![]() OneA Chapter by MNeilsen![]() Today Beth must face her friends and convince them she is finally healing.![]()
Chapter 1
As was typical for Northern California summers the temperature was up to 100˚ and bound to get hotter as the day wore on. Despite the suffocating heat, the young woman stood staring at the crowded parking lot of her work. Once again she cursed the heap of junk she claimed as her car. Had luck been on her side she would be driving it out of the already full lot. As that was not the case, she continued to stare at the restaurant contemplating her next move. With her friends not due for ten minutes, she could choose to wait outside and they could find a place less busy. The other option would provide relief from the weather, but could ruin the plans for her day off. Shaking her head for even considering the first an option, she headed for the oak doors.
Welcoming the blast of cool air, she anticipated being poked fun at for willingly walking in after seeing the warning sign of a full parking lot. Smiling she reached over the desk and placed her name on the list. Seeing a couple she recognized, also waiting to be seated, she went to say hello. Upon seeing her, the elderly couple began teasing her as usual about a restaurant being no place to live, no matter how nice it was. This being one of the places she felt close to normal, and without her permanent black cloud, made agreement hard. Today however it came easy. Although still better than being at home, staying here would be no picnic.
“Couldn’t get enough of me huh Beth? Tell you what because I’m such a nice guy, I’ll let you leave. I won’t even tell the Gestapo that you were here.” Beth began laughing at Eric’s greeting. Even during her darker moments, his wit always managed to brighten her day. Just the use of his pet name for their manager could work wonders on mood.
“I’m meeting friends, but thanks anyway. Now get back to work and take the Brenner’s to their table. Be quick about it too. Much longer in the open like this and Scott will certainly know I am here.” Beth playfully slapped his arm as she scanned for signs of the restaurant manager.
Staff and patrons called out greetings as she followed Eric to a corner booth. Stopping to chat with a few regulars, she felt the clouds begin to lift. The fight to survive, the intensifying gloom of depression that had consumed her for the last six months, usually drove her into the Roadhouse Grill on her day off. She had discovered her only defense against this darkness was to spend as little time as possible in the apartment that had witnessed the final years of her marriage. The band that entertained the diners every Friday and Saturday had absorbed her into the group within her first week of work. Fronted by the manager’s brother Chris, the Citified Rednecks had insisted she join after hearing her singing during closing. Practices and weekend sets along with her shifts waiting tables filled her days allowing little room for the darkness. It also brought her to the Roadhouse on her evenings off. Her cut of the proceeds were slim, but she would have sung for free. Music had always been therapeutic and made her feel alive.
When she had agreed to this lunch, she’d known this would be the best setting to meet them. As this and the gym were the places she felt most normal, it was her best chance convincing her two closest friends she was fine.
Knowing should they suspect that she struggled each day to stay afloat they would attempt to rescue her. She knew the only true rescue had to come from within. So in preparation for lunch Beth had donned a tan ankle length western skirt, a matching second hand silk blouse and cowboy boots. She had applied a scarce amount of make up before braiding her waist length golden mane. Now sitting at the table, she prayed that these steps were enough to disguise her inner torment.
“Beth, have I ever told you what a great asset you are to this place?” Having not noticed his approach she was surprised by her manager’s question.
“You tell all the employees that whenever you need to be bailed out Scott.” Smiling at the food spattered apron protecting his black slacks. The rolled sleeves of his dark blue shirt exposed deeply tanned arms.
“With you I actually mean it. Look Beth, a couple of the wait staff has called in and everyone else has apparently left for the weekend already. I really need you to come in tonight.” Even though it was inevitable, she didn’t say yes right away.
Her weary green eyes took in the hustle around her. The western-garbed wait staff seemed to be everywhere at once. Peanut shells crushed into fine sawdust like appearance under their feet as they raced from table to table. Unlike her “sick” co-workers it appeared that most of their patrons had chosen not to abandon the city for the July 4th weekend. Instead of a crowded campground or lake shore, they chose country music drifting softly through an old western saloon as their means of escape.
