![]() Left Behind, Poor Are The Poor) An Internal Monologue.A Poem by M.J DonnchadhA constant barrage of harrowing taunts ever bombard the peace of my upper room, fiery darts having left the bow of torments make easy pickings of a delicate wayward whipper snapper, and a drop in the ocean, powerless, it's motion controlled by the strong current of the mighty sea, but what is a person to do in a world where he/ she is invisible (...) shake their fist and tell the sea close your eyes to the moon and your ears to the wind and be not a sea any more; oh how silly a thought. An ocean drop as useful as a hurricane in harvest time hardly the hero of the masses and the mighty sea with it's ever increasing rule over the global populous it's powerful current the system in which the globe is governed. Concerned as for a loved one should every petal be for each other in the blossomed rose, laid waist a midst the tortuous and deceptive bed of thorns, thus, a prison created and given life by the unwavering powerful movement. But what does a person do ? Does a leaf command the wind and lay order it's steps, does a flock lead it's shepherd and give guide too his path, I think not, however, answers sought fiercely remain obscure in the shadows and helpless is the state of my being! I hear laughter songs of torment, a thousand cuts the lyrics carve my skin. loudly scoffing, blatant in arrogance haughty as the piper they play to invoke the reaper. From among the thorns lay slain to the sea, the petals of the blossomed rose, having succumb to the Current and it's power. A mind tormented, not strong enough to swim against the current, how much more powerless can I be. I wonder, are we to be left behind, in this ever changing world (...) "oh how my heart bleeds... "Poor are the poor!" But what is a person to do? What is a person to do. © 2015 M.J DonnchadhAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 19, 2014 Last Updated on February 9, 2015 Author![]() M.J DonnchadhDublin, Tallaght, IrelandAboutfree trial-http://healthexpertproduct.com/thrustuline-boost/ Thrustuline Boost No it is permitted to utilize just to men and ladies who cross the age of 30. So you should keep your children from t.. more..Writing