Storms of the North: Chapter 8

Storms of the North: Chapter 8

A Chapter by Mick Fraser

Lucrezia gets some advice from Eliisa about living in the dangerous world of King's Rock.


            The fires roared in the great hearths at each end of the great hall. Wall sconces and overhead chandeliers, all filled with burning candles cast an orange illumination on the large crowd gathered to celebrate the visit of the Imperial family. Despite the jovial atmosphere, it seemed a somber event for those of House Icillius and those who served them. However, the soldiers of Rhyls, and the Impraetorian Guardsmen seemed pleased enough with the amount of ale that had been provided them. It was almost shameful to see them walking around, toasting and boasting victories long past, while such a noble knight sit in a dark cell. It was as if those thoughts could not be further from their minds. Even Ser Gerhard seemed to partake in the revelry, as though he did not have a care in the world.
            The hall had been laid out according to the guests social position. At the head table sat the Emperor, the Empress, and Lord and Lady Icillius. At the right end of the table, as the crowd looked at it, were Prince Alvar, and Lady Lucrezia. The Emperor was doing what he did best, drinking, and making merriment with Lord August, and the Empress seemed to be keeping a watchful eye over everything and everyone. Everyone else at the table looked as though their thoughts were a million miles away. Lady Florentine seemed as though she were barely holding her emotions in check. There was no question what troubled her mind. Prince Alvar looked calm, but anxious. It was like him to not blindly believe that the attack on Joseppi had taken place the way it had been portrayed in the hearing. He had a good heart, that could possibly make him fall pray to people's schemes, but he also had a strength that kept him true to what was right. Most who knew him thought that with a bit more worldly experience, he would make a great Emperor when his time came.
            Lucrezia, on the other hand, looked as though she had a million things plaguing her mind, and none of them were good. The fear was the greatest thing that showed in her blue eyes. Her facial expressions were calm, and ladylike. They were likely practiced over hours and hours of working with her teachers, but to those who knew those practiced looks, Lucrezia's face was covered in worry and anxiety. Her eyes continued to shift from the crowd in front of her, to the curvy blonde that she was often seen with, to her younger sister, and then back to the crowd. Very few things seemed to disrupt this pattern, but something else very odd could be seen in Lucrezia's body language as she sat and observed the feast; it was almost as though she were watching Ser Garhard, and to some extent the Empress.
            From where the Princess Eliisa sat with her siblings, and Lucrezia's brother Brandon, and sister Vita, she could see all these things. It was very curious that someone who had never met the entire Imperial Family, and its entourage would have already figured out that the Empress and Ser Gerhard were two people to be wary of. Perhaps Lucrezia wouldn't be overwhelmed by the twisted game of the capital after all. Perhaps there was hope for her. Eliisa recognized a strength within Lucrezia that she, herself, had been forced to learn long ago, and if she could keep that strength, and learn some other skills, she just might make it.
            Josephine stood and left the head table, followed by two of her ladies in waiting. Eliisa watched as her mother walked across the stone floor of the banquet hall. Her purple gown edged in gold lace, with the James family sigil embroidered across the front of it. Eliisa always found it strange that her mother would surround herself with the symbols of her house rather than that of the Emperor and the Imperial family. In the ancient times, in the foundation of the Empire, family members who married into the Imperial family would have to forsake their titles and devotion to their original houses and swear to serve the Empire as a whole. In the past century, that had not been the case and it seemed that Josephine enjoyed that rule a little too much.
            Eliisa rose from her chair, and walked by Vita, who wasn't the least bit interested in anything or anyone but the one squire she had been eying for the past thirty minutes. Eliisa recognized him as the squire for Ser Geoffery of House James. Eliisa smirked to herself as she continued walking, thinking that it was a good thing that Vita was not trying to seduce her uncle Geoffery, because she would have been sadly disappointed to learn that Ser Geoffery's interests did not include women. Many considered that a great sin, and something that should condemn him, but given that Geoffery was the third born child of Lord Richard James, and therefore not in line to inherit Elessa Hall, no one really made that much of a fuss about it.
            Eliisa walked around the head table and sat down in the chair that her brother Alvar had been occupying just a few moments earlier before he had waled off to discuss something with a few of the local guardsmen. Lucrezia had turned to her when she arrived and tried to stand, but Eliisa waved her down, "If we are to be sisters in the eyes of the law, then we shouldn't be so formal around each other." Eliisa said.
            "As your Highness wishes." Lucrezia replied with a pleasant smile.
            Eliisa took a moment to look Lucrezia up and down for a moment or two. This was the closest she had ever been to the young woman, and she wanted to study her. Even knowing her physical build and attributes would help Eliisa steer Lucrezia towards success in the capital. After a moment she nodded, "I can see why my family agreed to this union. I have to say that at first I was more than a little confused about it. Why would the heir apparent be marrying a woman from a lesser house of Darlton? But now I see it."
            Lucrezia couldn't help but look slightly shocked and more than a little hurt at Eliisa's comments regarding her impending marriage and the status of her house, "Forgive me, Highness, but I'm a bit confused..."
