September 14th
A Chapter by Millar Blake

“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can
circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”
Wheeler Wilcox
Ben glanced at the moon. Up in these hills
it felt closer, like he could reach out and run his hand along the
craters. Covered from head to toe, his blond hair hidden, and his face
covered in camouflage, Ben's eyes were the only thing to catch the light. He paused
for a brief moment and took in the silhouettes of mountain peaks
against the backdrop of the full moon. It was a magnificent
sight. He made a point of not take these moments for
granted, he never knew if he’d get another.
The rocks appeared to shift and roil
around him as if alive, but it was the rest of his team, blending perfectly
into the terrain. He slid his night vision goggles down, and everyone popped
into focus. They topped the ridge and spotted the compound. Nestled against a
sheer cliff wall, and surrounded by the jagged rock that lined every
inch of these hills, it was the ideal hiding place, and according to their
source, three of their most wanted were holed up within.
Miller studied the compound looking
for their entrance point. The use of the rock to create the wall
surrounding the compound was not only effective at keeping out
unwanted visitors, it blended so perfectly, it confused the eye and
practically disappeared. The only artificial part of the wall were the
twelve foot steel doors on the south side, and they'd have to blow
them to get through.
Miller lowered the binoculars
and signaled for O'Malley and Washington to take the lead. They
moved around the compound until they were right up against the cliff
where it met the rock wall. It was the weakest point, and the only way
they could get in without announcing their presence. One by one they climbed
over the razor like rock and dropped to the ground.
The yard surrounding the two story
windowless building was empty of people, and Miller looked at Sanchez and
he shook his head. Everything was dark. They were on their own.
Miller nodded and signaled for three teams of two to clear the three outer
buildings, no more than sheds. Once they got the all clear, he had
Washington and Sanchez lead five inside from the north, while O'Malley led six
inside from the south. Ben and Miller stayed in the south yard watching
O'Malley's team disappear through the furthest door on the right. As the
door shut, unease washed over Ben, taking root in his gut.
His gaze shifted between the three doors,
watching each handle for the barest hint of movement. Something about the
center door kept drawing his gaze, and with each passing moment his
uneasiness grew.
"This place is a maze," Sanchez
said, barely above a whisper.
"The upper floors are clear,"
Washington said. "Were making our way down. So far it looks like
there are five floors beneath the surface.”
"From this stairwell anyway,"
Sanchez said.
"O'Malley?" Miller said.
"Any sign?"
"We're on the
second sublevel and so far no people," he
replied. "The ground feels like its vibrating. Elevator coming up at
the end of the hall. Everyone hold."
A chill rushed down Ben’s spine. He
opened his mouth to say they need to get everyone out, when a sharp
hiss reverberated through the comms.
"Oh my God," O'Malley said.
"How many of them are there?"
"How many of what?" Miller
"Fangs. He has f*****g
"What?' Miller said. "O'Malley
come again?"
"Oh my God they all do!"
O'Malley shouted. "They're vampires. They're f*****g vampires!"
Gun shots rang out then
"O'Malley," Miller said.
Ben caught the handle on the center
door start to move.
"O'Malley," Miller said again.
The hairs on the back of Ben's neck
stood up and the door swung open. Five men, wearing scrub shirts and pants,
stepped out and lined up in a row facing them. One by one their eyes began
to shine.
"What the hell?" Miller
"Sanchez, behind you!"
Washington yelled.
"They're soldiers," echoed
through the comms. "Kill them!"
Gliding silently over the ground,
the men rushed them, their eyes shining brightly. Ben and Miller fired.
None fell and they fired again, riddling them all with bullets. Still they
kept coming.
Gunfire erupted from all over,
followed by shouts and screams, the word vampire rising above all the rest. Ben
shifted his aim and hit one in the head. It crumpled to the ground, and
the other four were on top of them. Ben ducked and catapulting one over his
shoulder, and took aim at another. The bullet hit the creature's chest, and he
stopped and looked at the red soaking his shirt. Fixing his gaze on Ben he
grinned, revealing fangs protruding from top and bottom gums. Behind the
eye shine, black irises surrounded by red regarded him with contempt, and
something else. Hunger. He lunged lightning fast, and Ben fired. The
bullet took off a chunk of his head and he fell to the ground convulsing. Ben
stepped forward to finish him and was hit hard from behind, sending the gun
Miller yelled and his gun went off,
followed by a guttural yowl of pain and a strange harsh word repeated twice.
Miller screamed in agony but Ben couldn't get to him. He was trying to pull the
one off his back while avoiding its chomping jaws. Suddenly the vampire
stiffened and let go.
Ben whipped around and saw Sanchez
pull his knife from the vampire’s skull. He nodded and scanned the courtyard
while Ben helped Washington get Miller to his feet. He had a couple nasty
looking wounds on his neck and leg, and was having trouble standing on his
"How many of us are left?"
Miller asked, breathing heavily.
"We're it," Washington
replied. "This place is a research facility, a lab. Those things are
the experiment. And the doctors, you should have seen the doc...” He whipped up
his gun up as eye shine started appearing around the yard. Only a few at first,
followed by dozens more.
"S**t," Sanchez muttered.
"Back to the building,"
Miller said.
"But's that's where they came
from," Sanchez said.
"We're dead out here," Ben
said. "And they're between us and the door."
"Into the building now,"
Miller ordered.
At least twenty pairs of eyes started
moving towards them. Their silence combined with their speed only made them
more terrifying, and Ben wished he had more than a knife. The first few
overtook them as they hit building. Ben yanked open the door, and
Washington pushed Miller through then turned and sprayed the creatures
with bullets. Sanchez was thrown against the wall and two of them tore into his
neck. He screamed, and Ben tried to get to him, but was cut off by a swarm
who pulled Sanchez to the ground.
"Lawrence get your a*s in
here!" Washington yelled, keeping the vampires away from the door.
He got a hold of Ben's arm and
yanked him inside. Time seemed to standstill as Washington's gun was suddenly
plucked from his hands. He locked gazes with Ben and was jerked from his grasp,
disappearing into the mass of creatures.