So grateful that she had agreed to cover the next shift, Scott had let her choose her section. If she was coming in on her day off, she might as well ensure a chance to pull in some tips. Slowly sipping her diet cola, she continued to survey the room. All of the rustic booths and tables held guests. From her booth, it was easy to see only a few seats open in the saloon. The busboys too seemed to be running, for one was at a table as soon as it was vacated. Scott was right. There would be no way for them to handle this and the banquets scheduled for later. Even though she really needed the day off, she needed the money this extra shift would bring more. The tips she would make tonight would hopefully be at least triple her cut of the gig. Thankfully, both the band and Scott knew how much she needed the money. The guys, were very understanding when she waited tables instead of singing and Scott always made sure there was coverage so that she could perform the few songs that required a female voice.
Glancing at her watch, she realized that Skye and Katya were going to be late, leaving her little time to eat. Signaling the waitress, she placed her order.
While waiting for her food and friends to arrive, Beth found her mind drifting once again to Katya’s wedding. She and her sister in law had become close during the seven years she and Charlie Edwards had been married. Katya had asked her to be matron of honor in December the previous year before her world shattered. Afraid of having the remaining pieces her life crushed to bits by her ex, Beth had considered not attending the wedding at all. After many arguments from and with Katya, friendship won out over fear and pride. As the wedding drew nearer, her stomach was a constant bundle of nerves. The lunch today was to discuss the other function she was apprehensive about attending, the bachelorette party. Katya had opted to have both a bridal shower and bachelorette party. Attending either was a situation that Beth didn’t anticipate putting herself in. She knew it would be impossible to endure an evening with friends and her husband’s fiancée even for her sister in law. Work had intervened at the last minute to save her from attending the bridal shower a month prior. That left only Saturday’s bachelorette party looming on the horizon. The black cloud of doom was unavoidable this time, as loyalty and Katya demanded that she attend. As dread settled over at the thought of Saturday’s events, mentally she rechecked her list of things that were still left to complete.
As she took the first bite of her sandwich, she saw Skye and Katya enter together. Katya with her blonde hair highlighted with purple streaks, spandex pants, baggy T-shirt with a camera bag slung over her shoulder in place of a purse. Then there was Amber Skye, who since an early age had shown pride in the fact that she was a Native American Indian. Today she wore a simple black, ankle length dress made of what looked to be the softest suede leather. Keeping with tradition Skye had worked the skins herself to achieve that look and feel. Her own hand had made everything she wore today, from the beaded headband down to the moccasins with the exception of her underclothes. Beth was used to the sight of both women separately, but the sight of a punk rocker together with an Indian princess was still somewhat of a shock. Heads of the other diners turned to make sure they had seen correctly as the two were led to her table. “Don’t tell me you actually let them talk you into working on your only day off in weeks.” Katya pleaded as she leaned over for a quick hug.
“Come on you saw the parking lot. There was absolutely no way that I could take today off. Plus you both know the money will come in handy in the coming weeks.” After a few moments of protests, they accepted her decision. Katya continued to mutter for a couple of minutes longer about her brother being a complete jackass and this being his fault. Only after Skye nudged her in the side did Katya stop her tirade.
As they waited for their food, they discussed the final wedding details and the things that needed to be completed before the big day on Sunday. Concentrating on the conversation, Beth tried not to dwell on the fact that Katya’s marriage was beginning the day after her own was ending. Scott delivered Katya and Skye’s food looking a little more relaxed than earlier. “Here you go ladies. Beth, I’ve talked to Chris and he and the band are okay with the arrangement for tonight. You will sing your three songs plus the two duets that were on the play list for tonight. I will cover your section during that time. Now as to say thanks I am willing to give you two…count them TWO days off. You can even take them off together. Your choice which ones only I need to know by the end of your shift so I can update the schedule.” Before she could answer, her friends spoke up.
“Tomorrow and Sunday.” Their voices rushed out in unison and along with the giggles that were a result of Beth’s shocked look.
“Ignore them Scott. The only day that I need off is Sunday for the wedding. Otherwise I’m available if you need me.” Her manager looked from her to her friends and back again.