            Eliisa held up her hand, "I meant no offense, merely stating fact. But you are truly lovely." Eliisa looked Lucrezia up and down once again, taking in the beauty of her blue eyes, her bow shaped lips, her round face, long blonde hair, andthe way her gown hugged her curved form. She was absolutely beautiful. "You are beautiful, and you will produce beautiful heirs, and they will continue the dynasty that my grandfather started."
            Lucrezia offered a smile, and blushed slightly, "Your Highness is kind. What will happen to you? Forgive me, but I'm still learning about how everything works within the royal bloodline." It was so confusing to learn the way in which the royal line figured out inheritance and the passing of the crown. It was something that Lucrezia had spent a great many hours at study trying to learn and decipher. She had studied the history of the old emperors, and how their successions came and went, which was how she found out that there had in fact been two ruling Empresses. But Lucrezia knew that with Alvar and Joseppi, Eliisa would likely never see the crown.
            "I will be married off too one of the higher families within the Empire to strengthen the bond between that house and the crown." Eliisa said plainly, not giving any emotion away, but keeping the conversation pleasant.
            "That must be terrible for you. To not know your own future?" Lucrezia exclaimed in a shocked, and slightly bewildered way, "To be treated like a bartering card for the benefit of the Empire."
            "Are you not doing the same?" Eliisa replied with a slight rise to her eyebrow, "Do you think that your marriage to my brother will not elevate the status of your House? That's all marriages do when you are high born such as ourselves." Her eyes turned towards the lower knights, squires and others who were celebrating in the hall, "That's the greatest difference between us and them. They have the luxury of being able to marry for love. We, on the other hand, marry for alliances, and rulers, and positions of power. What makes it worse is that we will never see any of the benefits of our unions. They are reserved for men, only."
            "I have read of places in the world where a woman's station is much higher than that of the men around her." Lucrezia replied, "I believe Radasha is such a place."
            "I have never been to the southern kingdom, but I understand that it is a land of sin, and one in which men and women share their sexual relationships in front of each other, and with members of the same sex." Eliisa said, shocked. She knew that she had never been there, and much of what she had learned of the place was from tales from her mother, and the damning sermons that the priests would give in the cathedral. She cleared her throat "Though, as I said, I have never been there, so I wouldn't presume to judge."
            "Forgive me, Highness, but it seems as though that were exactly what you were doing." Lucrezia dared to challenge the princess. She realized it was a dangerous thing to do, even more so after what had transpired with Ser Alfred, but she didn't feel as though Eliisa would be as touchy as Joseppi had been.
            A small smile crept to Eliisa's lips, "You are clever, Lucrezia. I will give you that, but remember that cleverness can be a dangerous thing where you are going."
            "Would you tell me of the capital?" Lucrezia asked, "I fear that I may be unfit to live there. I do not know your ways, or how things are done."
            “ You are more fit than you realize." Eliisa replied, "But my biggest piece of advice is this; you have beautiful eyes that truly are the windows to your heart. It is a quality to be admired, and makes you shine that much brighter, but in the capital, that is not something you want. You want to be as inconspicuous as possible. You are engaged to the heir apparent, the future ruler of the Five Kingdoms, everyone will try and win your favor, or sway your opinion in the hopes that you may influence Alvar when he becomes Emperor. They will offer you everything you could imagine: money, sex, power, and if that doesn't work, they will threaten to take everything that you hold dear. They will use your emotions, your hopes, and your fears, against you. They will pretend to be your friend to learn your fears, and then when the time is most opportune for them, they will use that knowledge against you." She paused to let Lucrezia take in what she had said. She knew it was true, she'd seen it time and again. People had tried to do it with her, and she had learned how best to avoid it, "What you must do, is take everything that makes you a good, and beautiful person, and bury it. Bury it where no one can find it Never let anyone know how you feel, never let anyone know what you are afraid of, and trust absolutely no one!" Eliisa emphasized the last part.
            Lucrezia looked horrified at the information that Eliisa had just given her. She knew that the King's Rock was a major city and that people had agendas, but she had no idea it could be this bad. Vita had only scratched the surface of what she would expect, but none-the-less she was right, Lucrezia needed to grow up, "What... what about you? Can I trust you?" She felt foolish asking it and was sure that she sounded just as foolish to someone who had lived in the Imperial City and grew up around all of these seemingly horrible people.
            Eliisa couldn't help but laugh lightly, "Yes, Lucrezia, you can trust me. But you must do what I tell you, no matter how absurd it may sound. I promise you it's for the best and for your own good. You are a good person, Lucrezia. The Empire is in need of good people, but goodness is the second thing that gets killed in the Capital."
            “ What's the first thing?" Lucrezia was almost afraid to ask. She shifted her eyes to look down at the party. No one was paying attention to her and Eliisa. They assumed that the pair were talking about fine things that ladies talked about, and as such was of no interest to them.