Ben started shoving the door shut
and four of them charged, hitting it like a semi-truck. It crashed open,
knocking him off his feet. Gunfire erupted behind him and
the vampires fell dead, creating a small pocket of space around the door.
Ben jumped up, and shoving the door shut, slid the bolt. He turned and Miller
was on his knees, the gun already too heavy to hold onto. He dropped it and
gave Ben a wan smile before collapsing.
Ben knelt next to him and reached
for the gun. A blur came flying down the hall and he was thrown onto
his back. Seeing fangs coming at his face, he grabbed his knife, and
stabbed the vampire in the ribs. The man yelled in pain and reared back,
right into Miller's bullet. His eyes went in and out of focus, and Ben was
taken aback at seeing a man who looked normal, not at all like the red and black
eyed creatures outside.
So swiftly he barely caught it, the
man knocked the gun from Miller's hand and lunged for the door. Ben made a grab
for him but it was too late.
"Fools," the man spat. He
pulled open the door and fell dead.
Ben picked up the gun and
grabbed Miller around the waist as the night was swallowed by the
mass of creatures pouring through the door. Practically
dragging Miller down the hall, he found an open door and got Miller
inside just as the vampires reached them. They slammed into the door, rattling
the hinges, and didn't stop. Ben barricaded the door with what he could find
and turned his attention to Miller.
"We take what we want Paul.
Rules and laws don't apply to us."
Paul smiled doubtfully and took a
swig of his beer. Whenever Connor got a few drinks him the boasting
began, and only escalated the drunker he got.
"I'm telling you my life has
changed since becoming part of Kai's crew," Connor said, waving
his hand towards the house. "Keep showing him how valuable you are,
and maybe your life can change too."
He had to admit Connor definitely
looked better. He was no longer the round, greasy haired guy Paul remembered.
His brown hair was cut short and clean. Fit and trim, he held himself with a
confidence he'd never demonstrated before. At six feet they stood eye to eye,
and until now Paul never knew it. Connor had always stood hunched over,
preferring to look at computer screens rather than people.
It had been his skills with a
computer that caught Kai's attention; and Connor's desire for cash and respect
made him the perfect recruit. While Paul liked him, and usually got in touch
when he was out west, he wasn't so sure about Kai. He couldn't pinpoint what it
was, but he didn't trust him. The only reason he agreed to work with him
was because of Connor. If all went well tomorrow, he'd see more money than he'd
ever made on a single score before. It would be a step up, and maybe it was
time he settled in an area for a while, started accumulating serious cash, and
perhaps some status. Looking around he smiled. A three story house on the
bluffs with a pool and a great view of the ocean. The five of them had worked
well together over the past couple days. He and Kai had tied for most cars
acquired. He didn't have to like the guy to work with him.
Connor had just started another
story when Paul noticed two girls glancing at him and putting their heads
together. While they were wearing bikinis and colorful wraps, from
the state of their hair and makeup it was obvious they hadn't dipped a toe
in the water. The discussion went on for a while, until they both stood and
walked around the pool. Connor noticed he wasn't paying attention and turned
around. Seeing the girls he smiled and elbowed him in the side.
"I'm Cember," the honey
haired girl said. "And this is Katlyn."
Paul smiled at Katlyn, taken with
her green eyes and curly red hair. She had a small dusting of freckles over her
nose, and he found himself wanting to kiss each and every one. She smiled shyly
at him and looked at her friend.
Cember cleared her throat and said,
"We were wondering. What are you? Asian or Latino? I say Asian, but Katlyn
thinks Latino."
"Oh my God how ignorant."
Her bright blues eyes flashing, Leah put down her drink and pushed herself gracefully
off the lounger. Flipping her long brown hair over a shoulder,
she planted her hands on her hips and stared daggers at
them. The blond highlights in her hair shimmered in the sun, and with
her sun kissed skin and full red lips she looked radiant, and angry.
Katlyn and Cember appeared to wilt
and looked around slightly panicked.
"That was racist and
rude," Leah said. "Are you really that drunk already or just that
"Aww, leave them alone,"
Kai said, walking up behind her. "Paul doesn't care. Do you Paul?"
He was used to people giving him
second glances, squinting a touch as they tried to decide where he belonged.
He'd gotten his mother's thick black hair, and the slight tint of blue looked
like waves when he brushed it back from his forehead, always eliciting
smiles and requests to touch it from women. His eyes were rounder than his
mother's, and the hazel, with a tiny starburst of yellow around the
irises, kept people guessing.
"No, it's fine," Paul replied.
"My mom was Chinese, and my father's white. German and Irish I
"I'm Irish!" Katlyn
"I never would have
guessed," Paul said smiling. Everyone laughed but Leah, and Paul put an
arm around Katlyn, who looked up at him returning his grin.
"See," Kai said, wrapping
his arms around Leah and kissing her shoulder. "He isn't offended. Who
would be when pretty girls take an interest in you? Right Paul?"
Paul nodded in agreement and Kai
laughed. Leah still looked annoyed, but smiled sweetly when he turned her head
to face him. They were definitely a gorgeous couple. With Kai's dark good
looks and self-confidence he stood out, throw in his Irish accent and
all the girls at the party flirted with him. While he flirted back,
his eyes always found Leah, who flirted with no one. She kept pretty much
to herself, except for jumping to Paul's defense.
He and Katlyn hit it off and he
found himself sitting in a lounger and kissing all those freckles. After a
couple hours she had to go to work but promised to come back after her shift.
Tired, high, and
drunk, Paul went looking for a place to nap. Finding an unoccupied bedroom, he
stumbled inside and fell onto the bed. Something tickled his nose, and the
more he brushed it away the further up his nose it went. When he finally got a
mouthful he opened his eyes and saw purple ruffles all over the bed
spread. Mumbling under his breath, he rolled onto his back and caught
sight of glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. He smiled sleepily, remembering
putting those up with his sister when he was a kid.
took a deep breath, steadily filling every corner of his lungs with air. Just
as deliberately he let it out, pushing out the tension. Rolling his neck,
he picked up the file, the irritation under control. That was getting
harder to do.
