This is the ultimate in freedom of thought. It would be hard for most of us to be this straightforward about the world we want to see & how we know it will come to be. It's like we've been whipped so continuously, we forgot how to simply BELIEVE! I love this poem & wholeheartedly agree! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Margie, I am always happy to read your reviews. Yes, we have to have some belief....even in the fac.. read moreMargie, I am always happy to read your reviews. Yes, we have to have some belief....even in the face of all things dark. The sun will rise tomorrow and the oceans will ebb and flow and we will once again live without fear of Covid-19. I appreciate the time you take to review my words. Lydi**
This is the ultimate in freedom of thought. It would be hard for most of us to be this straightforward about the world we want to see & how we know it will come to be. It's like we've been whipped so continuously, we forgot how to simply BELIEVE! I love this poem & wholeheartedly agree! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Margie, I am always happy to read your reviews. Yes, we have to have some belief....even in the fac.. read moreMargie, I am always happy to read your reviews. Yes, we have to have some belief....even in the face of all things dark. The sun will rise tomorrow and the oceans will ebb and flow and we will once again live without fear of Covid-19. I appreciate the time you take to review my words. Lydi**
Ain't this the truth. I'm glad I live in a state that didnt lock down everything. I didnt miss a day of work and my youngest kid is going to school.
Very poignant and relevant.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Trace, how wonderful to see a review from you! We are not totally locked down in Florida and most s.. read moreTrace, how wonderful to see a review from you! We are not totally locked down in Florida and most schools are open. The world, though, is not what it was a year ago. I have had my two vaccines so I feel a little more confident now. Thanks for stopping by. Stay well! Lydi**
I hope your dream is right ... I am a pessimist and feel like this is turning into a new reality. So good to see you still writing, my favorite Poet ! ~Jim
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Awwww, Jim. There are days I feel we will be wearing masks till the end of time, but then my optimi.. read moreAwwww, Jim. There are days I feel we will be wearing masks till the end of time, but then my optimistic side takes over. I truly believe we will get past this pandemic. Thanks for stopping are my favorite reviewer! Lydi**
Yes one thing hasn't changed for me and you. its boring very boring. This thing is destroying us economically, are you feeling the pressure
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
The pandemic has changed every aspect of our lives. It is all encompassing and there are days I fea.. read moreThe pandemic has changed every aspect of our lives. It is all encompassing and there are days I fear it will never end. We have to try to hold on to the good things in life. Thank you for your review, Cassie. Lydi**
I hope so dear Lydia and ASAP. I need good food, some good song. Hello from cold Michigan. Thank you for sharing your amazing words and your thoughts.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
And hello to you, John....from South Florida. Stay warm and healthy, my friend. We will all get th.. read moreAnd hello to you, John....from South Florida. Stay warm and healthy, my friend. We will all get through this. Thanks for the review. Lydi**
4 Years Ago
Always my pleasure dear Lydia and you are welcome.
And children will roll there eyes at another boring history lesson that kids of today long to be bored by, just like me thinking "Why is remembering dates of wars and Kings and Queens reigns so important when it is only of use to historians and history teachers?" It's not like I'm planning a career as a historogist and I can't see how it would lead to anything even remotely worthy that would pay my bills.
Shows how bad things still are when kids are begging to go back to school.
But what a day that day will be, when we realise that we are talking of it in the past tense and we can actually touch people again, with their consent of course 😊
Isn't it bizarre that I am looking forward to going into a bank without a mask on? I sometimes wonder if I woke up last year in the twilight zone and will wake any minute and think this the weirdest dream ever... And I've had some corkers in my time. Nothing as bizarre as this though.
Beautifully captured as ever Lydi, I especially like the friends drawing butterflies round your scars line. Perhaps I'll draw a ladybird though,, it's easier to do a red blob with black dots. 😊🦋
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Lorry, you can draw whatever you wish....even a hopscotch grid! :) Yes, kids are begging for schoo.. read moreLorry, you can draw whatever you wish....even a hopscotch grid! :) Yes, kids are begging for school...we are in an alternate universe! Thanks so much for the review. Lydi**
I love this poem! For its hope and dreams. Having lived through the pandemic respecting its demands and yet not giving it more thought than necessary, I really relate to your words. I hope one day even the kids find the covid chapter so boring, they yawn and give it a skip. I am a dreamer too...willing to forget the pain if the new dawn is as beautiful as it promises to be. An amazing poem and such lovely artwork too.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thank you very much, Divya. Yes, we have to hold onto hope....things WILL be better. It's just tak.. read moreThank you very much, Divya. Yes, we have to hold onto hope....things WILL be better. It's just taking a long time! We have had our first vaccine shot and tomorrow will have the second. I am glad for that. Take care, my friend. Lydi**
This is like a hopeful prayer from our sad times to stay focused on the good among the bad, to help each other in this crisis, to be empathetic to the vulnerable and to defeat this common enemy once and for all. May life go back to normal and we all can carry on our normal lives.
Painting and writing are classy in your own unique way...
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Sami, thank you so much for the lovely review. Yes, life will go back to some semblance of normal.... read moreSami, thank you so much for the lovely review. Yes, life will go back to some semblance of normal....but no one knows exactly when. Lydi**
Well, I guess 1918 will have to move over, as will the smallpox and yellow fever epidemics. The history books are indeed full of them, and as the poem says, this one is headed there, too. We must keep that thought foremost in our minds. Nicely done, Lydi.