![]() TwoA Chapter by MNeilsen
Chapter 2October 1992 As soon as the bell rang, the classroom flew open and teenagers filed noisily into the halls. The last to exit she was surprised to find someone waiting for her. Trying to seem as casual as possible, the girl that sat behind her in Spanish class leaned against the beige wall. Beth guessed that she stood around 5’ 8” and the baggie jeans and shirt did not hide the fact that she was overweight, by the given standards. The mass of auburn curls framed her alabaster face that had been lightly brushed with freckles. Although her eyes were down cast, Beth knew that they were a brilliant emerald green. She had instantly envied this girl as she did all those that had the looks of a model. A healthy model, yes, but a model all the same. Crossing she made sure that her smile was in place. “Danielle, right?” When the girl nodded, Beth realized that she was shy. “Hey I don’t bite or anything. How is your first week going?” When the girl only shrugged, Beth couldn’t contain her laugh. “You are not going to make many friends if you give them the silent treatment.” She watched as the girl took a deep, shaky breathe before speaking. “I thought this would be easier, because we already spoke in class, but then I got embarrassed. It happens a lot. Most people wouldn’t have stayed this long or tried to put me at ease.” Each word was measured and weighed before it was spoken. Beth could still remember how it felt to do the same thing. This among other things made her extend the invitation. “Do you have to go directly home? Cool you’re coming to my house.” Grabbing her by the arm Beth began to drag her toward the baseball field. As the started past the fence, Danielle surprised her by grabbing the closest fence pole. “Come on let go.” “Slow down I just need to let my brother Darrin know where I am going.” Heaving an exasperated sigh, she relinquished. “Fine, but let’s get Skye first.” Danielle nodded and followed her to the cluster of oak trees lining the football field. A cloud of smoke could be seen floating above the group gathered. Sitting off to the side at one of the few tables was Skye. Her black hair in twin braids was dangling over her newest project. Waving toward the group, they headed straight for the table where her friend was seated. They had no sooner arrived before a pair of arms encircled her waist. Leaning back into the arms Beth turned for the welcoming kiss she knew was coming. “Skye, Nick I would like you to meet Danielle Hill. Danielle this is Amber Skye Johnson and Nick Witherspoon.” No sooner had the words left her mouth one of the crowd noticed Danielle and questioned who she was. “Not that it is any of your damn business, Tina, but this is MY friend Danielle.” The tone she used was one that the entire group knew well. It was the same tone used to protect any and all that she considered friends. The tone also told them that Danielle was now one of them, not that many of them cared one way or another. They themselves were outcasts. The ones that didn’t fit in with the normal clicks. They had become a click themselves. Most of the school called this the smoking section, but in truth not all smoked. The non-smokers such as Skye hung out there because this was were they didn’t have to pretend. Or like Nick who was here merely because he knew where Beth would eventually be. “Babe, I gotta get to work. Are we still on for tomorrow night?” Nick didn’t give her a chance to answer before ravishing her mouth in typical teenage fashion. “Nick, Danielle and Skye are coming too don’t forget. Call me tonight.” “Let’s go Skye, we need to tell Danielle’s brother that I am kidnapping her.” Grabbing Danielle’s arm Beth drug her back toward the school. As Skye caught up with them she saw the perplexed look in their new friend’s eyes. “She decided to keep you so you can’t escape now. Beth is like that she takes to someone and sort of adopts them. She did the same with me.” Beth laughed, as did Danielle at Skye’s words. While Danielle laughed because of the joy of belonging, Beth laughed to cover her awkward thoughts. She knew that it would sound crazy to tell these two people that she felt a connection to them. She remained silent and listened as they walked towards the quad. She listened as her best friend answered questions for their new friend. “I could never make something that beautiful. The beading is just so awesome. Hey Dare, I’m going over to Beth’s. Darrin, this is Skye and Beth my new friends.” The words rushed out so fast that Beth could tell Danielle felt uncomfortable. Although supposedly her twin the guy she spoke to, did not resemble Danielle except for in height. His hair was a wavy blonde with blue eyes. His tan skin gave the impression that he spent a lot of time in the sun. The group he was with was the cool click. These were the most popular people in school, her sister among them. Beth knew most of them, but pretended not to as they did the same. “Darrin you should tell your sister it is not good to be hanging around with Cow that Stands Alone and her druggie friend.” This was spoken loudly enough for them to hear, but not loud enough that Beth’s sister would. Beth was about to lay into him when Danielle’s brother laid him out. “Go on Danielle call when you need picked up.” As they turned away her brother whirled on his new group of friends. “Just so you all know I don’t take kindly to my sister or her friends being made fun of. Hey Kate would