The cravings were coming with more
frequency and intensity. Violent and sadistic urges were dominating not only
his dreams, but his waking thoughts as well. His blood was a raging fire
flowing through his veins, turning him into a simmering volcano. He was
cooking, the blood changing and reforming him, turning him into a more perfect
being. He needed to feed constantly, and it was painful when he didn't,
making him want to lash out at everyone who crossed his path. He was managing,
but it was time to retreat from the others before the rage and bloodlust took
over completely. His employees were already tiptoeing around, even more than usual.
There were so few who weren't afraid of him, and these days he reveled in it.
The quality of their recruits of late left a lot to be desired in his eyes. So
weeding out the weak and making examples of them inspired the rest to reach
their full potential, and provided a certain entertainment for him,
curbing the rage. A win win as far as he was concerned.
The car door opened and Burke slid silently onto the
car seat across from. "There is a problem."
He closed the file and waited, one eyebrow raised.
Burke cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Dupree’s
buyers are indeed supposed to show tonight. Furthermore he has acquaintances
visiting, a couple of which are highly intoxicated and
belligerent. The more aggressive of the young men is already dead and the
others have been subdued."
"Christ! You tell those..." He trailed off,
stunned at the sight before him. A woman with long curly blond hair, wearing black
pants and black hooded coat with a well-worn purse sling over her shoulder, was
walking into the building heading directly for the book dealers.
"How in the hell did she just walk up to the
door?" he demanded. "Get out there, find our sentries and clean
up this f*****g mess!" He threw the file and flung open the door.
"I will take care of the woman."
Burke took off while he headed inside. An ear-piercing
scream cut through the air, followed by the sound of running feet. He opened
the door and saw a young woman being run down by one of his enforcers.
"Please help me!" she cried. "Please.
He's going to kill me!" The enforcer got hold of her and forced her
to her knees. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at him, her eyes
filled with hope.
He stepped closer and said in a reassuring tone,
"It's going to be alright. I promise this will all be over
soon." Shifting his gaze to the enforcer, his voice and eyes hardened.
"Robert, if there are any more fuckups I will hang you by your ankles and
gut you from nuts to neck. And trust me, I will make it last a long
The young woman was staring at him terrified, all
her hope gone. He tenderly brushed her chestnut hair over her shoulder and
said, "Tie this one up. I will be there shortly to honor my
promise." He strode off looking for the other one, and she started
wailing. "And for Christ's sake, shut her up!"
A thud vibrated through the floor as she was silenced
mid scream.
"Sir," Robert called after him.
"There's another loose in the building, that's how this one got
He didn't bother answering, his instincts were kicking
in. Time to hunt.
Paul bolted upright, and looked around disoriented.
For a split second he thought he'd heard someone screaming his name. He shook
his head dispelling the fog and pulled his cigarettes from his pocket. He only
smoked when he drank, and he was surprised to see two thirds of the pack gone
already. Still fairly drunk, he swung his legs off the bed and searched for his
lighter. Fumbling through his pockets a flash of red on the floor caught his
attention. He made a grab for it and fell off the bed.
"Nobody saw it so it didn't happen," he
muttered under his breath.
He reached for the lighter and hesitated. It looked
strange, and he shifted to get a better look at the rug underneath him. A
horse head, with a flowing mane of brown and purple, was set against a white
backdrop. His lighter was sitting in the horse's eye, making it look demonic.
Uneasiness rolled through him, and he really looked at the room. The walls were
a soft purple, with pictures of horses everywhere. Bare spaces made things look
off, and on closer inspection he saw nail holes. Photos were missing. The
white dresser, nightstand, and bureau had purple and pink scrolling, and were
bare of any knick knacks.
Paul climbed to his feet and opened the closet door. It was
filled with girl's clothing, and the missing photos and knick knacks were on
the floor. Grabbing one, he saw a young girl with dark hair and eyes,
standing next to a horse and grinning ear to ear. Maybe fourteen or fifteen,
she was wearing riding clothes and holding a blue ribbon, proud of
her win. Paul put the photo back and shut the door. This was not
Kai's house.
He walked out of the bedroom and ran smack into Connor.
He stumbled back and saw panic flash across Connor's face. "Hey
Paul," he said, shakily. "I didn't know you were up."
"What's going on Connor?"
"What do you mean?"
"Where are the real owners of this
place?" he said, rubbing the back of his now aching head. He needed
another drink. "Did you do one of those B&B things?
Connor suddenly laughed, all the tension disappearing.
"You caught us. Damn, and I thought we were being clever. But do me a
favor, don't tell anyone ok? It ruins the image we're
cultivating. You know, wealth, power, and all that crap."
Paul shook his head, the uneasiness persisting.
"Really Paul, its all part of the fun. You should
have seen the mansion we stayed in last week!"
For a moment he considered getting his things and
leaving. But he'd be crazy to walk away from the payoff. He would do the job
tomorrow, get his cash and leave. "Alright," he said. "No
Connor laughed, and clapping him on the back, led him
out to the pool. Shaking off the unease, he grabbed a beer and
settled in, looking forward to Katlyn coming back. He noticed Leah glancing at
him occasionally, but she didn't initiate a conversation. She stayed in a
corner sipping her drink and watching.
The screaming stopped Serena cold, the
horror and hopelessness saturating the very air. Then silence. The
knots in her stomach, combined with the uncontrollable shaking, made it
difficult to move. She tried closing her eyes and taking deep breaths but that
only made it worse. All she could see was the guy lying on the floor, neck
practically ripped in two, and his head bent so far back he looked like a
checkmark. But a checkmark with bulging dead eyes and a face frozen in a
grotesque smile.
"Find a phone," she breathed. She was
hiding in an office, there had to be one. She crawled out from under the desk
and poked her head up. Sticking out from under a pile of papers was a phone.
She grabbed it and dialed 911. Nothing happened. She checked the cord, and it
was plugged into the phone and the wall. Serena just stared. Her phone
was in the car. No hiding in the office till help arrived, she had to find
a working phone.