“Saturday and Sunday it is. Now enjoy the food. Oh and by the way it’s on me.” He had no sooner left before Beth turned on her friends.
“What are we doing tomorrow?” Her frustrated gaze did not miss the sly glance her friends exchanged before Katya answered.
“You are attending my bachelorette party, that’s what. Do you actually think that we would drive an hour and a half just to have lunch with you? We love you, but not that much. I decided to have the party here, sort of.” Seeing the confusion in Beth’s eyes Katya explained. “Look I knew that you would not come because I was forced to invite the b***h. As I find it more inviting to spend my last night single with you, than with her, I cancelled the plans you made and made some of my own.”
“Katya has some crazy idea that a bachelorette party just entails a night out with her friends. There seems to be a concert tomorrow night and she decided that is how she wanted to spend her last night single.” The disbelief was evident in every word Skye spoke. “Me personally, I would spend my last night of freedom drunk as hell surrounded by half naked men.” Before Beth could utter a word, Katya jumped in.
“Look, you can’t say no, the tickets are non-returnable. If you refuse, I will drag you forcefully to the show. I figure you owe me for skipping my bridal shower. I know. I know you were called in at the last moment. Consider this your penance for answering your phone when your work called that day. Anyway, we all know that if it hadn’t been work it would’ve been something else. There was no way that you planned on spending the day in the same house with that b***h my brother now calls his fiancé. In case you missed the hints we are both crashing at your place tonight. Now fork over the key to your apartment and we’ll let you get to work.” Obediently she handed over her key ring and told them to come back and enjoy the band before leaving the table.
By the time, her shift was over Beth was asleep on her feet. As Scott had predicted they had had a packed restaurant and bar. The bar’s dance floor looked like a swaying sea of bodies each time she had joined the band. The band played their last song at eleven thirty before leaving the remaining patron in the care of the jukebox. Not unlike most Friday and Saturday nights since her car had finally quit on her Chris gave her a lift home. Sensing her exhaustion Chris only made one comment about the bouquet of roses before letting the radio fill the silent corners of the cab of his pickup. Closing her eyes she let the music drift through her as she tallied her money for the night. The tips she had earned tonight washed away some of the fatigue. Being the best at your job did have its rewards. One such reward, was although her every muscle cried for rest, she now could afford to rent the moving van she would need in a couple weeks. She picked up the flowers that had been left on one of the tables for her. Even though left in her section it had been while she was singing so she had no idea who had left them. This made an even dozen bouquets that had been left for her during a set. Each time no one could remember seeing anyone drop them on a table. The printing on the card always managed to lift her spirits, but never included a signature. Tonight she had questioned Scott who had waited on the couple, but he could remember little. All he could remember was they had been more intent on watching her sing then on the food they had ordered. Waving goodnight to Chris, she turned toward the apartment building smiling as she inhaled the scent once more. The flowers and the card washed most of her weariness away. If only she had caught a glimpse of who had left them.
Her hand no sooner touched the knob before the door swung open. “You are one stubborn person. We would have come and gotten you.” This scolding came from Skye. Katya became giddy at the sight of the roses and began gleefully bouncing up and down while clapping.
“He strikes again! Is the card signed this time? I didn’t think so. Tell me Skye have yellow roses always been her favorite or is this a new development?” The words tumbled out of her in a rush. “Whoever this person is, he certainly does his homework.”
Pushing past her friends, she went through her routine with the flowers. “Okay Katya spill it. What the hell is going on here?” The moment Katya leaned in and began to whisper her response Skye felt the bite of jealousy. This person had clearly filled her and Danielle’s places these last six years. Even after five years, grief gripped her heart at the thought of their best friend. Shaking the feelings Skye remembered to be grateful for the fact that Katya had called her six months before when Beth was admitted to the hospital.
As she listened to the story Katya was relating, she watched Beth dividing the roses. After placing three in a vase on the table, she left the room with the last three and the card. Katya was quick to explain that the three remaining would be placed in the spare room to dry and the card would go in the box with the rest.
