

A Chapter by SeihouThePandaHero

Luna sighed as she looked over the base camp. The mafia (or part of it at least) was currently located in an ancient football field where everywhere you see is literally a junkyard. Trash, debris, dirt, rubble, all the things that you would normally find in a war zone was here. Once again, Luna was being called for medical help.

"This one has injured his arm, Lieutenant."

Luna knelt down over the young man, recognizing his face, and gave him a comforting smile. "Everything will be alright. You've done a great job!" She spoke as she healed his wound. "You've done your part, now rest your brave soul." The man faintly smiled and closed his eyes. Luna turned to the soldier who called for her.

"Put some antibiotics on his arm and he should be fine. He was just in shock and in need of rest." With that, she stood up and continued helping the wounded.

A few hours later, a shout was heard from across the bleachers. The camp was set up underneath the football bleachers for protection. In the unprotected side was several people in frontline, Zoe and Aiden included. Luna looked up from what she was doing. A young cadet ran over to her. "Lieutenant General Luna! There is no sign of the General, Lieutenant Erich, or Lieutenant Amy anywhere!" He shouted as he saluted her. Luna merely looked at him and blinked, standing up.

"Is anyone in charge?" She asked calmly.

"No, ma'am!"

"Then it looks like I am." She declared. Vanessa quickly rushed to her side. "What do I do?" She asked, a bit excitedly. Luna looked at her and thought for a moment. "Just follow me," She turned to a few of her health department people. "As for all of you, keep helping the wounded." Luna went over to the tent set up for the General, or in this case, the one in charge. Luna hesitated as she got in front of it, then turned to Vanessa.

"See those wounded?" She asked, pointing to the moaning and hurt soldiers.


"Heal them while I sort things out."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Luna then turned back to the tent and enters. In the tent was a few papers scattered all over the desk, several handguns and rifles, along with medical supplies and a laptop sitting on the desk. Luna looked around, observing the papers in front of her.

One of them was a file on the location they are currently in. For the most part it was very beneficial for them to pick a place like this as their base. Another one of the files contained the word, "Viscaria". Luna frowned slightly. "Offense..?" She thought out loud. "I thought... We were on the defense...." She thought for a bit, trying to process what they had on the table. "So, we're being attacked..?" A few shouts were heard from outside the tent. Vanessa peeked inside.

"Uh, Lieutenant? There seems to be a problem at the front..."

Luna quickly puts down the papers and starts heading outside.

At the front of the camp, there was a group of soldiers guarding, trying to keep alert. Aiden and Zoe went to the front of the crowd as Luna and Vanessa arrived at the scene. "What's going on here? Why are all of you not in positions?" Luna asked as the soldiers immediately dispersed, going back to their spots. Once the crowd broke up, Luna gasped.

A man was slowly walking up the hill towards their camp. His short, light brown hair was slightly messy, his eyes has dark circles around them, the face of a severely sick person. Luna, Aiden, Zoe, and Vanessa all ran to the Lieutenant General Erich as he continued to trudge to them.

"Uncle!!" They all exclaimed as they reached him. Luna caught him before he fell down.

"Uncle, what happened?!" Zoe asked as she helped Luna support him, leaving Vanessa and Aiden to watch and guard them. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" He reassured them stubbornly, gently pushing them away. Luna frowned and got his arm over her and began walking him back to the base. Everyone else followed behind. As soon as they were safe, Luna quickly checked over him, completely worried.

"What happened to you Uncle??" Aiden asked as he helped Luna a bit. "The f- Uh I mean.." Erich stopped, not wanting to curse in front of the young cadet. "The enemy made me sick.." He then closed his eyes, really showing how tired he was.

"Sleeping sickness..." Luna said simply as she gently opened one of his eyes and examined it. "Someone get a cot over here!" Luna ordered as she held Erich up. "I'm so tired.." Erich mumbled as he started to lose his balance, leaning on Luna. Aiden, Zoe, and Vanessa came back a few minutes afterwards.

"There's no cots..." Aiden reported.

"They've all been destroyed during that one ambush..." Zoe added.

Vanessa looked at them with her arms crossed. "Why can't we just let him sleep on the grass?" She asked in a bored tone. Luna quickly shot her a look.

"Vanessa. This is a /sleeping/ sickness we're talking about! I thought I taught you better!" Luna handed Erich over to Zoe while she got a medicine bottle.

"The grass is contaminated. Which means if a sick person was to lie down, it would kill them instantly!" She explained as she force fed Erich the medicine, who stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"Besides, the type of treatment you need for this is a proper bed, or something comfortable for the infected to sleep on..." Luna took a glance around the environment, ignoring Erich's whines.

"I'm so tired, Luna... Just let me sleep on the floor.. Pleeeeease?"

Luna thought as she examined the surrounding area.

"Aiden, get me tires and cardboard."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Zoe, stay with Uncle..."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"What about-" Vanessa began to protest.