Serena took off her shoes in case she needed to move
fast, and when she reached for her purse, she realized it was gone. The
tug on her arm while she was running. The strap finally broke. No purse no
keys, no keys no car. "Oh my
God," she whispered. "This just keeps getting better and
Trying to remember where she'd lost the
purse was futile, she couldn't roam through the building looking for it.
She climbed to her feet and pressed her ear to the door. After a few
minutes she opened the door a crack, and seeing no one, ventured out. In the center
of the pod were desks, four rows of three. On the opposite side of
the room was a map of the building, the big red, you are here, clearly
visible. She picked up the closest phone and her stomach dropped. No dial
tone. She tried every phone, and none of them worked. She figured
they must have done it, that way they could hunt her down without worrying
about the police. Whoever they were.
Serena studied the map, relieved to see the south
hallway was only a few turns from the pod. If all went well she could out of
the building in minutes. She wished she was still in the shape she was a
year ago, but insomnia had created some bad habits. The extra padding, coupled
with the terror, was leaching her strength away, making her muscles rubbery and
useless. Taking some deep breaths she focused on the end result and willed
herself to move.
"Panicked people die, calm people live," she
Apprehension weighed her down, making her legs heavy
every time she passed a doorway, but she pressed on, and little by little
made it through the first hallway. The second was even shorter, and with only
restrooms and a storage closet, less doors to worry about.
Scraping behind her head, screaming her location like
a siren, sent terror shooting through her limbs. She looked over her
shoulder and saw her hood snagged on a fire extinguisher. It was
hanging diagonally on the wall, another step and it would have
crashed to the floor. She carefully slipped her arms out of her jacket
and lifted it off the extinguisher. Looking up and down the hall, she expected
to see attackers running towards her, but no one appeared. A couple shaky
breaths later, she folded her jacket over her arm and kept moving, the anxiety
Serena felt like she was on a collision course she
couldn't avoid, and her heart ached from the terrifying certainty of it. It
reminded her of being behind the wheel, knowing you were about to slam into
another car, and nothing would prevent it.
She approached the next turn, listening for the barest
hint of sound. After thirty seconds of silence, she stepped into the open.
She moved as quietly and quickly as she could, fighting the urge to
run. She was halfway down the hall when a man stepped into view, blocking
her way out. Serena froze, her heart in her throat.
"I was working late and heard screaming," he
said. "I thought I was going crazy until I saw you."
Her heart swelled and she was flooded with relief. She
knew that voice. Opening her mouth, she started to step towards him then
stopped, the greeting dying on her lips. She'd never seen him before.
He took a couple steps in her direction and reached
out, motioning for her to follow. "We need to get out of here. I don't
want to find out what can make a person scream like that. Do you?"
She didn't respond. He had the right expression of
urgency, and his body was taught with tension, but something was off.
Not only was he dressed too well, but people with the kind of money to wear a
Patek Phillipe, like the one that poking out from under his sleeve, didn't have
offices in this building. From his perfectly kept hair, to his manicured nails,
down to his impeccably polished shoes, it all screamed out of place. She backed
up, and when he matched her step for step she knew he was one of them.
Suddenly he lunged for her arm, but got a handful of
her jacket instead. She shoved the jacket and shoes at him and ran
back the way she'd come. He stumbled back in surprise, giving her a few seconds
head start. She could hear him, right on her heels, as she reached the
restrooms. Grabbing the fire extinguisher, she ducked down just in time.
His fist hit the wall where her head had been with enough force to punch
through, showering her with bits and pieces of the wall. Still in a crouch,
Serena spun, smashing the fire extinguisher into his legs. His feet went
out from under him and she jumped up running.
Hitting the south hall, she put all her energy
into reaching the stairs. Once there, escape was only two floors away. Then she
heard him coming fast. He'd overtake her before she made it out. She hit
the stairwell and turned, holding the extinguisher like a baseball bat.
He slowed down a bemused an expression on his face.
When she took a step toward him he stopped entirely regarding her with a
mixture of amusement and respect. "You've got a backbone, I'll give
you that. But the game is over now, you're caught."
Serena was terrified, but to have him
arrogantly tell her she was caught, infuriated her. "Go
to hell!"
Lowering his head a touch, he stared at her from under
his brow, a small smile on his face. He approached a touch more
cautiously, but relishing every moment of the kill.
Serena had only one idea and she wasn't sure it was
going to work. She was trying to change her grip on the extinguisher
without him noticing when he stopped moving. His smile disappeared, the
color drained from his eyes, and they started shining. Panic welled up inside
her, all the confidence she'd gained from getting the best of him
twice gone.
He chuckled low in his throat. "Figure it out
He smiled and she almost dropped the fire
extinguisher. "Oh my God," she breathed, staring at fangs.
"There we go," he said, and came at her.
She pulled the pin on the extinguisher and took a
giant step back. Hanging in the air for a second, she came down hard
a few steps down. Her right foot twinged but she couldn't baby it. She ran down
the stairs, praying he would trip, fall, something, anything that
would give her a shot at escaping.
A deep growl echoed through the stairwell and she was
lifted up from behind. She thrashed around trying to throw him off balance, and
hit him with the fire extinguisher. Smashing her heel into his thigh, she threw
an elbow at his face, but he dodged and let his grip slip enough for her
to hit the steps hard. Her right ankle buckled and an involuntary cry of
pain escaped. He spun her around and shoved her at the wall. She smacked into
it, then fell down the last few steps to the landing. The extinguisher
flew out of her hands, hit the wall, and tumbled down the stairs. Serena
climbed to her feet, even though her ankle was screaming, and made for the
stairs, hearing the extinguisher smack into the doors below. She was lifted
off the ground and slammed into the wall. Torrents of pain shot up her
back and neck, but still she fought. She tried to punch him, but he
grabbed her arm and slammed her into the wall again. Her head hit too, and
everything went in and out of focus. Spent and in pain she hung there
barely conscious.
Once he was satisfied she was no longer going to
fight, he let her slide down the wall until her toes touched the floor.
Grinning ear to ear, he got a handful of her hair and yanked her head back.
