02; Shine Through the Down

02; Shine Through the Down

A Chapter by IzzieRomance

I don't know why I never thought to set my alarm to a later time, because realistically every single morning for the past four years of my life I've heard that same annoying beeping noise awakening me, temporarily of course, from my slumber only long enough for me to apply enough pressure to the snooze button so that I could get precisely eleven more minutes of sleep before my alarm clock would call my name once more with it's redundant blaring.

4:57 a.m.

But for some odd reason, I woke up before it rang once. Now, why in the name of all that is decent was I up at four in the morning? My sleeping disorder woke me up at random times, and I found it hard to fall back asleep. It's sort of like insomnia, yet when my body feels like it's time to sleep, there's no stopping it.

But at the moment, nothing was stopping me from going on a quick coffee run. Except for the need of a decent shower.

So after a I got out of the shower, I got dressed in the first things I saw; my favorite pair of black skinny jeans which already had my favorite black studded belt adorning it, a random the Used t-shirt, and a black zip-up jacket. I grabbed my black and red-threaded messenger bag and keys and headed off for the day.

5:45 a.m.

I thought as I started the engine to my black <a href="http://www.revmods.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/ferrari-f430-tunero02.jpg">


Husmen 699 GTO</a>, my baby. I've only have about an hour and a half before first hour. Oh, the pressure! Note the sarcasm?

This is not a new game, So don't think that you know...Can't you see these blood shot eyes? Can you see, That my strength is failing.

I ran into Quik Trip and grabbed a French Vanilla flavored coffee and an Otis Spunkmeyer blueberry muffin, paid, and then left. But on my way out I couldn't help noticing some chick walk in just as I was walking out. She was wearing a skirt and heels.. so she was pretty fine.

As I was finished up my coffee and pulling into the student parking lot, the sun was still climbing the horizon as slowly as I had out of bed this morning. But it wasn't the sun that caught my attention as I got out of my car, but the girl I ran into as I left Quik Trip earlier this morning. She was briskly pacing the sidewalk as if she was in a rush to be somewhere. Surely she couldn't be a student at Belleville, because I knew practically everybody here. I mean, Belleville was small. But sure enough, she all but ran from the sidewalk she was on to the nearest entrance to the school building.

But as soon as Recovery by Funeral For A Friend was heard through my booming speakers, I lost all consciousness of my thoughts and the lyrics overtook my body.

© 2008 IzzieRomance

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Added on June 6, 2008



Blue Springs, MO

Basically, I'm a sixteen year old girl who lives in some lame suburb of Kansas City, Missouri. Yeah, that doesn't make too much sense, now does it? My favorite band of all time is My Chemical Romance... more..