“Do you have any ideas who might be sending them?” Katya only smiled in response, before bolting to grab Beth who was heading for her bedroom. The smile however told Skye that Katya did indeed have at least some small idea who it was. Seeing the struggle between the other two, she made her way to help with the kidnapping. Without explaining, they led Beth out to the waiting car. Too exhausted she did little protesting when they explained the destination was Nevada. For once Beth wished that she were able to sleep in a car without motion sickness. The time however sped by as they told stories of the past. To her horror the memories shared by both Katya and Skye involved her. They seemed to find the embarrassing ones the most amusing. It seemed that they thought relating her worst moments the best form of entertainment. “I can’t believe that you did stuff like that.” Katya looked doubtfully at her laughing at the latest tale.
“I have been trying to tell you Katya, she used to run our ragged bunch in high school. I was always the wild one, Danielle was the quiet one and this one…” The tear that trickled down her cheek had nothing to do with Skye’s jab in the shoulder, but the mention of their friend. “..was the one that kept it all together. Beth used to be one of the most out spoken, persuasive people I knew. You never had to guess what was on her mind.” Beth was blushing when Skye began. Thinking back on how she used to be she felt ashamed. Skye and Danielle had been the only ones who could ever put up with her that way. “The only other time she was as she is now, was when she was around this guy she had a crush on.”
“Oh you mean Wyatt Hunter? Do you know that name still drives Charlie crazy with jealousy?” The innocent tone of Katya’s voice caused all three to laugh.
“I can’t say that I would have blamed him back in the day. Those two were in their own little world when they were together. The quickest way to feel like a fifth wheel was to get around Mike, Danielle, Beth and Bob..uh..Wyatt. Come to think of it she was shy for the first couple weeks, but she did eventually revert back to her old self.” All were silent before Katya spoke what they were all thinking.
“You did just the opposite with Charlie. Why is that do you think?” Although her friends knew the answer neither spoke and nor did she. Instead, she found herself deep in thought. It was weird to see oneself as others see you. Beth had the privilege to see herself, both younger and present through the eyes of her closest friends.
“You know I’ve always felt that if Danielle and I had not allowed you to shut us out of your life I wouldn’t have lost my two best friends. Without you, we both sort of fell apart. I still can’t believe that she is gone. Can you?” Tears clogged Beth’s throat making an answer impossible. Gripping her friend’s hand, Beth fought the grief ripping through her. After all the years since learning of Danielle’s death, the grief had not lessened. The smallest memory would reopen the wound. Taking several breathes she began to steady herself. Their arrival at the hotel helped to change the topic to a happier one.
“So just exactly why are we in Reno?” As they pulled up to the hotel’s valet stand Katya explained the band she wanted to see was playing there that night. Smoke assaulted her eyes and nose as the ringing of the slot machines fought for her attention while they approached the registration desk. After receiving the plastic swipe keys each followed the bellman to their room. Beth was grateful that her room was the first they came to. Upon seeing the pastel comforter, Beth felt the fatigue settled back in and decided to forgo the bath and head straight to bed. However once there she found that she was now wide-awake. Not yet used to sleeping alone she tossed and turned for an hour before giving up the fight. Throwing back the covers she padded to the end of the bed were she had dropped her suitcase. Opening it hoping her friends had packed a hair clip, she smiled. There underneath her makeup bag containing the sought after clip, was swimsuit. Consulting the hotel information on her beside table, she learned that by using her room key she had access to the pool 24 hours a day. Immediately deciding that a swim was better than watching TV, she quickly changed.
Beth was grateful the pool was empty for she would have surely turned back rather than been seen in a swimsuit. Shrugging off the fluffy robe, she placed it and her towel on top of her room key before slipping into the perfect water. After ten laps under and five on top she was happy just float and look at the stars. The glass ceiling and walls gave you the feeling of being outdoors without having to deal with the weather. Lying there floating, she quit fighting and let the memories of Danielle overtake her.
© 2009 MNeilsen |
1 Review Added on September 27, 2009 Last Updated on October 18, 2009 Author![]() MNeilsenSacramento, CAAboutIt seems that I have always had one story or another running through my head. I have been working my book for quite awhile. Really hate the long periods of writer's block. My characters however ref.. more..Writing