Serena tried one last time to struggle but it was useless. Burning pain ripped
through her neck, growing in intensity every second until she wanted
to unleash the scream building in her chest. So when the darkness came,
she surrendered to it gratefully.
It took every ounce of self-control he had not to drain the
woman dry. He wanted too. He wanted to tear her apart and lap up every last
drop of blood in her body. It would be so easy. He tightened his grip, the
craving overruling his control. His fangs pressed into her skin
and he hesitated. It really wasn't a bad idea. She could be useful to
him. She fought back and managed, however briefly, to hold her own. No
begging or pleading for her life, no screaming either. Strange behavior and a
little intriguing. He wondered what would make her scream if being confronted
with certain death hadn't. There were definitely possibilities with
this one.
The last trophy had been a mess, in every possible
way. Insanity has a tendency to do that. The experience soured him on the
whole thing, and he hadn't claimed a trophy in years. But this one was a
fighter, she could be strong enough to make it worth his while. Hunting her had
been quite a gratifying diversion. And he did require a consistent source of
sustenance to sate his cravings.
He released his grip on her hair and lowered her
to the floor. Taking slow, deep breaths, he sat on the steps and closed his
eyes. The flame burned brightly in his mind, and he squeezed and
released certain muscles, siphoning the heat into it. Gradually his
fangs retracted and his eyes returned to normal. His body temperature was still
high, but his violent and volatile urges were no longer a threat to
his control. He opened his eyes and looked at his trophy, her blood tasted
good. His eyes shone briefly and he reminded himself that the screamer was
waiting for him downstairs. The tension eased even more at that thought
and he picked up his unconscious trophy. When she woke, he'd see if she was
worth keeping alive. He started down the stairs thinking about his cellar.
It needed a new mattress.
Paul finally gave up on Katlyn. It was too bad, he'd been looking
forward to seeing if she had freckles anywhere else on her body. He
stumbled inside the house, almost falling flat on his face. He'd been drinking
heavily trying to dispel the unease, but it had only deepened. He needed to
knock it off and find a place to crash. He took great pride in what he did, and
he wasn't going to let a day of partying screw anything up.
He opened the door to the purple
bedroom and saw two people in the bed. Laughing under his breath he
closed the door, and wandered through the house finding most rooms
occupied in a similar manner. He started down the corridor leading to
the pool house and pulled out his cigarettes. Out of the corner of his eye
he noticed something was off. Wood paneling lined the hall, and to his
right the railing didn't quite match up. Paul smiled, he loved the idea of
a secret room. Bed, couch, or chair, he needed sleep. Once he knew it was
there it was easy to see the hidden handle. He opened the door
and fumbled for his lighter with one hand, while searching for the light
switch with the other. The door swung shut just as he flipped
the switch. Something moved in his periphery and he looked up. All the air
was sucked out of the room, and the cigarette he'd been about to light fell
from his lips.
The girl from the photos was staring
at him and she wasn't alone. Another girl, maybe a few years older,
was sitting next her on a full size bed. They were both wearing white
teddies, and were secured to the headboard with their wrists tied behind
their back. Gagged, they stared at him terrified. On the floor in a corner was
a woman who had to be the girl's mother. She was lying on her side, her hands
and feet tied, and connected behind her back. By the torn clothing and
bruises she'd fought tooth and nail. She struggled, her desperate
gaze on her children.
Paul backed up, smacking into the door. "What the
f**k?" he whispered.
Suddenly the door moved and he lurched forward. The
girls whimpered in fear, and their mother's struggling intensified. Connor
appeared, standing half in and half out of the room. "Paul," he said
shaking his head, "this is bad."
Connor grabbed his arm dragged him into the hall,
firmly shutting the door behind them.
"Holy s**t!" Paul exclaimed. "The
family is on vacation right?"
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and Connor
knocked it to the floor. Paul figured even drunk he could probably take
him. Then he could call the police and get the family untied before anyone else
knew what was happening.
"I told you rules and laws don't apply to
us," Connor said. "We take what we want, and we wanted them, and the
"What the f**k is wrong with you? This is
kidnapping and rape! There's nothing you can say that justifies what you're
"One of the many perks that comes with being what we
are," Kai said, walking up behind him with the other two, Leon and
Corey, at his heels. "We don't have to justify anything to
Paul shifted, trying to keep them all in view. Kai
smiled and he was jumped from behind. Searing pain tore through his neck,
and for a split second he thought he was being stabbed. But when Corey and Leon
latched onto his wrists he realized Connor's teeth were buried in his throat.
"Alright," Kai said. "Let him go."
Instantly Paul hit the floor. They stood over him
blocking the light. There was no color in their eyes anymore, and fangs were
protruding from their top and bottom gums. They exchanged glances and
leered at him.
"It's too late to bring someone new up to speed.
We need him." Kai crouched down and tousled his hair. "It's your
lucky day brother."
They kept going in and out of focus, and no matter how
hard he tried he couldn't lift his hands off the ground. One word kept
repeating in his mind as he passed out. Vampires.
The things had stopped throwing themselves against the
door, and Ben hadn't heard a sound for at least ten minutes.
"I can't believe I'm actually saying this,"
Miller said, through clenched teeth, "but what do we know about
Stake through the heart," Ben replied. "The
ones we shot in the head went down. Sunlight?"
"We won't make it till sunrise, and there's no
guarantee that's real. A bullet may work as well as a stake. There's
always fire, everyone burns. We don't have holy water unless you're
holding out on me."
"No sir," he replied. "Just a knife at
this point."
"You need to get clear and call for help.
Take the gun and aim for the head. Don't miss."
"How will you barricade the door when I'm gone?
You can't move without help. We go together."
Miller was about to respond when he suddenly gasped
and held his fists up to his eyes. "Jesus Christ," he muttered.
"We go together," Ben said, with finality.
He finished bandaging the wound on Miller's neck and
gun fire rang out. It wasn't close, but he pulled his knife while
Miller pushed himself into a seated position, gun in hand. Ben cleared the
door and opened it a crack, peering into the darkness. The door to the yard was
still open and surrounded by bodies, not a living soul in sight.