"No, you're coming with the others in health department." Luna then turned and ran to the command center where a few commanders were discussing plans. Luna enters, being greeted by a few glares.

"What are you doi-" One of the commanders started.

"I am in charge as of right now. I order you to stop the offence and keep everyone on guard. Switch to the backup plan!"

With that, she quickly returns to Erich who was just talking to Aiden.

"No, Uncle, I can't let you sleep on the grass!" Aiden exclaimed as he looked at his older sister worriedly. He showed her the three tires he had retrieved.

"And the cardboard?"

"We don't have any, Lieutenant."

Luna sighs, running her hand through her hair, getting frustrated. She takes one of the tires and takes out her pocket knife from inside of her boot. She then began to cut the tires in half, making half circles.

"Aiden, you know where's the cardboard, right?" Aiden took a second to remember and nodded. "It's... Um... in the enemy territory, Sis.."

Luna nods. "Where exactly?"

"The junkyard..."

"It's not that far..."

"Are you serious?! You're going all the way to the enemy territory, just to get cardboard?!" Aiden shouted with fear.

Luna gave him a knowing smile. "Little Brother, what have I always said?" Aiden sadly looked at her. "To always take chances to save people's lives..." He mumbled as he looked at the ground. Luna ruffled his hair. "I promise I'll come back."

"But... Sis.."

"Aiden, it's like I always say. Don't be afraid." Luna grabbed the tires and lays them on an empty space. She turned to Erich.

"Uncle, I'll be back. Just hang in there and pretty soon I'll make you whatever you want... Maybe we can go to my office and drink tea with Mother General..." Luna gets his hand and squeezes it reassuringly. "Just be patient."

Erich tiredly looked at her and laughed. "You sound like you're going to get captured!" He exclaimed as he laughed. "You're part of the Intel! Hurry up and go, I'm really really tired."

"Yes sir!" Luna saluted, but then dropped it and laughed. "I can't be part of the intel too you know... Don't start smoking while I'm gone!" She ordered, then sprinted out of the "infirmary" part and reaches to Vanessa.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"You're in charge. Take care of Uncle and keeps this place under control."

Vanessa nodded, then realized what Luna had told her.

"Wait, what?!"

Luna had already left, going down the hill to the borderline.


*Small timeskip*

Luna was running away from the junkyard silently, grabbing onto the pile of cardboard she managed to steal. Just when she was about to make it to the exit, gunshots and shouts rung out from behind her.

"DANG IT!!" Luna cursed, running faster, holding on tightly to the cardboard and looked straight ahead. She gasped once she made it to the warehouse.

A really big fight was going on between the rivals, and there was no way that it'll end soon. Luna realized this, but was frantic into getting away from the rival. She sprinted through, and found an opening behind the shipping container. Luna flinched as she waited for the fight to end. Gunshots, yelling, screaming, grunts and thuds. Dying soldiers... Those to weak or too wounded to continue to fight collapsing...

Luna took a deep breath.

We'll.. We'll make this war stop... I swear... Please forgive me...

Seeing another opportunity, Luna ran for her life, through the mass of bodies that were laying on the ground, decorated with crimson red. Luna kept running, trying not to think too much on the scene. Making it to the halfway point (the REAL border) Luna heard the guys catching up to her. But all she could think was just getting back to Lieutenant General Erich.

We're going to make him his cot with the cardboard... Luna told herself. We're going to cure him, and then we'll find a solution to this whole mess. We'll find Lieutenant General Auntie, and Mother General, then-

"Lieutenant General!! Over here!!" A voice called. Luna snapped out of her train of thought, seeing a young man wearing a deep green uniform, waiting for her at their territory side by the doorway. She stifled a cry, and sprinted towards him.

An ally!! I knew they would come!! Luna thought as she neared closer to the doorway.

So close.... Yet so far...

Luna suddenly felt a sharp pain through her back and spine, and her limbs gave away under her weight. She let out a gasp, and grunted as the ally watched in shock. Luna fell face first, dropping the cardboard and weakly looked up.

Shot at the back with a tranquilizer.

Luna growled and attempted to move, but her head was stepped on by a heavy, old, black combat boot. Luna knew exactly who it was. "You're not taking me back to the factory!!!" She shouted, her vision beginning to blur. The man smiled and lowered down to her eye level. "Too bad you won't cooperate."

I need to get back to them..... Uncle.... Zoe.... Aiden... My family....

Luna struggled weakly as her vision began to darken.

I need to save my family...

Was the last thing she thought.

Before getting consumed into darkness.

© 2015 SeihouThePandaHero

Author's Note

((A/N: Sleeping sickness in this story is a bioweapon the enemy had used on the grass and in vials that are used to fill in some drinking water. its odorless and colorless in the form of a liquid, literally a liquid bacteria bioweapon.))

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Added on March 22, 2015
Last Updated on March 26, 2015



katy, TX

I love anime, and Manga! more..
