Silly Little Dog

Silly Little Dog

A Story by Maya

Short poetic story about a mischievous little dog

Silly little dog!
You never come when you're called.
You low-crawl through the mud,
and then shake it all over us.
You don't do what you're told,
and you never fetch the ball.

You bark at everything...
Squirrels, neighbors, anything,
and if the doorbell rings,
you plow the door like a wild thing.

You make such silly faces though,
and I can't help but laugh.
Even though a cloud of dust follows in your path.

Mommy gives you hot dogs to bribe you back inside,
and sometimes when you're called,
I know you go and hide. 

Silly little game!
At least it is to you,
but mommy doesn't think it is as funny as you do.

Mommy calls and once again,
you run behind the shed.
Rolling in the mud, how did you get it on your head.

You peek around the side to see if she gave up yet.
Mommy scratches her head, grins and then she says...

"Hot Dogs, Hot Dogs, Come get your hot dogs!"
You can't resist and you come right in.

Silly Little Dog!

I'll love you to no end. 

© 2014 Maya

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Added on March 6, 2014
Last Updated on March 6, 2014
Tags: silly, little, dog, humorous, poetic, short, childrens




I write for hobby. I'm 36 years old with two kids. They don't live with me, but I stay in touch with them through letters, and writing them short stories. I am working on my first novel, hopefully.. more..

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