This was lovely. Some say we shouldn't exist in the moment. I say what else is there? We do what needs to be done and get on with the business of living while we can. If we can pen some of it down in words to share, all the better. I enjoyed the read. F.
words say it all and more so it does here. what a fine piece of poetry! being in the moment, tending to bruises, words your medicine and poetry being safe havens. wonderful thoughts and beautifully written. Thanks Lydia for writing and sharing this!
Posted 5 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Months Ago
Thank you so much for this lovely review, Abhilash. Lydi**
This was lovely. Some say we shouldn't exist in the moment. I say what else is there? We do what needs to be done and get on with the business of living while we can. If we can pen some of it down in words to share, all the better. I enjoyed the read. F.
I need to read daily to keep my sanity. I liked your words and thought dear Lydia. Some of us need words and song to keep us going forward. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 10 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Months Ago
Absolutely....we all need words...they are our lifeblood! Music and words....where would we be with.. read moreAbsolutely....we all need words...they are our lifeblood! Music and words....where would we be without them? Thanks so much, John. Lydi**
' time seems blurred on days like this
some would say i am tethered to the past
others might think i have raced haphazardly into the future
but i know i am right now…in the moment '
Yup, the flesh is transitory but love is eternal, and a lover sorely missed gone physically but his/her presence heartens the soul,and so I write poetic knowing prophetic words shall reach you, my love, unil we meet again ...
Posted 10 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Months Ago
Such a romantic review here, Tom. Thank you so much. Lydi**
oh Lydi!! so beautiful .. i feel blessed in the reading of your "Safe" ... i see much depth ... much honesty .. integrity in your lines ... and truly love between them .. so much room for all and in many situations .. so glad i did not miss this one my friend
Posted 10 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Months Ago
E, you are too kind! I am glad you did not miss this one as well! Thank you so much. Lydi**
to "feel safe between the lines of my poetry/ almost as safe as i felt in your arms"
when we write poetry I think we could be in the past, present and future all at once...
You say it all here when you say "words will be my medicine"---
Posted 10 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Months Ago
I knew you would understand! Thanks, Jacob. Lydi**
There are places safety is hidden away for only safety's sake - and beautiful it is, of course. But the most gloriously welcome safety is in the company of someone special.. who understands why, when, where, how and all else how it is to be you..
Your poetry is beautiful.
HERE to read again.. hoping life is smiling at you, Lydi. Leaving a hug for a friend from way back and never turned from. :)
Sweet Emma, you are beautiful. Thank you so much. Lydi**
9 Months Ago
Looking in, hoping the eclipse took you out of the unknown into a miracle, dear Lydi
9 Months Ago
No eclipse here in South Florida....but miracles are happening every day if we choose to find them.<.. read moreNo eclipse here in South Florida....but miracles are happening every day if we choose to find them.