have experienced:  our library of life.  Without that library nothing we see makes sense.  And, if we have that library of life, but have no vision, then we have no way to visualize what is in that library of our lives.   

The End


Well, that’s all for now:  Avva, Anna, Emma, and Ella. 


The Moral of the story: 

One’s perspective on life is only possibly the true available perspective.  When we consider the nature of our universe, we should understand that there may be as many as eleven other Parallel Universes out there, according to Astrophysicists.  And we, you and me, could be living out our lives in each and every one of them.  And each one of us living unbeknownst a life in each of the other Parallel Universes. Is it ours that is true, or is it one of the other eleven?  Or, is each and every life true.  And, if we have an on-going life in each of those universes, and they aren’t identical in every respect.  Then, what would happen if any two of those parallel universes came into direct contact with each other?

So, we all ask:  “What am I, and Where did I come from?”  Well, scientist look to the heavens for those answers.  They LOOK at the physical universe (as they are able to understand it, and draw inferences from what they see.  Astrophysicist look to the heavens seeking to learn about the CREATION.  Yet, the major religions of the Earth all look to the heavens for those answers, too.  They DON’T LOOK at the physical universe (as they know they are unable to understand it, AND realize the answers aren’t in the stars out in the physical universe).  In religion, people look to the heavens seeking a Creator to find out Who they are and where they came from.

The moral of the story is this:  Where you came from is simple ancestry.  Who you are is found inside your heart and mind, and deciding if you are what you want to be.


The Rules of Leprachauna:

1.      A Leprechaun must have a permanent tie to Ireland. Reason: All families must be represented in Ireland: If an only relative in Ireland returns to Kulchon, the traveling Lep must return home instantly.

2.      A Leprechaun must place both feet on Ireland’s soil every other day. Reason:  Irish soil has elements found no other place in the world, a Lep’s body must contact this soil one time every 49.49 hours.

3.      A Leprechaun must always wear a vest over a green or red shirt which vest must have at least 1 pocket, but may have no more than 3 pockets. Reason: a vest gives appearance of class to a Lep and it provides a place for him to keep his gold coins to pay to someone who sees him.

4.      A Leprechaun must always have an ounce of gold in a vest pocket.  Reason: If a Lep is seen, he must give the human a gold coin, and if he doesn’t have a gold coin he must go and get his pot of gold and give it to the human.  If the Lep runs out of gold, the Lep must return to Ireland immediately if he is in another land.  The Lep must always be in contact with Gold, its absence can cause disease or worse.

5.      A Leprechaun must always have a gold coin under each heel in each shoe. Reason:  the weight of the Lep on his heels allows the beneficial element in Gold to better help the Lep maintain his health especially while he travels to foreign lands.

6.      A Leprechaun must do their Irish Dance in the morning and in the evening when the sun transits across the horizon. Reason:  Sunlight is refracted through the atmosphere differently from the morning horizon to the evening horizon.  Both refractions provide needed ultra-violet wave radiation to the Lep’s body.  Its beneficial rays warding off specific kinds of disease.

7.      A Leprechaun must always maintain and carry their Shillelagh. Reason:  A Shillelagh is a finely crafted walking stick or club.  Its construction, according to Kulchon’s direction gives the Shillelagh a special force or power, making it possible to defeat the much larger Troll with ease and efficiency.

8.      When not in Ireland, a Leprechaun must, every other day of his life, and at local high noon, raise their Shillelagh over their heads three times in rapid succession. Reason:  The Shillelagh when raised over their heads three times in rapid succession reminds the Lep that he must return home the next day, before dusk, to Ireland so that the Irish Soil can invigorate his body.

9.      A Leprechaun must never be caught and imprisoned on any day they must return to Ireland’s soil. Reason:  If a Lep is caught by a human or other superior sized alien creature, and the Lep would be prevented from retuning to Ireland’s soil.  It is the soil whose chemical elements renew and invigorate the Lep’s body and keep him spry well into his 300s.

10.  A Leprechaun must never be seen by any superior, knowing species in any ‘state,’ natural or shifted. Reason:  A fully grown natural adult Lep is always exactly 83 cm tall, or 32.68 inches tall.  Lep height being controlled by his alien DNA which is unerring in limiting growth above 32.68 inches.  If a human being sees a Lep in his normal state, the Lep is required to instantly reacquire its pot of gold for transfer to the human who saw him in his natural state. 

11.  A Leprechaun must reside in his natural, normal state any time when he is experiencing extreme pressure or duress.  Until these conditions are abated, and normal stasis of the body is returned, the Lep is forbidden from shape shifting to any other form.  Reason:  A Leprechaun is an alien being to Earth’s creatures.  Shape shifting is allowed only when the Lep is in stasis and may engage any of its natural Kulchon derived powers.

12.  A Leprechaun must audibly repeat the Tenets of the Royal Order of Kulchon.  Reason:  The Lep knows how to live and knows what the Lep is allowed to do in the real world, and will quote them every 7th day of his adult life from the age of 12 to have full knowledge of the ways and powers of a Leprachaun. 



© 2017 MBARRYM

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Added on December 14, 2017
Last Updated on December 16, 2017



Chattanooga, TN

I am new to Writer'sCafe.Org. I am retired and in poor health, but I wanted to spend some time writing stories and poems that I have in the hopes that they will add some spice to someone's life. more..