"Kneeling next to Miller he said, "Time to
Miller put an arm around his shoulders and
climbed to his feet, his face contorting in pain. "And the gunfire?"
"Could be ours come looking."
Miller chuckled under his breath and said,
"Always the optimist."
"The ex would disagree,"
Ben replied. He thought of her words to him when the divorce was
finalized. If she only knew what he was in the middle of now. He'd
like to know himself.
They made their way towards the yard as
quietly as possible, not hearing a thing. When they reached the
door, Ben propped Miller against the wall then stepped outside. He put his
goggles on and peered in every direction. The gate was wide open, which
meant vampires were now scattered throughout the hills. He needed to get them
far enough away to call for help, and find a spot he could defend until it
When he walked back inside Miller's eyes were closed
and he looked like he was about to topple over. Ben took his hand and
wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Ready?"
Miller nodded, barely opening his eyes. Trying to
jostle him as little as possible, Ben maneuvered him around the bodies and
through the door. The loss of blood and strain on his face
deepened the worry, and Ben’s sense of urgency grew.
Miller's injuries prevented them from moving quickly,
and they were only a few feet outside the gate when the hairs on the back
of Ben's neck stood up. He eased Miller to the ground and
turned, knife in hand. One of the red eyed vampires leapt at
him, fangs dripping. Ben used his momentum against him and slammed him
into the rock wall. Switching his grip, he drove the knife upward. The
vampire grabbed his wrist with one hand while trying to free the other, which
was pinned behind his back. The blade pierced the vampire's throat
and his fangs snapped, barely missing Ben's nose. He shoved even
harder and the vampire slumped over, the knife buried in its
brain. Ben pulled the blade free and the creature hit the ground.
"Bad a*s," Miller mumbled, trying to smile.
Ben snorted and rubbed the back of his neck. There
were more, he couldn't see them, but he could feel the threat. They both
heard the scrape of nails on rock, and three vampires crawled over an
outcropping, their eyes shining. Miller handed him the gun and Ben fired,
dropping one instantly. The other two suddenly hissed and scrambled back. A
figure flew past and tore into the beasts; a woman, the icy blues of her
eyes catching the light of the moon. One vampire hit the ground its throat torn
out, the other snarled, completely enraged, and lunged for her. They fell
to the ground rolling, each trying to get the upper hand.
"Lawrence," Miller said weakly, "behind
As he turned the vampire hit him going for his
throat. He stumbled back but managed to shove the vampire's chin up,
keeping his mouth closed. He growled and clawed at Ben's arm, trying to
break his hold. Getting the gun between them, Ben pulled the trigger
and the vampire collapsed.
"Are you injured?"
Ben whipped up the gun and the woman stepped back
holding her hands in the air. Covered head to toe in black, the blues
of her eyes became a deep brown, and in a musical voice she said,
"Easy soldier, I'm on your side."
"Who are you?" he asked keeping the gun on
her. "And what are you?"
"My name is Aaliyah. When we spied your team
moving in on the compound we got here as fast as we could. I'm sorry it
wasn't fast enough for the others."
"Spied?" When she pointed at the sky he
said, "What are you?"
"Of course you are."
Aaliyah's eyes focused on a point behind him, and
he whipped around. One of the vampires was running effortlessly along the
tops of jagged rock with another close behind. He shot the first in the
head and it toppled, while the second leapt for him. He brought that one down
and backed up to Miller. Eye shine appeared all around, and without a
word Miller handed him a clip.
Aaliyah's eyes were once again ice blue and she
sidled towards them, scanning the area. She took position on one side of
Miller, and Ben the other. Faintly he heard the howl of a wolf, then
another, and the vampires charged. He fired, bringing one down with every shot.
All of a sudden he was surrounded by four of them, and cut off from
Aaliyah and Miller. She saw, but couldn't leave Miller to help. Ben
deflected teeth as each of the four tried to latch on. A sharp pain erupted
along his arm and he slashed the neck of one trying to claw his skin
off. Blood poured from his throat, and he stumbled back, disappearing into
a wall of others. Ben's feet were pulled out from under him, and
he twisted as he hit the ground, trying to stay on his back. One
grabbed hold of his wrist and Ben stabbed him the eye, freeing the
gun. He fired, and another collapsed over his legs, the heavy weight of
his body keeping Ben pinned down as the last of the four went for his
throat. The vampire
was suddenly yanked off him. Large thick canines shone
brightly in the beam of a flashlight, and the vampire started
thrashing wildly and hissing in terror. A brawny, black haired, yellow
eyed man, wrapped a massive hand around the vampire's neck and
crushed it's throat. His brows furrowed and his lip curled back in
disdain, and then the vampire soared through the gate, landing with a thud
in the yard. The werewolf looked down, and Ben watched in amazement as the
yellow turned to brown, his canines receded, and even his extrusive
brow diminished.
He offered Ben a hand and said, "You
look like you've done this before. I apologize for the swarm, we we're herding
them back to the compound."
Others were dragging bodies into the yard
while another knelt next to Aaliyah to help with Miller. Gunfire echoed
through the hills and no one flinched. Ben looked at the man
"Stragglers. Our narrative has to be flawless, or
they'll see right through it."
He walked into the book dealer's and set the woman
on the floor in the corner. Taking off his black coat and suit jacket, he
carefully laid them over the back of a chair. He rolled up his sleeves and
turned around.
Six pairs of eyes were fastened on him. Surrounded by
his enforcers, their captives were bound, gagged, and on their knees. The
young woman had an expression of utter terror on her tear streaked face,
and one of the men glanced at her worriedly.
"Mr. Dupree," he said in a friendly manner.
"It was such a mediocre day wasn't it? Just like every other,
then low and behold fate drops the unusual into your proverbial
lap. A life decision follows. Of course it didn't seem like that at the time,
they so rarely do. So pay attention because here's another one. Who dies
first? The girl or her boyfriend straining at his bonds? You wanted to be
important. Now I'm giving you the ultimate power over your friend's lives."