you allow someone, like say Steve here, to refer to your sister as a druggie?” Skye and Beth smiled as they heard Danielle’s brother and Beth’s own sister yelling at the quarter back. The trio slowly made their way back toward the football field, stopping for Beth to put her books in her locker. Though Danielle had remained silent, Skye was quick to voice and answer the questions she read in her eyes. “Why you might ask is Beth putting her books into her locker instead of taking more out to take home? More than likely all her homework was done in their respective classes and as for going back this way again it’s the way to her house.” They threw questions at Danielle through the field and past the goal posts. Squeezing through a gap in the fence, they crossed the street and entered the housing tract directly behind the high school. Quietly she explained that they had moved from the Bay Area to be close to her grandparents. They also learned that her mother was going through a nasty divorce, her second. As they walked down the street lined with identical houses, Skye begged Beth to continue the story she had been telling the night before. She found herself hesitant with embarrassment, but complied. “When I woke up it was hard to believe that he was still there. He just held me all night long. I couldn’t help, but watch him sleep. I was just working up my courage and only inches from him when he kissed me. I all but melted.” “Sorry to interrupt, but are you talking about Nick?” When both bust into gales of laughter she guessed that they weren’t. “We should probably warn you that we are perpetual dreamers. Beth here is telling me a “dream she had”, which in truth means it is a story she made up.” Using her fingers Skye signified the quotation marks. “The subject may change depending on the latest heartthrob. I can already tell you that your delicious brother will be in my dreams. Real and made up.” Beth was thankful to Skye for explaining something she could not. As they entered the small three-bedroom house Beth introduced Danielle to her mother before heading toward her bedroom. Grabbing her radio and dropping their backpacks both Skye and Beth whipped off their T-shirts. “Skye, which one today?” Beth had opened her dresser while Skye clad only in her bra and skirt kicked off her shoes. “Let see how about the gray? Danielle will look cool in the green.” After donning the bikini tops they made their way back down the hall and out the back door that led to the garage. On the way through the packed garage, they stopped while Beth retrieved a lawn chair from the rafters. They then went out the rear door into the backyard. Beth knew the instant that Danielle caught sight of the corn stalks and the garden. Neither she nor Skye could contain their laughter. “I’ve tried, but no matter what I do I can’t turn this place into a farm. I hope you like country music.” Adding the chair to the two already in the center of the lawn, she took a seat. Once they were comfortable in their chairs and the music was blaring, Beth continued telling her story. This time at Danielle’s urging. Danielle stayed that entire weekend, as did Skye. They had set a routine that weekend, which was broken only after she met Charlie. He was the first boyfriend whom she gave into his protests about taking her friends along. The thought of Charlie caused memories she tried constantly to suppress to the surface. Flipping over she completed ten more laps her body now exhausted and her mind free of all thoughts of her ex, Beth made her way to the shallow end. Her hand froze on the rail as she felt the eyes that were staring at her. Glancing to the door, she could make out two figures, one male and one female. Butterflies bounced to life and took flight in her stomach. Her hand flew, trembling to her lips as her eyes tried to focus on the figures. Although she could not see their faces she could tell that the woman had a mass of auburn curls piled atop her head. Rationalizing that and her previous memories were the reason for her body’s reaction. As the butterflies calmed she remembered that she was standing in her swimsuit half out of a pool. Self-consciously Beth hunkered down into the water embarrassed by her appearance. Reminding herself that it didn’t matter what these strangers thought of her, she gathered her courage and quickly as possible exited the pool and wrapped herself in the soft terry-cloth robe. Now covered she turned once more to the door, this time to see that the couple had been joined by a third and was turning away. Waiting a few minutes to see if any other hotel guests were about she left the pool area only when none could be seen in the hallway. Walking as fast a possible, she prayed that she saw no one else before she reached her room. The tension only slipped away under the steady pounding of the shower spray. As she massaged the chlorine from her hair, Beth tried to shake the feeling that she had known the couple in the hall. She had felt drawn to them, so much so that for a moment she felt as though it was Danielle. Knowing that it was just the after effects of the old memories, Beth had been able to stop herself from running to them. Chemical free she stepped from the shower and used both the body towels given. One she wrapped around torso tucking it in at the breasts so it would stay. The other contained her mass of blonde hair. Towels secured in place she flopped backwards onto the bed and into sleep. Her dreams were