            "Innocence." Eliisa replied plainly.
            Lucrezia looked shocked as she heard Priscilla approaching. Her maid, soon to be lady in waiting, curtsied to the Princess who smiled back at her warmly before shifting her eyes back to Lucrezia. It was clear to Eliisa that Priscilla and Lucrezia drew strength and comfort from each other. Priscilla was clearly more to Lucrezia than just a servant, and Lucrezia was much more to Priscilla than just her mistress. Eliisa sat in silence for several moments studying the pair before Lucrezia spoke.

            "Your Highness, this is Priscilla. She will be coming with me to King's Rock as my Lady in Waiting." Lucrezia said with a smile.

            Priscilla curtsied again, "Your Highness, it's a great honor to meet you."

            Eliisa smiled and nodded, "The honor is mine entirely." She looked at Lucrezia, "You realize once you become Empress you will be expected to take Ladies in Waiting who are from noble houses?"

            Lucrezia looked at Priscilla and back at Eliisa, "Yes I believe I read that, but surely there will still be a place for Priscilla. She has been my maid since I was a child."

            Eliisa knew that Priscilla would likely be ordered to become a regular palace servant once Lucrezia had gotten settled and was given proper ladies in waiting, but she could see that telling the pair of them that now would only crush them, "I'm sure exceptions could be made." She smiled, knowing that they were going to have to experience a lot of pain once they got to the capital. She could only hope that they enjoyed their friendship now, before customs and proper etiquette ripped them apart. Eliisa wasn't sure which one it would be more painful for. Lucrezia would be loosing her pillar of strength, but it seemed that Priscilla might be loosing something far more precious to her. Eliisa almost felt sorry for them, but this was the way of the world, and if this was the painful lesson that they had to learn, then who was she to stand in the way.

            Eliisa stood after a moment, "I think I will retire for the evening. The men will be up drinking for hours more. You are leaving for Delacia tomorrow, aren't you?"

            "Yes, Your Highness." Lucrezia replied, "Just after midday, I believe."

            "Then I would get some rest, too, if I were you." Eliisa smiled and started to walk away but paused and turned around, "One final piece of advice for you: when you're in Slaver's Islands, watch the world around you. Don't take things for granted, don't make up your mind about things before understanding it. You will learn more by watching and observing, than you will by actively participating. The world is cruel there, far crueler than it is here. Let that teach you how it will be to live in the capital." She smiled, "Good evening." With that Eliisa turned and walked away.

            Eliisa knew that she had dropped a lot of information on Lucrezia in one night, but she knew that if Lucrezia listened to it, then she would survive the capital. She felt much older than she was. Sometimes she forgot that she was only sixteen years old, but that was the price for living in the capital. She may have only been sixteen years old by birth, but she had aged so much faster because of the life she lived. It was another lesson that Lucrezia was going to have to learn, and Eliisa could only hope that she learned it quickly. Eliisa knew that her time of living in the capital would end. She would marry off to some highborn lord somewhere and that would be the end of her life in King's Rock, but Lucrezia was going to be there for the rest of her days. It would be a much longer, and much harder life for her. Eliisa just hoped that she could survive it.

© 2019 Mick Fraser

Author's Note

Mick Fraser
Once again, I'm trying to bring the details of the story and the world out through the characters and the story. I've been watching a lot of helpful writing videos on YouTube, especially Jenna Moreci. I realize that Lucrezia is coming across as the damsel in distress, but it will change. So not to worry!
As always, comments, reviews and helpful criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy it!

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Added on January 8, 2019
Last Updated on January 8, 2019
Tags: fantasy, medieval, dragons, empire, armor, knights, Princesses, Kings, High Fantasy


Mick Fraser
Mick Fraser

Pomfret, VT

I'm a simple, humble writer, and living history reenactor. I have been writing, on and off, for many years and thoroughly enjoy it. I find it is the best way to channel my creativity and get words out.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Mick Fraser