The moment the gag was removed Dupree fell over
himself begging for mercy, insisting it was all a big
misunderstanding. He listened with growing amusement as Dupree tried to
bargain his way out of the situation, becoming more frantic with every word.
Seeing the laughter in his eyes unhinged Dupree further. He started babbling
incoherently, spittle flying from his mouth.
His lip curled slightly in disgust and he motioned for
Burke to take care of it. At six foot seven, with long arms ending in
thick, gnarled hands that could cover a person's entire face, Burke towered
over almost everyone. His deep set eyes, Neanderthal like jaw, and low gravelly
voice completed the persona of the brainless henchman. But it was a
ruse. He was intelligent and cunning, with a fondness for violence
that made him perfect for his job.
Burke backhanded Dupree across the
face sending him sprawling. He lay on his side breathing hard, tears
pouring down his cheeks. Burke leaned over, and none too gently, cut
his arms free, then yanked him up into a seated position. Smacking
him upside the head for good measure, Burke snapped his fingers in front of
Dupree's face. "Where is our property Chris?"
"Will you let me go?" Dupree stammered.
Burke grasped his hand and said, "You can't for a
moment believe you're walking out of here. I will do you one favor though,
because I'm just that sort of guy. Tell me right now where the books are and I
swear I'll kill you quickly." He tightened his grip on Dupree's hand and
leaned in close. "Once I start breaking fingers, it won't matter how many
times you scream their location. I won't stop until every bone in your body is
Dupree just stared at him stupefied, and then
Burke grabbed his index finger. "I'll tell you!" Dupree
screamed. "I'll tell you!"
Burke smiled approvingly, but didn't let go.
"Where are they Chris?'
"There's a case in the closet,"
he replied, motioning towards a door at the back of the room.
"The books are in the false bottom."
Everyone looked at him and he said,
The room was silent as Robert rifled through the
closet. "Got them sir."
"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" he said,
when Robert handed him the books. "You had absolutely no idea what fell
into your lap Mr. Dupree." Looking at the two men who were bound hand and
foot, and slightly apart from the others, he smiled and held up the books.
"You were so close weren't you? Pity. It doesn't seem like the Order
can catch a break these days does Burke?"
The two men stiffened at the word order, and Burke
barked a laugh.
He walked over to his things and placed the books on
the chair. Crouching down next to the woman he checked her pulse and
eyes. She'd be out for some time, so he didn't see the point of bindings,
at least not yet. He rolled his neck and stood, fixing his gaze on their
captives. They knew it was over, he could see it in their eyes.
"Please!" Dupree screeched, as Burke drove
his fangs into his neck.
"Since Mr. Dupree was unable to decide which
of you dies first I think we should just get on with it," he
said. "After all, I did promise the young lady this would all be
over soon."
He grabbed the boyfriend and dragged him to his feet.
Pulling his head straight back, he tore into his neck. The blood roared in his
ears, and he extended his bottom fangs, biting even harder. The young man
struggled, and the sadistic urges surged as the predator dominated his prey. He
ripped the man's jugular open, spraying the last of his blood on the wall, and
the young woman at his feet.
Burke joined in, jerking the other man up by his
head. Drinking his fill, he threw the body on top of Dupree's.
The two men from the Order were forced to watch the
horror show, trying desperately to work their bonds loose. They knew it would
be far worse for them.
The young woman writhed on the floor covered in blood.
When he threw her boyfriend's lifeless body onto the pile, she screamed
behind her gag. His chest heaved from the rush of the kill, and the fire coursing
through his veins turned the craving for more into an impossible to
resist need. He looked down at his prey, and her screams reached new
heights of terror and pitch.
"Sh, hush now," he said, crouching down.
He brushed the hair from her face, and her eyes rolled every which way
looking for a savior, but all she was him. She tried talking behind the
gag, and wholly entertained, he removed it. The moment her mouth was free she
begged for her life. He listened for a moment, appearing to seriously
consider her pleas. Then he looked at her ruefully and shook his head. Grasping
her shoulders, he pulled her to her feet.
"No. Please. Please don't!" she wailed. She
tried to wriggle from his grasp, crying and gasping for air. "God help
me, I don't want to die. I swear I won't tell anyone. I swear!
Please!" She stumbled against him, so exhausted from terror, her legs
could barely support her.
"No living witness my dear," he said
He pulled her head back, and she screamed as he drove
his fangs into her neck. He drank deeply, savoring every ounce of her blood. He
could feel her heart beat through his teeth, and smell her cheap perfume, mixed
with sweat, laundry detergent, and cigarettes. As her heart hit the limit
of its endurance he drove his teeth in deeper, pulling as much blood from her
body as he could. At the very moment it stopped, he clamped down like a vice,
snapping her neck. Overcoming the urge to rip her apart, so he could squeeze
every last drop of blood from her organs, he dropped her. Intoxicated from
the blood and violence of the evening, he shut everything else out
encapsulating himself in the pleasure coursing through his veins. The
blood transforming the burning into bliss.
"Yes Robert?"
"Burke wanted me to give this to you."
He opened his eyes and saw Robert holding a
towel. Giving the two men from the Order a sideling glance, he took the towel
and began wiping the blood from his face. "So Burke, how much was the
Order going to pay Mr. Dupree for our books?"
Burke pulled on a clean shirt and looked at the
ceiling like he was calculating numbers. "A staggering amount of money.
If Chris was telling the truth that is."
"Really? A staggering amount?" He pulled off
his soiled shirt and tie and placed them in a bag. Taking a bottle of water
from Robert, he leaned over and poured the water all over his hair.
He soaked a towel and wiped the blood from his neck, chest,
hands, and arms. Taking one last towel, he strolled over to the two
men, drying himself off. "What I'm curious to know is how the Order
learned of the estate."
Both men stared him dead in the eyes and kept
perfectly still. He knew they wouldn't talk, not here, not yet. He would
make them, and felt a rush of adrenaline at the thought. It had been awhile
since he'd gotten hold of a Knight of the Order, now he had two. He
smiled and said, "We'll talk again soon."