a combination of the stories she had once told and actual memories. ***************Groaning she could not believe that she had just lain down and now someone was pounding on her door. As she made her way across the room, she glanced at her watch to find that it was past After eating they made their way through the crowds to the slot machines. As they pushed through the smoke-filled room Beth could feel the excitement building. These surroundings were helping her to forget that for the first time in eight years she was single. The activity surrounding them kept her mind on the gambling that they were headed for. Knowing she couldn’t afford to lose more than fifty dollars she ignored the blackjack and roulette tables. Beth was thankful that they were able to find some nickel slots open so she was able to spend the afternoon at the machines with her friends only losing twenty dollars. Listening to Skye and Katya, it was hard to believe that they had only been friends for the last six months. As different, as they were they had become friends. During the years Katya had tried to replace both Skye and Danielle and knew how important they were to Beth. Skye found that she could not help but like the sister in law that had protected her friend through the years, the same person who had called when Beth lost her baby and her husband. Beth was grateful for the support they showed and told them so that afternoon. Around five Katya and Skye dragged her out of the casino. There Beth found herself staring at the lights of the various hotels and casinos. They even stopped for a few moments to look at the sign that deemed Still looking at the colorful city Beth failed to notice the building they entered. Upon entrance, the dimly lit room and the rock music assaulted her ears, it caused Beth to turn her attention to the new surroundings. A gasp escaped her lips as she found herself looking at a muscular male body gyrating his hips while clad only in a g-string. This caused color to rise to her cheeks and reminded her that Charlie was the last she had seen so scantly clad. After she had started her third beer, she was able to relax and enjoy the show. She also admitted that while she stilled loved Charlie, the sight of him completely bare had not caused a stir for quite a while. These men with their well-defined bodies glistening with oil had awakened her desires. When they left the club, some two hours later Beth was surprised to find she was nice and fuzzy. Directly from the club they went to the hotel whose marquee announced the group Chaisin’ Tail would be playing that night. Reading the words both Skye and Beth burst out laughing. At that moment it was clear that Katya was spending her last night single making sure that her friend got through her first day of freedom. This action showed Skye that Katya did indeed care for Beth as deeply as she herself did. It also made Beth say a prayer of thanks that she had such a wonderful sister in law. As they were ushered to their seats both Skye and Beth were surprised to find they were in the front row, a mere twenty feet from the stage. Once seated a cocktail waitress took their drink orders. While they waited for the show to start Beth surveyed the room. The first four to five rows were made up of booths while the rest were chairs looked to be movie theater style seats. The waitresses seemed to only be serving those that were at the tables. Although the stage was dark she could still make out the instruments. As their server placed the cocktails in front of them, Beth found her mind drifting once again. This time it went back to the summer just before her seventeenth birthday to the first time she and Skye had seen this band in concert. *****************
July 1994 Although she had been sixteen at time every detail was as vivid as though it had occurred yesterday. Danielle had conned both her and Skye into going to the county fair just to see a concert. They were all dressed for the hot July day, but Beth found herself wishing that she had stayed in her air-conditioned house. At least until she heard the lead singers deep baritone voice that first time, at which time she forgot all else. When he sang the first few notes Beth felt as if she was melting, but not from the heat. To her way of thinking the voice rounded out the perfect man. Although he was some distance away she could tell that he was tall, Beth would have guessed 5’ 10”. The faded jeans clung to his body, while the T-shirt stretched across his defined chest. Jet-black tendrils could be seen brushing the collar from below the black cowboy hat. By the time the last song was sung Beth found herself wishing that it had lasted longer. Butterflies began to flutter when Danielle suggested they go stand in line for autographs. As the grand stands had been packed it seemed like an eternity before they were able to make it out. A large line had already formed off the souvenir stand where the band would be signing autographs. No sooner had they taken their place at the end of the line before excited female whispers and giggles rippled through the line indicating the band had appeared. The crowd’s excitement intensified as one of the band members made their way down the line. All heads followed his movements as he came to rest in front of the trio of friends. Beth and Skye shocked gazes settled on Danielle who seemed to be blushing as the gorgeous blonde keyboard player gathered their friend in his arms. “Dani, you know that you and your friends don’t need to stand in this line.” Beth found it hard to believe that Danielle had not confided in them about her new obviously older boyfriend. “You must be Beth and Skye, Dani has told me a lot about you two. Now why don’t we all go up front so I can finish this thing and get to know you two?” With that, he took hold of Danielle’s hand and drug her toward the tables, leaving Skye and Beth to follow. Glancing toward her friend Beth could tell she was just as stunned. It became clear that some of the stories that Danielle had been telling were in fact the truth. Seated in chairs behind the band Beth and Skye grilled their friend. She told them about meeting Mike at the mall and later at a store. She explained that although there was only four years difference in ages her mother had disapproved and so they kept it a secret. In the all the time they had been friends this was the first time any of them had left out such an important part of their lives. Danielle had still spent every weekend with them so they never suspected the omission. The occasional disappearances from the teen dance club now made sense. Beth and Skye could not help, but be happy for their friend. He was just plain out of this world gorgeous. Mike more than towered over most at six foot three, sun streaked blonde -brown hair and the most unusual blue-gray eyes assured him a spot in the hunk category. What mattered most to Skye and Beth were the looks he kept giving Danielle indicating that Mike was just as head over heals as she was. Periodically one of the band members would come over to say hello and Danielle would introduce them. By the time the band was done signing autographs they had been introduced to all but one, the one that Beth was dying to meet. The moment soon arrived as the last fan left. Mike and the lead singer headed toward were they sat. As Mike casually slipped his arm around Danielle’s shoulders, he made the introductions. “Bob, these are Dani’s best friends. This here is Skye Johnson and Beth Morgan.” Beth felt the butterflies take flight again and her knees go weak at the touch of his hand. “Any friends of Danielle’s are friends of mine. Would you ladies mind if we sat with you for the next act?” Although the question was directed at all of them, Bobby couldn’t tear his eyes away from the blonde. The jolt of electricity that raced up his arm when their hands had touched made him want to stay near her. He could tell by the look in her emerald eyes that she was nervous. As they made their way back to the stands, he racked his brain for a way to put her at ease. “Didn’t you say your name was Wyatt while you were on stage?” Mike and Dani laughed as Bobby turned to answer Skye’s question. “Yes I did. To family and friends my dad is Wyatt so I go by Bob or Bobby.” At that Mike began telling how in school everyone had teased Bobby by calling him `White Hunter’. After that the conversation turned to talk of the concert. Both Danielle and the brunette told them how much they had enjoyed the show, but the one he wanted to hear from said nothing. “So Beth what did you think?” “You….You have an amazing voice Mr. Hunter. I really enjoyed the show thank you.” Beth felt blood rush to her cheeks as she responded. Both Mike and Bobby were shocked by the formality of her response, her friends however just laughed. “You have to pardon Beth she tends to be a tad shy around performers.” Skye supplied. Bobby let out a low chuckle as he slid his arm around Beth’s shoulders. “Hey it’s not like we’re famous or anything. Plus you should just think of us as friends from school or something. Mike and I are just normal guys that would like a chance to get to know the other two members of this stunning trio.” As he spoke, he could feel the tension in her shoulders ease. By the end of the night, they all seemed like old friends and the initial electricity had intensified for Bobby. The mention of her boyfriend however caused him to ignore his feelings. During the next year, the trio attended all the bands’ concerts and an occasional practice. Although the band was always, friendly toward the girls Beth still felt shy and out of place. The attraction between them grew stronger with each visit. Each hoping the other felt the same, but neither gathered the courage to find out for sure. Even when she was dating someone at school, Beth found she couldn’t help but tag along with Danielle when she was going to see Mike. Hoping for these times, Bobby stayed close to Mike ready to keep Beth when Mike and Danielle disappeared in their own world. During these times they would just sit and talk about anything and everything. Many times she had to fight the urge to run her fingers through his jet-black hair. It, however, was the warmth in his brown eyes that always seemed to hold her prisoner. They always seemed to comfort her. It was those eyes, so excepting, that allowed her to confess her passion for music and dream to do what he did. It was easy to be convinced during these times that they were a couple. When others were around, a wall would shoot up between them dissolving any romantic illusions. © 2009 MNeilsen |
Added on September 27, 2009 Last Updated on October 18, 2009 Author![]() MNeilsenSacramento, CAAboutIt seems that I have always had one story or another running through my head. I have been working my book for quite awhile. Really hate the long periods of writer's block. My characters however ref.. more..Writing