They exchanged glances, and closed their eyes. He knew
they were praying, and almost rolled his eyes at the futility. Dragging a
comb through his hair he looked at Burke, and said, "I do love how
prepared you are for any eventuality."
Burke grinned and handed him a clean undershirt.
"Always be ready for a night of blood and wine. We've had the blood,
now I'm ready for the wine."
The others laughed, and started chiming in
with their own ridiculous sayings. The expression on his face silenced
them all immediately. "Considering you fucked this up to the point I had
to come in and chase down a stray, you should all be grateful to be walking out
of here alive. Think on that over your wine."
He looked at each of them one more time and walked
over to his things. Sliding the books inside the pockets, he proceeded to
get his coat on.
"How do you want this handled?" Burke asked.
"Secure our two guests at the stables, I
will take it from there."
"And this place?"
"Controlled burn. Incinerate this room and a
portion of the building if necessary. Up two floors there's a hole in the wall,
and a bit of a mess from a fire extinguisher." When Burke arched an
eyebrow in surprise, he glance at the unconscious woman. "She was
Burke chuckled in response, and after a brief
flare of anger he relaxed. He instructed they do a full sweep of the building, and took
one last look around.
"What about this one?" Burke
asked, looking at the woman.
Burke chuckled again, and said,
"Stay unpredictable. It keeps everyone else on their toes."
"I'll keep that in mind," he said, picking
her up.
Burke led the way, opening doors and popping the
trunk. He threw him the keys and said, "Enjoy your late night snack."
"More than a late night snack," he said,
watching Burke reenter the building. He brushed her thick curls over her
shoulder and caressed her neck, her heartbeat almost electric beneath
his fingers. "I have other plans for this one."
He shut the trunk and slid behind the wheel whistling,
immensely satisfied with how the evening had turned out.
"Narrative?" Ben asked.
"Mr. Lawrence, my name
is Kabir. Once we became aware of your team moving in on the
compound we couldn't in good conscience do nothing. Unfortunately you and Mr.
Miller are the only survivors."
"Who are you?" Ben asked, keeping one
eye on the others.
"Friends. The intelligence indicating this as a
terrorist compound should have been flagged by our contacts. I am truly
sorry Mr. Lawrence, this shouldn't have happened."
"It's just Lawrence or Ben," he replied.
"You got to us pretty quickly."
Kabir nodded once and turned his attention to
Aaliyah, deftly avoiding Ben's questions. "How is he?"
"He's been bitten multiple times and his
body cannot replace the amount of blood lost," she replied. "We
need to-"
"He's turning," Kabir said, starting towards
Aaliyah backed away from Miller, her eyes
filled with shock. "It's not possible. What have they done?"
Ben raised the gun, pointing it between Kabir's eyes.
He stopped and said, "Look at him Ben. He's turning into a
berserker. Nothing can be done for him now. I'm sorry."
Ben glanced at Miller. His gaze was fixed on a
point above him, and red veins were spiraling through the whites of his
"Ben," Kabir said quietly. "The man you
know is disappearing, and what's left will attack. If all it takes is bite from
one of those things to turn you, we are all in danger."
"Lawrence," Miller whispered.
He lowered the gun and knelt down. "Yeah
"He's right," Miller whispered raggedly.
"I already can't..."
Ben took his hand and rested the gun on his chest.
Miller nodded, looking at him scared and in terrible pain, and Ben wrapped both
their hands around the gun. He watched Miller's irises enlarge,
swallowing the blue, and the red veins coalesce, erasing the whites completely.
The light of humanity went out and he kept still, waiting. Suddenly
Miller's black and red eyes focused on him, and fangs sprang from his gums.
Ben pulled the trigger. Silence surrounded them,
and he rested his head on their hands.
A hand alighted on his shoulder, and Aaliyah
said, "I'm so sorry, but we need to go. Others will be here soon to
investigate, and we cannot be here when they arrive."
"What others?' he asked, standing up.
"The ones responsible for this," she
A series of explosions reduced to the compound to
a raging inferno of rubble.
"All evidence of our presence has to be
erased," Aaliyah said. "We don't have time to be subtle."
Kabir picked up Miller and hoisted him over his
shoulder. Two others produced what looked like milk jugs and started
spraying liquid all over the area. A horrendous smell assaulted his senses and
Ben jerked back coughing. He was already feeling light headed and the noxious
odor was making it worse. "What the hell is that?"
Aaliyah gave him a small smile. Camouflage."
"Bird is circling back and will be landing over
that ridge," a man said to his left.
"Lead the way," Kabir said.
They followed as he picked the easiest path through
the terrain. Aaliyah stayed close to Ben, while the two with the jugs covered
their tracks with the foul liquid. Ben was hot, and with every step he felt
fainter. He could hear the helicopter overhead, but he didn't dare look up. He
was afraid he'd topple over.
"Are you ok?" Aaliyah asked, concerned.
"Fine," he lied.
Rounding an outcropping, Ben saw the helicopter
landing, and everything seemed to slow. The sound of the
blades slicing through the air thrummed thickly in his ears, like they
were moving through water, and the stars pulsed overhead in time with
the blades. Aaliyah said something but he barely heard her through the
fog. All he knew was his arm was itching, not just itching, burning. He tore at
his shirt, desperate to make the burning stop. Then he saw it. An angry looking
bite right above his elbow.
"Oh s**t," he muttered.
He looked up into the barrel of a gun. Everything
started going in and out of focus, everything but Kabir's eyes, which were hard
and resigned. Ben felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, and wondered just
how many vampires and werewolves were in the world as he toppled to the ground.
The wind roared through the mountains like a freight
train. Ploughing into the building, it pushed through every crack and crevice
until it whistled through the rafters of the shrine, rattling the bells. He
opened his eyes and saw his silent companion glance at the bells then back and
at him, an eyebrow raised.
"Such portentous timing," he said,
chuckling. After a moment he nodded in affirmation.
© 2016 Millar Blake
Author's Note
Please ignore the POV breaks that won't center up. For some reason those two won't line up no matter how much I edit.
Added on September 15, 2016
Last Updated on September 16, 2016